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Posts posted by Shifa

  1. This is just awesome :D MOAR!

    If I can fix my chair, sure. xD No really, somehow I tilted my compy chair all the way back and it's stuck like that. eh? *tinkers with it more seeing as I managed to get it stuck doing the same thing*

    Well, I any case, I'm typing the next one as I post this.

  2. TY! ^_^ I'm glad you like it


    hmmm, do you mean my own interpretation of nova? Or a drawing of nova, either just art or in some sort of setting ^_^

    Your interpretation of her would be great. ^^ If you can take some time with the other warframes, that will double the happiness. I want to see mort of your art style. ^^

  3. Lotus watches our dreams! @o@ Then she must know about that time when I went to sleep and had a dream about... Oh shoot now I know I'm in trouble!


    In other news that sensei seems like an epic bada... cool guy, ya that's what I meant! (Kids could be reading this after all!)


    He is, and he's also a Warframe concept I'm trying to flesh out. I made a board, but I have no idea if it still stands... Hm... I'll repost my thoughts on this here...


    (From myself from a recent post in Bloodrapter's Anubis concept thread)

    As for the earth one... Maybe it could have been crystal based and utilized metals already present within the structure of the ship and chemical cataylst and/or solvent circulating within the systems to accelerate crystal growth, and high pressure, high heat maintained within the arms and feet to allow for such reactions? It may be a feasible but highly difficult thing to obtain within a frame... But isn't this supposed to be the future? The technology to artificially grow crystals at accelerated rates may have been obtained by the Corpus. If we think of piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity that is possible with quartz and tourmaline, and that quartz is currently used in common place devices in various applications, there may be a possibly for this. Diamond can be easily made from carbon in the environment (i.e.- fresh corpses), but it requires high heat and pressure to do so. It could work as an armor for this crystal frame.

    This thought trail falls into my own Warframe idea I'm trying to flesh out with this concept in mind.

  4. *reads through the pages int this forums that catch my attention*

    Points I'd like to ask about:

    Have you considered Native American, African, Roman, Greek, Arabian, and other cultures' myths as well? I personally would like to see your take on a Kachina based frame or some other part of mythology.


    As for the earth one... Maybe it could have been crystal based and utilized metals already present within the structure of the ship and chemical cataylst and/or solvent circulating within the systems to accelerate crystal growth, and high pressure, high heat maintained within the arms and feet to allow for such reactions? It may be a feasible but highly difficult thing to obtain within a frame... But isn't this suppose to be the future? The technology to artificially grow crystals at accelerated rates may have been obtained by the Corpus. If we think of piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity that is possible with quartz and tourmaline, and that quartz is currently used in common place devices in various applications, there may be a possibly for this. Diamond can be easily made from carbon in the environment (i.e.- fresh corpses), but it requires high heat and pressure to do so. It could work as an armor for this crystal frame.

    This thought trail falls into my own Warframe idea I'm trying to flesh out with this concept in mind.


    I love how sleek all of your artwork is, but also how well thought out your concepts are as well.

  5. Also, if some one makes me a wallpaper with this in it:


    *everything fades into a radiant white, with the crystals colliding with the antimatter in beautiful explosions of color gently fading into the white*


    In rainbow colors, you'll get a bonus cookie from me and a surprise bracelet that I'm working on. ^^~♥

  6. Since my warlord decided, that those are our clan's colours, I'm on it. Yet I haven't got a single BP in about a dozen runs. Nor did Raptor drop a Mod or anything else ...


    @Shifa: You could look up, if there are any stores selling Paysafecard near you and use that to charge your Steam wallet.

     When I get the money, it will be done. I have considered Gamestop. What's a paysafecard?


    Yay! I do need to get the color packs first though to find the right pink... Classic Saturated should have it.


    Yeah, I've been trying to do the same. Either you kite and shoot (near impossible in this game, it seems) or you duck and cover under a snow globe or nearby buildings. And then... "Where is eet? THERE'S NOTHIIINNGGG!? YOU BASTARD MACHINE, I WORK THIS HARD TO SLAUGHTER YOU AND I GET NOTHIINNNNGG?!" O^O# ...! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

    I have two clan mates who have it only because they bough it.

  7. I appreciate your idea, but could you please use punctuation? I'm not able to sift though all that very well, kid. :/ It feels like to me you're saying everything in one burst while gasping for breath.

    (I won't be surprised for down votes from the previous.)


    However, I have read most of it. HalotrooperX7 is somewhat correct on his guess. Maybe the name "specters" would work better. For the final special, maybe the name "Hex" would work better? The best names are short and sweet, and to the point, I think.

