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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. I was going to make a new thread, but might as well try to get an answer here.

    I just recently defeated the stalker alone, in a private session on Kappa, but nothing dropped, is a blueprint not guaranteed?

    It's not guaranteed. I killed him three times and got one blueprint.

  2. He never fights back. I've seen him three times now, and each three he makes a spooky entrance then immediately stands in a wall or crate until we shoot him to death. This last time he dropped a Dread blueprint, which was nice of him, and the first time I saw him he did a slash dash into a wall before getting stuck, but he missed. I feel sort of bad for him - he seems to be suffering from some strange disorder.

  3. Tbh, cosmetic items are the only items I would enjoy paying for.


    Buying weapons, warframes etc. kinda makes playing the game less worth it.


    And buying forma, keys, slots and potatoes feels like punching my wallet and screaming "NOW MAKE ME ENJOY THIS GAME!!!".

    It feels wrong. Like, if I buy this stuff I will be able to enjoy the game a little more for a few moments but then its over and you just want more. I don't want this. And I am not going to pay for this.



    I want to enjoy this game without the necessity of wasting platin on everything.


    I am currently not really motivated to buy anything more right now.

    A lot of valid criticism hasn't been touched yet. Waitng for the next update and I hope it has more to offer than grinding and platin consuming game content.

    My sentiments exactly. I haven't really bought anything but a few potatoes because it feels more rewarding to unlock them through play.

  4. I've been playing this game on and off a bit since the open beta launch, but I just made my first purchase - the bottom level founder pack - today, and this is my first forum post. I'm really enjoying this game so far - the only reason I waited so long to buy anything is that I never felt like I had to spend money to progress, unlike most other F2P games. I like how virtually all content can be built just through gameplay, and I haven't spent any platinum on weapons/frames/etc. because I like making them in the forge.


    Well, just wanted to say hi and introduce myself! I'll take a look around the rest of the forums too.

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