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  1. Hello! I think there might be something wrong with the drop rate gyromag and maybe the atmo systems when doing the three intermediary Profit Taker Orb bounties through Vox Solaris in the Orb Valis on Venus. I thought I was just having bad luck with the drops. But after running the first mission over a dozen times (36+ chances to get the drop, which is listed as common) I've got nothing and can't rank up. If the gyromag or atmo system is just very rare that's fine, but then wouldn't it be a bug that it's not listed as a gold drop? Started looking around and I found a thread of a guy who spent 120 hours trying to get the drop and couldn't. Some people claim it's got a 25% drop rate. I know RNG is what it is and it's not impossible to simply fail a 1/4 roll over and over again. However, I think it's worth a look to make sure everything's in order and that there isn't an edge case that prevents the drop for certain accounts. Link to the 120 hour forum post follows: Truth be told I feel a little self-conscious posting this. But I'm just worried there's an actual problem and I'm not the only one fishing 4 manifests over and over, confused and disappointed after every rotation, wishing I could level up my Vox. Anyway, thank you for your time.
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