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(XBOX)COA Altair

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Posts posted by (XBOX)COA Altair

  1. They'd have to overhaul the system to ever make solar rail conflicts interesting and not just heavily in favor of the clan/alliance in control of the dark sector node.  That was the reason they were garbage at first, the invading clan/alliance would not be able to compete in terms of resource rewards with the clan that had been sitting on the node for months on end accumulating a ton of resources off the tax they imposed.  Will it ever happen?  The answer may surprise you (soon.)  

    Endgame?  In warframe?  By the time 'endgame' exists almost every warframe player who wants 'endgame' will have left.  Endgame in warframe is right clicking -> uninstall.  Or fashionframe.  We've been here for over 4 years waiting for endgame, but all that has happened is the game getting easier over that time and it will continue to be made easier is my guess.  

  2. It isn't that hard...I finished the 8 railjack missions in under 20 minutes in the first mission on earth.  Granted I have seeker volley, however, even without that it would be trivial to complete.  Took me under 3 hours to finish the weeklies this week.  Once you get to rank 30 you don't have to do anything nightwave related for months usually or you can finish by the end of series 3 going at a leisurely pace and only doing the challenges that take very little time to do or you enjoy doing them.  

  3. A new player is disappointed with Baro inventory?  Now I just know you're bullS#&$ting.  Baro is a good place until you own everything he offers and you clearly do not own everything he offers as someone who has been playing for as little time as you can't have accrued all the necessary credits and ducats to own his entire inventory.  Nor has he brought his entire inventory in the brief time you've been playing the game.  

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  4. Rivens are a mistake and I wish they weren't in the game, however, too late to close pandora's box.  I really wish they would overhaul the system, however, I haven't heard of a riven rework anywhere.  All they do is tinker with dispositions every PA.  New weapon comes out that is popular?  Rivens are going to cost over 1K plat for that weapon as the odds of getting a riven for a specific weapon are slim to none especially since they keep adding weapons.  

    It would be fine if they allowed locking of stats, but once you lock stats you can't trade the riven.  Simple.  Elegant.  You have to put in effort into your own rivens then and can't just throw platinum at the screen to get a CC CD Damage +recoil opticor riven or whatever it is you're after.  Right now it's just the slot machine that they call end game, since you could farm 100 million kuva and not get the perfect roll for a given weapon.  

  5. Difficulty of warframe as a game has only gone down over time and that's not likely to change.  They're making hard mode missions, however, those with an optimized frame will still be pretty easy until you go for hours and hours straight.  The only way they've made this game harder is by removing covert lethality/the ultimate cheese when it enabled you to kill any enemy with a finisher regardless of level.  

  6. 4 hours ago, (XB1)x ARTaco x said:

    only reason they suck is because there's no auction house.... every time i wanna buy one with relevant stats people want over 500 plat which is why i've never bought a riv from tc with the exception of a rip-off boltor riv for 200 near their inception... (never again neh?)


    rivs free up slots so you can do more varied builds. they're not a band-aid to anything. if they took rivs out and didn't expand the open slots on frames and weapons i'd quit playing since with only 8-10 freaking slots everyone would have the same exact builds and that'd be laaaaaaame

    Almost all the builds are already the same because there's like 6+ slots that are locked into things like serration and split chamber and the flex slots are choosing what elements you want on your weapon.  Most of the mods are garbage in this game so you have no reason to use them unless you just don't have all the mods.  

  7. It's kind of a joke.  You stagger yourself, enemies shoot you and you go down, or you just straight up down yourself with your weapon.  Oh and AoE weapons now have massive damage falloff discouraging their use though kuva bramma is still hella popular because the weapon is still the best easy button like catchmoon before catchmoon got nerfed.  

  8. On 2020-05-01 at 6:20 PM, AutumnRhey said:

    Personally I didn't like JV but I loved running regular and nightmare LoR every day with my clanmates. We even started hosting groups teaching people how to do them every day. There were some bugs for sure, but I think I might have been lucky or something because I don't remember them being nearly as bad as people say. I absolutely hate eidolons so I'm glad SS brought the arcanes in a different way at least. Though the arcanes weren't even why I ran LoR, I just honestly thought it was fun and enjoyed doing it. We're obviously in the minority here, but yeah I'd love to see them come back.

    It wasn't really LOR and NM LOR that were buggy as I too raided every day, it was JV that was a big mess that near the end was unplayable if you didn't know how to counteract the bugs.  Heck they even made NM LOR easier eventually when the lightning didn't instakill the fomorian core like it used to.  It dealt heavy damage, but at least the raid wasn't just over if you hit the electricity once.  

