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Posts posted by m0b1us1

  1. I am because all the supposed solutions are just band aids trying to stop a severed arm from bleeding.

    Arcanes are incredibly useful, and powerful. However, the issue is that they can only be attached to 1 item at a time. So if you ever need energy regen from an arcane (energize is about 500 plat for 1 right now and will most likely rise), then you are pigeonholed into either having multiple sets of arcanes or only using a single item for every loadout. Basically, you end up with the exact same problem, but now it takes plat or a lot of time to fix it and it restricts you from using other arcanes that could be more valuable. Where as before, the focus groups (except shadow step and vazirin) simply didn't give enough to be more useful than zenurik. Oh, and for those that don't know, arcanes only have a CHANCE of procing. So you might have 2 sets of arcane energize, but there is only a CHANCE that an energy orb will spawn, and then only a CHANCE that it will proc giving you a lot more energy. Making such a vital resource based on RNG so heavily is simply garbage.

    Rage is only good on frames that can tank the hits. Inaros, chroma, wukong, valkyr, etc etc. Any squishy frame will get slaughtered if they have to rely on rage.

    Energy siphon is laughably weak. It doesn't even provide 1 energy/sec. Having to rely on energy siphon or even worse multiple would be the exact same issue as focus groups, but for aura mods.

    Of course, there are energy pizzas, and I prefer to not have to spend so many for a little mission. Raids is one thing, I don't want to have to rely on pizzas just to have fun.

    I need to see a freaking huge revamp of arcanes and energy usage before I could ever believe the justification of removing energy regen from zenurik instead of just buffing the other groups.

  2. 5 hours ago, Ariel19_98 said:

    Uhum, the sand shadow is not the main goal of Devour, but to recover our health in the end, but it could at least work. Nekros shadows are effective, and can truly make a difference. Inaros is...meh at the best. I tried to devour that old grinner lady who summons those annoying cats in hopes that she would summon them too, but the most she did was wander around and toss one incendiary grenade

    Uhh yes, hence why I said its hardly worth using the sand shadows. What I am saying about Nekros is that since he can get much larger amounts of minions much quicker and easier than Inaros, there would be more chances of them not bugging out. Whereas Inaros, every time a shadow bugs out, it feels much more severe because they have such a short life and they are small in number.

    Yes, sand shadows do not spawn other units just like Nekros minions. I can't recall if this has ever been a feature. Welcome to playing Inaros, your sand shadows aren't worth the time. Get your HP back and continue with the game.

  3. The AI is certainly weird at times, though I am not sure if that is unique to Inaros. When there are so few shadows it feels a lot less effective if every other one is bugging. Unlike Nekros who can routinely have a much larger amount and for a much higher duration. Though sand shadows are hardly worth using considering you have to waste so much time eating them just to make them last for more than 10 seconds.

  4. On 8/16/2017 at 7:17 AM, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

    Could you drop the attitude please.

    1) i'm aware he gets his health back from his passive on melee execute.  Me typing it that way was meant to be "his 1 helps you get health back because it opens enemies to finishers."  I will admit I wrote that poorly.  But do not take that as me not knowing how his kit works.

    2) You seemed to skip completely over the problem I tried to outline here.  I'm over eating the enemy to create a minion.  It does not feel good to sit there for more than a minute just to turn a single enemy to my side for the exact same time I spent eating it. I suggested a toggle because holding the button down as often as I do to create minions doesn't feel good on my hand at all.  Nothing you said in this part addressed my issue.  and there was condecending talk at me.  I don't appreciate that.

    3) I'm aware.  You're nit picking.  I can either devour an enemy to death and get a minion.  Or I can quick cast devour and kill it with my sandstorm and get a minion.  Neither way feels good.  and my suggestions were to make the using of sandstorm to help get your minions feel better.  To which you've not given me a reason on why we can't improve that.  Only tried to correct me.

