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  1. This is exactly the reason why you should only ever treat Warframe and other grindy games as a 'i got nothing better to do, let's play this'-sort of option rather than an actual game you would play regularly and consistently. I think the devs even stated several times this is what Wf is supposed to be; something about the infamous 'Bite sized content' comes to mind. So how do you make this farm efficient? If you're oldschool and like to farm the proper way you can also cap out in Hieracon until you can't get any more Syndicate standing and relic packs for the day while also getting relics from extractors. Run ESO and get rads instantly, also cap out fast. Pugs will likely run your relics since they aren't vaulted so it's just a matter of swallowing all the downsides of pug runs. You will get your lost relics back in like 3-4 days worst case scenario by just playing the game casually, only like 1-2 hours per day-pretty low effort too. You will probably get your winning Neo lottery ticket even faster than your regular Axi. I can somewhat understand your frustration if Wf is the only game you play and maybe don't have enough time to farm, otherwise it's just an 'eventually i get there' for all of us. Really just try ESO, it feels like you're swimming in rad relics in no time. And the traces you get from these failed rads add up to rad your relics from Syndicate packs. Or you can go full tryhard and recruit for radshares or trade for it to get it almost instantly but that disqualifies you from sigma chad grinder überpro airhorn doritos ninja status so don't do it unless you like being berated by me and my useless Kuva Lich's fifteen imaginary friends who i'm sure shares my opinion of it being uncool. All jokes aside and seriously though, you probably would have found someone in trade chat willing to trade literal scraps for that part since you know-others got back luck with RNG too, such as getting unneeded duplicates for the specific blueprint you need.
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