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Posts posted by -Bing-

  1. 7 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:


    Yes yes, boo hoo the raids are gone.

    Did I mention raids? And who are you. Do you lurk around here just to provoke anyone that doesn't main Ivara?


  2. 5 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Out of all the people commenting that agree with me, you picked me of all people to quote and say this nonsense.  

    Go back, reread my post, and then comprehend it's meaning.  Once you do that, then maybe we can have a civilized discussion without you making overblown assumptions.  

    Done. You still think it's ok for devs to lash out at there community. 

    Makes me think of that time when Baro brought the quanta skin and kickbot had a meltdown.

    No one in their right mind would think that was an appropriate reaction.

  3. 11 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    That is making a mountain out of a molehill.  The entire playerbase was not called that.  Only an elite few who just happened to fit a specific criteria.  If you didn't fall into that elite group, then you shouldn't feel insulted at all.  If you happen to fall into that group, then you should feel ashamed for pushing them to that point in the first place.  

    You're the type of person who defends an abusive spouse.

    On that same note, an elite few? There isn't even any content to be elite in unless you mean the guys AFKing in Larunda

  4. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    ok, clearly something has gone down here since even Mr. Redtext got riled, but.. what happened? did they delete everybody's Kuva or something? I'd contribute to this thread more but I'm out of the loop here. context would be appreciated!

    DE adds poorly implemented feature 

    Poorly implemented feature is broken 

    Everyone says it's broken

    Red text gets pissy because they didn't leave their personal issues at home. Pretty simple

  5. You can't even think about invading someone's safe space on these forums, yet red text gets to berate the entire community, and did I hear it right, or are people getting suspended for mentioning kuva in region chat?

    I think DE has proved they don't respect their vets, but the whole community? Time to grow up and apologize, and maybe give us something worth reading patch notes for.

  6. The game is so trivialized at this point that unless DE can implement some real mechanically challenging brand new content or completely reworks a/all gameplay and reward systems we can't expect to see endgame ever.

    People need to get comfortable with the fact that it's a feel good game and caters very strongly to casuals with $150-$300 to blow on plat or PA. And that is a system that works (as a business model).

  7. Toxicity isn't born when you hit a certain MR. 

    The issue with low MR people is they watch the wrong YouTube videos. They don't take advice. They take bad advice. 

    Again this bleeds through right to MR25 and misinformed Joe Schmo grinds hydron and adaro nonstop and doesn't stop to ask am I doing this right?


  8. On 3/16/2018 at 11:27 AM, (XB1)scrylite said:

    Banshee's resonating quake is killing all the mobs on defense missions before I can even attack them. When will something be done about this because it's really ruining my player experience.

    I genuinely cannot tell whether or not this is satire.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Aggh said:

    Yeah, let's believe some rando on the forums over the devs who actually have to work on the content.  And save the conspiracy theories for your echo chamber please.  They took them out because they weren't worth the resources they were putting into them, end of story.

    "Aggh has no Trials attempts". Who would have thought?!

    5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    If that site accurate? It says I haven't done any trials either.

    I see your data, make sure you selected PC as your platform. You have 15/20 LoR completions, 4/5 NM LoR completions, and 1/1 JV completion.


    It is accurate as all data is pulled straight from DE.

  10. 15 hours ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    FTFY. "Challenging" is not the adjective I would use to describe trials. 

    According to Trials.WF trials data, you have never completed or attempted a raid. Source: https://xb1.trials.wf/player/?user=RDeschain82

    I have completed over 500 combined across my IGNs and my xbox gamertags. 





    They were not broken in any way. The bugs were all minor and occurred infrequently. In total I had 5 soft locked Jordas Verdicts and 2 soft locked Law of Retributions. 

    Please stop being a parrot, or if you decide to just repeat what you hear other people say, at least be entertaining. 

  11. 1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

    Speedrunners are not even remotely large enough as a group to warrant a change like this. Other people don't care to a thousandth decimal and sure as hell don't care that the timer doesn't stop at the most precise time possible.

    Thanks for the toxic opinion.

    Next time you want to give it, check if someone asked. Considering speed runners get maybe 98-99% less support than Conclave, I don't think it's too much to request a simple quality of life change when it's feasible. 

  12. Just now, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    Well, they do care at least a little, otherwise they wouldn't have axed the trials and moved the rewards to more accessible content!

    Your statement is subjective. They moved it to content that moved their agenda forward. 

    On the other hand, they removed 3 mechanically challenging 8 man missions from the game. In order to give better rewards for 3 (or one reskinned) 4 man world boss(s). 


  13. We all appreciate the effort and time it took to add this timer, and I know a lot of people have been anxiously waiting for such a feature, but as of right now it pretty much serves no purpose to anyone. I think everyone who might care about how quickly they get a mission done is going to be using some sort of video software to time to the thousandth of a second.

    If you want to make this something more useful that players can actually use 

    - Time to the millisecond (.000) 

    Bonus points if the timer ends on the first frame of the mission complete screen.

  14. You forgot to mention it's limited to 4 people. Explore this vast open world with an AFK host, the guy with no archwing launcher who can't get to the objective in time, and the guy who thinks abandoning the bounty to kill a level 60 tetalyst solo is a good idea. 


    This content would have been exciting I guess in 2002 but at this point it's pretty insulting. 

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