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Posts posted by MakeLuvNotWerFrame

  1. you're missing the bloody point mate, sure it's scanning and trimming old code, the point is that it's defragmenting an SSD when it does not need to and shouldn't be doing in the first place.

    what is so damn hard to understand here?

    a couple lines of code to the launcher renders this problem gone, for now and everyone else that adopts SSD's for their installs

    HELL even operating systems detect an SSD and refrain from defragmenting, I do not see how the hell anyone is defending something that is this asinine and none productive.

    1/2 an hour maybe to add in the code to the launcher then wait to deploy along with the next patch, is that just too damn much to ask for future-proofing the game on this aspect alone?

    once it's done it's done and won't be an issue anymore.

    spoiled morons that take for granted what they have and don't respect nor treasure it, only to become dismissive and wasteful when there is no reasonable justification for it

    so give me a damned good reason as to why, when you can forgo excessive writing to an SSD you'd rather keep things as they are and not make any improvements?

    because all I've read thus far is lazy dismissive replies fueled by ignorance and bias, it's disappointing, it's lazy, and people should strive to do better

  2. I cannot believe such an asinine counter argument was used when an individual is taking something seriously.

    NVME's since they access all chips and do so at their max rated speed as much as possible, spike hard in thermals when a long defrag occurs.
    this also impacts the chips life expectancy in a negative way, since not all m.2's have big mother-of-god heatsinks

    and lets not get into what tends to happen to SMC's that go through frequent heat spikes when coupled with poor quality of solder (X-box 360 RRoD anyone?)
    to be dismissive through ignorance is not something people should take pride in

  3. I use Samsung 960 1tb NVME for my game installs, BUT I've been taking note that when warframe goes and downloads ~1gb patches I'm forced to "Optimize" or endure that nagging prompt each and every time I load the launcher.

    My Problem is, it's a ~1+/- GB patch, Ok I get that. then why the hell does it involve writing 40 some GB's to my bloody NVME SSD?!?! IT DOES NOT ADD UP!

    how does 1-2 gb become 40? how and WHY is this happening, I do not want these needless writes which do literally nothing to improve performance and add wear on my drive

    why is there no support for those using SSD's when it comes to objectively forcing people to optimize on big patches?

    over 160 GB's written due to the last 4 big releases, ~10GB of patch/updates over the last year or so becomes 160GB's of SSD wear.

    something needs to be done. add another checkbox with a modified script to bypass (assuming it's) De-fragmentation of the folder's file structure. PLEASE

    For those not in the know, several SSD's keep track of how much data has been written to the drive, from the very first byte to just before it eventually dies.
    you can keep track of this number using various utilities like Crystal Disk info, data written is also an important factor if you need to claim and RMA under warranty, it's so many years from date of purchase OR data written.

  4. being honest with oneself,

    -because of over 5 years time invested

    -because it's a fairly mindless grind with nothing really taxing outside of patience. which is perfect for casual on/off play

    -because there really isn't much else out there that is free with this level of quality(granted still a work in progress) that doesn't reap ones wallet with micro transactions

    -because it's a great time waster/distraction that you can pull out and alt+F4 at any time should something come up irl with next to no loss, that or missing out on content/items

  5. take a minute and put yourself in the "Shoes" of the oroken and tenno child that would have to had this set-up and design for them.

    the warframe designers and makers dealing with a super powered brat that wanted to grow up to be a lion tamer, so the oroken used it

    most of t he stuff doesn't make actual sense but as far as lore goes it's not much of a stretch.

    as far as Ideas go, the hard unique directions have mostly been covered and now all that's left is tweaking and mixing the flavors/combinations

    then they'll be forced to address the bugs and mindless RNG grind onto of RNG grind that is just filler and puts people off from continuing to play thus requiring cheap tricks to trick people into coming back to the fold (which isn't as effective now as it was in the past)

  6. When running a murder build that clears whole rooms I will seldomly ask if those in squad wishes for me to hold back a bit.

    otherwise until someone speaks up politely I'd just go about doing what killers do best.


