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Posts posted by mosaickle

  1. Despite having both for a while something just bugs me about how sometimes it's easier and faster to "farm" certain frames by farming prime parts, trading them for plat and then using the plat to buy the frame from market?

    Maybe it's just me, I really don't know why it's bugging me as much as it is. I'm not asking to make frames like Ivara, Nidus and Harrow easier to farm or to raise their market prices, I just really don't know.




    Edit: ok why did this pop up on players helping players I posted this in General Discussion.....wethefek...

  2. 2 hours ago, ZYKY1705 said:

    Honest now, have you ever used one?
    I guess their point is to stay in mod collection?
    Maybe i have maxed frames capacity with regular mods and have exilus slot empty...
    Is this game breaking?

    The entire point of Peculiar mods is to be useless and even detrimental by taking up mod capacity. It's meant to be a gag mod.

  3. He's not "not well rounded" because of undying or too much damage or too powerful or whatnot.

    He's "not well rounded" because he isn't worth playing in either missions that last less than 7 to 8 minutes or missions that last longer than 45. He's at his best between that time but no one really plays anything that fits in that time window. If you wanna do missions less than 7 or 8, there are much stronger choices and if you want to go more than 45 minutes there are frames that bring more scaling utility.

    So if you like to play solo survival for 45 minutes then I'd say Nidus is perfect for you

  4. 7 hours ago, (XB1)LegionOfHunt12 said:

    You seem like an ignorant guy. I make a heated post asking for assistance and your your first instinct is to call me an SJW. I definitely hope nobody unstable has to ask you for help, because you’d let them kill themselves. Much shame.

    Well yeah the vast majority of your thread was just straight up cursing and complaining. No one actually quits Warframe due to a single questline and people who say stuff like that only wants attention/comfort/validation/sympathy. It's literally the same thing as people threatening any game developer to quit if they don't like one small thing thinking their 'quitting' would make a difference. Besides, this thread was obviously made more of a tiltpost rant/vent than an actual thread for help. If you only had the very last sentence (and probably changed the title) you would've been all goods

  5. My most used would absolutely be Ivara due to the sheer usefulness and versatility of the amount of utility she can bring to basically every mission type. There are many places she excels at and only a small handful of places she’s still at least “just okay” at.


    Other than Ivara I’d probably say Saryn, specifically Saryn Prime. With a fairly balanced build there’s just so much she can do that guns and melee weapons both complement and don’t render redundant. On top of all of this, she has quite some comfortable survivability especially with the Regen Molt augment. Great damage, great survivability, great synergy with nearly every weapon in the game. On top of all this she is in my opinion by far the best looking ‘female’ frame.


    I can’t really say a least liked because I find a ton of frames boring and I can easily list out why I don’t like them but it’s not like I downright hate playing any specific frame. Here’s a few popular frames and why I personally don’t like them:


    Mesa - I tend to lean towards melee combat

    Excal - His only decently interesting ability is his ultimate, which is too slow for my liking

    Loki - He’d be my third choice, the only real thing he brings that’s better than Ivara is the fact that he can sprint during stealth, which isn’t something I require since 95% of my gameplay is solo

    Rhino - Super boring to play, he’s just a blunt tank and that’s about it

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