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Posts posted by Zamte

  1. Why was 250 too easy to get? I watched my guild leader grind it all out. Even participated some myself. It took around four hours to get to 250, including a few Xini runs for corruptors. That was with a coordinated clan group which worked together well, always had all three corruptors, and was running quickly.


    I personally ended up having to finish the next day, after most of my clan mates had done theirs. I was at 197 points. Finding random groups took time waiting in queues, I was forced to do higher tier planets because that's where all the ships were, and we often only got 3-5 points when a new group came together.


    I agree, if you did the event the first day with a clan group and perfect corruptor management, on mercury, saturn, or venus, then you probably finished it in an hour or two. That's because you're one shotting every single mob, rushing straight through the stage, and clearing runs in 3 minutes.


    On the contrary, in the higher planets you have to slowly fight your way up to the defense room. If you don't, all of the mobs you rushed past happily catch up to you in the defense area and you get slaughtered by 400 grineer. High level eviscerators can 2-3 shot people with 1k+ combined health. Without a frost for snowglobe, people were dropping a lot. Those 3 minute mercury rushes become 10-15 minute eris and pluto slogs. 10 points becomes 3 or 5. It gets much, much slower and more difficult.



    Aside from that, I agree on a lot of the rest. top 100 events seem pointless, especially when it's clear the same few clans are going to win every time. When you're looking at 1000+ member clans, it's no longer about individual contribution so much as it is activity ratios. A clan with 2,000 members where 90% of the players are active and get 250 is going to beat a clan with 2,000 where only 40% are active, and farming hard.

  2. yeah they should have been honorable and avoided picking up any crafting material drops


    Didn't suggest anybody avoid picking up drops, but if you mean to suggest that there weren't a great number of people spending those days farming the hell out of control modules, neurodes, orokin cells, and morphics, then I think you're deluding yourself. 


    Regardless of intention or fault, they cannot now balance with the expectation that everyone has hundreds of every rare material.

  3. 1 morphics? I ran the alert and got 2 morphics.


    Same here, though one of them might have been from drops. I didn't notice getting one as a drop, but we did pick up a few resources.


    Gotta keep in mind too guys that it's not all about you. A guaranteed morphic to a player who's only been playing a day or two might be a really big deal. Especially with some of the better weapons requiring 5+ of them.

  4. How has it got hard? No map.. oh no now I can not rush threw mission in 1min, no energy.. not like I ever had to use it since all you doing is just rushing past mobs to get mission done, sure I can slow down and kill them but there is no challenge as there HP is not high enough to make it worthy of trying, no shield... Never had to use redirection in the first place, now even more reason not to use it.


    I guess I could make a video of an unmodded loki beating nightmare, but I sure that wont change anything, I bet they would then want me to do it blind folded as well.


    An unmodded loki beating nightmare. Yeah, sure.


    Maybe if you want a challenge you should actually fight instead of running. Sure, an unmodded Loki can beat any mission in the game, if it can manage not to take a hit, and so long as it's not assassinate, exterminate, or defense. Hate to break it to you, but that's never going to be a challenge. If you want a challenge, try actually playing.


    It's getting really old hearing people whine and complain about difficult in a game that every indication points to being a fast paced spectacle action game. The point is to go fast, do cool stuff, and shoot all of the things. If what you're after is some sort of brutally punishing game where you have to micro-manage every little detail, and basically exploit mechanics to manage to win, this isn't ever going to be the game for you.

  5. I used shocking touch early on because when you're just starting out, it's nice to be able to stun things with your melee. It was quickly replaced though and I only use it now in upgraded weapons when I have no better alternative. It really needs to be buffed to at least 10%, maybe 15%.


    Melee weapons require you to get close to use them. You should be rewarded for that risk with bonecrushing power. Instead you do less damage to the enemies than you would by shooting them from across the room, in most cases.

     Nah. 10 Meters was how it was way back in the day. You were able to fire straight through most walls. That is why they nerfed it.


    Being able to shoot through things with a piercing mod? How absurd.


    I understand they don't want you able to pierce 40 enemies or anything, but the current mod costs a fortune in mod power to pierce a few pieces of notebook paper.



    It's almost as if, and this might be a stretch, but... people are individuals and not part of some nebulous concept of community.


    OTHER people complained about that. They are not the same people complaining now. There may well be a few people who regret their opinions before, but for the most part they are different people.


    There should NOT be a penalty. Period. If they want to reward or not reward people, then they need to have individual challenges and individual rewards, along with unrelated community goals with community rewards. Reward people for doing the minimum, reward everyone for working together to accomplish more. Do not punish some for the actions or inactions of others.

  7. Said it in the official thread and I'll say it here to. Finally a penalty for failure rather than empty "threats" of bad things happening.


    Several weeks in real time might be a bit excessive but at least a week I think is fine.


    It's a video game. As the poster above you said, you don't punish people for not playing, you reward them for playing.


    The failure state should always be "You don't get the things". Dropping the resource rates for multiple weeks after the event punishes existing players who worked their asses off during the event, and it punishes people who barely played during the event. However it also punishes new players who couldn't have contributed, as well as people who were unable to play during that time.


    Games are supposed to be fun. Being punished isn't fun. You go up from the baseline, not down. You definitely don't go down when we're already below the baseline due to bugs.

