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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. I was planning on it, just wanted to make sure it was my card, any suggestions was thinking of the geforce gtx670

    If you're spending that much on a GPU I assume you'll be playing other games with it - in which case getting an Nvidia card would be a mistake. Both major consoles are switching to AMD graphics, which means for the next 3-6 years most if not all AAA titles will be optimized for AMD rather than Nvidia.

  2. Mine is basically the same as yours. I go with Streamline rather than Stretch, because Link has pretty decent range to begin with and I mostly use shotguns when soloing. In teams I use Redirection because you can get knocked down and DPS'd really hard in high level defense, and I drop Streamline and do pretty okay, but having both Streamline and Flow is pretty great solo. 

  3. Ew, no. The whole point of the event is communication and I think you missed it. It's not hard to form a group and each bring a required item. I'd like to see Warframe move more in this direction, and require more complex coordination, not less. Clear room, clear room, clear room, do cipher, clear room, evacuate is a boring pattern that requires no teamwork whatsoever - you might as well be playing solo.


    If communicating a single word is too much for you than maybe you should look into a single player game, or just play solo.

  4. Really? Get in a small room with 5 eviscerators, then again with 5 shot gunners. Then tell me which kills you faster.

    Eviscerators for sure. Shotgunners have to go through your shields, at least, and they don't get that nasty ricochet.

  5. What's the big deal? 248 points means you get 4 of the 5 mods...





    i have a life and i was quite busy this weekend, but i managed to get 590 points



    With only 4 hours and i didnt play on saturday

    You should probably stop telling everyone about how busy a life you lead on this topic, otherwise people might think that you don't have a life and aren't busy.

  6. I don't ever recall anyone saying it wasn't. The difference between damage per pellets to damage per bullets is important because this is the primary reason the Shotgun damage booster mod only goes up to 90% as opposed to 165% like Serration. This single distinction is the entire difference between using a Rifle and using a Shotgun. The damage is non issue, it's how the weapon DEALS damage that is the important factor.


    You just did. You're implying that there is a difference between +90% to a bunch of pellets and +90% to a single rifle bullet, and that that is why Serration goes higher than Point Blank. As I said, though, +% is the same whether it is applied to a dozen pellets or a single bullet: it raises damage by that percent (assuming you hit with ALL the pellets).

  7. The reload speed is too high. It puts the revolver far and away over all of the heavy pistols in the game, dps and sustained dps-wise. Upset that you didn't get the Lato Vandal? Well, you don't need it: This gun is straight-up more powerful with almost no drawbacks.

    Except that every pistol is viable in early-mid game, and nearly every pistol (including Vasto) is terrible in end-game.

  8. I've been wondering this myself. Along with their distinct lack of armor piercing, this makes shotguns lag even further behind.


    And for all the extremely mathematically challenged people out there - +90% to each pellet is the same as +90% to one slug. Compare a rifle firing a 250 damage shot versus a shotgun firing 5 50 damage pellets:


    250 * 1 = 250

    50 * 5 = 250


    Add the 90% damage and:


    250 * 1.9 * 1 = 475

    (50 * 1.9) * 5 = 475


    It's the distributive property, people. Diophantus wept.

  9. Some will be new players, who won't be able to get the 500 polymer bundles for their Chronus because some veterans didn't take out Europa's ship.



    When the example you base your argument on involves new players farming for Polymer Bundles on Europa, I kind of have to wonder if you've ever actually played this game before.

  10. If you like shotguns at all, go with Sobek. It crushes everything pre T3 with minimal mods. I like it better unforma'd than I like my Forma'd shotguns. 


    The current state of the end-game (high level endless defense and T3) favors weapons that ignore armor, and of these the Boltor is arguably the easiest to acquire and use. 


    And finally, the Snipetron Vandal is a fairly viable weapon with decent (AP) damage. Out of all the weapons I've tried, my favorite is Sobek: it works especially well if you play a Banshee, because immobilizing things and doing 650% of the already massive base damage means that whether they have armor or not doesn't matter too much.

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