    For raids to be relevant they need relevant rewards and proper teamwork unlike normal warframe where 1 man army is putting it lightly.  As well as likeable replayable gameplay.  I doubt DE will come up with something that good in that vein if eidolons and co. are anything to go by.  

  9. Warframe is a game that you can put in a week of playtime every time some new content drops then forget about it until the next content drop.  The go play something else argument does have negative aspects, however, playing just one game for months and months on end is going to burn anyone out.  With warframe historically it isn't even worth it anymore to play a big content drop at launch because of bugs and they inevitably make it easier half a year down the line railjack is just the most recent example where they're going to make intrinsics easier to get, they made ship building costs easier, they have made resource requirements lower for repairing stuff like engines and reactors, etc. etc.  

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  10. They said raids were coming back sometime last year, so maybe raids will be ready to come back in 2024.  By then everyone who enjoyed the raids originally will no longer be playing the game though so eh.  

    On 2020-04-29 at 5:14 PM, (XB1)Skippy575 said:

    Because you shouldn't be able to progress pvp by strictly playing pve. 

    PVP in this game is a joke, sorry you weren't told before now.  Progress off just syndicate medallions?  You could spend years acquiring syndicate medallions to max out and obtain all the conclave skins, which is the only interesting part of conclave in terms of rewards and kind of the mods now that they're making them workable somehow in PVE with altered stats or something.  

  11. I agree.  Each piece of content they have been handing us for the past year and a half+ has been underwhelming.  Then they make changes to the game that take a giant dump on what people have worked for in terms of rivens with the status chance change to shotguns.  Did status shotguns do something egregious?  Sure didn't, but let's nerf them anyways outside crit shotguns that still lack primed blunderbuss in 2020 and the kohm for whatever reason gets a gallon of steroids.  

    While the storyline could be interesting, again, when is the story ever going to finish?  In 5 years what will the lotus be doing, honestly have no clue.  

  12. This is a loot based game so it should have universal vacuum.  Alas we'll never get to save the slot on our pets/robots/whatever because DE won't listen.  If I go into a mission without vacuum I honestly feel compelled to quit the mission, that's how essential vacuum is.  Getting all the loot in a bigger room without vacuum is so time inefficient you're better off not collecting all the loot, which is just bad gameplay design.  

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  13. They aren't going to change this login system again.  They already overhauled it.  At this point I barely care if I miss a login day and I'm at around 1200 logins or something because rivens are stupid, the kuva means almost nothing because rivens are stupid especially in regard to rerolling, and endo is the last thing I want because I have enough endo to probably max out another set of primed mods from zero to ten, but lack the credits since I've used credits to amass more plat than I will ever need as well as some pedestal primes.  Warframe doesn't cater to veterans and I doubt it ever will again outside the odd leaderboard event, which I don't really care about at this point either since getting number one on the leaderboards is finding an exploit, getting a team together, and running said event for a super long time with said team using the exploit until the game crashes, get the best score, or the entire team runs out of revives.  

  14. Lich system is warframe in a nutshell.  Kill as many enemies as quickly as possible, rinse, repeat.  Hope to get lucky with drops or in this case guessing requiem mod order.  All behind a big wall of grind of course because the only way to make people keep playing is to make them grind for dozens of hours to get a 60% elemental kuva weapon.  

  15. Either way, her augment for her 3 right now is really good not going to lie since they buffed the range on it when they redid a lot of augments at once the range was increased so it wasn't so cumbersome.  I doubt you can make it better unless you make her 3, again, a toggle ability.  Seems they won't do that though.  I agree her 3 is quite powerful having used it myself at times to absolutely destroy enemies even when they had a ton of armor available prior to enemy armor scaling rework.  

  16. Sometimes it feels like +multishot or other lucrative positives are harder to get, however, it really is just RNG.  The number of possible outcomes that can be rolled each time a riven gets rolled is astronomically high with the stat buffs/debuffs there are.  You can roll a riven 150 times and you're far more likely to not have the roll you want versus the roll you want since the combinations of stats available number in the millions.  

  17. I swear all people associate with volt who don't play him is oh he makes you run faster.  Just shows off their ignorance when they talk about gauss.  

    'Majority of players' is often said, however, if the entire warframe playerbase posted on these forums this thread would have multiple pages already and not just this one page.  Forum goers make up a miniscule slice of the entire playerbase.  

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