    4) I'm not asking for a single cast of my swarm to heal me as good as devour.  I was pointing out very clearly that I can toss all my scarab armor onto a group and get much better healing.  Versus only using one cast on that same group.  If the heal that the newly effected enemies give off isn't effecting me and only my allies this needs to be made clearer some how.  As It visually in game looks like i'm being healed by the group effected.  IF the newly effected targets ARE supposed to heal me then why is the heal better when I throw all of my armor on the group of 4 compared to just casting it on one and it spreading to the other 3?

    5) out of everything you pointed out to me this was the one thing I was not aware of.  I didn't know allies could help with your revival.  Calling the rest of my suggestions not needed isn't productive.  You didn't explain why we shouldn't try to make the minion mechanics better or why doing so would be bad.  You didn't explain why fixing the interaction with his quick cast 2 and his 1 is a wrong thing to do.  and you didn't explain why me being able to re position quick casted devour targets would be a bad thing.

    I would understand this hyper aggressive kind of post if I was advocating for nerfs.  or drastically changing how he plays.  but improving the minion mechanics wouldn't do that really.  nor would the other minor QOL things I mentioned.

    It's not an attitude, you need to calm down. I am merely clearing up aspects that you are misinformed about.

    1. Then you rushed making a post and didn't take the time to go over what you wrote.

    2. I addressed it completely and thoroughly. If you are trying to eat a level 80 bombard from full to dead, then you are being severely inefficient with the ability. It does not take long to get to full health from eating someone. So your proposal is only useful if you plan on eating someone for extended periods of time which is terribly inefficient. Again, its not condescending, its challenging your ideas which are not well thought through and trying to get you to understand aspects that you haven't considered. You need to get over yourself, I'm not your enemy.

    3. Again you are playing Inaros for the minions. You are acting as if the sand shadows are as effective as Nekros's. I am merely challenging your thoughts on that by making the argument that Inaros is extremely weak if you only play for the minions and not his other abilities. You are probably not aware of this, but there is a cap to how long sand shadows will stay alive, and no amount of modding or eating can break that cap. It's not refreshable or able to be healed like Nekros.

    4. What you are seeing is the heal you gain from the initial blast. Targets hit by your initial 4 cast will cause an instant "tick" of healing per enemy hit. Then after that it will continuously heal over time. What you are experiencing is from a lack of experience playing Inaros. The healing and CC spread are not in perfect sync, so it sometimes appears that the CC spreads, but the healing is not. The healing does massively increase as it spreads, what you are probably experiencing is that after 1 cast and recharging your 4, you don't have much healing to do. If you cast 4 times for whatever reason then start recharging, you will have a lot more HP to heal so it gives you the feeling that you are being healed more. In reality though, you would get the same healing rate whether it spread naturally or you used your 4 multiple times. The only thing that would change is the max potential healing since you are spreading the CC quicker and thus saving time by not requiring the skill to spread on its own. Like I said and have always said, that is an issue of clairvoyance that I have repeatedly suggested. The 4 ability CC needs to have a timer/buff indicator so then people can better understand what is going on.

    5. Well its not just allies you know. If you manage to cast 4 and go down near that group, or go down and use your passive pull to pull an enemy affected by your 4 near you allowing it to spread, then that also counts as damage towards your revival. As long as any enemy takes any damage near you while you are in your passive, it counts towards your revival. It is necessary to say that your changes are unneeded because they are trying to address what you think of as issues when in reality they are not issues whatsoever. These mechanics aren't an issue, and that is what you don't seem to comprehend. They are an issue to the way you play Inaros, but very few people actually play him just to create sand shadows. I did cover that because most people are not going to try to eat a high level enemy for 5 solid minutes. If you have to hold down 2 for extended periods of time, then that is just being wasteful.You can press 2, deal some damage by other means, then eat them when they have a small amount of HP left. Also consider this, I go into a high level infested mission, find myself a level 100 disruptor, press 2 on him and eat him then go AFK. I would deal 1 damage a tick and I could stay there indefinitely, invincible. Does that sound like a smart move?

