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Posts posted by TheBlackShawarma

  1. Как ливнуть пати без верхнего меню? Уже горит, иконки исчезают после каждой миссии, чтобы они вновь появились нужно покинуть деймос и снова туда зайти. 

    1 час назад, sikysh сказал:

    За 50+ заказов на оптику не выпало ни одной, как?

    Тебе потом ещё Скинтилант фармить, которого нужно 5 на фрейм и 5 на пуху, они падают ещё хуже чем оптика, так что готовься.

  2. We waited for spawn on earth, they did not come, just like I did before many times. They came it Saturn prox almost immediately (before that, I went there dozens of missions in a random party and they did not come), then they came 2-3 more times when approaching the base.

    3 минуты назад, Corvid сказал:

    So if you really want to guarantee success, just send your kiddo into the firing line!

    I did it in Loki, removed the cat as recommended on youtube.


    Magus_Tahir helped me with this mission, thank him!

    10 минут назад, Tesla_Reloaded сказал:

    Literally any mission. Wait for a crewship. Don't destroy/damage it. Fly around for a bit. Get a boarding party coming. Use Intruder Stasis. Kill them. Done!

    Not any, in earth proxima boarding party didn't spawned. 

  4. 2 минуты назад, SneakyErvin сказал:

    Go to earth proxima, hit up the lowest mission, annihilate all fighters and just fly around till either of the 2 crewships decide to deploy ramsleds and wait for them to hit you.

    I tried, this method definitely does not work, I flew right into/around these two ships, nothing.

  5. Кто уже скрафтил и потестил новые пухи, в особенности Басму, что думаете насчет них? Стоит полярить или это из категории "уникальные и бесполезные"?

    20 часов назад, (PS4)svyshnyakov89 сказал:

    А как теперь в рандомную пати залезть на землю? Я пробывал нет отрядов, а хостом никто не заходит. 

    А их не было и не будет, просто по причине тупой механики ивента, которая ограничивает подбор одной флотилией. Только руками искать/собирать в лфг как обычно.

  6. 10 минут назад, CaptainMinty сказал:

    Do to Twitch channels being responsible for their chat channels, it's quite reasonable to issue a 10 minute ban for using a language other than the one primarily spoken in the chat. Why? Because not everyone is going to have translators ready for that and they have every reason to worry that profanity is being thrown at them in different languages. As the Twitch is responsible for moderating their Twitch chat, they have to properly moderate it. They cannot properly moderate it if multiple languages are being used. Therefore, stick to the primary language being used.

    Why french not banned? Why spanish not banned? Why only russian banned?

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  7. Are you crazy DE? Right now, on a Twitch official channel, it deletes the entire message in russian and gives out 10 minute bans. I just wanted to say hello to another user who wrote in russian and answered him “hello” (in Russian) and I was immediately banned, all messages in russian were deleted. Developers turned into russophobes right now or have they always been like that?


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