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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. For primary the Sobek will get you lots of quick kills. If you don't like shotguns and want a stealthier approach Paris is the obvious choice. If you want a more effective melee, switch to the Orthos, which is available in the market and generally considered the best melee weapon in the game.

  2. See, the loadout is fine, it's the fact there's not enough time to kill everything. Unless you're a perfect shot, which I'm not.


    Also I have not drawn 'some' unhelpful answers, 80% of these answers are unhelpful. That's a lot more than 'some'.

    Well, like I said, that has to do with tone. If you're not hitting with most of your shots that could be a major problem. You might do better in that case with a Hek or Sobek, or a standard rifle like the Braton. Since the Burston got buffed it's a great choice too, but requires more accuracy.

  3. You are being rude though, so go away.

    What do you expect? You just announced to everyone that the tests they've all been passing easily are "impossible." Using that sort of tone is bound to draw some less helpful answers.

    Your loadout looks fine. I'd drop one of the ammo mode on vandaltron for Cryo Rounds (or better yet drop both and buy ammo boxes) and drop True Steel and Staggering Force for elemental mods/rending strike - true steel is only increasing your crit chance from 5% to 8%, not at all worth it, and you'll stagger things when you hit them anyway most of the time.

    Good luck when your timer is up! If at first you don't succeed, try try again :)

  4. Prime time for you may not be prime time for the rest of the world.The US timezones aren't the only prime times in the world.Americans... always thinking they deserve things more than the rest of the world.

    When they make up the vast bulk of your paying customers, they do deserve more.

  5. I keep seeing these weird lulzy posts and I have to ask.  This is new to the internet for me (and I play a lot of MMO's and other games) since when did it become a companies duty to babysit customers? lol If somebody can't control their eating/sleeping/working habits because they're obsessive or overly competitive then that's their own failure not the companies.  I don't see why people think we need a company to wipe our asses because some people have deficiencies.

    If morality is new to you, a discussion on an MORPG probably isn't the best place to start. If you're really interested in why people should have moral duties towards their fellow human beings I'd suggest you start with Nicomachean Ethics.

  6. It's socially irresponsible for them to offer a reward to the top 100, and I hope they never do it again. Encouraging people to spend dozens of hours straight at their computer isn't a good thing by any stretch.

    Eh, no harm in giving a special badge to the top 100, kinda like a medal of valor/honor/gold star/etc. A fancier event badge, or a larger one, or one that goes up and down the arm a bit more or something would be fine.

    Except that there is actually harm in that - harming people by encouraging them in future events to sit at their computer for 50 hours straight.

  7. You call this Co-op i call this "feeding" from event to event They - DEV team - are better and better, now we dont have individual runs for stupid kill.. but ... situation like that show that one of team can do nothing and get point for himself and for clan.. its feeding - ok DEVs maks small mistake.. and this "guy" run all the time with players who farmed corruptors and used it when This guy do NOTHING.. he could even be a ghost who just join mission when he's AFK.. even when he sleep.


    Another event show another problem what prob will be fixed on next event and prob. next event bring new problems, news what ppl will use to earn points.


    And i dont say "gg" for player like him.. why? because i know ppl who spend uninterrupted 14-15 sometimes 16 hours with clan mates to farm mats and get points... thats was something.. no sitting.. sleeping or whatevet he done in that time when other players make points for him.


    Why i have not so many points.. why i dont try to be in top 100 like on other event.. because now i spend time with family and enjoy the nice warm weather what i have on weekend.

    Then why are you complaining? You got to enjoy the nice weather with your family, someone else spent 48 hours straight running the same Warframe mission over and over again. You both got what you wanted.

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