    I'd love a team invisibility cover, but maybe instead it should break for an individual once they attack. It would fade away on a five second timer after two people have broken it. Damage, however, should not be prevented. I know some don't want Loki and Ash to be rendered null-- but when stealth becomes viable, and there is no adjustment for other frames to do this, it may be helpful. For stealth kills to be viable, one needs to slip away into cover after wards, no?

  8. Nova, I still love you~♥! You're the best Warframe ever!

    Thank you Doozy for considering my idea for a character. ^^ That's what I was hoping for. Don't lose hope, Nova! There will be a guy that will love you for who you are and enjoy spending their life with you!

    (At least, I hope for that for myself.)


    Have we seen Vauban yet? Yui thinks he's like an Uncle. I think instead, he's a big brother type who is slightly annoying but always has your back. And he likes studying electronics. He is the engineer Warframe, after all. Maybe he's a guy who speaks less, acts more often because actions speak louder than words. He loves to mess with his "adopted" brothers and sisters, aka his close friends. So yeah, a prankster, but a warm-hearted one at that.

  9. (Another one for you to read. A story arc may be coming... No idea, as I write these as I think of things. There's something hanging in Chiron's dreams...)


    /-user-Chiron, logged in/

    /scanning records, identifying bio signatures...Done!/

    /-user- identified as Nova/

    /Welcome, Sister Nova. What do you want to do?/

    /-user- Open///archives->journal.txt/

    /Retrieving file...Done!/

    /Tenno, I would like an explanation of how our systems were infected with an outdated CPU virus./

    /-user- I swear I won't do it again!/

    /That does not qualify as a proper response./

    /-user- Fine... I hacked an abandoned server from the ancient Information era, circa 2009, that stored old texts for entertainment purposes./

    /This is your first warning, Sister Nova. I do not wish to reprimand you for such trivial actions again-- I will have Brother Excalibur decide on your--/

    /-user- Reward?/

    /-- Punishment. Why do you feel the need to record such useless information, child?!/

    /-user- I told you to pay no mind. >:( I will visit with Brother Excalibur in due time and pay my respects to you, Lotus./

    /I hope you will follow through with your words./


    Day 14 awake~♥


    I gotta haul &#! again... (Tomorrow anyway, it's late.) Lotus is &!$$ed over a minor virus that the Clan Master had no problem to fix and did slight collateral damage to my own files. All it was some hentai... I mean... I gotta vent ya, know! *O.O* Besides, we all know here that the guys use the communication channels for lewd pics. Ahem.

    I s'pose we're all wondering who else I met, right? Well, it turns out that that Saryn had her paint redone to the bright purple on her chassis, and she's married to a metallic black Loki who loves blasting Grineer brains out with his Snipetron Vandal. “Drop a decoy and laugh hysterically as all the enemies run after it.” Direct quote from him. He's a cool guy too.

    Sister Banshee and Sister Mag have gone on runs with him. Oh, those two are friends I've made. This Mag is pink and gray from the standard colors like me. And the Banshee is that same pink with blue and yellow. The Banshee is my bunk mate who reads late at night like I do. She's older and wiser than me. But she needs to be revived often in combat. Black Loki calls that warframe “squishy.” Does that mean she's a soft, huggable person? 'Cuz she seems more like a level headed, laid back bookie than a plushie.

    The Mag on the other hand is lazy and clueless... Very spacey. She likes crushing things and slashing away with her Dual Ethers and also playing fantasy adventure games. She's been around for a while, but while being a sage, she knows that the Red Helper Mag I first met is much stronger than her and higher up in rank.

    So I guess they're my friends. Ther'es also a green Rhino I met on my last mission with Mrs. Saryn; he's straight forward and a hard worker. He doesn't seem interested in much else than having fun on a run. Rhino Charge! Yeah! Very cool! …

    But I can't get this stupid troll out of my head. He's a meanie! This one is a Loki. Sister (Laze) Mag said he has teleported her off of cliff sides before. Sister (Maenadae) Banshee said he leaves people behind and steals kills. … I haven't run into him yet, but I don't plan on letting him pull me everywhere.


    As for my latest experiment, I have been going on an interest of mine and trying to calculate a drop table for different orbs from lockers, “treasure chests”, and barrels. As they are common, I believe if I open so many of each category, I can calculate the odds... Wow... That seems boring already... That will kill the fun of treasure hunting! I'm scrapping this! … I really need to not think too heavily about my thesis’s.

    There's nothing that great to poke here. I can't examine any of the corpses I obliterate, the goop that's left behind by Saryn's Miasma, or tinker with a Corpus Shield Osprey or Grineer Rollerball to put that tech into use. Lotus just wants me to kill things... Which I can do, but alone, it's boring.

