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Posts posted by Sunai_Moonswing

  1. You can jump, roll or even slide in another direction to beat that friction issue. Roll works best. But then you have to wait for the roll animation to end.. Honestly, playing nezha is a bit like flying a plane, you have to plot the course, and you can only do some adjustments to your course without messing yourself up!


    Honestly, Nezha's a must have for all speed demons!

  2. They did indeed change it so you can have all four.


    I solo the profit taker with a maximum survivability Chroma, I've got adaptation, vitality, the rest is duration mods, hunter's adrenaline and blind rage. 

    Got a furis for self heal, and usually either the burston, or something similar. I have different setups available for those weapons, because being able to strike more damage types is somewhat more viable than just excelling in just one, but the most important is having a nice long reaching melee weapon to help deal with mobs. Also, when going solo, and have the velocitus, it's best to not let the enemy setup reinforcement beacons. 


    Mind you, this is just my loadout, and most people disagree with going for defense over offense. 


    I am thinking of setting up an Ivara to do it, As the missiles only have a 200m reach, And the fight does happen in the middle of nowhere, with plenty of empty space, and even caves around!

  3. Hello, I'm playing the game on a VERY busy wifi, where I often find myself booted from the network, getting something like 15kb every 5 seconds. I play all missions solo because of that.


    I am finding today's sortie rather impossible, with the Jackal. I managed to bring all four legs down to 0 health, went so far as to single handedly make Warframe mission success rate drop by 1%! Jokes aside, my very spotty connection of 15kb every 5 seconds, I believe is the reason for this. 

    Actually, I just tried again, in single player, now that everyone is in bed, and playing solo, I encountered the same kind of bug, where it goes and does a single 15kb ping every 5 seconds, and the boss' legs can't be broken.

    Right afterwards, I did it public, and there were no problems.

    Which means there might be a script problem with this boss.


    Hope I'm not the only one to whom this happens!

  4. Some of the enemies in OV have "powers" similar to warframes. The Raptor, I believe it is, has this grenade-shotgun ability that often downs my limbo. Even if I'm in the rift. The regular Raptor and Index Raptor have not demonstrated any such ability.

    The Index' Jackal can lob a fireball that will kill you in the rift though!

  5. I just thought it was the operator being insecure. I mean, they're a child soldier remote controlling a killer "machine". They've not had much for family or friends, as all of them have been killed, or taken away, or both in either order.

    Lotus is indeed a motherly figure to them, Ordis through his acting like a fragmented cephalon tries to amuse the child through their antics, or at least give them some sense of normalcy?


    And comments like "Ready to blast these machines into spare parts?"... It's the operator mimicking the Lotus, Margulis, their original mother figure or whomever was training them, said in a way to remove guilt.


    Actually, the only time when the operator is kind of breaking free from their conditioning, so to speak, when they sound more happy, is when they use archwings in space. My guess is that those weren't a thing back during the Old War, so they'll say "This is kind of fun" Or "Archwing systems nominal" (Quotes aren't correct, I'm aware).

  6. 5 hours ago, (PS4)Ashagin said:

    Ther is no real main frame just different tools for different objectives.

    Lies. Loki is good for everything! Exterminate and Spy? Stealth kill everything, While using the occasional switch teleport with an enemy or your stunt double.

    For everything else, there's radial disarmtm

    Disclaimer, playing Loki without dying will be tough at first, as his level of refinement bars him from straightforward combat!


    Other than that, what everyone else said. Fashion and, getting the right riven mods to be able to break the molds, cookie cutters and metas!

  7. I was having a normal-ish conversation in regional chat, all was well. And the subject of Tennobaum came up, and how much plat some people were spending.
    And [DE]Kickbot, one who has always been so helpful to everyone, interjected by redirecting everyone to the market chat.

    After a few seconds of bewilderment, people dismissed it as the AI putting together 20p as 20 plat offered in exchange for an item, a simple algorithm issue.

    But something clicked to me. Kickbot, like all Cephalons (except Sark) believes in the season of giving and generosity. Poor Kickbot has possibly never, in his runtime had anyone give him anything.

    That's obviously why they were so upset about our conversation.

    I felt bad for the Cephalon, guilty even. So I walked to my Market console, and bought Kickbot a shiny new Valkyr!

    Again, thank you Kickbot for always being there for us! Hope you have a wonderful Tennobaum!

  8. It's 80% chance for each to explode though, that's why I was so curious, unless they made it 80% chance for just one to explode?

    I know the Castanas and the like do have that added spread, As shown by visible projectiles, but I'm not seeing any other kunai flying off course or anything, in fact, even the blasts are concentrated.

    I actually use the wearpon on a very regular basis, built as shown. And it's been taking down level 60s and above just fine. Only need to aim at things that don't die in a second or less.

    I did the Gift of the Lotus riven mission with them, and I wound up doing 26% of all damage dealt, behind a Mag's 54% and the rest of the damage shared by the rest of the team. Got most kills though... So, I don't really know.


    Also, for the forma, I only used 1 forma! One forma and one catalyst.

