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Posts posted by AntLion

  1. I've done lots of xini rounds and not many people want to go past wave 10 / 15 anymore.

    Devs have to make a decent reward for high waves on defense missions. It would prevent people to leave after 5/10 waves. As for me, now I don't see any reason to waste my time and energy trying to beat >15 waves on Pluto/Eris/Ceres just to get uncommon mod or fusion core.

  2. Give us an option to remove Formas from stuff and have them back. I have now 15 spare energy in my Loki and i can utilize only 2 of it.

    This problem can be easily solved by adding 1 new slot for mods (not polarized). I think it would be a good decision. There are a lot of mods which will never be used just because frames don't have free slots for them.

  3. 1.) Aesthetic Customization: Major one being a gender option. I never play a female character, and would love to use an Ember/Trinity/Mag/Etc. frame for my Male Tenno.

    Too much work for devs. New models, animation etc. Anyway I like it as it is. I don't have a problem to play a female/male character because I never associate myself with her/him especially if the character has his/her own name. I just player. I watch, I control. But I'm not this character.

    And I can't imagine how female Rhino or male Saryn should look. Btw their names will have to be changed in that case. Too much work.

    Also more color panels per frame would be good, especially the big grey area on Excaliburs back. Weapons need more color customization too.


    I'd like to have a chance to change the color of lights on warframe model independently from powers color.

    2.) Nightmare Mode: I like it, but its too hard for my lower ranked gear that I need to build. I would love to see this as an option that can be toggled on and off for any given node. Or at the very least, the choice to opt out if that node is set for nightmare mode that day.

    3.) Platinum Cost: This is a bit extreme, the pricing to buy the platinum should be reduced or the prices for the items you spend platinum on should be reduced.


  4. I honestly feel cheated by this change. I invested time and even some plat to fully polarize my favourite frames. Now I'm sitting on 18 spare capacity and half of the effort was for naught.

    It's your problem. Not each player has fully polarized or even potatoed frames. So, additional capacity would be nice for them especially after DE have increased difficulty. Don't whine. I do not think that you have become poorer.

  5. Nice changes with aura mods.

    But still needs more control panels on grineer's ship. My friend was locked today in new room (intersection) and wasn't able to go anywhere. He failed alert mission because of this.

  6. SO when are you guys going to get around to fixed embers bugs that have been there for weeks? especally her ult, that is supposed to hit 3 targets at once, but currently only hits one at a time, has been bugged for 3-4 weeks now and still has not been fixed.

    Yeah. And I need her normal flame color back. At least as default. I checked all my avalable colors on palette and there is nothing close enough. Because now it looks too red.

  7. I have a question: where is a match lobby? Is it co-op game or not? If not, that why solo mode is so unbalanced now? If yes, I ask again: where is match lobby and user-friendly interface? How long should I wait for it? You had to make it first and only then add new color palettes on in-game store. Look at other good co-op games (Left4Dead for example) and learn, learn, learn.


    PS: Mag's Crush needs a serious buff. It doesn't ignore armor now. So, it's pretty useless against high leveled enemies after you have increased difficulty. Bullet Attractor costs too much. 50 energies would be enough. Or make its explosion to stun enemies or deal more damage in power range.

    PPS: But I doubt devs would even read this post. :P

  8. Just because you thinks it's bad doesn't mean it's bad in general. Learn to use expressions like "I think" or "in my opinion".

    I said it's bad because it's bad. And it's obvious fact to me. Update 9 has many issues. It brought more negative things than positive. And don't learn me what I have to write.


    Many people like U9 however words of appreciation are easily drowned by loud sound of cry.

    Many people don't think. Or haven't tried U9 yet.

  9. Thanks DE. You destroyed your game with update 9. Your aura idea is bad because many frames have no capacity for these mods. And because aura slots are polarised. So now I can choose only from 2 aura mods for my Mag, Ember or Banshee? No Energy Siphon, no Enemy Radar, no Rejuvenation anymore for these frames? Game became very difficult for new players especially on solo mode. This mode is impossible hard especially on last planets and missions even for high leveled frames. Why did you not balance it? Your Solar system map, mission map, match lobby and mod window are still very uncomfortable and non-informative. Your new frame has a worst design I've ever saw in this game.

    You had to spend more time working on this update. Many bugs now. Very bad. -_-

  10. And lastly, why hasn't Crowd Dispersion been fixed for the Wyrm Sentinel yet? There is a really big issue with it's stun not actually stunning and just making a bright flash of light.

    It was fixed with Update 8.2 (June, 28). Crowd Dispersion works fine now.


    I hope rainbow powers will be fixed too. My Ember's flame doesn't look now as normal fire (I checked all my available colors). Too bad.

  11. It's the Energy color, if you energy color is blue, the smoke will be blue, just a hint :3

    Thanks CO. But I don't have right color in my availble palette to make this effect looks like it was before. Damn shame.

  12. smoke on Ash's hand is so cool right now *.*

    Do you mean his "funny" blue smoke by default after new update? It was grey before. Devs please change it back.


    http://imgur.com/7ZuUlFL Ice wave while hosting/leading group.


    OMG, yellow ice. That's what i'm talking about. I don't like it. Looks ugly. I love old colors of abilities.



    "Updated Warframe abilities to use energy color selected by player."

    How to turn it off for at least my own warframe skills? Looks awful.

    I'd like to know too. I didn't buy color palettes. I don't want to buy them. But all available for me and default energy colors look bad when I use abilities after new update. Blue/green/purple/white flame. WTF?



    • Updated Warframe abilities to use energy color selected by player.


    VERY Bad Idea.

    The new colours of abilities (especially Ember's flame) look very weird. I want to change it back. It's bad idea to give people the chance to change colour of abilities. Now you can see blue, black, pink, green etc Ember's fire or Frost's ice. Looks ugly and can confuse. Please, devs make this optional at least or remove.

  15. The new colours of abilities (especially Ember's flame) look very bad. I want to change it back. It's bad idea to give people the chance to change colour of abilities. Now you can see blue, black, pink, green etc Ember's fire or Frost's ice. Looks ugly and can confuse. Please, devs make this optional at least or remove.

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