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Posts posted by WinstonPlaneGuy

  1. Simple and logical answer: No.

    Mysterious and adventurous answer: Maybe, go find them.


    But no, in all seriousness there has not been any patchnote history regarding adding Somachord Fragments for the Railjack soundtrack.

    You can check the wiki's list of tones for the Somachord, there is no new tone in there neither any tone with 'Railjack missions'(Or something of the like, proxima-earth, etc, etc) as their location for finding them.

    ( Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Somachord#List_of_Somachord_Tones )

  2. This is sure strange, but just to correct you: The latest update to Warframe is Empyrean: Ivara Prime Update 27.0.4, at your news console it should show this as the latest news that has appeared.

    There might be a few possible ways to get you out of this: 

    1. Try relaunching the game and launcher: Try Taskmanager'ing it to kill it completely if it doesn't.

    2. Once you've done that and are back on the login screen check what is noted under the game's title.

    Post image

    If you look at this picture you can see above the login-info the game's most recent update name; I highly doubt you're playing The Sacrifice's update, but this might help. It should say "Empyrean"

    (Picture source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/99q0dw/i_colored_my_oberon_to_suit_the_login_screen_by/


    3. Try reinstalling the game: If it says you don't have the right version a clean reinstall should get you the right one.


    Hope this helps!

  3. I have a friend from Egypt with not that good of an internet connection and a S#&$ty laptop, he wasn't sure he'd even be able to play the content that was Empyrean. His name being Electronicle and mine being Dragondude I named our Railjack the Voltaic Dragon, for the chance that it wasn't going to work out with him we'd have a Railjack in our honour.

    But it turns out he is able to run it fine and he will build his own Railjack soon (after those pesky Mutagen invasions he needs to do for Cy) but I don't really have another name, so I am keeping mine The Voltaic Dragon.

    And while he is grinding his Railjack and not busy he comes aboard my ship and we play together.

  4. I believe for it to determine as a  'hijacking' you have to kill each and every enemy on board, I remember when I took the place of the Crewship captain but I was still getting attacked (no achievement) and when I had killed that last butcher and then tried to take control I got said achievement.

    Looking at the definition of 'Hijack' it says "unlawfully seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes.", then looking at the definition of 'Seize' "take hold of suddenly and forcibly.".

    Would you (/the game) consider the Crewship hijacked if you haven't even seized it yet? As you cannot take hostages in this gamemode, I guess you haven't taken the ship from the Grineer faction if one of their units is still on the ship protecting it's status to "Grineer owned" thus not being seized (and thereby not hijacked').

    Hope this helps on your journey to get this achievement! Be sure to look out for all enemies on the Crewship since you know, Warframe AI. 🙂


    (Taken from another post with the same problem, still made by me.)

  5. I believe for it to determine as a  'hijacking' you have to kill each and every enemy on board, I remember when I took the place of the Crewship captain but I was still getting attacked (no achievement) and when I had killed that last butcher and then tried to take control I got said achievement.

    Looking at the definition of 'Hijack' it says "unlawfully seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one's own purposes.", then looking at the definition of 'Seize' "take hold of suddenly and forcibly.".

    Would you (/the game) consider the Crewship hijacked if you haven't even seized it yet? As you cannot take hostages in this gamemode, I guess you haven't taken the ship from the Grineer faction if one of their units is still on the ship protecting it's status to "Grineer owned" thus not being seized (and thereby not hijacked').

    Hope this helps on your journey to get this achievement! Be sure to look out for all enemies on the Crewship since you know, Warframe AI. 🙂

  6. The player has been around since before update 22.12, in that time period Paris Prime had a Mastery Rank requirement of 4. In update 22.12 this requirement was changed to 8.

    This has happened before with weapons getting their Mastery Rank requirement raised and people below said Mastery Rank whom had already gotten said weapon because it was available to them prior, because DE is nice to its playerbase, instead of locking away the weapons from their use (even though they own them) until they reach the required Mastery Rank, they allow those players to keep using them. See: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Paris_Prime (Patch history section)

    It's totally reasonable to assume newer players stop after a while and forget about the game, what you saw was a new player from before update 22.12 returning to the game.

