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Posts posted by Spikey844

  1. On 2019-12-06 at 5:18 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    Elsewhere, a half dozen of the group members were gathered together, being dragged along by a highly fashion-conscious woman. However, it seemed that she was far from an ordinary fashion snob. As Dino's arm came off, she merely stopped for an instant to confirm that they were still following, before carrying on with the arm, holding it with much more strength than the infected's primitive magnetic field could possibly bring to bear. Was she... also not human like them? Nevertheless, she continued on, babbling about a number of possible outfits she could dress them all up with.

    It seemed that they were going to be stuck here for some time... Truly, fashion was a more terrifying beast than any infected monster.


    Time passed in abstract ways, when one was tired. Seconds dragged into minutes, minutes into hours, while the opposite also held true, with massive chunks of time disappearing before one could even realise. Between longform essays on the state of modern fashion design, stock-taking of weaponry, and quite simply sleeping, the group would find themselves occupied until dinnertime came, bringing with it the sound of Jamie checking up on everyone, knocking on all doors and calling out for the others to join them in the dining hall, and that important announcements would be made.

    If any were to make their way outside, they would find perhaps twenty or thirty people making their way through the halls over time, clumping together in groups of two, three or four, all hovering around in a state of vague discomfort, before settling into groups at the tables. Perhaps they would recognise Sy, Jamie and Yeva, sitting and conversing, as much as a mute person could. Elsewhere, the woman distributing clothes, Esme, was exchanging a few, awkward words with Arlo. A table sat empty, beckoning to the group with an opportunity to meet and discuss their experiences.

    One set of clean clothes and a shower later, and Gabby was feeling much better. Even if said clothes had been forced on her by a tyrant. Honestly, a pleated, knee length, green and blue tartan skirt? Black tights? She'd only avoided a 'cute' dress by literally getting her claws out. Thankfully they had a shirt that was about her size, though the only jumpers available were oversized. That was fine by Gabby. She'd always liked overly large ones.

    Plus, they hid her hands if she wanted them to. 

    There had also been a row over her coat. Esme had tried to take it away, give her something more 'fashionable', but Gabby had levelled first a death glare, and when that had failed, deployed her most dangerous weapon. 

    She'd deployed her puppy eyes. Or were they now kitty eyes?

    Either way, she kept the coat. And her boots. They were practical.

    Now, following group/her nose/the-person-who-greeted-thems call, she was headed to find food.



    "Oooh, free table," Gabby said, bouncing up and down before grabbing the nearest person, who happened to be Agnes, and practically dragging them by the hand towards said table.

  2. On 2019-11-29 at 5:19 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    As the other two events were happening, a number of the newcomers would realise that they indeed had no clean clothes, and unlike the rest of their comrades, they were bothered by the fact. And so, the numbers filled out slowly, conversations joining together as they aimlessly wandered, a mass that attracted a few odd looks, and even more wrinkled noses. It seemed that they were... conspicuous, in a way. As they made their way downstairs, however, they would hear the barking voice of a woman call them over.

    "EY! You the ones tracking... whatever the hell that is in here? It smells like a sewage tank emptied into the lobby."

    As the others looked over, they would see a woman in her early thirties, with a thick ponytail and a pair of sunglasses that complemented a rather drab outfit, lifting it and giving it some taste and style. As she, for lack of a better word, strutted over, her expression seemed to be one of exaggerated distaste. She gave them a once over, before taking Dino's wrist between two fingers, dragging her along with zero regard for the fact that they may be unwilling, or dangerous.

    "You look like fashion disasters... Forcing a lovely young girl to dress like that?"

    Gabby was somewhat blindsided by the woman who advanced on them out of nowhere, ducking behind Dino. When Dino began to be pulled away she just stood there for a moment, rather non-plussed, before chasing after. Well of course they smelt like a sewer, they'd just walked through one!

    "Blame uh... uh," Gabby scrambled for the woman's name, then just went with the nickname she'd already given their mute guide, "blame Batwoman for dragging us through a sewer to get here! And I dress myself thank you very much!" 

    Honestly, what did people think she was, a child? She was eleve- wait, no, that doesn't work. She is still a child. 

    Try again.

    What did people think she was, a toddler? She was eleven for crying out loud.


  3. On 2019-11-25 at 9:56 PM, Denny2669 said:

    "Alright, I know enough about water installation to tell that's not how you earn your paycheck..."

    Dino studied the makeshift piping, checking if it really did work and hold. Surprisingly, it seems it does. Little droplets are dripping from what she could only assume was a showerhead, and there's no signs saying it's out of order, which a mall should obviously have plenty to spare. Clearly she wasn't expecting this. A shower seems very possible and welcome right now, though that would require new clothes as well. If it's not covered in sewage sludge, it's it's sweaty and old from weeks of survival. She'll need a change, and so will the kid if she wants to shower too. It'd be a good idea to get her away from those pipes too, she seems a little too entranced with them. Maybe a smile of her own will snap her out of it.

    "C'mon girl, let's find some new clothes first, then we can test these showers."

    Should the little girl comply, they'll both go back into the big area of the mall and look for something or someone who looks like they could provide clothing. If there's nothing in sight, she'll ask the first person she sees or passes by.

    Gabby nodded at that, but not before giving the pipes another poke. "Clean clothes would be good," she mumbled, still curious about the pipes. 

    Then, as she looked back at Dino, a thought came to her. It was so out of the blue that she could not stop herself before asking, "Are your arms going to rust if you get them wet?"

