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Posts posted by Vryheid

  1. I'm nowhere near the biggest Focus fiend out there, but I have spent the past several months casually working on unlocking all the Waybounds, and even with the incomplete progress I've made on my Operator the mode has made a lot of difference. I'm not even just talking about Eidolons either, incorporating Operators into your normal gameplay can help in every game mode. Some Operator features I use on a regular basis include:

    1. Zenurik's energy buffs.

    2. Super fast movement using dashes that can cross massive terrain gaps.

    3. Invincible and invisible character revives. Even base operators can do this.

    4. Easy stealth for hacking safely and sneaking through spy sections.

    5. AOE blasts that can hit enemies that clip through the environment (useful on frames lacking AOE on defense missions)

    6. Waiting off random high damage toxic/slash procs that would otherwise kill my frame. 

    Other uses I've seen include specific magus arcane setups that can make healing your warframe a breeze, making melee strikes hit harder and easier to keep up combos with, and quickly wiping out the armor of high level Grineer (yeah some people really like Unairu). Not to mention how Operators absolutely trivialize the Stalker (who can be very annoying to deal with when you're ranking up gear).

    Just because Amps have some damage issues doesn't mean Operators are trash. I think a distinction really needs to be made there.

  2. I've seen Link Trinity usage jump up dramatically with the introduction of Onslaught, and while I don't believe she's too broken for that particular game mode (other top tier DPS frames like Equinox and Mesa can match or surpass her damage output) she's still a very low effort, high reward frame. It's how she trivializes other game modes like Index and Defense maps that I find significantly more problematic. Try playing an Index match with a good Trinity player sometime and watch as the enemy team gets vaporized through walls over and over before you even get a chance to shoot at them. Not fun at all to play with, and it's very frustrating how they get credit for way more points and kills than builds which require some degree of aiming or skill. Any frame that can basically force the other players on the team to do little more than stand around with nothing to fire at even in endgame content is unhealthy for the game and should be somewhat nerfed.

  3. There's a SUPER annoying Onslaught bug that has caused me to get kicked out of three missions in the past couple of days. Basically, if you enter the conduit gate and, upon loading the next stage, manage to fall off the edge of the map before your character ever lands on a platform, you will respawn at the stage you just left rather than the stage you entered. If you try to enter the conduit gate again at this point you automatically finish the mission and leave the group as if you had waited out the 30 second timer. This is very easy to do on the transition from stage 6 to stage 7 as stage 7 is full of bottomless pits that are very easy to inadvertently fall into.


  4. I've said it in the update thread and I'll say it again here- the biggest thing holding Khora back right now is that her Strangledome+Whipclaw damage combo simply does not work. Whipclaw's damage is "shared" between all the other enemies, sure, but for some reason mods are not applied to that shared damage so it barely dents them no matter how much damage you're doing with your Whipclaw AOE. This combo alone could have some very potent area denial utility if you could cover a massive area with Strangledome and continually wipe out enemies through walls and solid surfaces. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Ijaa-Aden said:

    I tried to hit the same target (lvl 100 Corrupted heavy gunner) with and without condition overload equipped and 2 status effects each time, the crit numbers were roughly the same. Further testing required.

    After further testing, I think you're right, whatever results I got must have been a fluke. Would be nice if it worked, though.

  6. 3 hours ago, Ijaa-Aden said:

    Condition overload and Healing return still don't work on it, intended or not. Whipclaw on Ensnare works fine, on Strangledome too. Though, Whipclaw still can't smash crates. =(

    Tested Condition Overload on it, it works just fine. Put four or five statuses on an enemy and the damage jumps up enormously. 

  7. Can you imagine how terribly dull warframe would be if nullifiers didnt exist to give frames like Mesa or Octavia SOME semblance of a challenge? They arent even all that hard to deal with, but you do have to do more than just spam an ability to get them killed. The game is significantly more interesting due to their existence.