    You have to get over yourself, its not hyper aggressive. It is challenging your thoughts and ideas to see if you have actually thought about it or just rushed to make a post because you have to say something rather than having something to say (Plato reference). You think I am being aggressive because I am directly challenging your thoughts and having you defend them. Its obvious you rushed your thoughts and that is why you read my post as you did. What you are suggesting would be improvements to how you play, and I can safely tell you from experience that the vast majority of Inaros players don't play like that.

  5. I would love to see 3 things discussed.

    1. Sniper updates. Snipers are pretty much the most underwhelming weapon in the game due to a number of factors. I would love to hear what DE is planning to do.

    2. Pump action shotgun. Where did this go? It looked amazing just from the art and I am curious to see what happened to it.

    3. Inaros's 4 clairvoyance. The duration on Inaros's 4 CC has no visible timer or indicator that you are in range of the healing. I would love to see the % armor boost shown above the actual ability icon while the CC duration (and maybe some indicator to show you are in the healing aura) is shown on the top right of the screen. Or vise versa.

  6. 13 hours ago, Fiftycentis said:

    i played inaros a lot when he came out, and for what i remember, you get the sand copy only if he dies while someone is actively devouring it or if you kill with sandstorm, if i press 2 on an enemy and i kill it with my weapon i don't get any copy

    There is a bug where you can still get the shadow if you kill it with another source. This usually works well with DoTs (like your 4). When you are devouring en enemy, they are immune to other sources of damage and if they are killed after you stop devouring them, then sometimes it will still create the shadow. There is another bug but it involves becoming animation locked into your 2 and then you can do some crazy stuff.

    Either way, that mechanic is tied to Inaros's second ability, not his third. Healing off a target affected by your 2 while using your 3 is tied to your 3. I know its being quite specific, but the biggest issue of Inaros is the lack of clairvoyance. His kit has so many synergies and hidden aspects to it that extremely few people actually understand how it all works. So I wrote that just to help get the facts straight.

  7. On 8/13/2017 at 4:47 PM, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

    I love inaro's design.  and I mained him for awhile when he came out.  but I stopped playing as him.  and recently I tried him out again (trying a new sandstorm build) not remembering why I quit playing as him.  Playing him has made me remember why.  it feels awful to play as him.  and he technically works against his team in some aspects.  lets go at this ability by ability:

    1) pocket sand.  is fine.  No qualms.  minor health while they are blinded.  health back when you kill them with his finisher. doesn't interrupt gameplay for allies.

    2) Devour.  oh boy.  it has several issues.  I dislike having to hold the ability button after i'm eating them.  it should be a toggle once i've started eating.  press again to release prematurely.  it's your primary source to make sand minions.  problem is they last exactly as long as it takes to eat them.  That's really terrible.  I can't build an army because they die too fast.  and if I choose a target with high hp and/or armor I spend 5 minutes eating one guy.  just to only have him for 5 minutes.  it stalls waves too which is anti team friendly.  once you've put someone in the sand with quick cast you can't pull them any farther.  you have to go to them to eat them.  blinding them with pocket sand doesn't let you finisher them either.

    3) Sandstorm.  Is mostly fine.  but the main issue is that the sand minon mechanic on this is also bad.  see the enemy has to be covered in the quick cast of devour AND die to sandstorm.  sandstorm itself isn't a cheap ability.  and since you're still targetable during sandstorm you likely won't live long enough to kill the target.  Optimal use of the sand minion mechanic would require me to single target a handful of minions with devour (which is a decent bit of energy.  and then hope I live long enough/have enough energy to kill said minions i've trapped.  if my allies happen to kill/use them first I just wasted energy.

    4)scarab swarm.  mostly fine.  Though I found it to be a bit buggy.  It seemed like even though I spread a lot of scarabs with one cast of my armor I wasn't getting huge HP returns unless I threw scarabs on multiple targets.  though maybe that's just an issue with HP regen trying to keep up with my HP drain to get my armor back.  dunno.

    5) passive:  neat.  but that's it.  you have to gain enough health from hurting an enemy to revive.  but this doesn't work out in higher levels.  as you don't do enough damage to those enemies in order to revive yourself.  so he's basically stuck with a useless passive.  Since in the levels where his passive can realistically kill things he shouldn't be going down anyway due to his massive EHP pool.



