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Posts posted by Inanegrain62

  1. I'm fairly certain I know how limbo works and how some things aren't suppose to work in a certain way, such as rift surge and cataclysm.

    The issue is very similar to the Roller and Sensor bug that I've complained about before and has been "fixed".


    While joining as a client, I've tried to use Limbo's ability to gain affinity, I've noticed a inconsistency that has been there BEFORE I even complained about sensors and rollers being broken, though, I thought it was because I didn't know how he works, but I'm fairly certain that, if I cast rift surge on enemies in the rift through cataclysm, they will be kicked back into banishment if I close the cataclysm. This leaves them in the rift, and if I cast it again, they will be then, dragged out with another knockdown.


    However, a few enemies ignore this and remain in the rift, not even being pulled out of the rift through cataclysm and only kicked out of the rift through banishing them, I'm very certain that this is a bug and not intended as the enemies react radically with the rift. This also leads to "leftover" enemies that I complained about that limbo does and quite not so benefiting to the team if said Limbo was a DPS limbo dealing with this issue and having the manually banish enemies out.

    tl;dr: Cataclysm thrown on enemy, casted rift surge, closed the cataclysm, open cataclysm, enemy remains in the rift while some are kicked out, repeating it has no effect on them unless directly banished.

  2. Dargyn's will force you to be unmountable, I've noticed that the player won't do the animation from switching into the dargyn, only teleporting into it upon clicking X.

    When suiciding with it, you won't be able to revive yourself, yet, you're able to fire your weapons while labeled as "Dead". The weapons fired are unknown and are limited, i.e. I can only fire 5 shots and not reload, switching to the akstileto, firing the clip and then not being able to reload, Melee doesn't work nor does it give any sound effect.


    The camera will continue to spectate other players during the bounty.



  3. Instead of just, warping you out of said location, have it do the animation where you've fallen out of the map. With it, it'll be more commonly used to solve issues that require you jumping out of bounds to reset your character.

    A common issue that it can solve would be very large amounts of lag enough to make you stuck in place or being downed at a very unusual spot that causes you to... get dropped over and over again?

    I understand that it could be exploited, but, what are the chances of it being exploited? I'd understand the chances of more bugs but, it'd still solve a few issues by chance to try it out.

  4. This bug may have been here before The sacrifice and POE or after POE has been released.

    The exalted weapons will stay out as a usable weapon, animations will be "merged" such as whips being used or vice versa. The damage will vary as Valkyr will have full benefit from her exalted weapon of Life steal but no Invulnerability and retains the animation.

    Excalibur's exalted blade will not be the same, not have the beam and deal minimal damage as you're swinging the exalted weapon in my case.

    I've had the bug occur on these frames and it does not consume energy at all nor would walking into a nullifier nullify it.


    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/273494346 For Valkyr.


    It starts from switching into operator without cancelling the exalted weapon, however, it may vary as I'm not conclusive about it. It does, however, mangle your function to switch weapons and attack, leaving you disarmed and useless by chance. For excalibur, it's very prominent and jumping off the map would be the only solution for each time it occurs.


  5. Got this issue during an endo farm in rathuum, my shots weren't hitting the enemy despite wounds, as if they're invulnerable. They weren't as I shot them with operator, registering as normal.

    Had this even more during normal play, quite bizarre for a bug like this to pop up after the sacrifice update.

  6. Psst, try and not make enemy projectiles/bullets react oddly in the rift too!


    Also, will sentries and roller's interaction with the rift be fixed? I'm very sure that it's a bug due to how they can be banished and receive damage and remain in the rift with rift surge BUT still interact poorly with his cataclysm, not staying in the rift and freely moving after taking a tick of damage.


    So... what else could break when it arrives?

  7. Had a booster today and went on to some kuva siphons.

    I've remembered reading a fix that solved the issue with Kuva being hit, but not counting to the siphon and damaging the kuva siphon, the issue is still here as a chance to still fail to count towards the kuva counter. However, before the fix, there would be no messages, the current ver has the dialogue assuming that the siphon has been damaged but wasn't.