  8. 21 hours ago, Fenwyn said:

    It's beyond sickening having to go through all the drama of belligerent players, sorting through an disappearing mess to sort through, where in every single MMO it's a simple search query, purchase, and equip.  No drama, just done.  Everyone will post that it isn't so bad, that there's another website, all these other solutions, but the fact that there are such solutions in the first place is the issue.  It's still a headache to navigate trading for half an hour or longer to find what you want, it's still a headache to have to play guessing games with morons who won't just give you a flat honest price and expect you to correctly guess right away based on any of the arbitrary numbers listed on a 3rd party website, and it's still a headache to not have a firm comparison of final price points to have some idea if you're being ripped off or not.


    Please, please, please DE, add an auction house.

    Oh lordie, not having to communicate or socialize with other players! You might end up having to do something terrible like saying "I'm interested in X"" and "thank you" when you buy an item instead of just hiding behind an automated shop! How utterly sickening

    you can look at the absolute garbage communities in mmos like ffxiv compared to warframe to see what happens when you progressively make easier and easier to avoid all interaction with anyone not on your friends list

  9. My biggest issue with Mesa's kit is that they don't do a good job making her gameplay feel like a gunslinger. I like the idea of a high risk/high reward side shootin' cowboy with some theme appropriate utility skills, but what we got was a frame who's effectively a high damage immobile turret with very little skill or interactivity required. Her 1 is subpar, her 2 and 3 are buff skills which are nothing but buffs on annoying timers that you have to refresh every so often, and her 4 is just... well, it trivializes a whole lot of content if you build for it properly, but since you do nothing but hold down the mouse and vaguely aim in the direction of enemies it gets pretty boring to use after a while. See McCree's ultimate in Overwatch for an example of what an autoaim sidearm skill maybe aught to look like- there's thought and risk involved in using it and thus the reward feels a lot more satisfying.

  10. Irradiating Disarm is some great stuff, but boosting range way up forces you to sacrifice some duration, and I'm of the impression most newer players getting Loki are convinced that max efficiency/duration on Loki while using strength and range as dump stats is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Making a really solid Loki build that can actually use both invisibility and disarm effectively requires some expensive mods and a lot of investment, and that's probably why you don't see very many killer Loki support players in random missions despite what a phenomenal frame he can be. Also, his OP arcane helmets are extremely useful for making these mixed builds, but unfortunately they're once again too difficult for the average newer player to obtain since they require trading plat.


  11. If someone says they're a Nezha "main" or a Rhino "main" or a Stradavar "main" I'm probably going to take their opinions on the subject more seriously. I feel like even at a MR where I've ranked up most of the weapons and frames in the game there are a few weapons/frames I've used significantly more than the vast majority of players (namely Hydroid and the Gorgon rifles) and I feel like I could offer some personal advice on using them that other players might miss. That doesn't mean I consider myself some sort of pro tier player when I'm using them, just that I have something of a bias towards them and the hundreds of hours I've spent using them has given me a fair amount of perspective towards their strengths and weaknesses.

  12. I play Hydroid more than any other frame and I have to say I disagree with you on a lot of points, namely the movement of his Tidal Surge being a downside. I actually find it to be extremely useful- it gives him a great deal of mobility while in Undertow and most importantly makes him completely invulnerable while plowing through a hallway filled with enemies. You say that it can drop him in a dangerous spot, but did you know that you can cancel Tidal Surge at any point by dropping into Undertow? It's a fairly skill-intensive ability compared to most of the abilities in Warframe but I like it that way and that's part of why I main him.