    ~devouring while channeled should be toggled instead of having to be held once the target reaches you.  Make it so the time it took to eat the person to be a sand minion is the base time.  and that gets multiplied by your strength stat or duration stat.  Fix it so enemies quick casted can still be pulled by channeling devour on them.  This would be niche.  as you could just grab someone else for eating if you really needed it.  But it would help re position the enemy for your allies.  and also make it so blinding the devoured quick casted target is open to finishers.  this is already do able if you blind a target hit by scarab swarm.


    ~Inaros should be untargetable during sandstorm.  and sand minons should be created if inaros is currently gaining any health from the enemy when they die to sandstorm.  this means if he's blinded enemies.  if he's devoured enemies.  or if the enemies have scarab swarm on them.  the duration of these minions will be based purely off of your duration stat.

    ~Passive.  Change the damage type he does to the enemy as finisher damage.  Let inaros revive himself  at anytime so long as he's done at least 15% of the bar filled.  the higher you fill the bar the more health you revive with.  caps at 75% of his max health 

    Inaros main here, and let me say, Inaros is 100% fine.

    However, there are somethings you are misunderstanding or overlooking.

    1. The health return on getting killing blows with finishers is tied to his passive, not his 1.

    2. There really isn't a need to have it into a toggle. In fact, it would be far worse if it were. In terms of damage, I honestly can't think of anything else that deals LESS damage than eating your target. Most of the time, you use it for 2 cases. The first is to lock down a big target for extended periods of time. With a decent duration, you can lock down an enemy for well over a solid minute. Those level 100 bursas and noxs (noxi?) become nothing more than a mild inconvenience with one click of your 2. The second reason is to get health back for either you or an ally who knows what Inaros actually does. It isn't meant to kill, its meant to heal. If you are using it for damage, then its no wonder you want this to be a toggle.

    3. Sandstorm isn't responsible for sand shadow thingies. That is your 2. Enemies that YOU kill that are affected by your 2 produce sand shadows. Your 3 will heal you if you have a target that you have used your 2 on in the sandstorm itself. So when your sandstorm kills an enemy affected by your 2, you get the minion because that is a mechanic of your 2 ability, its not directly tied to your 3. You should use your 3 as a panic card to rag doll enemies all over. Or if you have energy, you can use it to scatter enemies around that are afflicted by your 4 to spread your 4 CC.

    4. Is mostly fine, there is a bug where sometimes the health return isn't consistent. If that happens run outside of the range and come back, that usually fixes it. Yes, the health return on using 4 on a single enemy is small. It is closer to balanced like that. Targets affected by your 4 emit a healing aura for ALL ALLIES, and the CC spreads continuously for the duration of the ability. Do you really think that it would be balanced if using it on a single target gave the same regen as your 2?

    5. Something else about that revive passive you don't understand is that you don't have to deal the damage alone. If any enemy near you takes damage from ANY SOURCE, it will count towards reviving you. His passive also includes getting health back on the killing blow of finishers, but I already talked about that. It's far from useless, more like few people actually understand how it works.


    All your suggestions are simply unnecessary and unneeded. They are based on your experience and lack of understanding of how Inaros works. Inaros is arguably one of the strongest frames in the game even before you get arcane grace. With 2 sets of those, there are no words for how ludicrously strong he is.

    The only thing Inaros NEEDS is a timer on the duration of his 4 CC. It shows the bonus armor both at the top left of the screen with your other buffs and right on the ability icon. This is redundant and one or the other should really be used to show his 4 CC duration. I would prefer the top bar and make it so that allies can also see the duration since it acts as an healing field.

  8. On 7/15/2017 at 5:33 AM, (PS4)GhostJTDR said:

    Fire ward is too OP.

    health regen + Rage would means near god mod...

    If you think that is god mode, let me tell you about wukong and Inaros.

