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  1. 11 minutes ago, Spudnikuno said:

    Kitty! :3

    Also, can't get in game rn, how stable are things looking?

    Took ages to log in, but it seems to be relatively stable at the moment. Changing loadouts and end of mission rewards work fine for me so far, it's just chat that's disappeared.

  2. 21 minutes ago, MushMash said:

    Lol hey Everyone, i've seen you in region chat lots of times. Anyways it's my first suspension in this game so is there really a reason to get worried?

    Not really any reason no. I've had my share of 24 hour and week long bans over silly things in chat, and haven't had to deal with permanent bans. Besides, if not being able to chat is a real bother, you could take a break over Christmas, speak to family, realise there's an outside world, that sort of thing. :P

  3. 4 minutes ago, MushMash said:

    Well I've been suspended for 2-3 days now and this is my first suspension from chat ever. Isn't it supposed to go away in 24 hours?

    If you're unlucky it can go up to a week. If you're still banned after 7 days that's time to get really worried.

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