    Other examples of this happening are for example the Opticor, whose Mastery Rank requirement got changed from 6 to 14 in that very same update. See: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Opticor

  7. I can confirm it is still available, the most easy way to find it is to go straight into the market and type: "Repala", if that doesn't work out go to your arsenal, go to the appearance tab of a Warframe, select Syandana, scroll through it and find it.

    If that doesn't work, I'd check if you see any other Tennogen items, if not, you're not connected by Steam.

    • Like 1
  8. oSwlBd5.pngaIIpigs.png

    From the moment I started playing today, each and every player that has joined my squad has ended up staying in the squad chat player list. Really confusing and I suspect it will get bigger today...

  9. Hi Dev team,

    I'm sure you're all familiar with the Ki'teer chest plate and its sorta square floating thing that it projects. Recently I noticed that it doesn't take the energy colour that it does show when choosing the colour.

    When out of arsenal: a982490d0174aa431018b6d7c74c0f2c.png

    Colours used: e8fd281c57a5e80a0be8a95ecbfee3d6.png

    When selecting colours it does apply the colour: ba9073d8d8970735c7d8bf03730ef1fd.jpg


    I'd like to see this fixed as I quite like the floaty when it's purple/blue/whatever (I'm colour blind.)


    Thank you in advance!



  10. Personally, I'd do what Zelmen said below.

    On 2019-07-02 at 4:16 PM, Zelmen said:

    Worst case scenario you could just make a second twitch account, link it and run two internet browsers (or one in incognito).

    From the wording I have seen in the past I think only one gets the drop. I only play PC and can't confirm.

    But you can always rename twitch to *username*(PC) and make a Mixer account named *username*(PS4) and just get two tabs if you wanna do it that way.

  11. 1. Release Harrow Prime as next prime

    2. Harrow +  Harrow Prime noggles

    3. Add a 'landingcraft docking into orbiter animation' since the Orbiter is supposed to be a separate ship from your landing craft and many people don't realize that.

    4. Replace landingcraft with orbiters when in squad (looking out the window of orbiter to see landingcraft of friends)

    5. Bring back raids and their cosmetic rewards

    6. Add more Kavat species

    7. Remove plat to rename pet option

    8. Remove plat to rename clan option

    9. If clan emblem is accepted, plat is refunded to player

    10. Make archwing good

    11. More variable kitguns, zaws

    • Like 1
  12. I've noticed one day that when redoing my Equinox Prime there would sometimes be a cyst on my frame that'd pop into and out of existence, I've never seen it before. I walked to the Helminth room to check it out and yeah, she had a cyst! (And yes Equinox is female, check https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Equinox under release date and under trivia, for some that still believe she is both genders.) I had the option to remove it and also got that on video, well, a small bit. So to summarise cyst on Equinox Prime isn't visible ever?




    https://gyazo.com/99088e013f5c9d8c3994698ed2ae1462 (Gif/Video of Equinox Prime being able to remove the cyst)

    After the video above I cannot enter the Helminth room anymore.

  13. 4 hours ago, bl1te said:

    Um, actually no, it wasn't mentioned?

    The line on the 'News' page is about enabling 2FA after update, but not about receiving Ephemera after update.

    As for the Forums... there isn't even that line.

    Where have your eyes looked when you were posting it?..

    Actually, it was. On the news page it was mentioned, only on the forums. My bad for not correctly reading the forum post by [DE]Helen.



    "If 2FA is enabled after the update is liveyou will receive the Fae Path Ephemera via in-game inbox message!"

    -Picture source: Bottom/last piece of text on: https://www.warframe.com/news/the-jovian-concord


    24 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

    On the official site, it is clearly stated in the part I copy-pasted that it will only sent to players once the update is live. This detail isn't mentionned in [DE]Helen's post in the Forum News, which is probably why the OP is confused about not receiving the Ephemera yet.

    I'm sorry for overlooking this detail in the Forums, my bad.

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