    I would love to study the proxies and informer drones and the previous things I mentioned for new weapons and Sentinel pets. I guess that's why I'm hoarding FEILDRON and Mutagen samples and Detonite Amuples.


    My mind is feeling foggy again... It must be time to nap and dream more... Maybe... I can find out who my Sensei was this time-- No! Shake it off! Pay no mind to it! Damned cryo-nesia is turning into an eternal dream sometimes when I'm awake. Where is home really? I've not once seen the civillians and council representatives we are supposed to be working for. I know Sister Laze said not to question it for my own safety, while Sister Maenadae continues watching SSNN for clues about what we are fighting for. My bunkmate questions everything... Ah, the fogisgettingworse....


    /boot recon in journal.txt/

    /-user- is now unconsious./

    /recording -user- neural interface. Begin REM analyzation./

    (Sensei, why am I being sealed away when I can continue fighting?!

    *A male Warframe with reflective gemstones circling around him like Nova's antimatter and crystal armor gleaming in the Palace's artificial sunlight begins to speak, but the words are faint and not well understood in this dream. His frame is highly metallic and catches even the faintest glints of light.* …

    /analyzing Waframe from memory...incomplete->insufficient data on subject./

    I can master the Grand Forge someday if given the chance!

    *he covers his heart and hangs his head low in sorrow, with the crystals changing to blue to match his sadness... there seems to be a feeling of lost hope in her heart at this point*

    Sensei, you're going to be sealed away too? You're only four years older than me. You promised that this war would end. You told me not to lose hope, we fought together, we trained together, you cheered me on and made me happy when I fought! I never hurt when I was with you!

    *He rights his posture and regains his confidence for her sake. He begins walking towards the entrance to the Grand Forge, while she hesitates*

    Sensei-- No, my best friend-- What if we never wake up, or we never see each other again?

    *she begins to follow him closely, and runs to catch up to his stride. Several flights of stairs are descended before reaching the elevator to the Inner Sanctum. The crystals shift through an array of colors as he thinks, all of them remaining in the green/ blue spectrum before settling on a vibrant cerulean. Silence follows until the reach they cryopods with researchers and scientists waiting on stand by. He turns to her and begins speaking again, this time it seems more audible and clearer than everything else*


    I will see you again. If I never come back, you are to continue searching for a weapon to destroy the Sentience completely-- one that destroys their mind after the body is obliterated as a whole. Don't lose hope, my friend.

    /taking note of intention from memory. What could this possibly be? How could this immature girl be capable of knowing of the Grand Forge, or of such beings from the old war after only a week awake? We must be more silent and not question this Sister further of her actions./

    I know how you can be wrong most of the time, but I will try my best to hold on to this important memory.)

    *everything fades into a radiant white, with the crystals colliding with the antimatter in beautiful explosions of color gently fading into the white*

    (I should have told him that I loved him before they closed the hatch-- Could he be one of the ones that were rescued..? It's gotta be a dream, because I can't imagine that the Sentience was real... Damned cryo-nesia. Everything when I'm not focused or happy and hopeful is a blur; everything that hurts me makes me want to run back... into... his arms...)


    /-user- session has timed out./

    /Document has been saved as per request of -user-/

    /Archives saved./

    /Shutting down recording and saving in priority observation files./

    /This child... Has someone who may be valuable. We must continue to observe this initiate./

  10. (Eh, I'm going to post a new one. ^^ The excitement is killing me. I'll write another one after this.

    I'm hoping to post, then write in a cycle.)


    /-user-Chiron, logged in/

    /scanning records, identifying bio signatures...Done!/

    /-user- identified as Nova/

    /Welcome, Sister Nova. What do you want to do?/

    /-user- Open///archives->journal.txt/

    /Retrieving file...Done!/

    /I see that you have much to record, Tenno./

    /-user- Sure I do. I said in my previous journal that I would tell about my clan I joined at another time./

    /May I ask what this is for?/

    /-user- Personal use. Didn't I give a full report on my current research project, as well as complete several missions today?/


    /Then continue to disregard this document. It is of no use to you./

    /Your request shall be respected. Begin entry./


    Day 11 awake~~♥


    Chiron again~ What a week. I ended up finding out some really messed up crap. Along with that, I've been applying my research to various weapons in the Bio, Chem, and Energy labs. All boring stuff that leads to weapons I'm not even qualified to use yet. The clan leader seems impressed my work and all of the materials everyone is gathering for it. My clan is known as Devolutionary... Awesome name for a bunch of dumbasses who think it's funny to pick on me. If weapons and frames weren't disabled outside of the dueling hall, I swear...! Other than that, every one here is cool.


