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Posts posted by Zamte

  1. You mean like how serration works with damage mods ?


    That's not the same thing.


    Elemental mods do a percentage of the weapon's native damage type. Serration and similar mods raise the native damage type. They both modify stats of the weapons, and because it's multiplicative, the effects stack multiplicatively.


    This is a mod that is explicitly modifying another mod, not weapon stats. It would do nothing without Thunderbolt.

  2. What you do is possible and fine, but I still think it has a lot to do with the fact that you're doing it with Nova. Trying to do the same with something like Volt would be a lot more difficult.


    That said, while you have every right to do what you want, it does go against the game concept. You're intentionally avoiding leveling up.


    I agree that nobody should be treated like a newbie because of their mastery rank. I have a friend who found the stuff he wants at mastery 3, and hasn't leveled anything else since. He's not a bad player, and he has strong weapons and good frames. However in this game people have no real way of sizing up your capability other than looking at your equipment choices or your mastery level.


    People are going to see your equipment, and if it's questionable they're going to look at your mastery rank. If you're using "weird" weapons but you're a high mastery, they will likely assume you're ranking new gear for mastery, but that you know what you're doing because they know you're an experienced player. I'm sure if you had done this with nova, boltor, kunai or hikou, and orthos, nobody would question you even if you were only mastery 1.

  3. None of the survival missions can drop exterminate keys at all, unless they added them somewhere in the last hotfix. Corpus drops survival and capture, grineer drops survival and defense, and infested drops survival and mobile defense, as of 10.1.0.


    If they fixed it, that's awesome, though a 3% chance seems far too low, considering the other keys are basically 30%.

  4. soooo you'd rather be left without your only damaging AOE attack~?

    with a room full of party goer's that's ready to rape you~?

    well then your only choice is to Terrify them and pick them off while they're in their weakened state~


    You say it as if he was supposed to know that all of the enemies were going to be in one room. Hindsight is 20/20.

  5. Oh boy. Getting rid of RNG in an online PVE game. I love these ignorant posts.


    This is exactly the way of thinking that led them down this road to begin with.


    "Well, we can't make this type of game without screwing our players out of their time!"



    Here's the deal. You guys say the idea is that we work hard to get what we want. Trading would undermine this, you claim. We would just be able to get anything we want from friends. We wouldn't have to work for it, and it'd undermine the effort and dedication, and the rush of getting what we wanted.


    RNG does the same thing. The exact same thing. It takes the effort, time, and dedication we put in and tosses it on the gambling table before more than likely throwing it away and demanding we do it again. It spits in the face of the spirit of this game and the concept of earning your stuff even more so than trading. At least trading required somebody put in the effort to get whatever is being traded, so it may limit how much A person has to work, but the community as a whole still has to work. RNG throws away everyone's effort.


    If we can't have trading because it goes against the spirit of warframe as a game where you earn things, then RNG shouldn't be allowed either, because it goes against the spirit of the game by making our effort and investment mean nothing.


    I understand that mod drops need to be somewhat random. I actually like that. It's cool to never know what you're going to pick up, but the fact that those drop everywhere fairly frequently makes them feel much better. I also understand that you need to randomize some end mission rewards. I am fine with that. That's all the RNG you ought to need.

  6. Let us assume that the computer that is hosting the game is the seed number.

    Then seed x date/time = random number of something to drop.


    Therefore, there is a chance, that for a particular time of day, that one computer could have better/worse odds of dropping something than another computer.  Is there any way to know?  No, because it is random.  


    And you cannot use a slot machine analogy on this either, since by law, slot machines have to pay of some value of x per day/week/month/year/whatever, and there is nothing that alters the odds of RNG to make it give you slightly better odds over time.  It is completely random.  Sometimes you'll be lucky, sometimes not.  If you go into another person's online game, you're using their RNG, so if you're getting no drops on your solo play, you could try your luck online, though that time you are online could have been the time you would have gotten something on your computer and then OMG I've gone cross eyed.



    While it's true that RNG often uses computer time as a seed, the formulas used mean a roll made one millisecond after the last one could give you vastly different results. There's not really such a thing as a "slump", and you won't have low drops for a consecutive period of time. One millisecond could result in a roll of 0.375 and the next in 0.984. Any trend you may notice is entirely coincidence or weighting.

  7. In their defence though, of course they want to make money, they're a company and this is their job.


    People complain about money being their incentive when it's their job.


    No. Making money is a byproduct of the job. Very few people in the world have a job of making money, and most of them are bankers and stock brokers.


    Their job is making games. Too often in the free to play space (not saying DE here) they sabotage their game, intentionally fail at their job, in order to try to force people to spend money.


    If you do your job well, and make a good game, you don't have to sabotage it to get people to spend money. People will do it because they LIKE your game. Evidence exists in everything Valve does, the fact that there are people playing LoL with hundreds of dollars worth of completely cosmetic skins, etc.


    As for the OP, you can get a free weapon slot right now by doing the IAHGames promotion posted elsewhere in the forums, assuming you haven't already.

  8. I really hope they do something about this. The distribution of keys in survival has actually made EVERY OTHER key type highly accessible. You have a roughly 2/3 chance of getting a key as the reward for survival at any time. You can even decide when to leave, and which faction to play against to determine exactly what type and level of key you need. EXCEPT for Exterminate!


    I know Exterminate is the oldest void mission left, and it's probably the one most people have nothing to gain from. However there are still old players like myself who never did much void, as well as resetting players, and new players. DE we really need somewhere to (more) easily obtain exterminate keys.

