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Posts posted by BladeFade

  1. The ship space battle we saw in tenno live. I've always wanted this in Warframe, but I was thinking of playing that in PVP. I'm wondering if DE could implement that into pvp-  So we form a squad and battle it out against eachother, just like in Guns of Icarus. Would probably wake some interest in pvp again.

  2. To DE or Who can reply this


    At 11.03  (GMT +7.00 Bangkok)

    I was recieved bad news from our clan member that he was banned while he didn't used any hack or cheat program 

    so i serious for asked him to know about cause to was banned but he don't know anything cause it.

    It's long time for me in warframe that i still feeling love it and happy when i can build small group that our play together.

    so that I want to really know about that cause you banned him from game. And can you disbanned him for who innocent player ID; Guwinnerrock



    Other that i knew about him, He is a good freind for me and good customer for you that i ensure you knew it. Although him just to join my clan.


    I'm  so sorry about my language, grammar, tense, brah brah, etc. But i hope you agree it and know about that.


    Best Regard 

    ID; Chamachujubu

    It happened to me two times i think. Just very randomly, i didn't hack or have any illegal program. I sent a support ticket and fixed it, he should do it too.

  3. I was hyped for volt prime for half a year now, but he got me disappointed. 200 starting energy and 100 armor buff is good, but it still lacks of his main parameter- speed. Volt is the speed warframe, and I always wondered, why loki has more speed than volt. Its unlogical. I was hoping de will fix that with volt prime. Sadly, they didnt. I am writing this topic hoping, that someone from warframe stuff sees it and shows this opinion to volt prime characteristics designer . I am hoping volt to get max 1.25 speed in one line with loki prime.

    Volt is the speed frame? I thought he was the Lightning frame..

  4. " They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.

    The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. 

    Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.

    Come Tenno, you must join the war."


    -front page





    So according to the lore, Tenno is a race that's from the past. Those that survived the old war slept or are still sleeping in the Cryopod. But in the new quest, Cephalon Simaris said he could make blue prints for the Chroma Warframe. Who would be wearing this suit anyway? I thought that the Tenno were something from the past? Now all of a sudden, some random Tenno dude out of nowhere is compatible with the Chroma suit. I thought it was the other way around, with the suits being tailored to empower the Tenno? Could there be a poor Tenno still sleeping or awakened from the crypod with no suit?

    I think there was something about, not all tenno choosing to sleep.. i think the pvp npc said this.. So maybe chroma pvp npc, and stalekr are all tenno who didnt ''sleep''

  5. Must just be you, most detailed frame in the game on my screen.

    The other frames look high res but some textures on chroma looks bad like the last color option (the lines all over him) Am i really the only one?

  6. How 'bout this - 


    Double space makes him double jump (secound jump makes his wings appear) this will consume some energy, and will only be done while the ult is inactive (not being used)


    Double space - AND holding will make him glide in the air (his wings still visible) but it will drain energy depending one how long u hold space, again - can only be done while the ult is inactive.

  7. It isn't hard to use bows? wow, never knew this comment will approach in the forums.  

    Actually it's easy while someone is using rhino, as his skin will allow him to take the damage while he aims. If increasing stamina consumption on slide attacks, aiming will be easier too. But yeah the bow isnt my biggest concern, rhino and slide attack is.

  8. PvP powers is not good. I have tried all the classes in PvP and here's what I can conclude.

    I have been playing competitive shooters since ut99 so this is based on my experiences.


    Volt shock gives a free hit if another person in in the radius. No one deserves a free hit especially if it take half of your health. His ultimate has to large of a range plus you die instantly if you poke it.


    Rhino Iron skin, if you can get to the energy spawns fast, you are really, really hard to kill. Increase the cost, give it the cost of an ultimate.


    Rhino Charge + Slash Dash, are not so bad since you can jump or slide jump ot copter away from it easily.


    Radial Javelin, 1 hit spears even with LoS. No, any cast that does not require putting your aiming reticule on a target should not be implemented in competitive pvp for the sake of balance.


    Chroma: All of his abilities have small timers and does not have much of an effect


    Frost My Fav: His ice wave and globe can be exploited, although compared to most casts this is not so bad, the trail for ice wave is clearly visible as well as the globe. But camping in the globe with a high range weapon can prove to be exploitable, unless the opposing players has good parkour skills and can reach him quickly.


    Mag, oh may god. Ok her powers suck compared to the frames above but the effectiveness of bullet attractor is unfair. Turning your target to be a giant bullet magnet on a small map is not fair.  Any you can shoot yourself (from what i understand). So basically, to become a giant target, and being completely unable to fight back IN ADDITION, for how easy it is to lock on to a target with this cast.


    And people are saying coptering should be taken out... Really? Coptering? You can jump, roll, jump attack to avoid a copter. THAT'S 3 MEANS to avoid slide attacks. PvP 1.0 Players were able to do it and are STILL able to do it. This is a skill curve people, not a imbalance. If you can do fluent parkour you can avoid coptering. And I use frost as my main pvp frame, one of the slowest frames in the game, and I can avoid them easily...


    Please for the sake of balance remove powers. For the most part they are too overpowered, too common and too easy to use. The only thing required in these modes is the ability to aim and the ability to do parkour in order to avoid bullets. Both of these elements bear skill curves and allow a fair, addicting and balanced PVP.


    Why not just make the choice of frames an ascetic?

    They shouldn't remove ALL power, maybe allow one player to choice one or two of the frames powers - or nerf them..

  9. How about a chroma double jump, like his wings appeare when he double jumps (but cant double jump when ult is active) AND also glide while in the air with his wings. Double jump could be double space, tripple space could be wings out to glide.. So what do yah think?

  10. Nope, melee made for kill not for move.

    Yeah it should do damage, just more stamina consumption would allow less spam... and that would lead to easier paris shot, so nerf paris in pvp (ONLY)

  11. Rhino is OP, but so are other frames. All frames need balancing in some of their powers.


    Bows should one shot, but I suppose 2 body shots would work if the first shot would stagger the person hit.


    Slide attacks need either reduced damage or no damage so it is a mobility tool rather than an easy mode tool.

    It isnt hard to shot a bow while someone is close to you trying to melee. It isnt hard to hit with the bow at all.. it shouldnt one shot..

    Maybe one shot on head or heart.. depending on body part

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