    Thoroughly embarrassed by her outburst, she clamped her own hands over her mouth, turned bright red, and scuttled out of the washrooms.

  4. On 2019-11-22 at 3:44 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    Three groups of Tenno, with three destinations in mind, each with a different priority in mind. The day had been long, hard. Not a single moment of rest had been afforded to them as their lives were nearly snuffed out time and time again. But... for now, at the very least, they seemed to be safe. In this case, safe meant Spartan, run down, and... drab, but without any creatures threatening to consume their flesh. 

    The first of the group to reach their destination would be the ones headed to the rooms, strolling past a number of red stickers, each with varying amounts of sound emerging from them. Little snippets of conversations, some shuffling, some training, and even a few sounds that were not fit for the ears of the child. Nevertheless, somewhere towards the end of the hall, they would find a cluster of rooms left green, doors left half-open for any who wished to enter. Inside, they would find a repurposed store, barren of all decoration, with only four beds and their associated drawers being left to give the place any details. It seemed that this would have to suffice...

    Some distance further on, Dino would find the women's bathroom, only to be greeted by... an unusual sight. As expected there were bathroom stalls, but in place of the barebones metal sinks that normally lined public bathrooms, there were... metal separators, creating small cubicles, where jury-rigged showers were created by growing (???) metal pipes to extend off of the sink, extending the path that the water would travel to allow most people to wash themselves while only needing to stoop down a bit. However, it made washing your hands... slightly problematic. Perhaps they were expected to use the showerhead?

    Gabby decided that a shower was more in need than sleep, and so followed after Dino since she'd declared she was going to look for them. Passing by the rooms with all the red stickers, she did give them some curious looks depending on what sort of noises were coming out of them, and gave a few some very odd and confused looks. But she passed on without comment, not understanding what was going. 

    Upon reaching the washrooms, she stepped through the door... then flinched back from the pipes. They reminded her of the Hyenas, just for a moment. Even though she had the same metal on her, seeing it elsewhere caused her heart to race for a moment before she calmed again.

    "What the..?" She muttered, before moving forward to investigate the pipes, poking and prodding them carefully.

  5. Food.... bed.... showers....

    Those were the only words that stuck inside Gabby's head. And, now she actually had a moment to really really stop, her body decided to inform everyone that she was exhausted.

    This was accomplished by her stretching and yawning hugely, one arm reaching up while the other covered her mouth. Manners were important after all. Her eyes flickered shut for a moment, before she forced them to remain open. "Shower would be nice," she mumbled, "and sleep. And food." Her eyes blinked wider for a moment. "Do they have cake? Or chocolate? Chocolate cake? Oooh, maybe brownies?" 

    And just like that, the exhaustion seemed to vanish as the girl babbled on about various sweet and savoury treats. Right until she yawned again.

  6. Gabby had stayed silent during the walk through the sewers, busy working on not being sick. Why did they never show this kind of thing in films? So unrealistic. 

    Then again, she really should know better than to take films as accurate. 

    She'd shaken off the hand that had taken hers at some point, shying away from contact as she became lost in her thoughts, keeping only enough attention on the path so that she didn't accidentally walk into the sewer water, coat flapping but thankfully not dragging. It was still going to stink later. 

    When they finally climb out of the sewer, Gabby spent several moments blinking owlishly as her eyes adjusted. When the men approached, she took a step back and hid herself amongst the group. While the group around her had proven her to be friendly at the very least, she was wary of the strange men, not just because of warnings from her parents, but also because of the events of the past month. Most strangers she'd met in that time had wished her nothing but harm.

  7. 17 hours ago, DaMadReaper said:

    The Tenno watched with smiling eyes, seeming rather unconcerned with the hesitation and suspicion. As much as this had been a gesture of good will, it had also been a test of character, and of caution. A probe of the group's defensiveness, and their reactions to being faced with an unknown force. Nevertheless, there is something to be said about the fact that there are so many... colorful characters, to put it politely. She rises to her feet, raising a pointer finger as a symbol to wait for a few seconds, while eyeing the others, generally unconcerned with the emergency mode Agnes, the cat making odd sounds, and the dying man who vaguely looked like her father. Really, it would be more of a surprise if she wasn't used to this by now. She takes a deep breath, chest expanding over a period far longer than one would expect for that much air, before slowly letting it all out.

    A flash of a smile at Tara and Gabby, and then a check of the surroundings. Four paths, three that need to be covered. A single ball rolls between her middle and index fingers in the same motion as a swing, sending it flying into the wall of one of the paths that she had not come from. She repeats it for the other path perpendicular to the group's original path, leaving only the routes behind and ahead of them uncovered. A second passes with nothing, and then another, before the group finally hears it. Footsteps, pitter pattering, splattering through the shallow water of the sewer as they sank deeper down the paths, the thrown orbs shooting lines of themselves to drag along the walls. Bait.

    Once more, she rolls a ball between her index and middle fingers, before extending it to the child, using her other hand to aim down the path that the group had come from, hoping that her intentions would be slightly more clear now.

    Gabby watched the balls zip down the passage ways with curiosity, before turning back to the stranger. She eyed the ball in her hand, looked back up at the mute woman, then back down at the ball. Carefully, she reached for it, taking it and rolling it about her hand, before looking down the path they came down initially. 

    Then she whipped back her arm and flung it down the passage as hard as she could, deliberately aiming to bounce it off as many walls as she could. For a moment, just a moment, she looked like a carefree child once more.

  8. On 2019-10-28 at 2:02 PM, MetroFallout said:

    "Understood." said Zero to the Cephalon, looking at the lit-up displays that showed a route towards the bridge. "I'll be making my way there now. Thank you."

