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Posts posted by --Q--uixotic

  1. 22 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Common is a misconception. If you have say a 30% chance at a riven, that's a 70% chance to not get one. Then divide 30% with soon to be 4 different riven mod types. How many times have you rerolled a riven max? I bet it isn't over 100 on a single mod like people I know...

    Farming kuva with a booster and kavat is so tiresome and boring it hurts. Good stats are hellishly expensive because farming kuva is just terrible for what you get from rolls. Not to mention the fact it forces you to buy a booster because if you don't you are really hurting yourself if it wasn't painful already. It is the one game mode that essentially slaps you in the face when you don't spend platinum

    Kuva farming is fine in small doses, but I've burnt out on it, even with a booster running.
    Rolled one riven 30x, a fair number 20ish times, far too many 10+ times. 
    I have 57 rivens now, most rolled 6+ times.

    I don't need endo anymore, except to sell maxed primed mods, so turning an ungodly amount of farming time into endo doesn't do me much good.
    I'd rather get some kuva back to feed back into the slot machine, or some way of getting a different riven.

    It feels bad to have your item become worth less the more work you put into it.

  2. Most of these issues have been fixed - thank you again.


    Remaining issues:

    • The chat menu doesn't include an Invite option sometimes, so I need to type /invite <name> instead
    • I can't see what I'm typing if the chat display is more than ~80% of the screen width
      • cursor moves, but no text displayed
      • resizing the chat window fixes this
    • Vaulted relics can only be linked in chat if you have an Intact copy of it still
      • If you only have radiant instances it's not linkable
  3. 4 hours ago, [DE]Pablo said:

    Thanks, got the report, we looked into it and have a fix, should come out next hotfix. This particular part of the chat code is pretty entangled, so we fixed this case, but there might be others, just report if you find one and we'll fix them.



    Awesome - thank you. That one has been driving me crazy for a long time now. 

  4. Support request created. Appears to be this section of ee.log:


    4822.049 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value): In OnMessageSent(2737) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onRawInputEvent
    4824.032 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In ?(8760) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onKeyDown_MENU_SELECT
    4824.233 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to index upvalue '?' (a nil value): In onKeyUp_MENU_SELECT(8810) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onKeyUp_MENU_SELECT
    4824.617 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In ?(8760) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onKeyDown_MENU_SELECT
    4824.750 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to index upvalue '?' (a nil value): In onKeyUp_MENU_SELECT(8810) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onKeyUp_MENU_SELECT
    4824.833 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In ?(8760) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onKeyDown_MENU_SELECT
    4824.984 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to index upvalue '?' (a nil value): In onKeyUp_MENU_SELECT(8810) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onKeyUp_MENU_SELECT
    4827.635 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In ?(8760) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onKeyDown_MENU_SELECT
    4827.801 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to index upvalue '?' (a nil value): In onKeyUp_MENU_SELECT(8810) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::onKeyUp_MENU_SELECT
    4840.594 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In MinMaxBtnFocused(8582) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::MinMaxBtnFocused
    4840.644 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In MinMaxBtnUnfocused(8586) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::MinMaxBtnUnfocused
    4841.095 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In MinMaxBtnFocused(8582) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::MinMaxBtnFocused
    4841.745 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In MinMaxBtnUnfocused(8586) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::MinMaxBtnUnfocused
    4842.545 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In MinMaxBtnFocused(8582) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::MinMaxBtnFocused
    4842.578 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In MinMaxBtnUnfocused(8586) originating from /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.lua::MinMaxBtnUnfocused


  5. 32 minutes ago, [DE]Pablo said:

    Submitting logs to support when this happens would help us track these issues down, mention in your report that I asked for the log, or message me the report number and we can look into squashing these.



    Will do, thanks for looking into it. 


  6. On 4/12/2017 at 4:14 PM, WingsOfGryphin said:

    I strongly agree with the lag part - sometimes the switch between Operator and frame takes even couple seconds ruining entire mission. But killing the guardians isn't really an issue, at least on PC (could be harder with controller?). The way i do it - Get into the position with my Warframe, quickly tap 5 (operator form) and instantly execute blast and dash (sometimes i start jump up and down cause i tapped ctrl way too quickly, but i constantly remind myself that i need to hold it - warframe reacts faster than operator does). It takes like a second or so to make them kneel. I usually can get them all down before kuva arives, but there are also times when i simply ignore guardians because they don't really do anything if you are constantly moving around or get them to agro onto corpus or infested.

    I've had several missions today where it took ~6 seconds to switch to operator, which made catching kuva clouds slightly irritating.

    The ping was ~200, which isn't great, but it wouldn't explain a 6s delay.

    My system isn't the beefiest, but it's more than enough for Warframe. Quad core, 3.4ghz, 12g ram, SSD, Radeon R9 fury series.
    Only discord running in the background, and a fast cable connection with good performance on dslreports.

  7. We explored for a good 3-4 minutes and couldn't find the cloud, so I suspect it either didn't spawn or was stuck under the floor or behind a wall somewhere.


    Braid direction:



    Third cloud came through the floor here:




    As an unrelated note, the overlay map being unbounded makes it block the crosshair frequently, which is distracting.


  8. 2 minutes ago, Mk_1 said:

    Unless I'm mistaken, it only lets you invite by clicking a name if you're in an active session (Meaning you're already in a squad and/or are in the Navigation screen). I could be wrong and it could just be a bug.

    I can usually invite people by right-clicking their name and selecting invite. This works from dojo, ship, etc.
    The menu option isn't there sometimes though, but using /invite <name> still works.

  9. On 5/6/2017 at 9:11 AM, groznez said:

    There is a workaround for this bug so you don't have to alt+f4 and restart the game however. You need to be somewhere that allows you exit to Liset for this to work (dojo for instance). While there you need keep the escape menu (menu that opens after pressing esc key) open while using chat. When UI freezes having the menu open allows you to press the leave/exit button and return to Liset. When you load into Liset everything should work normally again. You can then re-enter where you were and continue doing business. Hope this helps.

    I really hope DE will fix this at some point.

    Thank you for the workaround. I've only had to alt-F4 3x in 2.5 hours instead of 5x, because I was able to leave the dojo 2x.

    This seems to happen when I leave the chat window open for awhile without typing, e.g. while watching trade chat 


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