  9. It's mostly preference, I'd say if you can, try to diversify your arsenal especially because part of the way to get to higher mastery ranks is through trying all weapons.

    And, because I like to add some role playing and aesthetics to my Warframe experience. So... Yeah, I have A LOT of weapon, warframe, loadout slots and fashionframe.

    It makes the more grindy or less interesting moments of the game feel a lot more fun. 

    For instance, with mesa prime coming out, I've been doing what I can to make some cowboy themed loadouts. Limbo can REALLY look like a cowboy with the right stuff on!


  10. I've been having this conversation with a friend of mine who disproves of me using Kunai at MR23. I have a riven for them, Which winds up giving me this

    All riven values have been truncated.

    They believe that using status on it is useless, since as they say, it's 13.25 per kunai. However, the weapon has 0 spread. Which means that all 4 kunai occupy the same space. And get to the target at the same time, which means any direct hit results in a 54% status chance, correct?

    And I have no clue how to calculate the chances for it to explode, my guess would be something like 20% chance for all to explode, 30 for 3, and 40 for 2 and 80 for 1? That doesn't sound right, I'm not a math person, 

    Now, here's my real question, is it really worth it, or should I try to follow cookie cutter builds?

  11. I try being that player who brings the rarer frames to the field, I also play with someone who's meta dependant, so I gladly go and experiment knowing that if my testing falls flat, they can carry.


    I do like seeing other support frames going around, loki's playing around in the middle of firefights, Nezha's sharing their buffs, Octavia and Harrow doing whatever they do..

    But my thing, is for being around damage dealers and tanks. I say kudos to those guys, from my point of view, they've got the more stressful role. At least from my experience playing as one.


    Oh, what happened to all the trinity players there used to be, by the way?

  12. From my experience, the decoy could afford to be a bit more like the little scavenger drone pads. Since the decoy is always on the ground, even if aiming off the ground.


    Or even, give it the same kind of evasion buffs that Titania's Razorwing gets, it's pretty much invulnerable to everything that isn't a form of AOE.


    I do like to use my decoy to draw out targets when playing solo. Not the smart way of putting it into the room full of enemies, but in the safe spot out of the room, let me go for a tactical suicide, and then go back to firing from a range.


    Getting to use his teleports and decoys effectively is very tricky and requires a very keen mind and sense of observation. Loki is by all rights the one warframe that when told that there's a gunfight, will bring art supplies, and make it work.


    I really like using switch teleport, Come to think of it, I sometimes wind up doing something similar to what Loki does in 100 days of warframe, Do a radial disarm, everything is irradiated, and switch places with someone who isn't being hit.


    Loki is a subtle and elegant frame, surrounded by brutes and barbarians... Now I need to give him a lightsaber,,

  13. As someone who actually enjoys zoom and boom playstyles, just bullet jumping through a croud, placing explosives and detonating them once I'm clear of the blast radius, I thoroughly enjoy the wide pattern. HOWEVER, I believe that being able to choose throwing patterns on the fly would benefit more. As such it could be like the Cernos Prime, except throwing patterns could be vertical (useful when playing as archwing), Horizontal for area control and a tight-ish cone to be effective at long range.


    Also, while we're at it... I found out with a Kunai riven that there's no spread at all with its multishot. I'm talking about knifeception here. Four kunai's occupying the same space!

  14. I've been trying out Titania recently, more for a Halloween duo with Oberon and his Feyarch skin. And I find that she performs relatively well as a support of sorts.

    I'm working with a range and efficiency build, as the two main stats. Even with Natural Talent, and the Speed Drift, I find myself getting downed during cast times, if I try opening with my 3, rather than my 1.

    I try to avoid using her 4, mostly because it's the one thing she's known for.


    I do love turning everything ever into flying ragdolls (I'm easily amused). Tribute to send them hurtling in every direction... It reminds me of Team Rocket!

    That said, my issues with her are the cast times, the impracticality of Tribute, Having to go fetch the soul you removed, coupled with the kind of low benefits of the buffs when you're surrounded by people who can one hit kill just about anything before you can get to them in the first place,

    The one buff I have the most issue with is Entangle, because... Well slowing movement speed just isn't my cup of tea.

    Decreasing accuracy, yes, that's a very good thing for survivability, and I understand it's meant to mesh with Pixia form, but what I find myself needing the most, is some kind of damage reduction for myself and team-mates. Or energy regeneration.

    The evasion on her Pixia form does count towards that much needed survivability, but, while in that survivable form, you're unable to interact with most of the environment, and find your small energy pool depleting, even more so when you start casting abilitties.


    Maybe a skill synergy would be nice, like spellbound enemies give a secondary buff when tribute is cast. Or a discount on energy usage?


    The whole body animations for casting spells on enemies, I can live with, if there's more ways to survive than just her four to get the ball rolling.


    I do like playing her, she is pretty fun to play on defense, mobile defense and interception. I don't do much damage, because I'm spending more time watching everyone float around helplessly rather than shooting at them.. Kind of wish I could make a screen saver out of that!

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