    Wukong might be the last true immortal frame even more so than valkyr who is energy reliant. Build for energy, duration, and power strength and make sure you have a rage mod on. His defy ability is a toggle that drains energy. If he is every downed, instead he gains back his hp and is immortal for several seconds. The entire time rage can be proc'd. So they only realistic way he can die is if he is surrounded by energy vamp eximus or is inside a nulifier bubble.

    Inaros with just a max vitality can reach about 4.6k HP. 1 set of arcane grace has a 6% chance of regening 4% of your max HP each second for 6 seconds. Almost a quarter of your HP. That is over 180 health per second. A second set of arcane grace will also do the same, leading up to the possibility of regening almost half your entire HP over 6 seconds or over 360 HP per second. Oh, and lets not forget about negation swarm, aka NO status effects.

    Yeah, not meaning to call you out, but you have yet to see anything near god mode if you think just health regen + rage is broken. Maybe if it was on the same level of Inaros + arcane grace where Chroma would regen 300-400 HP every second.

  9. Quick recap of what Inaros's 4 does. It has 2 components.

    1. Press and hold. It drains HP to give your base armor a % boost up to 100%.

    2. While looking at an enemy, tap 4 to shoot a linear invisible blast with long range that puts scarabs on all enemies in the path. This drains 25% of your bonus and enemies enter a pseudo-stun that emits a healing aura. Enemies not CC'd by this will get it when walking near an enemy that is affected. The duration of this is affected by duration.

    Now, the way I see it, there are 2 key numbers here. The % boost, and the CC duration. So why is only the % boost shown and why is it shown at 2 different locations? You can see it next to your HP along with your other buffs and above the ability icon. Yet the duration has no indicator of any kind.

    I think that the duration remaining on his 4 CC should be shown above the ability icon much like his 2 is. Why is there redundancy on his 4 when it has 2 separate components?

  10. If his 4 cc duration had a visible timer replacing one of the 2 identical numbers showing how much bonus armor he has.

    Inaros's 4 has 2 parts to it. The first is a charge that drains your HP and gives you bonus armor. This bonus is shown both in the top right of your HUD (along with any other buffs) and right above the ability icon in the bottom right of your screen. The second part is a linear blast that consumes 25% of this buff to CC enemies, damage them, and provide a healing aura. However, this CC duration is shown NOWHERE! Inaros is by far my most played frame and I can judge how long the CC will last, but it would be so much nicer to have that duration shown above the ability icon.

    If I had to design it, I would make it such that the timer shows the duration of the most recent cast. So if you cc a group of enemies, the timer will show. Then 10 seconds later you recast it, it will continue to show the timer for the first cast and when that runs out show the remainder of the second.

    I believe this is the third thread I have made about this subject. What can be done to bring this to the devs' attention?

  11. Another Inaros main here. I actually don't have a problem against corpus.I just make sure to bring either a melee weapon with decent reach (galatine p, lesion, orthos p, etc) or a gun that has a high rate of fire and either a a decent mag size or reload speed. In short, just bring askiletto p. Nully in your way? Just rip the shields down and pop them.

    However, I will say out of all the frames that are hurt by nullies, Inaros has to worry the least. Valkyr using her hysteria can literally one shot herself, nova's 4 is stopped instantly and doesn't even affect targets in the bubble, tons of frames suffer far more. Inaros? You lose the armor buff, but you gain back all the hp you gave up to get it. It can act as an emergency heal in dire situations. Just make sure to bring at least 1 weapon that is good at tearing down bubbles. Don't go into a high level corpus mission with a bow, lex p, and venka p if you are having trouble with nullies. This goes for every frame not just Inaros. It helps to cover a wide range of utility with your weapons in general.

    Also, arcane grace. See a nullie, jump out and focus it down while arcane grace keeps you alive. Once you get 20 arcane graces, there really isn't much to worry about.

  12. So I have mentioned this in a previous thread, but still have not seen any action. When using Inaros's 4, you are given the same buff in the top right on your hud and over the actual ability icon. This would be ok, IF Inaros's 4 only increased your armor. It's active is a healing CC that has an actual duration.

