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Posts posted by Rathalio

  1. Limbo is definitely fine and quite a few use cases where he excels, but he comes with some level of technicity that make him hard to work properly with squadmates which is only why he's really disliked tbh. I really have missions where I see Limbo as a very good option and feel powerful using Limbo, with Nyx it never happens. I only use Nyx with a cheesy build for circuit whenever my choices are not great. But it's choosing between inappropriate warframes and picking the least worse of the choices.

    But as always, I do respect people that enjoy Nyx, yet, as you said her ball sucks and her Chaos is sadly outdated and her strip can be even replaced with a better one through the helminth system and her mind control is cool but it's not good enough to make it a reason to use her much... So yeah.. it's not looking great for Nyx. I don't think she needs huge design changes to be back as a decent warframe choice (mid/end game meta-wise), but she is definitely in a big need of some tweaks in her kit imho.

    • Like 1
  2. That would be surprising that it would actually help in any way.

    The progression on the event is global and just seems to progress naturally by itself at a rate that depend on how many clans fed their gargoyles, not how many curses they needed to feed it.

    DE didn't really tell us how exactly it works so we can just guess by seeing how it goes so far. And to me it really looks like an interception mission and all the points to capture and defend would be all the gargoyles to feed in every dojo each week. At least that's kinda what it looks like and how it's described in game.

  3. 13 hours ago, Corvid said:

    It was originally pitched to the playerbase purely as a way to increase the base difficulty of missions so players could feel like their overpowered gear was useful for something, with no additional benefits. No exclusive rewards, no drop modifiers, just a way to start at a higher level so players wouldn't need to go on long endurance runs to feel tested.

    And in my humble opinion, it should have stayed that way. Putting rewards behind it was only ever going to breed resentment, and having gameplay content gated behind it means DE can't adjust it to account for the increases in power that we've gone through since its addition (level cap runs, anyone?), so it no longer serves as a "challenge mode" for the part of the playerbase that it was originally supposed to satisfy.

    Sure, it was the base idea. But it was never released that way. When they developed it, they realized there had to be some kind of rewards for playing it for it not to be bland. You are just arguing with the early concept which has never been a thing as is.

    And overall I think that's healthy for the playerbase to reward building skills and strategies with harder content a little bit and overall pushing the game further. And also having more interests for some synergies and all the many different kinks you can find in your arsenal diversity. And the way they do it with steel path so far, they are not gatekeeping important gear that would matter for a non steel path player.

    • Like 1
  4. Since when there wasn't supposed to be any reasons to play SP over regular mode? As far as I'm aware, Steel essence have been a existing since SP release so... I mean there has always been exclusive content to get there...

    And I mean in general in terms of farming efficiency aside from the global drop increase, SP has a higher spawn rate, so it's always been more optimal if your DPS followed.

    I really don't see where is your point?

    • Like 32
  5. 30 minutes ago, Qorvex99 said:

    is there a sentinel weapon that hits headshots frequently? Vulklok?

    Most of the sentinel weapons have a crap accuracy unfortunately. The Vulklok is accurate but is very slow and has crap status chance and I'm not even sure it really aims for headshots tbh.

    I just know that Hounds with Synergized Prospectus throw a lot of electrical bouncing balls that can proc any status effect build on his melee including the Void & bullet attractors that come with it super easily to everything in range. Which is extremely good at priming in general. And it works with the Astral bond's void damage so here came my suggestion to try that.

  6. Currently there is Astral bond that does that kind of. Together with Manifold bond and an AoE precept like Synergized Prospectus from the Hounds works pretty well. Although it needs you to regularly use your operator to refresh Astral bond though. I don't remember exactly if it placed the attractor on the heads all the time, but I remember it working very well.

  7. They did not give up. It's just mostly due to the fact you can either have a tileset remaster or a new extension with new levels not both at the same time. And also tileset remasters just like warframe reworks need to give enough value to the game to be justified. Something completely new can easily attract players into playing again for the new content. Simple reworks or remasters are a way weaker argument on the other end. So this stuff is lower priority for DE, not forgotten but they can't give too much of their energy to it.

    • Like 3
  8. It's true that this PvP event is decent and I would say it's mostly due to the fact we all have the same gear equipped as well as enough people are playing it because of the event rewards. Although a huge downside for me is that you can hardly tell who is ally or enemy before trying to hit them or double check whether you see them on your mini-map. And that's ridiculous in a PvP team oriented game mode.

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, SDGDen said:

    the issue for me is that their day form and their night form require different builds to be optimal

    Although I do understand your request and think if that was possible that it could be great. I don't see how much different builds are for both forms you primarily need range and then duration that's it, and then with the slots left you can crank up strength. 1st ability works the same both forms (i.e. need duration mainly)/ second ability works the same as well both forms (i.e. need range and duration)/ 3rd ability needs both range and some strength/ 4th ability mainly range and a bit of duration to reduce the drain, the only difference would be maybe strength is a better investment for mend rather than for maim but even then they kind of still work the same.

    However realistically splitting the modding in two sounds highly problematic and implies quite a bit of rework. Just think about the augment mods. Which form would be "dominant" like with Sevagoth and have to carry the augments? Can you allow to have the augment only on one form and not the other? Does DE need to split up the augment mods in half? I think you have a lot of problematics to solve for a little gain. So, I'm not sure at the end if your request makes much sense with all that.

  10. Cap or not, when you make a decent build for Equinox you need a lot of other things like range and duration and don't have that much space for a lot of strength that also doesn't matter too much in the rest of her kit. In a practical case either you just reach the cap or you don't hit it at all tbh.

