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Posts posted by Syrtica

  1. 2 hours ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

    Were you using Octavia/ in a squad with an Octavia? If so, it is probably her mallet. This has been an issue since Fortuna first came out.

    Thanks for this. I was trying with Octavia with my brother on Atlas, couldn't complete the base capture. Timer counted down to 0, defense point went invulnerable, and the prompt to kill remaining enemies never appeared. Couldn't proceed past that. I completed Phase 1 on Limbo after I read your comment.

  2. I have no complaints about the winners, but I agree that some explanation of what they liked about those dojos would have been nice. Even after searching for some of the winning entries (also agree that linking their posts would have been helpful), I don't feel like we know what makes a "good" dojo for next time, whenever that happens to be. On that alone, I don't know yet whether I'd want to enter again when this resurfaces.

    Honestly the biggest demotivator for me was looking at my imgur albums yesterday and still seeing "0 views" on a couple of them, but I'm not sure if that means my style put off the judge early or if imgur is just trash at tracking views, haha.

  3. Clan: Dyspessa
    Tier: Ghost
    Platform: PC

    We're a bunch of nutcases who've known each other for years, over a decade in a couple cases. My younger brother (SparkeeLecaro) and I did the bulk of the design work, but we harassed our friends for resources and/or ideas, because that's what friends are for. 👍

    Entryway: https://imgur.com/a/dNjnoe4 
    Primary goal here was to give a friend with a riven-unveiling addiction a real easy place to trade. Using the starter hall was decided as a group, and then I brought Ikea. Clear floor means no weird spawns, and the trade terminal is right in your face. Upper level has the treasury on a platform closer to the ceiling. I have a habit of putting things in ceilings...

    Oracle Hallway: https://imgur.com/a/NUA3HOU 
    Hallway branching off to the Oracle, Energy Lab, and Chem Lab.

    Oracle: https://imgur.com/a/bxkdgAa
    Not really an Oracle anymore; houses the ascension altar. Covering up those little hologram things was an adventure. Not pictured: lua shards at the bottom of all those pits in the room. Also not pictured: the patience it took to place all that trim.

    Energy Lab: https://imgur.com/a/MijeCbu
    Favorite thing: Getting items on shelves above the holograms to hide the cylinders.

    Chem Lab: https://imgur.com/a/lEihPZI
    I learned ten new swear words getting the catwalk joints beneath the glass in the floor. Funny story: when a friend walked in after not setting foot in a chem lab for months, he said, "So what did you change?" Either I got the theme spot-on as far as he could tell, or his N64 graphics settings make this look identical to the original. Bit of a toss-up.

    Tenno Hallway: https://imgur.com/a/Mv91JdG
    Hallway branching off to the Tenno, Bio, and Orokin Labs.

    Tenno Lab: https://imgur.com/a/MqNkiZF
    I didn't make a panorama for this one. Between the size and the thing in the middle, you wouldn't see much. Notable: covered up the energy turbines in the walls. Take that, turbines.

    Bio Lab: https://imgur.com/a/IBgs9jS
    If I want to see Lephantis, I'll go visit.

    Orokin Lab: https://imgur.com/a/0iczydQ
    Full disclosure: the back is unfinished. I'm happy enough with the front to post screenshots, though.

    Hallways to Obstacle Courses: https://imgur.com/a/QlotVaQ
    We ran out of gallium supplying this mess, because each of those hallways is actually three or four hallways. No point in me giving y'all a bunch of samey screenshots though.

    Junction: https://imgur.com/a/fQX4QBp
    The only large garden on the tour. The labs and basement elevator are on one side of the entryway; this is the first room on the opposite side.

    Small Garden "Peace": https://imgur.com/a/iXksUjn
    First room on the right in the west wing. I see a lot of people using clan halls and large gardens, but I like the small ones more. It lets you give a room a "feeling" without having to pad it out and fill space. Blocked the other three doors, stuck a floor in, and used the buddha's rear end as a garden border, which is probably disrespectful.

    Small Garden "Industry": https://imgur.com/a/UCiE1U5
    First on the left in the west wing. Designed and built by SparkeeLecaro. It was his first. There was a lot of swearing.

    Small Garden "Uniqueness": https://imgur.com/a/P1Imr64
    Second on the right in the west wing. I wanted to try one mundane object being the center of attention, even with other stuff on/around it (plantlife).

    Small Garden "Arena": https://imgur.com/a/yKDNAZ9
    Second on the left in the west wing. Designed and built by SparkeeLecaro. Next room over is the dueling room.

    Small Garden "Contrast": https://imgur.com/a/gEQ2Jk5
    Connected to the back of "Uniqueness". Similar idea with the color, but on a "room" level: all cool colors on the bottom, then you notice the hole in the ceiling, and bam. This one was a lot of fun.

    Small Garden "Impression": https://imgur.com/a/O14iQgN
    Connected to the side of "Uniqueness". I just wanted to put stuff down in a grid, that's all. My brother said he wouldn't donate any more neurodes to the vault unless I could promise that I wasn't going to do something "excessive" again. Sorry kiddo, not a promise I can make.

    Small Garden "Dragon": https://imgur.com/a/r4mmD4l
    First on the left in the east wing. Designed and built by SparkeeLecaro, but 'belongs' to another friend of ours who chose the theme.

    Small Garden "Campground": https://imgur.com/a/YdavR10
    First on the right in the east wing. Designed and built by SparkeeLecaro.

    Small Garden "Graveyard": https://imgur.com/a/FfEUfj3
    Second on the left in the east wing. Designed and built by SparkeeLecaro.

    Small Garden "Garden": https://imgur.com/a/ris5B3F
    Second on the right in the east wing. Designed and built by SparkeeLecaro. This room serves as a tutorial on how to use a planter as a planter, which I apparently need as I keep using them for wall/ceiling/floor tiles...

    Clan Hall "Tree": https://imgur.com/a/TGpneZL
    Between Junction and the Observatory. The dragon wasn't a fan of fire-buddha.

    That's all we've got at the moment. I like decorating so much that I'll probably keep tacking on rooms 'til I croak...

  4. Started creating an imprint of my kavat (which was not equipped at the time). I went on several missions. Afterwards, I decided to rush the imprint creation, and its head and tail immediately disappeared:
    Going on another mission and returning did not correct the issue. Closing and reopening the game did not correct the issue.

    Putting the kavat in stasis and previewing still lacks the head and tail (screenshot included for entertainment value):

    Removing the kavat from stasis did not correct the issue.

    EDIT: When I equipped the kavat and re-selected its fur pattern, its head and tail came back. :)

  5. When fighting the Saryn Specter at the Sedna Junction, she used Molt just before I killed her. The decoy stuck around and exploded, killing me. Instead of being kicked back to the start (maybe because I'd already "won") I remained dead and had to exit the junction via the menu.

  6. Grammar throughout the quest is poor. Most of the issues I've noticed are with punctuation, but there are a few others. The screenshots I've included are not the full extent of the problem; I think the quest in its entirety needs review.




    (This last image was pulled from a YouTube video, but I remember noticing it while playing.)

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