    He had no reason to force himself to fight onboard an unfamiliar ship so following the instructions of the shipbourne intelligence was the only real course of action he could take. Whatever else he could do would probably have to wait until he had gotten himself to the bridge to meet with the Captain of the ship.

    Upon his arrival to the door to the bridge, he knocked on the door frame as the door slid open as a courtesy to the Captain to let her know that he had indeed arrived at the bridge as instructed by the Cephalon.

    Kassandra glanced over her shoulder at the knock, spying the man in the doorway. "Welcome to the Ghost Lance," she said, before jerking her had to a nearby console. "Take a seat and start running sensor sweeps, search for any of ours floating out there who might need pickup."

    The bridge looked opulent, almost overly so, with masterful craftsmanship in every bolt and rivet. The holographic displays pulsed a gentle blue colour, light reflecting off the shinny chrome and carbon-fibre surfaces. Kassandra's seat was placed centrally before the wide viewport, and here there clear signs of alteration, for there were noticeable marks in the floor and surrounding surfaces. They had been largely worked out, but they were still there.

  9. On 2019-10-21 at 10:34 AM, MetroFallout said:

    "I'm not sure she is Batwoman little one..." said Tara to Gabby in English, ruffling the small girl's hair and stepping between her and the unknown woman before switching to slightly accented Lasrian to talk with the Tenno with the bat-like ears. "Can you understand me?"

    Waving her hand a little at the bat-eared woman, she made sure she communicated that she was indeed addressing her at the moment.

    "Do you understand Lasrian or English? Or something else?" she asked in Lasrian.


    On 2019-10-25 at 6:57 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    The bat stands for a moment, ignoring the questions in favour of eyeing each member of the group in turn. Her exaggerated mannersims had fallen away in favour of a vaguely upbeat expression that only softened once her eyes met those of a... mostly innocent child. The motions of a silent chuckle spread through her body, though it seemed especially humorless within the current circumstances.Within a few seconds, she had extracted a small notebook and pen from her pocket, jotting down a few quick words, before handing it to Agnes, who seemed to be both fluent in the language, and brave enough to step forward.

    Written in Cyrillic script, the handwriting contained a number of unnecessary flourishes, but ultimately contained few words:
    "Ally but not friend. Lasrian preferred, though I understand some English. Will not hurt you. Follow to safety."

    While the Trinity was busy with the text, she too had been doing something rather important. Padding along to the group's resident child, she held one of three orbs between three fingers, presenting it like a treat, but not allowing any other than Gabby to touch it. Once taken, however, she would do the motions of an underhand throw, other hand pointing towards one of the paths of the intersection. Whether due to excessive confidence or otherwise, she seemed to be paying little attention to the rest of the group as she did this, instead focusing her attempts on providing the child with a reassuring smile with what little of her face she could still manipulate.

    Gabby recoiled away slightly from Tara's hand as she ruffled her hair, hands coming down over it as she made a noise of protest. Why wouldn't people leave her hair alone?! Mummy was...

    The small girl's face fell as she thought about her parents for a moment, the wave of sadness flowing through her. If she'd had ears or a tail, they'd be drooping. She did perk up slightly when she noticed 'Batwoman' holding something out to her. A small ball like object. Her curiosity piqued, she took a step closer, hand reaching for it... then stopped short and gave the woman a wary look.

    "What is it?" She asked. 

  10. On 2019-10-25 at 12:28 PM, MetroFallout said:

    “Understood but... Alright so if you want to know what really happened, we came into psychic contact with a Tenno using some manner of Nyx warframe that was heavily modified or tampered with. Goes by the name of Altair, I would suggest looking into that name.” replied Zero as he went about in the Ghost Lance to find a seat. “As far as I can tell, the modified Nyx warframe was intentionally overloaded to self-destruction to avoid capture. Unfortunately, the explosion wrecked my Vanda and I had to hitch a ride on a friendly ship.”


    On 2019-10-25 at 5:52 PM, DaMadReaper said:



    Silently, Argent listened to the descriptions, all the while cross-referencing with a number of older reports that had been flagged by Aurum through the course of the discussion. In an instant, the others feel their minds filled with laughter, high in pitch, but carrying the telltale tone to identify it as Argent's. However, something about it would not sit right, the tinge of fear not quite matching up with the overly confident facade that he'd put up earlier. It continues for a few moments longer than normal, before petering out to a sigh of pure, distilled exasperation.

    "Gentlemen, lady, I believe that we've just attracted the attention of something that we really, truly did not want to, while the group was in its infancy. I will fill you in on the details upon debriefing. I doubt that we need to worry about her compatriots at the moment. Nevertheless, the groups have almost completed their respective missions. You will remain on watch until there is confirmation that the ship has been fully purged."

    Almost as soon as the transmission was over, however, they would see a most... unusual sight. One of the airlocks, cracking open, followed momentarily by a massively bulky Grineer man who had... a smaller Grineer man attached to his back (?), soon to be joined by the Limbo some might recognise from the briefing. What on earth... With the vacuum of space having a reputation for being especially brutal, perhaps some assistance would be welcomed?

    On a nearby wall, a display panel lit up, showing a pulsating multi-faceted shape on the screen.

    "Greetings," it said to Zero, "I am Arcanum, Cephalon of the Ghost Lance. Please follow the directions to the bridge. Do not deviate from your course, or you will be considered an intruder, and dealt with accordingly." The words were polite, but firm, and held an undercurrent of menace. 