    I will say I agree that his passive sucks but I would rather he get something powerful that contributes to his ability spamming CC style like gaining +10 Energy for every enemy killed by one of his abilities. That would work wonders with helping with the serious energy management issues he tends to have (playing him without Zenurik and max efficiency is a very painful experience). I would also like to see his abilities get some of his augments as inherent traits- it's very frustrating that incredibly useful mods like Pilfering Swarm and and Corrosive Barrage, which I would very much love to replace with ability stat mods, are a huge reason some of his abilities are even seriously desired in the first place. Making Hydroid a challenging to play but extremely versatile support frame would give him a great deal of appeal to a lot of players and right now the only things stopping that are his energy consumption issues and how all of his extremely useful augments take up crucial mod slots. If nothing else, Curative Undertow and Tidal Impunity really aught to be inherent traits of the abilities they modify since while extremely fun to use they just can't compete for the already tight mod slots Hydroid has to deal with. This may sound a bit overpowered but keep in mind that Hydroid has to increase all of his ability stats to use his kit effectively, unlike frames like Mesa or Rhino who can afford to use a dump stat, which when already having to save slots for augments means his stat boosts are inevitably limited. Making him versatile to the same level of a frame like Octavia seems like a fair tradeoff.

  13. 12 hours ago, Reaver_X said:

    because player choice is a thing, if people prefer to play that way, then let them, quit crying about it.

    A significant amount of enjoyment in my Warframe experience would come from watching these unskilled sad sacks crash and burn if they tried getting through higher level missions just by hiding in a corner and aimlessly spamming one attack button for 10 minutes straight. Watching their characters die and seeing them rage in chat as I deliberately refuse to revive them would provide me with a special brand of joy rarely found outside of multiplayer video games. Is this not reason enough to participate in a suggestion thread about the topic?

  14. What's baffling about this whole situation is that when you consider the process of gathering rare resources like Argon Crystals or Gallium in normal gameplay, even if you don't get as many of them as you're hoping for, you're at least guaranteed to get plenty of useful common resources that are required for the vast majority of weapons and frames in the game. Salvage and Ferrite for instance are super easy to get, but the list of items and dojo research that requires them is enormous. Your time is never wasted when you go resource farming in normal missions because even if you don't get the exact resources you want right that moment you will get something that will definitely be useful in the future.

    On the other hand, the main resources you get for mining gem deposits is Devar followed by Azurite, both of which are basically completely useless trash, good only for minimal amounts of Ostron standing (which most miners don't even need regardless) and a miniscule selection of Amp/Zaw parts (and one Gara component). You can easily gather all the Devar/Azurite you will ever need in under an hour yet this is the vast majority of what players get from gem mining runs. Instead of feeling like my resource collection is always productive like in normal gameplay, I end up feeling like I'm wasting huge amounts of time playing an RNG slot machine that rarely pays out. If these common resources were anywhere near as useful as Sentrium and Nyth I wouldn't have a problem with the grind since regardless of my luck I'd at least feel my time was SOMEWHAT valuable- perhaps there could be an NPC that would exchange them in bulk for Endo or valuable resources like Mutagens/Fieldrons. As it stands though the game might as well just not give you any reward at all from gem deposits if it isn't an Eidolon Gem, and the fact that it does continue to give me these garbage resources feels like a slap on the face.

  15. 3 minutes ago, BlackVortex said:

    I finished maxing out all my trees and pool, I think it should remain the same, because it would be rather unfair I had to suffer for two years and everyone else who hasn't finished it yet gets a free pass

    I've never been a fan of this argument because it reeks of "back in my day we had to walk two miles through a foot of snow to get to school" while simultaneously saying you clearly didn't like it. If you honestly thought focus farming was "suffering", why do you want to keep the system exactly the same? Don't you think it should at least be a little better than that?

  16. "Makes sense from a lore perspective" is not a good enough reason to make a game-wide change to how energy is distributed. The limited starting energy has the key role of forcing you to choose between spending time/resources on filling it up (energy pizzas are neither instant or free) or managing with less than ideal energy until you collect enough from other sources. For frames that depend on channeled abilities or Quick Thinking to survive this can be a significant decision.