    I can only see a problem when, if you ask kindly and they don't at least make an effort to work as a team then yeah, they're being a tad $&*^ish and you're better off finding a different squad/mission


    but it's just as well to be passive aggressive and not say anything only to come onto the forums and spew BS without trying to work things through when they happen like mature individuals.

    do not bark orders just express your wishes to play more inclusively, if they don't heed your wishes then it's not the group for you.


    on the other end of the spectrum there are those that love to just sit and leech shared xp, less effort overall but it doesn't sit well for those that play warframe for entertainment purposes, I've observed that nearly all complaints stem from players with opposing desires/goals.


    if leveling the most efficiently is your goal then it'll be left without entertainment and if you're looking to play in an entertaining fashion then it's not going to be the most efficient.


    not everyone is going towards the same goal and thus someone is going to feel slighted and complain.

  7. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Spartan Roks said:

    Hmm, that does seem to make sense, however I must ask, could you explain hydroid's abilities? I just can't wrap my head around him being able to sink into a puddle on solid steel and sometimes into thin air and then reappear like nothing happened. Also how exactly is he able to summon a random tentacle monster sideways, upside down, etc. on solid steel? Last time I checked Nova was the wormhole warframe.

    I wouldn't be surprised if hydroid used a sort of 4th dimensional space shift. like into void space but where space itself has a different density and volume, think TARDIS


    it's still there but appears only as a puddle from the outside.

  8. In regards to warframes and the need for oxygen, a warframe being a bio-mechanical device would most assuredly use a form of chemical air battery.

    think of hearing aids, they have a very high energy density due to using the air around them in a reactive nature to create electrical flow.


    taking into account the size of warframes being air batteries one could argue that it makes perfect sense.


    now I'm sure someone is going to pipe up and mention tenno operators void powers. but for any sort of transference you'd need an already powered receiver to channel those abilities, think a radio picking up radio signals to play music.


    other then that I'd love to hear a well thought out counter argument, but then again this is a game and not a physics sim *shrugs*

  9. 45 minutes ago, Vuthakral said:

    I feel like you ignored Sintag's response to you earlier entirely when writing your response to me, as he stated this isn't a personal problem and isn't a "I bare the blame" one. As Sintag said earlier, this thread isn't about being abandoned and trying to risk solo'ing five waves like you keep saying. This is about people who make it appear like they are going to keep going for five more waves, then at the last second of the extract menu (or under) they press the extract button fully knowing what they're doing. It's not an individual user-blame case either, because for this to be successful the people involved in extracting need to be on the same page and understand what they are about to do to accomplish it. Imagine being on the extract menu, one person sits undecided or on extract, while three others are sitting on "Battle" and awaiting the next five waves, then when under a second is left, the other two on the "Battle" side with you suddenly swap to "Extract", intentionally leaving you alone when, in a place like Akkad or Hydron, public cooperation is fairly common up to higher waves. This isn't someone's fault for "risking what they cant handle", it's because everyone in these kinds of defense locations is expecting people wanting to push farther for more mastery on their weapons and warframes.


    Sure, I know the risks involved. I came prepared to farm mastery, like everyone else did. Sure, I know the outcomes. But I do not have a way to prepare for people jumping ship at the point so fast I can't jump with them without risking becoming one of them. By that I mean, at the point of how late they do it into the countdown, the only way to really avoid the problem is to do what they are doing, and that could end up making me extract in the middle of a game where people aren't going to screw me over, and I could end up doing it to them. As well, you are right. It's not actually my fault three complete rude players teaming together made the collective decision to play me, and ditch me after making the gesture they wanted to go further into the defense on a defense mission which I have already made the point several times that you seem to ignore, people actively go into using low or unranked equipment for the sole purpose of getting mastery experience for them. Their intention is specifically to ruin it for the one player not in their group fully hoping they fail the defense objective.Which I must bring up again, contradcits your own point, as in my cases my equipment is still good enough to finish the next five waves solo. So I must ask, why are YOU being defensive over this? Is it because you're afraid you are wrong? That's what it seems like to me. Whatever, this is off-topic to the point of the thread and you are starting to derail it by ignoring the points made presently obvious to you. I do hope you realize this and come to your senses and stop doing it.