    On the bridge itself, Kassandra began to sweep for those ejected into space and had not transport. As she did so, she turned over what she'd seen from the strange orb.

    The screams still echoed in her mind.

  11. On 2019-10-18 at 5:46 PM, DaMadReaper said:



    On 2019-10-20 at 12:19 PM, MetroFallout said:


    It took Kassandra several moments to recover from the second mental intrusion, the complete wrongness of the mental communication making her feel sick. The Ghost Lance shuddered under the shockwave, but it's powerful shields and the relative distance from the epicentre meant it absorbed the shockwave fairly well. Didn't stop multiple warning lights coming on the ships cephalon rerouting power to reinforcing the shields and routing micro repair drones to some of the more sensitive sensors that had been fried by the wave of void energy.

    She recovered from the telepathy in time to catch most of Zero's message to the group. Shaking her head to clear it, she flicked open a comm line. "Gamr-2, this is the Ghost Lance, I should be able to fit your oversized archwing into my bay. Heading your way, stand by." 

    The familiar movement of the joystick in her hand, the throttle causing the engines to purr and roar, it helped settle her mind. Drive down the screaming that haunted her soul.

  12. 30 minutes ago, DaMadReaper said:

    The group chats in the dark, damp sewer, recuperating from the harrowing encounter they had had with the canine abominations. Several of them felt the release of breaths they hadn't realised they'd been holding, allowing themselves to feel just that bit relieved upon the realisation that the Hyenas had not followed. However, with the fading of adrenaline, they would begin to notice the burning ache that came with a full day of sprinting around Lasria, being forced to work through a liberal application of mortal terror. Still, they had survived.

    They had survived. It was cause for celebration, for congratulations, and such would be afforded to the group as Agnes turns her flashlights on. She tweaks with it for a bit, hovering the circle of light on the incredibly shallow water, before raising it, bathing the walls in light and with them, a figure. A woman, dressed in a black petticoat that went down to her knees, with shoulder-length brown hair held in a short ponytail. What was most interesting, however, was her face. Clearly Lasrian in complexion, her mouth and nose were coated in black metal, matching the texture of her hands. Even more unusual, however, were a pair of bat-like ears that adorned the sides of her head, massive and easily rising above her head, solidifying her staus as one of the Tenno.

    Leaning against the curved walls, she clapped, hands hitting each other in complete silence, waiting for the group to notice her properly, only to cease her clapping, raising her hand in front of her mouth in an exaggerated expression of shock.

    Gabby blinked in the light from the torch, eyes adjusting as it punched through the dark. The adrenaline was slowly fading from her system, letting the tiredness creep back into her. She let out a big yawn, stretching as she did so, sleeves falling back to reveal her feline arms once more. Her eyes widened as it lit up the stranger, her eyes quickly taking in the metallic features on her face.

    And the bat like ears.

    She blurted the first thing that came to her.

    "Are you Batwoman?"

    Her mind caught up with her mouth a moment later, and she ducked her head, embarrassed, before hiding behind Tara.

  13. On 2019-10-15 at 3:57 PM, DaMadReaper said:



    In Old Earth legends, there was always some set of magic words that would produce effects that were far beyond the capabilities of any alive at the time. They would be able to call down fire from the skies, or to smite their foes. What Zero had accomplished here was akin to those Old Earth legends. With a few, brief words, he had stopped the orb in its tracks, the raging mass of Void energy seemingly having... listened? For just a few moments, there would be no movement. No sound, either. No response. It was a perplexing situation to behold, as the ball didn't seem to be busy growing either. In the meantime, Lucas's scans would finish, picking up only a quickly recognisable set of characteristics, marking out the orb as one created by a Nyx warframe, though it had been modified and tweaked in ways that the Tenno would consider sacrilege, or rather... impossible. Someone had been tweaking the insides of their warframe, and it was not anything that had been recorded up till now.

    And then, they would all feel it. There was no way to describe itIt was static for the soul, sandpaper for the mind, grinding and tearing, making its way deep into the very depths that they had thought unreachable, nestling somewhere within them that they had not known existed. Waves of nausea would spread through them as something foreign invaded their minds. And then, it began to clarify, thee static refining into some barely understandable forgery of a huamn voice, only understandable through a mix of guesswork, attention, and meaning injected into their minds.

    "Hello there, my dears. I am... Altair. You have two minutes to convince me that it would be more interesting to leave you and the Half-Light alone, than to carry out my plans and destroy it."

    And then it is gone. Not disconnected in some graceful manner, but gone, like water draining from a pipe, leaving grooves in your mind where the mental intrusion had torn.


    Kassandra clutched her head as the words poured into her mind, shuddering and gasping at the mental intrusion. Something flashed in the back of her mind, a memory of a violation of something that she once held sacred but was now a fleeting image that danced just beyond reach. The memory was filled with pain and feelings of loathing and betrayal. 

    When the presence faded, Kassandra was half folded in her chair. Thankfully her Cephalon had automatically locked the controls as she buckled under the mental assault, preventing any possibility of her body becoming hijacked and turning the Ghost Lance's formidable arsenal on her newly made allies. 

    Are you alright captain? The message flashed up in the corner of her display, text rather than spoken. Kassandra didn't respond at first, trying to regain her scattered wits. Then she reached out and flipped open the comm line between the ships.

    "This is the Ghost Lance. That felt like a Tenno, a Nyx, but.... wrong. Wrong on a fundemental level." The others would be able to hear the distress in the Tenno pilot's voice, how shaken she was. "I don't know what they've done to their warframe, but it is an abomination. I know that much."

