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Posts posted by Endorphinz

  1. I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding here about the Dark Sectors. There's two sides to it: the actual node that gets unlocked, and then the solar rail conflicts. The conflicts are supposed to be the endgame stuff, and the node that gets unlocked is just another node for anyone to run. If the unlocked nodes were so difficult that only veterans could complete it, then fewer people would run it, so the clan would get a lot less resources for owning it, and capturing it wouldn't be worth it.


    Another tileset or super-challenging mission is never going to qualify as endgame, because what happens after you beat it or get tired of looking at it? I'm pretty sure the constant push and pull between clans fighting over the Dark Sectors is what's supposed to provide a more endgame-like experience.

    Even if that were so, I'm sure you can agree that the way in which it was implemented was terrible.

  2. I'm going to agree with what OP and pretty much everyone else in here is saying, that Dark Sectors were over-hyped and underwhelming. The highest praise I've heard so far for these new areas is "it's ok, there's some new melee mods sometimes."

  3. Well if we don't need a stance mod, why don't we just revert back to melee 1.0? What bugs me is that in order to get into an essential game mechanic is that you need to be lucky? They want to make rare, powerful stances gained by RNG? Fine with me. But at least give us SOMETHING to use.

    Sorry, I just meant, you don't need stance mods to be able to enjoy melee 2.0.

    But they still do add extra fun to the gameplay, which is why it's such a shame that you have to grind for them,

  4. I've been waiting for a thread about Dark Sectors, because it's really something that DE clearly didn't think through. No one in DE thought that maybe having a handful of locations up for being contested by HUNDREDS of clans and alliances only ONCE every 24 hours was just a little bit of a half-baked concept? Claiming a dark sector comes down to whoever clicks the fastest.


    On top of it all, it seems like most solar rail is going to charge 0% tribute for access, meaning there's not really any incentive to claim dark sectors as your own, when you can still just get into them for free.


    I really ought to make a new thread about this.

  5. So, I was thinking, people already hate the whole resource grinding system. Once players make it to late game areas, they're mostly interested in doing tower missions and stuff. So most of us have thousands of alloy plates and control modules from all the time spent there.

    My suggestion is to rotate out the resource table for the void every so often, to encourage a more even flow of resources to the players who do towers a lot. Maybe change the drops every day, every other day, every week, whatever. I feel like it would definitely ease player frustrations at least a little bit.

  6. I don't know what you expected to hear from this forum. You know that everyone's going to just mock you for not being able to kill them easily. That's all I hear, is "stalker too easy. hunter too easy. G3 too easy." The veterans will obviously find it easy.

  7. I'm not sure what category this sort of question would fall under. I'm wondering if DE has plans to allow player weapons and gear to be traded in the future, with the polarities added by the player through forma.


    I have quite a few weapons I've spent time and forma on that I don't use anymore, as I'm sure plenty of players have, but I'm afraid to sell them to free up space, because, I've done plenty of things in the past I regret due to changes.


    For example, I regret selling and fusing all the excess rare mods I had when they released trading for the first time, and I also regret giving away all my steel charge mods before they updated it and I regret selling my gram when they released a cool new skin of it.


    I know it's not my right to complain about this, but I'd really like to know, kthx.

  8. A Betrayer's Deal


    Somewhere near a vast blue planet at the solar system’s fringes, a silent shadow crept across a blanket of snow. A sleek metal door slid open; one of many in the vast cold Corpus outpost. The complex stretched far along the rocky surface of an icy moon, cast perpetually under dim light by the years-long dusk, like a steel tumor alight with technology from within.




    Inside, through a maze of narrow choking corridors and grand outdoor grounds, the crewmen milled about on patrol, unintelligible garbling coming from beneath their impervious boxy helmets.




    Here and there, an armed guard slumped against a wall or a console, stabbed clean through, or dismembered with precise cuts, although there was very little commotion throughout the ordeal.  Someone was eager for a meeting.