    I thank you for taking the time to form a well thought out and structured reply.


    you have pointed out that yes deception is rampant, deceit has been in various aspects of warframe be it from trade to baiting in defense missions


    but I implore you to read your own text and the text of others, the deceit stems from what you've stated quite a few times already

    "it's because everyone in these kinds of defense locations is expecting people wanting to push farther for more mastery on their weapons and warframes."


    that would amount to "expect" implied commonality all to often have I read complaint forums about one, a few or many doing what counters expectations.

    then going about trying to enact change to inhibit freedom of players. let me further expand on this by asking. just what would you propose in solving the issue?

    a timer? a commit to choice button? in which proposed solution does there not exist another method of deception and exploitation?


    I stand by the side of logic and reason, where to not act in a brash manner until an absolute solution is present.

    people want a fix to a problem, when the only solution atm is to prepare for deception or be cautious and not put oneself at risk


    people have asked for a solution to cetus when it was released and there were those that didn't have the same goals

    we have leeching afk'ers players and those doing their own thing.


    those that want a solution seldom think the whole thing through or neglect to play the devils advocate looking towards just how it can go wrong

    and now we have complaints about cetus "leave squad" host migration and the resulting failed missions and just... a mess.


    it's why there isn't a vote kick for afk'ers. it's why you cannot readily patch out and solve the defense timer side switching no matter how much complaining one does.

    because all proposed solutions often lead to even worse results, because humans for all their talents are quite adapt at being cruel and ruthless.


    so the only course left is to prepare and mitigate as much as one can, cause for all good intentions you might have, brash decisions out of emotion seldom if ever lead to the results you may want.


    I am not opposed to a solution, I truly am not. but coordinated deception is something you cannot just "solve" as one would hope/desire.


    expect people to be honorable. hope that they are, but in this uncertain world you can only ever be certain by being prepared for the worst.


    alluding to previous posts, in lieu of a solution the only viable solution of the situation is compromise. expect the worst prepare for it, don't be shocked or surprised. you maybe want a solution but there isn't one outside of being responsible for oneself and being ready for the expected/unexpected.


    I know there are those that believe I'm an arse, however I'm just being candid about the reality of the situation indifferent to how others might feel about it.

    reality is the bitter pill, life is going to make you swallow a whole bunch of them.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Vuthakral said:
    Sick burn attempt, but no, every time this has happened to me it was in Akkad, a place a lot of people pub to farm mastery on weapons and warframes. Not a random defense I couldn't handle. If equipped to do so I could probably solo akkad for an hour or two before succumbing to boredom. I'm not quite endgame but I'm far from midgame currently. I had bad equipment on because I was farming mastery. Your point would make sense if I was actually being a spoiled little brat that is mad people left me on a defense I couldn't handle, but it's not, and I'm not. These people actively knowing what they're doing to the people they're leaving behind at the last possible second, intentionally forcing them to solo something. Akkad generally falls under people extracting from waves 10-20, so from there when you're in a squad that isn't communicating it's really up to see how many people are willing to keep going vs leave when the extract screen pops up.

    I fail to see how cherry picking a valid point and making a counter argument while ignoring the whole of the conversation is valid


    you know the risks involved, you know the possible outcomes and have ways to prepare for them. yet it's not your fault for being ill prepared for a bad/least favorable situation.


    also judging from the "sick burn" and other ill understood context of your rebuttal you likely perceive my perspective/advice as an attack on yourself however invalid that notion may be, it is but a candid observation and true to life fact of the situation. do not presume to know the intent of others when you aren't fully informed for it shines poorly upon oneself.

  11. if you are viewing the issue in a very personal way you should take a moment to pause and detach yourself from an emotional response.


    the countdown timer and being able to switch ones choice as to stay or go has been around for as long as defense missions.

    lag/connection delays. at home environmental factors or out of the loop voice chat discussions where not all are in on the goings on regarding decisions of the whole.

    I myself have encountered situations where a sudden change was needed on whether or not to continue playing defense, I personally switch but try and do so leaving enough time for others to be alerted and make an assessment on if they want to stay or not, HOWEVER there are times that this is not possible.


    now when I say it is the players fault if they are left behind being forced to trudge through a difficult situation. I refer to not having any contingent for a worst case scenario.

    if you are running with nothing but un-ranked gear then you are a leech and just begging for a bad time, which many would happily oblige.


    always ALWAYS prepare and plan for when/if you'll be abandoned that you have at least one thing that can carry you til extraction. be that a CC weapon/frame or a few effective Specters http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Specter_(Tenno)


    these are things you do have control over, and would allow you to get on without depending on the action of others.

    as well as they are something that can be enacted right away and solve the problem, but it is up to the individual to take these steps for nobody else is liable to do so.