  14. On 2019-10-11 at 5:54 PM, DaMadReaper said:



    The silence of space is deafening, even more so as the members of Alpha Group are silenced, facing a threat with no information in hand. For a few moments, none spoke as they took in the scene that they were facing. The hole in reality flew on, its effortless shifting an unsettling sight. Even as the silence was broken, none dared take action, for fear of setting it off once more. Though they had barely felt the effects of the last eruption, they knew that as the orb drew closer, they would not continue to be so lucky. Regardless, however, one man would choose to defy the inaction, and attempt to experiment with this force of nature.

    Making use of his ship's rather unorthodox design, he grasped a piece of the debris that had been launched by the unholy explosion, steering its path back towards the origin, watching as the piece of scrap metal disintegrates on contact, seeming to merge with the orb, making use of its mass in order to raise its size by some small amount. Observing this, he repeats the actions that had led to the initial explosion. The golden beam charges into a point once more, before cutting its wa through the sky, painting the orb gold once more, and then it would stop. The orb would have grown once more, approaching three quarters of its last design, but now closer to the group. Some seconds after, the previous spectacle would be back. Two points, on opposing ends would start folding in. However, this time, the points would end into exactly that, a point, and not a circle. It seemed that the origin of the circle had been something within the ship, rather than the Lantern itself.


    19 hours ago, Locky122 said:

    Lucas, for the most part, had been maintaining his silence, all the while trying his damned hardest to determine just what the hell Alpha was facing here. Nothing they were throwing at the now converted lantern seemed to do anything to it - if anything, their efforts just seemed to make the problem worse as time went on. And Lucas was starting to get sick of it.

    He started running scans of the anomaly, trying to get a clearer idea about what energies were at play, and with the help of celeste, cross-reference that with anything that could dabble with these types of forces. It was a reasonable assumption that this was void energy, that much could be acertained from the sheer nature of it, so the main database focuses would be against orokin and, potentially, tenno sognatures. 

    Opening up the comms once more, the pilot voiced his thoughts to the rest of the squadron.

    "Alpha, this is Garmr-1, Deliverance. Don't fire upon the lantern - I'm running some detailed scans on it and cross-referencing them agaist knows signatures. Since i'm pretty sure it's void energy, it won't take as long, but keep a minimum safe distance until we find out more. Garmr-2 and Ghost lance, see if you can find out anything in regards to signal transmissions between the anomaly and the Half-light. Might be able to cut communitcation and stall for time if there is anything linking the two"

    With that, he stopped transmitting and doubled down on sifting through the info the scanners were feeding him, looking at whatever results were showing up as they came through.

    'God knows we need to find out what we're facing, and fast....'

    "Copy Garmr-1, firing up the scanners. I'll get back to you when I have results, out." That said, Kassandra diverted additional power to her sensors and scanners, but kept her weapons trained on the orb. Swiping across her HUD, she also fired up the ECM suite, setting it to hunt for any potential communications channels and/or signals between the two. 

    Then a though crossed her mind.

    With a flick, she began to ping the orb, hoping that maybe someone would pick up the phone on the other end. 

    "Alpha, this is Ghost Lance. Be advised if that keeps getting closer without picking up I will fire. I'm not risking my ship needlessly," she said, setting a distance mark on her HUD. If it crossed the line, the full weight of the Ghost Lance's armament was going to slam into the orb.

  15. 30 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

    Nothing down here... and nothing coming from above either. The really made it through, all of them. Even if it's just a small victory and they'll be chased again soon, they still gave those beasts a what for. Dino would've fistpumped in success, were it not for the smell hitting her nose. No problem, just use the mouth... oh lord this is so much worse than on-site toilets...

    Nothing else to do but push forward though. Like the redhead said, it's not over and too early to celebrate. It's very dark though...

    "Hey, electro boy... Cyriann? Can you make some light with your... electro stuff? Thanks."

    Dino tried to wave some of the stink off from her nose, to no effect.

    "Everyone okay? Oh, by the way, my name is Dino Christo. Just Dino will do."

    What an interesting collection of people they have. Maybe they should thank the hyenas for bringing them together. One guy sounded kinda French, the other two seemed like native Lasrians, like that name... wait a second...

    "... hold on... Zakharov? Karl fučking Zakharov? You've got to be kidding me..." she exhaled "Out of all the... ugh, we're gonna have a talk once we're out of this mess, rich boy."

    If she could still crack her knuckles, she would do so now for dramatic effect.



    On 2019-10-11 at 2:34 AM, MetroFallout said:

    No stranger to disgusting smelling escapes, Tara simply kept a stiff upper lip about the smell of the sewer by lightly biting on her lower lip under her mask before looking at Gabby when she wrapped her arms around her. Noticing the bits of blood and eyeball on her paw, Tara offered to use one of her discardable arrows to scrape the hyena flesh off of it.

    "Better than being eaten alive out there." said Tara, patting the small girl on the head before looking at the others. "I suggest we move at least a mile or two- a couple of kilometres underground. Got to make sure they've lost our scent before we surface again and try to figure out where we are. So... I guess we just have to deal with the smell for now. You'll get used to it."

    Gabby had let go of Tara and was toodling down the tunnel with the others, trying to do her best not to be sick from the smell. It smelt worse than that stuff they put on the fields to make it all grow, and that was saying something, because that was really stinky. Her claw still had bits of blood and eyeball on it, but she'd give it a shake and got rid of the worst of it. The rest wouldn't come out until she washed her hands. 