  17. Octavia is of course horribly overpowered, she practically takes the best qualities of four different frames and stuffs them into one- in many cases doing a better job than the frames she takes the roles of. Mirage, for instance, can grant her team a 600% weapon damage buff with the right augment and a specialized mod setup, but the range on it is crap and because it requires teammates stand inside bright light it's very unreliable. Octavia gets the same damage buff on her Amp but with a significantly larger range that works everywhere and requires no special team organization to pull off, and with no augment requirement. Or take Loki's stealth- it's a very good ability that makes Loki untargetable while maintaining his full mobility, but comes with the crucial weakness of forcing him to be momentarily vulnerable every 12-30 seconds depending on how much duration he has. Octavia's cloak has all the same mobility advantages but never needs to be recasted, making her perpetually invisible. I'd argue that likewise her 1 directly competes with Hydroid's infinitely scaling damage on Undertow and her Mallet is straight up better than the abilities offered by many so-called dedicated crowd control frames. 

     The biggest "weakness" of Octavia is that she's possibly the most obnoxious teammate in the game to have around (other than a bad Limbo player) and it's due to being forced to choose between turning off the game's music or listen to ear-grating Mandichord songs play continually on loop for the entire mission. I'd use her all the bloody time if I didn't feel ashamed for doing so, as it stands I'm only willing to use her during solo missions or without her 3 active.

  18. Nitain Extract serves as a wall (one of several, but an important one regardless) to prevent players from just plowing through all the content in the game as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter if you have a million plat or play 24 hours a day, you eventually are going to have to wait and do alerts just like everyone else if you want to get that handful of frames and weapons that require it. In a way it levels the playing field for people who can't afford to spend every waking moment grinding in this game, as it forces people to unlock items requiring Nitain at a rather steady clip. In addition, because these alerts are in such high demand, it encourages players to group up in missions they might not normally otherwise- fro instance, it's damn near impossible to find full groups for Kuva Fortress missions outside of major Alert runs. I think these mechanics are healthy for the game and give even casual players a long term goal to work towards that doesn't require an agonizing amount of grind. 

    As for people whining in this thread about how their apparently 30 hours a day jobs don't allow them time to get on Warframe whenever an alert pops up- welcome to the magical world of "real life", I really don't sympathize here with you at all. There are plenty of us who have working jobs and pay the bills and still manage to invest the five minutes it takes to get on once a day and do an alert. If your schedule means it takes you three weeks to gather enough resources to build Vauban Prime, so be it. It's not like there aren't plenty of other things to build and do in this game that don't require Nitain at all.


  19. Gara was nerfed because her giant impenetrable wall ruined the interactivity of the game for other players, I'd argue that Banshee's soundquake is no different. But if you nerf Banshee do you really think that boring one-trick farming builds on Hydron are really going to stop? You still have Ember, you still have Equinox, you still have Mesa, hell even Nehza or Hydroid can just spam their 4s continuously with a max range/efficiency build to wipe out every wave. I don't particularly enjoy having defense missions where I don't really get to do anything but stand there and wait for my affinity to go up, but nerfing one frame is not going to change this. Banshee isn't the source of the problem here, she's simply the most popular because her trash mob clearing skills require the least effort.

  20. 8 hours ago, Bronjun said:

    Why would it be a nerf to slash? Sure it's no longer based on total base damage, but you can increase it with mods like buzz kill to achieve the same effectiveness. Oh, you didn't want to sacrifice a mod slot for that. 



    This is a good point. With a single mod weapons like the Pandero or Soma Prime could be further biased towards Slash procs while simultaneously increasing the proc damage, something that they can't do currently. 

  21. In all my time playing Warframe I have never seen this mission failure imminent message pop up. Do you have to take, like, half an hour fighting a boss or something? This isn't something as far as I'm aware that should happen normally.

  22. 21 hours ago, Spectre-8 said:

    You can always abort mission , you know this right ?

    Then you lose all your resources and affinity for the mission, which is a problem if this was for some important alert or other mission that you really don't want to repeat.


    What you can do is just let yourself die, alt-tab and wait for the mission to end- even if you are dead when the extraction happens you'll still get all the rewards for the time you put in. 

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