  8. If they DID double resources because we won, we'd only be back to where we started. They've been lower as far as I and everyone I've talked to can tell since they fixed the bug making rare resources drop like candy.


    Plastids are rare as hell, most rare resources are next to impossible to get from anywhere but bosses. It really bothers me that they're willing to nerf them after they're already broken.

  9. It's sniper specific, which makes it pretty meh overall. It's really nice for people who do want to use sniper weapons but isn't going to be of much use at all to the general populace who avoid them.



    I do wish the energy costs were brought into line. Charged should either cost less because it's weaker, or cost the same. Costing more for less than half the benefit is kind of painful.

  10. I've been playing since Update 8 went live almost nonstop. In that time I've gotten two furis blueprints, a gorgon blueprint, one forma, a banshee BP (the one you can buy), and two 20% off plat coupons. The other 50 or so days have been exp or credits.


    I like that the daily login exists, and I'm grateful for whatever I get. I just wish it wasn't such a small chance to be something worthwhile at all. Making the exp boosts into useable items we could apply when we want would help a lot.

  11. Now that auras are changed, my only issue is the fact that nightmare mode missions are in my way. I have several missions I used to solo for various purposes, from leveling new items to collecting specific resources, and now they seem to always be nightmare mode. I'm not soloing that.

  12. I'd prefer a real challenge mode. Nightmare mode is off in all missions by default. Once you've beat every stage in the planet, you unlock the ability to turn nightmare mode on by selecting restrictions. Each one added would have a weight, and would raise the levels of enemies, debuff you, but also increase the rewards.


    A "pick your poison" mode, so to speak. Allowing you to take an easy challenge for a slight boost to rewards, or to pile on all of the toughest stuff for high risk, high reward play.

  13. Yeah, guess you guys are right; I simply won't make the same mistake again, i better get back to only buying 'normal' games... my first experience paying in a f2p game was a mistake.


    I didn't know f2p games 'packs' could get into the sale, and all that wouldn't affect me if the plat value wasn't so overpriced (thats tottaly DE side); those things just stacked with eachother and made me feel ripped off.


    I have almost 200 games on steam(most bought when i had a job) and ive missed sales before, and never felt that way before. If you put on a balance what would cost to have 'full access right away' to warframe with any tripple A... it is overpriced, and im sure DE could know if their game would go on sale or not (only not when).


    Either way im on customer side here(at last, im tired of being at the other side) and the matter is that they released an update, new products flashed on the market just to soon after do what felt like a slap to the face because i bought them right on. Its different when a 'game' released for quite sometime goes on sale, if you missed the sale thats all your fault. Were talking f2p here and about digital goods; Characters, guns and whatnot are new products released.

    Ive worked on retail before and one thing you don't want and must avoid is making customers feel ripped off unjustly, so you don't lose them. Im almost lost here, i doubt i will spend on warframe again.

    And Rengakun, i do live in a third world country with $%#@ economy.


    I'm not sure if they have before. I didn't see any during the christmas sale at least. This was a community pick, and the other two options were also F2P games. I imagine they felt that a F2P game pack couldn't "win" if it was up against full game purchases, so they enforced this community pick to be for a game pack.


    To be fair though, this is really cool for free to play game players. It means games through steam can still have discounts, and that it might be possible to get really good deals on games which traditionally have rigid pricing.



    Also, you could make this a slight positive. If you buy a second pack for $10 right now, then you've gotten two packs for the cost of 1.25. That averages out to a discount of slightly under 50%. It's not quite the 75% if you'd waited, but you can totally still take advantage of the sale.

  14. I will pass going there.  The Steam DRM is too much for me and the carrot is not enough for the stick attached.


    What DRM? You download steam, download warframe, buy the pack, log in once to activate it on the account, then uninstall and go back to playing how you were.


    I totally get where you're coming from for normal games and steam purchases, but there isn't really a downside to this deal.

  15. Why not have a console in the clan hall/great hall/etc that allows you to upgrade your clan size? Is there a reason you need a room attached to it? The UI can just operate like weapons research...


    This is what I was thinking.


    Make a string of research in the oracle. Each one moves you up to the next clan tier, and also unlocks access to building the room for the one after it. Tiering access to the buildings ensures nobody can just spam them all up and then upgrade for cheap, and this allows people to build halls and things without it upgrading them. They would have to do it when they are explicitly ready by starting research. Giving it a research time would even allow them to cancel the upgrade if they change their mind.

  16. The downside to them being levelable should have been that the only way to level them is with duplicates. That'd mean to get each to level 5 would require 64 copies of the aura. That's plenty when you can only get them from random missions and none are likely to show up even twice in the same day. Two months (minimum) of time to max out an aura card which is otherwise free of mod cost would have been fine.


    Instead we now all have to forma a slot, level a new mod to 5, and fit a bunch more points into our warframe builds to get the same benefits we used to have for free.

  17. When it was first announced, we had threads about it. It was going to suck if they gave them mod costs. Not only do they give them mod costs, but they also give them normal polarities. So now first I have to squeeze some more mod power out of my existing volt build, but due to it being an offensive slot, I now have to pay extra to use enemy radar or pistol scavenger. In fact, the only "auras" I have that I can use with an offensive polarity (and matching it) are rifle amp and steel charge, both things I don't need.

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