  11. You have to try again and see. There has obviously been an issue with your session, maybe you went in the moment it was changing moods. Because yes Kullervo's hold is supposed to spawn in the Sorrow cycle but overall it's part of a rotation with the tree following islands Archabor, Amphitheater and Kullervo's hold and there is no rotation with all 3 islands at the same time and the combination you had matches either Joy or Envy.

  12. It would be very broken at best, many languages don't translate very well at all with algorithms. And in this specific case it would require players to communicate with full constructed sentences which is not realistic in a video game chat tbh. In principle it's a great idea but in practice I can't imagine it working.

    So yeah it would be broken at best and easily considered a waste of time and money by any developer.

    • Like 1
  13. Ngl you should consider yourself lucky, they used to full ban for a few days before they implemented trade bans.

    I've been banned for 3 days in the past after an hotfix because I've been playing in a configuration favourable for an exploit I wasn't aware of and didn't even trigger. Which was very infuriating. Especially because I had to figure out myself what was the reason and only then they would tell me that it was it. The support won't even tell you what happened (by fear to explain you some exploits I guess?).

    Nowadays with trade bans you can still play the game which is great when you are many times innocent when they trigger. And trade bans are literally "I can't prove that you cheated but you definitely could have so I need to tell you that's wrong, so I ban you with a soft ban". At least that how I understand DE policy with bans.

  14. 24 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

    before the hotfix it was much too high because they changed how these powers scale with your max rank health. its now in line again with how much HP it gave before the abyss of dagath update


    39 minutes ago, Rathalio said:

    Not really, with the initial update I earn ~100ish hp roundabout with the changes compared as before Abyss of Dagath, then with the hotfix lost almost 2000.


  15. 17 minutes ago, PhenonOfficial said:

    I'm guessing they meant it's a buff compared to the values before Abyss of Dagath. It's obviously going to be less than before the hotfix since he did not have the intended values.

    Not really, with the initial update I earn ~100ish hp roundabout with the changes compared as before Abyss of Dagath, then with the hotfix lost almost 2000.

    • Like 2
  16. 8 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    NOTE: On paper, it may look as if we’ve nerfed it when comparing the before and after, but it has actually been slightly buffed since it is scaling off of the new increased Warframe base stats. Shields have had a slight reduction in the ability’s earlier rank 0 and 1, but at rank 2 and 3 it has also been marginally increased.

    Not true though, I had almost 5000 hp before the hotfix with my build and arcane blessing, now I barely go over 3000. I see what's the intention behind the fix, but in practice it is a nerf. Or something isn't working correctly still maybe?

    • Like 7
  17. It feels kinda awkward to me to willingly let demolysts destroy conduits to stay in rotation A. For two reasons: it slows down the gameplay quite a bit and disruption are nice and efficient because you can practically rush them a bit so you throw that away. And second, why not simply look for a similar mission in a lower tier so your loot you are looking for in rotation A becomes the rotation B/C loot in a lower level mission?

    • Like 2
  18. 1 hour ago, quxier said:

    And it requires more energy to cast. At -50% efficiency you would need 60 (Virulence) + 37 (Larva) = 97. And that's 2/3 of his starting energy. Make mistake and you are in bad situation.

    If the only flaw is that you should play good to make sure you don't #*!% up your energy. For me it's a win win, but I understand why you would want to play differently and have a safer gameplay.

  19. 12 minutes ago, quxier said:

    Oh, I haven't knew that 1st refund eneryg.

    Ok, so I've checked wiki:


    40 (virulence) + 25 (larva) = 65 energy (cost of single larva + virulence cast)
    25% * 40 = 10 (energy refund per enemy hit)

    So you need 6-7 enemy to fully refund energy. While it's possible it's require certain setups: modes like survival or SP with more enemies around you.

    It's not problem for late gamer like me (not exactly). I put some pizzas. I have probably Zenurik & Energize. Without such setups I can see it being harder to start (especially without SP or stuff like mentioned above).

    Note that the energy refund scales with your efficiency. The lower efficiency you have, the more energy you restore by hit. That's one of the reasons why blind rage is pretty neat on Nidus.

  20. What do you mean it "tickles enemies on SP" ?

    Consume literally gets buffed to deal 100% total HP as damage when you are on "revive mode" die. The difficulty is not in the damage dealt, it's about hitting enemies well. Which can be tedious since how clunky this dash is.

  21. 1 minute ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Caliban's base Noble Animation clips through his back Accesories, I don't think seeing some clipping would be any issue in this game.

    It's definitely not comparable and as bad as it would get with a quadruped animation on a humanoid. They only way to make it look decent is have a different skeleton rig or make a baby walk animation instead.

    I work with 3D characters and animation, trust me if you will, if they didn't do it, it's not because they didn't want to. It's because that would require a special treatment for Voruna which is not compatible with DE's workflow on warframes animations. Not compatible with mocap and would require many basic universal animations to be redone for Voruna only and manually.

  22. It's a rigging problem, Warframes share the same humanoid base skeleton for animations, and the humanoid proportions come with it. This means it's not working well for quadruped animations. A common issue with this would be seeing Voruna's knees go through her body when walking and some clunky stuff that would be pretty bad. You can still find a static pose that looks decent as quadruped, but animating it is definitely not the same thing. That's why they did that.

    It's not such a hard problem to wrap your head around. If you don't see what's the issue, just try IRL to walk like a quadruped without your knees touching the ground and so using them as feet while keeping your head at the same hight as your posterior.

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