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Posts posted by Shifa

  1. ...You know what I find funny and somewhat horrifying.



    You picked up on the notion that none of the Tenno seem "Older" they all come off with a vibe of impressionable and that naïve trust... something you'd see in rookies or younger members. -Frost, Vauban and Saryn maybe... but not that much older then the rest- with how much the Lotus pretty much gets away with a take my word for it. Even if you don't see



    This gets really twisted if you think that most of the Grineer... aren't that old if their accelerated growth... meaning a good chunk of them are 2 month old toddlers mentality -and with how preschool the Grineer insults are-



    The little hearts is a nice touch.



    Will Chiron be doing the Haru Haru Yukai when the Grand hall is done?


    It does make sense... Chiron is Naive to a point.This will be explained as more story bits get dropped.


    Most of the Tenno have to be somewhat naive to trust someone they don't know. And not all could be young recruits, but might instead be in a position where they don't have much of a choice, or doing it simply for the money.


    To be honest, I knew that there is something behind the Lotus. I'd personally like to believe myself that she has our best interests for the Tenno and the Solar System at her heart. But if she turns up as a final boss, I might be sad, shocked, and in disbelief-- Much like Chiron would.


    As for the Grineer, I do believe they have to go through rigorous training for some time first. So they maybe be young, but at least they have the training to back it up, even if their formations are lacking.


    And thank you~♥ If you press alt+3 on the number pad, you can get them. xD


    What is the Haru Haru Yukai? I read manga and such, but I'm very under exposed to the media.

  2. Just drop an invite... I'll be farming Raptor for nova for a while till they fix it's drop directory since I'm just stocking up on rares at the moment. -get em while there hot!-



    Someone did suggest an after action report, I do plan on doing that. to give a breather for the characters -after I've nearly killed them, exhausted them and remind them of various failures... also Flash Osprey!-



    The Next "Arc"/Log will be much shorter since It's just gonna be an assassination mission, -well  structurally it looks short... but there shouldn't be two or three changes of scenery dammit!-  


    I want her soo bad, but I hate the drop rates and am disappointed. But I will keep trying! I just have to take a break every now and then from playing and mess around, or I get bored.

    I liked the longer one... It was an epic. A very good read. I love good stories, so I will keep reading as you write them. ^^

  3. Can't wait, great job thus far!

    Thanks! I think I'm going to get to typing the next one while I'm still motivated. Motivation is hard for me to come by.

    "Bursting forward, the great Nova renders the space around her into enmasse explosions! Her glossy armor reflects the shining light of her deeds, the purging of evil in the galaxy!" xD

  4. on the other side, doing stupid things dosnt mean that you're stupid


    sometimes you just wanna fck S#&$ up, and if you have fun to blow up stuff in your freetime why not doing it?


    you also can like to burn stuff, but be an volunteer fire-fighter


    Agreed. ^^ Why do you think she wants to know this stuff anyway? I mean, if she likes the arts and science as well as manga or graphic novels, you'd think she would have a natural curiosity of how things work. Especially her wonderful, glittering explosions. @w@

  5. Where did I save this archive again, Damned cryo-nesia!


    Oh, she'll remember that. xD If you notice, she only seems to pay attention to what's important to her. Everything else doesn't matter. You'll figure out soon that she has good but "selective" memory. xD

  6. I still don't have this frame, but I want her so much. I love her. Amidst my ventures the thread on Out of Frame by Doozy86 and reading Sol System Network News by FrostWolf, this idea came to mind. I have no idea how often I'll update... Maybe once a week? If you guys like this, hold me to it, maybe?

    I wanted to do a journal format with flow of thought being done. I want this to be taken lightly and hopefully get some laughs and such out of it, as well as other things. Maybe this is like slice of life for Warframe? No idea. ^^

    I'll put the days "awake" here as time goes on. And please, do give those guys a read, too.