    Everyone had been introducing themselves, and Gabby was thinking about doing the same, when the women with metal arms, Dino (was that short for dinosaur?) got angry at someone. And then she did something that made Gabby gasp.

    She said a bad word.

    Daddy had said a bad word once, and the look on mummy's face had him looking like a dog who knows he has been naughty, and was followed up with a swift instruction to Gabby to never repeat that word unless she wanted her mouth washed out with soap.

    And so Gabby, with all the authority that an 11 year can muster, raised a hand and pointed at Dino, before promptly declaring, "That was a bad word. Say sorry."

  16. The silence was broken only by breathing and the sewer water moving.

    Gabby could also hear her heart pounding like a jack-in-the-box, her arms wrapped around herself as she tried to listen out for anything, but nothing. The hyena's seemed to have left them be... for now.

    It was at that moment that the smell caught up with her nose and brain, and she promptly covered her mouth to stop herself from vomiting. When she felt a bit better, she muttered, "this place stinks," and latched onto the nearest adult, who happened to be Tara, arms going around the woman's waist, seeking comfort in physical contact. Her claws were sheathed now, but the paw that had ripped open the Hyena's eye had blood and small bits of eyeball on it.

  17. Kassandra stared at the orb for several long moments, eyeing her shield levels as the energy wave reached them. Though it barely caused the shields to flicker, she was wary now. 

    "The hell is that?" She muttered, staring at the small moving orb that was coming inexorably their way. She flicked a switch, deploying the railgun once more. It was almost recharged, and though wary of firing, she felt a little safer having it's target reticule join the others on her HUD.

    She flicked open the comm channel. "All ships this is Ghost Lance, I have no idea what that is or if shooting it is even the right idea, but if we have to, the railgun is nearly charged."

    As she spoke, Kassandra lined up the shot, already backing slowly away. If no one could think of a better solution, or her sensors didn't give her more info, she'd take the risk, take the shot. But only if there was no other option.

  18. On 2019-10-05 at 5:48 PM, DaMadReaper said:



    As the ships were busy discussing their plan of action, Kassandra had been busy attempting to find a lock on... anything within the deadspot, only to find that there was nothing of the sort within reach. Nothing that could be locked on, nothing that could be detected, just absolutely nothing. Like an empty void in the heart of space, where it had no right existing. Briefly, the possibility of something akin to a black hole would flash through their minds, only to be dismissed as there was no mass, no gravity, nothing, but the expanding hole in the sky. This, however, was not enough for one, specific man. He was not simply content with having annihilated a spaceship in close combat, no, he craved more. He would need to be the one to take the first stab at this new mystery.

     Golden light charged up, building into a point far too bright to look at, before plunging into the heart of the darkness. One thing no one ever expects is for a laser to... splash? The golden light diffuses into a portion of the black sphere, painting it bright yellow. The scene stands for a moment, before the point of impact starts being sucked in. It pushes into the centre, distorting the entire shape, a point on the exact opposite side doing the same, all being concentrated at the centrepoint. Immediately, all within the vicinity would receive a blaring void energy warning, watching as the former sphere now begins contracting.


    1 minute ago, Locky122 said:

    [Lucas Edwards - Alpha Squad]

    "Warning - Unknown energy surge detected, Evasive action reccomended"

    Lucas was now seriously questioning the tactical aptitude of most of Alpha squad, whose apparent solution to every problem was 'shoot first, ask questions later'. Even though He himself had armed torpedoes in preperation, he wasn't about to let them fly until he knew what he was dealing with.

    And now it looks like the others had just kicked the sh*t out of the proverbial hornet's nest.

    Void energy started surging forth from the rift at an alarming rate, Celeste sounding that off as an alarm that very much reccommends getting the hell out of dodge, so he opened up comms with the rest of the squad, alerting them to the current predicament. 

    "Alpha squad, this is Garmr-1 - Deliverance. I have a funny feeling that we've just kicked the hornet's nest here, reccomending retreating to safe distance before we get blasted, thoughts?"


    "Good idea Deliverance," Kassandra said, "get yourself swung around and retreating. It'll give us space if nothing else. I'll go last, I'm more able to take a hit." Kassandra had her guns aimed towards the sphere. Mental commands and flying hands had her ready to spin and flee at a moments notice, her mind racing as she eyed the bubble. 

    'Void energies and Grineer craft? I don't like this mix,' the symbiote Tenno thought to herself, keeping her plasma cannon's trained on the deadspot, her sensors watchful for anything coming out. 

    The Ghost Lance would retreat backwards, weapons aimed at the deadspot, until the others were at a reasonably safe distance, then Kassandra would spin the craft around and hit the throttle to chase after them.

  19. On 2019-10-03 at 1:25 PM, DaMadReaper said:

    Elsewhere, Gabby had initiated what could best be described as an imitation of the Hyenas themselves, lunging for the one had that been thrown off course by taking a metal fist to the stomach, catching it before it had had a moment to catch its breath. Unexpectedly powerful arms drove themselves deeply into the metal that covered the beast’s face, its eyes closed to avoid losing an eyes, only to find out that it would not be enough. While the catgirl wasn’t quite strong enough to penetrate more than a few millimeters, it was more than enough, eliciting an inhuman scream as the left eye of the creature was irreversibly damaged, technocyte already filling the gap. With rage burning hotter than the sun, it grips the child by her hair, tearing her away, a wet sound escaping from the ruined flesh as Gabby’s hooked claws come free. The Hyena then stands, preparing to execute the child, only for something digging into the back of its knee to force it to one knee. It screams once more, a strained, frustrated sound, before half-dragging, half-throwing the captive child into the other aggressor and attempting to limp its way to the nearest building, somehow still faster than one would expect.



