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  1. So I've been saving up Kuva for a really long time to roll my Euphona Prime Riven. Today I finally got a perfect roll that pretty much matched what I was looking for. Then on the selection screen as I was doing the math, I accidentally selected the previous stats instead of the new roll. At first I almost lost my mind, but then I convinced myself that it would be fine and I should just keep going and eventually I might even get something better. That was after spending about 15k Kuva. Now I'm about 70k deep and I'm half regretting even playing this game. I'm a college student and I don't get very much free time outside of my studies. But when I do, I often like to relax by playing Warframe. I'm mastery level 22, so I'm really loyal to this game. This has been the worst experience that I've ever had with it and the thought of quitting entirely never even occurred to me until now. That's how bad that I feel like this situation is. I can't even tell you how long it took me to save up this Kuva (it's been so long that I don't even remember). I've made sacrifices in my weekly schedule just to get all of the Kuva. Then a simple mistake, and it all amounts to nothing. I've seen this happen to people on youtube as well (such as Mogamu). I feel like DE designed this system in a way that makes this way too easy to happen. I wouldn't be here talking about, but I thought I vaguely remembered someone a while back talking about how they once submitted a ticket to recover a Riven and actually got it back. Is this possible? I'd like to think that DE support is willing to help with situations like this so that I didn't just massively waste my time. And for the record, I really don't want to quit the game. It's just with college being such a big and stressful part of my schedule, I don't want to sign into the game and be reminded of this every time I try to do a Riven build or something. I play Warframe to relive stress, not add to it.
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