  12. if you doubt your ability to succeed for the next 5 waves then it is best to extract and air on the side of caution.

    you have nobody to blame besides yourself for banking on the efforts of others and should count this experience as a life lesson instead of trying to control what others are able to do.

    when you get greedy and take risks it's annoying to see these type of forum posts when it blows up in your face. "someone didn't behave how I wanted them to and now I'm going to throw a fit about it in the forums so I don't have to experience it again"

    a big lesson in life is, situations perceived will not always work in your favor, and people will just do things to pissyouoff and cause an inconvenience in your life/experience

    it is up to you to assess the risk and act accordingly, and keep in mind what you do and do not have control of in regards to letting things get to you.

  13. if you don't like how others play their game.

    top left corner >Solo<

    stop being a twat that trys to control what others do and worry about yourself

    this whining has gotten totally out of control. with people complaining about those that cannot play up to their level or down to their capabilities

    better that you learn to accept disappointment in warframe and move on or else you're never going to shut up with the complaints and drag the community down as a whole

  14. PUG the first mission then refine for those that follow.

    I've gone as one shot chroma, but even without using chroma my lanka is more then enough to take out a part in 3-4 shots

    for most it's all a matter of speed.

    with a crew that's in sync and decent connection with minimal load delays it's a breeze getting 9 kills a night, which is the big selling point of being sticklers on squad composition

  15. with a bit of planning and teamwork this sortie boss is nearly the easiest to defeat.

    banshee 50 meter range 3 energy per second with ~740 energy capacity just CC's with soundquake under the center stairs leading up to the platform

    limbo banish/cataclysm

    mesa or chroma or just any general high dps frame weapon combo

    you will find that once you have this squad you just kill hack and wait out the timer.

    boring but we chose to make it that way.

    maybe take some time and think about team combos and really use frames/abilities/weapons instead of being lazy and asking for preplanned
    general cheese loudouts.

    but who am I to tell others what to do. you're free to try and fail/win on your own

  16. Zephyr tends to be my go-to for most defense missions paired with ranged status Zenistar and Ignis wraith status build

    Zephyr with 15 meter range and nearly 40 seconds of projectile negation on the move or standing still range becomes a non-issue and melee is dealt with with status zenistar

    I truly do not see why more people don't use this frame

    the only lack luster aspects I could see is the first not having a sort of toggle (something akin to how ivara switches between arrows of her first, add in a change of behavior like <Tailwind Puff/Tailwind Jet> a short air boost vs a duration rocket toggle. that change would be hella useful on the plains)

    and her 2nd....
    does anyone even see zephyr having a second ability? it boarders along being as useful as jump was for excal(shrugs) and I could never find a practical use for it.

    As for mag. strips armor/shields and can lock-on to target enemies with magnetize, good tools for taking care of tough nuts that wouldn't crack easily

    which gets even better when paired with weapons that makes use of the frames abilities.

    so again a good number people seem to be going for general purpose cheese frames that don't require timing/skill/weapon-assist

    making things appear as though less common frames aren't popular, when in actuality the situation doesn't really call for such targeted builds.



    a 3rd thing to note, is if you've not noticed the increase of certain frames being used like chrome for one shot hunts.(and killing just anything right away)

    it wasn't as pronounced as before the plains release mainly because there wasn't a need for such a specialized build for optimal farming.

    which as per following DE's history will mean that in a few months chroma will get a rework/rebalance because times before when any frame has really

    out-shown it's peer frames I.E. excal-blind/radial jav, trinity-blessing, mesa-peacemaker, mag-greedypull augment,

    each prior instance drew interest and exploit and was eventually addressed. (then another optimum had to be devised)


    it'll be interesting to see what the future brings

  17. I was bloody pissed to find that their launcher was trying to optimize my !!!-SSD-!!! install

    it's a god damned ssd it doesn't need pointless rewrites to be optimal, that's why I bought the damned thing in the first place

    so not only did this further waste my time it also used up a wee bit of write cycles on my ssd's nand cells,
    about 40gb of data written that didn't need to be done in the first place.

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