    On 2019-10-04 at 7:27 AM, Cyriann said:

    I did not expect my attempt to work, though that scream almost torn my ears.

    Then the girl is launched to me, I have no other choice but to catch her, the way she is thrown she could get hurt. The strength of that beast is surprising, I feel myself being pushed back by the power it gave to it. 

    "Don't chase after it, that one won't be running after us anymore." I help her to her feet making sure she isn't hurt, then... 

    The part of Gabby not overcome with feral rage was rather pleased at having done some rather significant damage to the Hyena, before promptly beginning to freak out about the gouged out eye. And having her hair pulled. That hurt. A lot. She gave a wounded cry as she was half tossed into Cyriann. Her primal side decided that, as the foe had been fought off, it would be wise to flee before the rest of the pack turned up. 

    She wiggled out of Cyriann’s arms before he’d properly set her down, landing half on all fours, and bolted towards the now open sewer, which stank like a fresh cow pat and burnt flapjacks combined. First chance she got, she would climb down. 

  20. On 2019-10-02 at 6:22 PM, DaMadReaper said:



    Shot, after shot, after shot. Lances of crimson light, piercing shots of railguns, the cracking of the Lantern shields under the heavy threat. Within moments, the ships' behaviour had become... child-like. Simple. As if the one guiding them had shifted its attention to something else. Easy to predict patterns made them easy pickings for the ships that surrounded the airspace around the Half-Light, their shots converting the once elusive Lanterns into clouds of dust and debris, to be forgotten in the inky black void. However, a slight detail would likely stick out at this point, with the heat of the battle draining. Three ships had been destroyed in the first half of the battle. Another four had then fallen once their flight patterns had lost their complexity. Seven in total, of the original eight. 

    It was likely now that the group would recall the rather questionable behaviour of one Lantern, that had been steadily moving itself away from the Half-Light while firing aimlessly into the dark. While the immediate threats had been focused on and brought down, that ship had disappeared... somewhere. The scanners hadn't shown anything notable in its general direction, so it likely had not escaped the area. Come to think of it, the scanners hadn't shown anything from that area. It was... conspicuous. A deadspot. Things that should have been detected hadn't come up either, as if something was actively blocking all signals...

    Upon visual inspection, a simple fact would become very quickly apparent. The deadspot was not invisible, unlike the ones used by the Lanterns before their decloaking. If it had been, the stars behind it would have been visible, as opposed to the empty void that now stood there. It was not invisible, but a massive sphere of blackness, blotting out their signals, and even their vision, blending with the background at the edges, twice the size of a Lantern already and growing.

    Rookie mistake, Kassandra cursed to herself as her display lit up with a warning about the deadspot. While her beam lasers had been useful for wiping out the Lanterns that had been close, the deadspot was beyond their range. 

    "Time to use the plasma cannons," she muttered to herself, swinging the Ghost Lance around, it's motions ponderous but remarkably graceful, manoeuvring thrusters lighting up as the ship turned. "Tarus, recalibrate the sensors, see if you can get a better read on that deadspot, I want something solid to shoot at." 

    Another thought struck her as the ship turned, namely that while she had been fighting alongside the other vessels and the overgrown archwing, no one had established contact in either direction. That was something that should probably be solved. With a swift hand motion, she keyed open the comms and spoke over a wide band, "All ships, this is the Ghost Lance. Looks like you guys needed a hand." She was clearly smirking as she spoke.

  21. 18 hours ago, DaMadReaper said:



    A great man had once likened larger scale battles to a beautiful play, unfolding in four acts. The annihilation of one fighter by the massive, previously hidden ship would then be classified as the play to end the first act, with the subsequent volley of missiles serving as the opening to the second act. Playing their parts with grace, the ships that had been tailing Vanda curled away from its path, turning to fire on the missiles that were currently chasing them. Dazzling explosions of light painted the blank canvas with blinding flashes of orange and yellow, before the ships turned to continue their original course, hunting down Vanda to the best of their abilities, firing volley after volley of shots that would no doubt deafen if there had been any sound in space.

    It seemed, however, that their target had plans that ran contrary to the certain death the Lanterns seemed to be forcing onto him. While the Lanterns had been mindlessly chasing the oversized Archwing, Zero had been preparing. Having gathered enough information to gain a working idea of the enemy ships' shielding mechanisms, he had formulated a working plan that, if successful, would turn the tide of the battle. Even in the absolute silence, one could just imagine the hum of the railgun, charging up... before a veritable barrage was unloaded onto the targets chasing the Deliverance, creating a distraction at a crucial moment. The rest happened in an instant. A sudden crack as the shielding of one of the Lanterns fell away, before the hidden package within the cloud of missiles found its way home.

    A second Lantern had fallen.

    And then, the situation became complicated. The Deliverance had dove into a nearby debris field, breaking line of sight for moments at a time, causing serious confusion for what could now be assumed to be the rather simpleminded Lanterns, going far beyond just messing with their targetting. After only a few seconds of the largely obfuscated cat and mouse game, both remaining Lanterns would simply... stop chasing the ship. Instead, they would take the simplest path out of the debris field, one having changed its target back to Zero's prized possession, and the other making erratic, unusual motions as it soared through the inky black with no real target in mind, nor attempting to position itself in any immediately noticeable way, except for away from the Half-Light, though its reasoning was as unclear as its flight path.