    This week I learned what the frames I had met were called. The goopy cat lady was a Saryn(and apparently she has biological warfare powers-- so cool!); the magnet lady was Mag (redundant? She's actually really patient and good at bad puns. I think we all roll our eyes when she does that.); the ice one (who is an annoyance) was a Frost Prime (what's the difference?! I don't see one!); and the disco ball one is Vauban (he looks so sleek in black, but why does he have to be a major pain in my &#!?!). I also met a green Rhino (he's really laid back and fun to work with-- we get the job done) and a black and red color schemed Ember (she kicks my can in the duels!). The leader is a minty green Excalibur who doesn't get to do so much while keeping the dojo running and repairing servers and such. There's really nice people here. So many I want to meet yet.

    Although... I was told to leave things vague about who I met, so I stopped caring about their actual names if they weren't important. Why remember anything else if it has no meaning? In war... I'd rather forget all the nasty things I run into.


    Speaking of that... The technocyte virus is... Repulsive but fascinating. And I had to kill those on Jupiter. I despise killing old brothers and sisters. Eh, it's a job, what do I care? It pays so I can get what I love the most: 22nd century manga and comics~♥

    Also, Those cereal box head Corpus I fought when I woke up don't seem too bad... But the stuff they do to my adoptive family... F*CK NO! F*CK YOU ALL! YOU HAD ME READY TO BE DISSECTED LIKE A FROG WHEN YOU FOUND ME! Ahem. Sorry... I don't like being treated as a lesser being. o.o;; That was on Europa. How did I get all the way over there?! Solar rails? I don't know, and will try not to worry about it.

    Another faction are these disturbing, degenerated guerrilla (or is it gorilla?) militants. I think they're all reject clones. The Grineer have no organization on the first glance. I could be wrong with the whole twin sisters and empire stuff. They seem to hold the most ground and authority in the Sol system now.

    I can't wait to take my shiny Paris I built to impale all of the factions' corpses to the ship walls~♥ In fact, I just want to tag'n'nuke, tag'n'nuke~♥ Kill them 'till they die~♥ Explosions are truly fun. Who doesn't love pyrotechnics? Control freaks. That's who.


    What else is there in the dojo? There's the dueling hall, the random hallway names, the kneeling spots... Oh, there's the obstacle course. ^^ I tried that today and really sucked at it. It's been years since I've done this stuff, and I do remember it, but I haven't exactly been active, now have I? That will change soon when I finish the course for real.

    The parts I remember are the stupid running walls and the platform jump. The running walls have to be crossed by using your momentum and stamina to run the length distance of one wall, then change direction and scale up the next wall to reach the next check point. “Oh, I think I got it!” nope. I kept falling into the endless void until the Vauban pointed out where to go. And where to you go when you fall? Back to the last checkpoint pulled by strange force. (I may have to play with this more later...)

    The Platform Jump has multiple pillars moving side to side that you have to make your way across. I... had to leave for a mission before I completed it. And I got tired of falling into the deep, endless hooollle. Izabighhhhoolllle. I dun like dat hole! … Calm down, and use proper speech! You're not a kid anymore! (Sensei said when I woke up, I'd have to grow up quick... I was one of the later completed trainees they sealed away, after all. ...Cryo-nesia seems to be letting up some, or I'm dreaming again. I really wish I could be safe in the Grand Palace again...)


    As for the mission... I failed it, so I don't care about it. The Lotus already denied me a really cool helmet for that too, so it's better to forget about it (but I never will, grr!). Work is work, play is play. Maybe I'll finally figure out how to torrent this old 2d platformer build your own world game from the forgone era I mentioned earlier. Wait... Oh cool! There's another alert available! Time to make some extra cash~!



    /Archives saved./

    /signed off/

  11. Hmm... *watches the video*


    Hmm... In the worst case, it could be like The Organization from Claymore or Umbrella Corp.

    Best case scenario would turn out that we are protecting human civilians, and we put a stop to the Sentience for good.


    But until more lore is dropped, how will we know? We should be skeptical and question everything as Tenno as my Banshee would say.

    I kinda have different personalities picture for each Warframe that myself, my clan mates, people on the forums possess. So, within this, there will more than likely be more than one example of a Warframe character.

    I own a Mag and a Banshee atm. I'm waiting for Nova parts until drops improve for Raptor and common mats. So I'll just mess around when I play Warframe for now. ^^

  12. After I get some more practice at drawing these things ( they are pretty unlike anything else I have ever drawn ) I might consider taking some requests. :) I definitely need to get a feel for them first, though.


    Well, maybe when you're ready, I'd love for my Mag, Banshee, and (future) Nova to be drawn. I need to get some money for platinum to at least buy the classic color pack... Do you know what stores sell steam cards?

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