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Posts posted by Kracken

  1. i think this is the nearest one for a model... since its a sci-fi ninja organic... [url=

    those are Evangelion heads ...

    If Warframe could be similar to anime it would be Guyver but only a litle

  2. Today i noticed that whyle using heavy charge i'm geting red numbers only when i'm killing mobs with one hit. (Uranos maps)

    Normal is white , and crit is yellow so what will be red dmg ?!

    and that red dmg is mostly much bigger than normal or even crit - i'm using RHINO with GRAM - with it my heavy charge dmg is ~120+50+40 ; crit ~240+80+60. The red dmg is ~500.

    i would love to show you some ss but its nearly inposible on my laptop to get it with split of second.

  3. This is a defense mission - dificulty 3 - 6 waves

    the wave counter stops at 2 and the game refuse to spawn new wave - its unable to end it.

    tryed 4 times - even when the host exits / abadon / dc - some mobs will spawn - but the mission wont progres.

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