  9. Neurodes drop like candy in Xini and Cyath - Eris


    There are always pugs doing those levels. I've stocked up around 40 casually playing.


    Really? Is this more recent? I've not done Xini in a while, but back when I was running it fairly regularly I was only getting neurodes like one run out of ten.

  10. People complain about CM drop rate, DE gives us higher drop rate. People proceed to complain about neurode and Orokin cell drop rates not being as astronomical (pun intended).


    Some people are never happy.


    Derelict drops both Neurodes and Orokin Cells, but they don't drop any more often there than in normal planets. Void rare materials seem much more common than in planets. I think the Derelict drop rates could be a little higher. Perhaps not quite as high as the void, but higher.

  11. http://physxinfo.com/wiki/NVIDIA_PhysX


    "In most cases, GPU PhysX effects are added over baseline (read: console) level of physics interactions in the game, defined by developers.

    • From hardware part, NVIDIA GeForce GPUs series 8xxx and higher are required to calculate such PhysX effects with decent framerate (CPU execution can also be enabled, but it is less effective)."

    there is nothing that cannot be cpu executed. it just might run like crap...

    at least in terms of physx...apex i'm not sure...


    cuda is a programming language and not some super special hardware thing amd does not have. they just name their processing cores differently as they obviously don't support cuda.

    they whole cuda thing is simply an artificial limitation, because nvidia didn't want to wait until opencl develops to a state where it is as easy to implement.

    "cuda cores" is just marketing to point that out...


    it would also be nice if you were less condescending...


    What you're saying is meaningless. A Playstation is a playstation too, and that can be forced to run on a PC CPU in the same way. It just takes a lot more power. You can run whatever you want on a CPU, but it requires extra layers of emulation. When it comes to complex graphics and physics, that's something modern CPUs can't really handle very easily.


    CUDA is not a programming language. It is an architecture for the GPUs made by Nvidia. It is the proverbial playstation in this example. PhysX and Nvidia GPUs are designed to work together. This makes them much more efficient because they don't have to emulate the architecture. AMD/ATI cannot use CUDA architecture without licensing it from Nvidia because it's patented technology. That means their GPUs would also have to emulate it, just like a CPU would.


    There's no law saying that you can't run PhysX without an Nvidia card, it's just difficult to do so. Depending on what effects are used, and on what scale, it may be simple, doable, or impossible.

  12. I don't care too much about exact chances. Even just a list of what comes from where along with "common", "uncommon", and "rare" would be fine.


    My main issue right now is, I don't know which keys I need, or where to get the keys now. I literally don't know where to start. Especially with defense missions bugged.

  13. Defense is a great way of getting keys, for defense. I wish they'd do other things for the others.


    Personally, I think the void should be a reward for doing well. They could even tie it into their "no-rushing" desires. Hide keys as rare drops in containers during capture, exterminate, mobile defense, etc missions for the key of the same type, tier depending on level. Maybe even change the lockers and boxes in the hidden rooms you have to parkour to so that only they can contain them if you like.


    I just feel like I should be able to say "I need a T3 exterminate key" and go to a specific place to find it. Even if it isn't a guarantee every run, I can run it until I get it. I've been missing just the combination BP for Frost Prime, for parts I have already built, for months now. When I tried to get keys from defense they always ended up being T2 raid, or rarely a T3, in capture or defense form.


    Here's the thing guys. RNG is good in some cases. It's not bad as a reward selector, it's not bad when trying to modify layouts, spawns, or similar things to keep the game fresh. However, many of us just want to be able to set ourselves upon a path and get what we want or need. I don't mind working for things, I mind gambling for things. I am happy to spend ten or even twenty hours unlocking something I find cool if I can just start down a path and work towards completion. I am willing to spend far fewer hours grinding away for dice rolls which may result in my time having meant nothing.

  14. It's not even just new players. I had a little over a million credits a few weeks ago. However I got the mastery ranks I needed for clan weapons. After making the torid, ogris, and flux rifle, a second sentinel since I wanted to try shade out, building a few frames, trying transmuting out a few times, and fusing a bunch of spare mods I had, I'm not down to like 60k credits. Now I'm struggling to make any more. Been doing derelict runs, but the keys cost a lot to make compared to the income from them now, and I'll need 100k just to combine nekros when I get all the parts, plus more to build the parts to start with. I was going to build carrier, but that's another 100k+ I don't have right now.


    I totally agree that getting the credits we got in the void was excessive for the costs we had. However changing both at the same time is causing a bit of a credit black hole for people who aren't still sitting on multiple million credit stockpiles.


    As for forma, the problem isn't that they're harder to get now, it's that they don't seem to exist. I've not heard of anybody in clan or on friends list getting one since update 10. I've not read about anybody on the forums or on reddit getting one either. They went from one of the most common drops from T2 void (as a recipe) to being essentially non-existent on the drop tables.

  15. He is a balanced Frame, like Excalibur. Too offensive for a -, too support-y for a V, too dead for a D.


    Also to stop people complaining about another v-pol.


    To be fair, nine out of thirteen aura mods are utility polarities, yet only like four frames have utility polarity on their slots. That seems like a really silly thing to do. I'd much rather they break away from the "roles" a bit and make it a little less lopsided.


    Offensive polarities on slots are the most common by a lot, and they're the rarest aura type. Of the 13 frames with polarities, there are only three defensive slots and four utility slots. So basically half of the frames with a polarity have the least common type.

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