  7. /Lotus Archives activating.../

    /Unknown initiate-- Name Entry: Chiron/

    /Warframe identified as Nova... Updating database...Done!/

    /Welcome to the Lotus, Sister Nova./

    /-user- Open///newarchive->journal.txt/

    /Starting new document- “journal.txt”/

    /Sister Nova, what are you doing?/

    /-user- Writing a journal. Please disregard this information and store it in my personal files./

    /Intention noted. Archive file moved to -user- database./

    /Begin entry./


    Day 4 awake~~♥

    So uhm... Hi. I'm Chiron. I just woke up a few... days ago? Blasted cryo-nesia is messing with my head. You'd think when they woke me up, they'd give me a decent breakfast, but no. There's no hospitality here at this “Lotus” place.

    Uhm-- So, from here on out, I'm going to be killing all who oppose the Lotus and going on a Grand Adventure! That's right, I'm a heroine! I make things explode with dark matter! Yeah!


    So... I'm going to record my progress here and hope that I can make new friends, do new tasks, and experiment with this world that I woke up to. I'm sure there's plenty to read in between the ciphers and all the chain reaction genocides I unleash. And there's treasure to be found too!~♥


    So where to go?


    Let me see... Why don't I start with when I woke up! Well, I met two nice Warframes when they woke me up. One had these cool grenades that zapped everyone getting too close to my cryopod. The other had coils on her arms and was blasting things away with her rifle. One more showed up later with a trail of goop behind her after an entire squad of corpus was taken down, and then there was this ice globe around us in some color that ice normally isn't. Then... I noticed where the cold was coming from in the center. Damn idiot can't place that thing right-- it was just barely covering the crypod! Anyways, he was black and neon yellow and looked like he had a thick coat on. And those three... The one with the goop was bright purple and black and had cat ears on her frame. She was hacking away with gigantic sword! It was HUGE! And the spiral arm one was bright red and kept recharging shields... and crushing things to bit with magnetic forces. (This type of Warframe seems familiar...)

    The one with the “disco ball” grenades motioned me to get moving and and handed me this Skana... (Ah the training blade... in all it's lameness... I wonder how I remember that?) And then he tells me to hold still. “What? Why do I hold still?” For him launch a bunch of those balls right on my &#!! Lightning bug butt. Thanks. >:( It turns out once I ran hacking an slashing into the crowd, these disco balls started doing some of the work for me. I think I love him now! He makes more things perish! Yay!


    We ran towards some exit point after the Lotus contacted my neural link telling me I'm safe-- and then the next squadron of robot box heads in radiation suits-- some with lazer rifles, some with proby prod sticks-- and chicken leg drones show up right as the disco balls run out of juice. Safe? HAH! Right. Then... Suddenly.. A BARREL! YAY! BARRELS! Barrels mean treasure! I ran to it and smashed it open to get a white orb, a red orb, and blue orb. I took all three. Picking the shiny orbs up made them disappear though and go into my health, energy, and skill sets. I'm sad when my treasure turns out to be a one use only item.

    I finally start waking up more once I get the white one last. I realize that... this is war... And a slight faint memory comes up... That I had been sealed away because of a war... And I go cold again. I become emotionally sterile, and ready to fight for real. I stop slicing things up and gather up the energy I had collected, and tagging them with my favorite antimatter molecular explosives. One..two..three. BLAM. Big explosions everywhere that keep going.


    We kept going. I forgot about treasure after that. ;-; I kinda black out when I get serious in a fight. I know how to do it and all, but it hardly seems important if I'm not enjoying it. Sensei always said to fight for what you live for, with honor, duty, and hope. But I can't remember her face-- Was that real, or am I dreaming again? Damned cryo-nesia.

    When I finally get to the escape point, it's all over, and we're going to go to my new home. The grenade one seems to be laughing about something. Maybe it was the fact he and the freezing snow globe guy decided to take one of the elevators without me with the bonecrusher one. I had to fight off the stupid alien proddies and dodge lazer shots for a good minute or two! How rude! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE WITHOUT-- oh yeah, the magnet one waited for me and crushed them when the elevator came back. ^^;; Got on, kept going, everything was fine. Deaths galore.

    The grenade one said watch this and shot a different grenade right as I got to the entrance. Arrggh! I went flying! In the air! Wait... SUPERNOVA! I CAN NOW FLY! … Yeah! Nope. Three uses was all it had. The magnet one made a bad pun. I can't remember what it was. We get into the escape pods, and it was done. We're home now.