    Elsewhere in space, a madman was reversing his course, aimed directly at the enemy. Sick of the harrowing chase that it had been subjected to for several minutes now, choosing instead to face the danger head-on. Literally. Thrusters roared, systems pumping every last bit of energy they could spare to maximise the speed at which the ramming would occur. The Lantern never stood a chance. It hadn't even had enough time to change course before golden lasers pounded against its shields, bringing them to the absolute brink, paving the way for what would likely have gone down in history as the most confusing, sanity-warping maneuver in... zero gravity melee combat?

    While still at maximum speed, the Gox cocked its enormous arm, throwing it forward with every last bit of power that could be packed into it, shattering through the shielding in an instant, only for the sheer velocity behind the action pushing to follow through, crumpling the ship into what was easily half of its beginning size. The sight was soon followed by a sharp explosion, marking the end of this Lantern's work.


    Kassandra grimaced as her missiles failed to kill anything, instead being shot down by the fighters, though she did note one fall to the oversized archwing's firepower. 

    The fighter's day was about to get worse though. Her beam cannons were in range.

    Stabbing out like brilliant lances, scarlet beams of energy stabbed towards the lanterns, the powerful lasers boring through the darkness into their targets, two different lanterns suffering under their fury, even as more missiles shot from their racks. She'd retracted the railgun as she closed in, deciding it would only inhibit her. She kept the plasma cannons active though. If a lantern got into their firing arc, and she wasn't at risk of hitting a friendly, she'd try her luck.

  22. Gabby was barely onto Tara's back before something crashed into them, sending her flying off the other woman's back as she lost her grip. She proceeded to bounce along the cobbles, rolling and flopping around as she did so, barely making out the shape that crashed into the Hyena that attacked them. She did scramble around in time to see the Agnes and another man attacking one of the Hyena's.

    She also spotted another that had just taken a hit from the metal armed woman, one that did not seem to be in the best of shape. And something inside Gabby snapped. She was tired of running, tired of hiding, and something deep inside her labelled that Hyena as prey.

    And so Gabby got to her hands and feet, crouched low, and with a feral scream, threw herself at the Hyena, claws extended to gauge out it's eyes.

  23. 20 hours ago, DaMadReaper said:



    That night, the sky saw new constellations created and destroyed, formed of ammunition that flew at speeds that would have made sound blush in embarrassment. Shots of plasma from the Gox smeared themselves against the surface of the Lanterns' shields, the damage seemingly never enough to put a dent in the defences of the fighters, always just one step short. Nevertheless, the oddly box-shaped ship continued to evade, playing a dangerous game of keep-away with itself as the ball.

    Like the graceful dance of a ballerina, Vanda shifts through the patterned explosions, barely leaving Zero more than a few inches as he clears the fire, countering with missiles of his own, watching them be reduced to just another set of lights, with the few that land seeming to have done little but provoke the blue hexagons of the shielding to pop up. This changes very quickly as the Velocitus comes out. Railgun slugs slam into the shields, forcing them to fizzle out, providing what is at best a second's opening before they're back up.

    It was clear that they would need a plan.

    Circling the battlefield, Lucas's scans don't reveal much in the way of new information. The Lanterns were quite heavily shielded, combat-ready, and now, aware of the Deliverance's existence. Immediately upon noticing the scans, three of the ships broke ranks, changing targets from the annoyingly maneuverable Archwing to the much larger, much easier target. Within a few seconds, their incessant rain of hellfire had begun again, sending explosions rocking through the inky blackness once more.

    Elsewhere, a behemoth awakens from its slumber. As Vanda continues pelting the persistent hunters on its tail with round after round. Three Lanterns had decided that he would not leave the system alive that night. Five Lanterns were working in tandem to try and force the dancer into a corner he couldn't escape from. An instant later, three had become two, one Lantern having transformed into exploded space debris, so fast that its companions had barely even registered its absence, maintaining their respective courses.


    A thrill shot up Kassandra's spine as the shot from the railgun turned the fighter into so much scrap metal. "Scratch one," she muttered to herself, before quickly sweeping her eyes over the battlespace. Aside from the circling Deliverance, or so the IFF read, there was also what appeared to be a massive arcwing zipping about with quite a few enemy vessels determined to pin it down.

    Not on her watch. 

    With but a thought and a gesture, she began to acquire target locks on all five fighters, waiting until she had at least three locks before unleashing a barrage of missiles at them. The railgun wouldn't be recharged before she got too close for it to be effective, and the plasma cannons were too obtuse for this situation. Should the lanterns close on the Ghost Lance, they'd also find themselves under fire from the beam turrets.

  24. On 2019-09-24 at 5:02 PM, Urlan said:

    I feel you, that is why I often try to emphasize players that get past War Within to relocate to the Plains of Eidolon since most of War Within's unlocks got embedded into Saya's Vigil and Quill's unlocks. Chains and Sacrifice are much easier with some Tenno pumps and upgraded amps, perhaps this could be a focus for the kiddo? Maxing Cetus and then Eidolons after Saya's quest is complete and then continuing with the missions that benefit from this assumed progression that the quests and Ropalolyst seem balanced around.

    While this is great, I'm rarely able to play on the plains and Fortuna due to a crappy laptop (it's actually a pretty decent laptop, just no where nearing gaming PC levels). This makes fighting eidolons and gathering materials for better amps a real chore at the best of times. Maybe there should be an amp you can get outside there? Not a really powerful one, but at least a step up from the Mote.

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