    Can the number shown on top of the ability icon be changed to show the duration left on Inaros's 4 CC? I would think that ideally it would show the time left for the earliest 4 cast if you used it multiple times. Nope, no ability changes, no balance changes, just a simple text and information change.

  13. Inaros is easily one of my strongest warframes. 2nd most played, but I honestly don't agree that he NEEDS scaling damage. Outside of Valk 4, he is nigh unkillable at any stage when he is fully powered up. His 2 grants him immunity and healing for the entire duration, 1 is absurdly strong with covert lethality, but his 4 is just jaw dropping amazing already. The ability to lock down any area for a solid minute with CC that heals and spreads to enemies is just too sweet. That is what got me hooked on him. I was in the third mission of a sortie survival, and I was completely alone and had an entire room completely locked down. They couldn't kill me, so I was just free to swing away with my melee racking up that combo counter with absolutely no fear. That was a while ago, now I have gotten my 4th arcance grace, and really the only thing that I have to worry about is getting bursted by something like level 80+ juggernauts. Even his 3 can be helpful in certain situations. If you need to revive an ally but have too many enemies on him, just tap 3 and get those guys off him. Its also amazing to see a target that has been hit with your 4 be flung somewhere else just to start spreading it even more.

    If he was given scaling damage, that would be absolutely OP. He is a CC healing tank. He should not be a master of everything. The sand clones are more of a distraction rather than a source of damage. Play his CC game more and his summoning game only when you need a distraction. You will find that although he lacks in raw damage, he doesn't need it.

    I will say this! Make his 4 icon in the bottom right show the remaining duration of your CC. Having it show the same percentage twice is redundant in this case and can be improved!

  14. 20 hours ago, ScribbleClash said:

    While this would be favorable with some other abilities as well, if implemented it would probably show you the duration of the last effect placed.

    Any timer would be nice. Its just a question of how nice it would be.

    What are the chances of devs looking at suggestions like this?

  15. 1 hour ago, NinjaZeku said:

    I've actually also made a topic on exactly this (8 months ago lol), so ...:thumbup:

    That doesn't make me feel very confident then XD. If you made the same post 8 months ago, and we haven't heard anything about it, well that just doesn't sound good at all.

  16. So when charging scarab armor, two identical percentages detailing the strength of the buff appear. One next to your health bar where other buffs also end up, and another on the actual scarab armor icon. However, when you use the active part as opposed to the charge, it CC's enemies for a duration. Can the icon for scarab swarm only show the duration of the CC and leave the buff percentage at the top of the screen? In the event of multiple uses of scarab swarm, it could show the lowest remaining duration, then when that runs out, it shows the next, and so on.

    Inaros is probably my strongest frame, and I have gotten quite comfortable being able to judge how long the CC will last from his 4. It seems redundant to show the same stat in 2 separate locations while ignoring the duration.

    No buff, no nerf, just a nice easy text change.


  17. So after watching the dev stream and watching how they proposed to be able to remove the cyst (other than making the charger), I really dislike that method.

    Why should I have to wait until the cyst is fully grown to have it removed? I don't want to be sporting around a random eye sore for a few days. And what is the point in removing it if I can get the same warframe infected again? Now this might just be an understanding, but it seems like you could still be infected. Then you have to do this process with every single warframe that is infected. I don't see the reasoning in forcing players to perform certain actions purely because they play with others who are infected.

    What should have happened is that the cysts can spread to only 1 warframe and only once. Then if you want another charger, you can still get the cyst from sitting in the chair or remove cyst if you already have one. Players should not be punished for playing with others, and that is what the cyst feels like. I got my charger, but now I have at least 5 frames with this nasty unsightly growth. I don't want to have to go playing 2/3 days with some cyst on me and then have it removed just to not see it for a day.

  18. So I just completed the New Strange quest and got the chroma bp. But it is telling me I need a chroma neuroptics, chassis, and systems. I thought he was supposed to be made with ember neruoptics, frost chassis, Sayrn systems, and volt neuroptics?

    Do I have to get a bp for each of his parts to make them from these others? If so, then where do I get them?

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