    I had to look everywhere just for a tablet to type this on. Oh, yeah, these guys invited me to their clan. It was cool. There was plenty of cool stuff to do... But I'll save that for another journal entry. There's some really old graphic archives that are begging me to read them. I should study, too. I may be a ditz on the inside, but I'm a quantum physicist on the outside that has work to do in between jobs. I have to keep training. Maybe one day Grand Master Honjo will be proven wrong and I'll be a great war hero someday. Again, why do I remember these things?! Damned cryo-nesia must not be that bad? No idea. Ooh! This one looks good!



    /signed off/



    She does that when treasure hunting in missions. She gets real joy out of her work. How does one pay for endless subscriptions for science and art magazines and graphic novel archives? Do missions and some experiments on the side for supplemental platinum. :3

    Also, I decided to do a journal like fan fic of this character I have in mind... I will be posting it shortly.

  9. FrostWolf, thank you so much for an awesome stories! I can't wait to read more. Will the other Warframes be showing up in other stories? Will an alliance form between the Lotus and the USSC? Could there be a story that features the Uruz that are still standing being awarded in a ceremony and returned safely to their families? There's more questions yet, but I haven't thought of them. xD I'd love to do a boss run with you sometime too. ^^


    Thank you very much for the editing ChillFactor. There are still one or two that slip through occasionally. Keep up the good work. My inner grammar nazi is more like the understanding English teacher: Yeah, she cringes at misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, and other common English problems, but she can tolerate them to understand the main point of the author and what is being said.

    I can even find typos in a published hard copy book. =.=;;

    (I make enough typos and butcher enough of my speech that this came to be.)

  10. I love her soo much! ♥♥♥ I might have to do mine (when I get it) in shadow gray with magenta now, and we need someone to do white with red. ^^

  11. Derpy, stupid, and absolutely out of this world! Perfect!


    Sorry missed this after anxiously waiting for updates.


    She's not really stupid. Just... Has a very short attention span and fidgets. A lot. She can focus at work since she has to contain anti-matter, after all. Now that I've seen Nova in action, I MUST HAS THAT FRAME! I can picture her having a "blast" at work watching everything explode like that. "OH, LUK EET! Seehowprettydatenergyglowsamidstthechainreaction?! Tag, an' nuke, tag an' nuke~♥ Kill them 'till they die~♥"

    I mean, for crying out loud, if she plays with antimatter, she has to understand quantum physics to a high degree to make the frame work.

  12. I can't get over the part that the Grineer was actually standing still, trying to figure out how to activate the darn alert for 10 fricken seconds! XD


    anyway, feeling productive today!





                                                                                                                                         ^ All them fashion comments...


    I suppose it works? ... OW. legs...are..cramping. >.<;;


    RAINBOOWWW! *spazzes* Dammet, must have rainbow energy nao for color pick! *squee!* I luff rainbows! And color!

  13. Alright alright. I'll give it a shot :3


    New day! (1 day late T_T)

    Day 14: 『Secret Cache』


    That's where the Lotus Grineer's been hiding those Snipetron Vandals!!!

    Thankies. I can't wait to see them! ♥

    Also, sound effects!

    Auhmmmm-mmaaah-mmm... --> Bwuuueeeeaaah! -nict, nict- *tosses to side to massive crowd*

  14. Doesn't yui already do chibi personalized frames :O She can do it about 100x better than I'll ever be able to :X

    But I already have a water bucket on Ember idea. Will work on it after this current one, which is taking FOREVER. FOREVER.



    I know Yui does, but I'd like to see your take on it. I have a friend on an art site that does $5 commissions using MS Paint. I'm not saying to do a personalized one-- I want to see how the Chibi Lotus interacts with them. ♥ Just do what you can.

  15. I'm happy with my new shiny guns (toys) to play with, DE. A Snipetron Blueprint and a Vandal version of it. ♥ Thanks to these, I can work on my mastery rank more since I'm just a rank 3.

    I stopped at 52 kills-- I'm more concerned about playing this game to relax and have fun.

    Although, DE, would you consider redoing the clan tiers? Other than that, thank you for this event. I've heard about how good the snipetron is and now I get to try it. ♥


    I hope to see the game change and grow in the future.

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