    Finally, a door shut in a particularly dim office. A Corpus officer jumped in light surprise, but he remained seated at his desk, quickly composing himself. The standard boxed helmet on his uniform was opened, showing off a nondescript male face, but his unique uniform suggested his influence within the ranks. He glanced over his desk, looking somewhat nervous about the meeting, even though he’d been expecting the Tenno’s arrival. 


    "I understand you wanted to see me. I’m all ears, but before we begin, I must remind you; this is… a no smoking zone..."

    There was only a low chitinous chitter from the other end of the desk, followed by a billow of ashen smoke, signaling the Tenno’s disinterest.


    "…Right, ok, no jokes now." A moment’s pause from the Corpus officer. "Why do you wish to make deals with us, Betrayer? Your kind is already so very… unpredictable. Where does your allegiance truly lie?"




    From the Tenno’s end, a single credit chip dropped before the officer, quickly pierced through to the table with a throwing knife. 


    In times of great war, affluence was the single unifying language, and the Corpus knew this better than anyone. Even the Betrayers could be forced to bend knee to the Board with the proper incentive, as exemplified by operation Sling Stone, and the on-going invasions.  Many of those ancient warriors, stripped of memory, were little more than mercenaries, fighting without cause.


    Here, the Corpus would give them cause. A deal was struck in that cold office at the edge of the solar system: a Betrayer would hunt his own kind. The Ash exited the office, leaving the officer alone.  The man’s gloved hands rested on his desk, shaking lightly. He was winded, as if he’d just survived a brush with death.  After a moment’s respite, he brought up a holographic communications window from his office terminal, immediately displaying a Corpus tech on the other end. He paused to take in breath.


    "You know the drill. The Betrayer only leaves here in pieces."


    Right outside the office, blood painted the hallways.




  9. Also, to clarify, my complaint is not about being able to arrange the order of polarities on your weapon (although that is still an issue). It's about making your polarity setups obsolete when DE releases a gameplay change.

    An example would be my dual ichor. Back when they were released, who wanted freeze damage/stun chance on them (especially considering North Wind only gives +10% freeze damage per rank, compared to Molten Impact giving +15%)? I changed the triangle polarity it came with to something else. Now, I really wish I could have cold damage on my ichors, to give them the viral elemental, but unfortunately there's no space for it without spending another forma and 30 ranks to "fix" it.

  10. As we all know, there are issues with forma. This has probably already been mentioned before, but daaaaang, it does need to be mentioned again, repeatedly.


    It is a fact, and has been acknowledged by DE that the advent of the damage 2.0 system made the order of polarities on your weapon important, as elemental mod order affects the combined elements on a weapon. I hope they're still working on that, of course.


    My other issue is that with the constantly evolving system of damage and weapons, you might put a certain polarity on a weapon, and then boom, suddenly they change something about the weapon, or elemental effectiveness, and then you regret it. This is especially annoying since elemental and damage type mods can be of the three primary polarities - ice is triangle, lightning, fire and toxin are bars, and most of the double-effect elemental mods are V-polarity.


    So, if you liked having ice on your weapon in a previous patch on your anti-corpus weapon, but then suddenly they changed your weapon's effectiveness, and you decide you're rather use it against infested, or use a non-triangle polarity mod (your options are very limited). Basically, it means tough for you.


    Let me address your valid responses here before moving on:

    Just use another forma - the most obvious, but come on, who wants to do this? Changes to game mechanics should not punish players' previous choices.

    Just keep what you have right now - The mod system is supposed to give you freedom to customize your weapon's abilities, not lock you into one setup.

    You know this game is in beta, and should expect these sorts of changes - true, but this doesn't mean this issue can't be addressed and fixed. Player feedback is important to the developers.

    Wow you suck, learn how to forma - no u


    So, there you have it... what do you suppose should be done to fix this issue? It may not bother all of you, but I feel this needs to be looked at.




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