    I was using the Arca plasmor amp shot.

  8. During onslaught, I've encountered two movement bugs that are annoying, the warframe takes a lesser blow as it resets after entering another zone, the operator doesn't and will always stay, rendering your operator useless.

    The warframe will have a case of constantly moving in one direction, while the operator somehow gets stuck in slow motion even though I never entered the portal to another zone as the operator.


    I believe removing the slow motion and simply reuse the method void sabotage portals work, plus, it prevents being knocked down almost instantly by a heavy gunner after coincidentally entering the portal to another zone with little chance of defense for yourself as the enemies move at their normal pace.

    EDIT: Had more issues regarding transitioning through the zones, my frame's abilities were disabled till I revived, except for the operator which was the same scenario as the first issue I discussed, encouraging me to have an opinion to reuse the transitions in sabotage void missions, obviously with some changes on where it'll send you instead of a fixed path.


    https://gyazo.com/4a084625aabebd4467242434561d70a2 https://gyazo.com/c00217a0b92085dd4594356f7a70559e



  9. https://gyazo.com/59648c43cf89cabe4112b6b32ee91b70



    In two different squads, the same issue repeated. The door does not open to allow us to get underground and I've been told to look for a sweetspot to trigger the mission which I never found or bothered to.

    This issue has existed ever since Underground missions came fourth and should have been solved by then asides from removing Underground missions entirely to be written off as a mining site with enemies.

  10. Yesterday, during onslaught, I crashed and stopped playing warframe and given the ticket 



    Today, I played onslaught again up to zone 6, I stopped because I couldn't even enter the portal, I needed to forcibly close my game after the timer ran out, however, the timer seemed to started at 0 despite being the host, after 30 seconds have passed, I assume that I'd be sent back, only to end up in the scenario mentioned earlier.

    Other information such as the abilities icon and transference continued its animation, timed buffs such as Zenurik's energy regeneration froze and RAM details continued to climb up and down despite being a mostly blank, black screen.

  11. It has been months now and a certain drone will continue to get stuck in the plains, wasting time and having to leave again or potentially get the drone out but still risk the drone being stuck again.






    The first and second pic shows the drone being stuck, the same way previous bug reports on this are. The third also being the same, after managing to get it out to only get stuck in that rock with seemingly no response when colliding with it, making me wish I was a loki for this scenario that shouldn't happen.

  12. Encountered this issue in a pub where the pre stalker constantly spammed invisibility, attempts to shoot the smoke did nothing and only melee made contact. I highly doubt a new player can deal with the pre WW stalker in melee while it remains invisible and being able to cast slash dash while spamming invisibility.

    A new player with excalibur may only do so much against the stalker as their only liable option would be to use slash dash that homes into the stalker while granting invincibility, but that depends if they would even have energy left to rid of the shields.

    This should be fixed as it's even more harder to deal with the WW stalker as it's much more easier to track and predict while... it just goes invisible and avoids my shots completely despite it being stationary and spamming invis.

    While overseeing someone playing, I took control and noticed how it feels unintended for stalker to work this way, I encountered pre WW stalker by myself once and I'm certain that the stalker doesn't spam invisibility to the point my bullets/projectiles phase through him. https://gfycat.com/TeemingLastingIndri


  13. Throughout the void fissures, I've noticed a sheer lack of enemies spawning or giving off reactant in sabotage missions, which leads to long hunts through the tileset, mostly on mars and corpus tilesets, grineer galleon ship's? Never had the lack of enemies yet as they have caches probably causing them to continue flowing in.

    On corpus ice planet tileset, I end up having to back track a lot to find enemies, same issue in mars. It's a noticeable issue and doesn't need genocide to roam too quick besides galleons as they don't run out of enemies quickly or go dry. 

    It's been a issue for quite some time along with how Neo fissures... lack variety or its variety being incredibly tedious as Uranus is the main mission for void fissures, tedious with enemies in cover far from a point, while the void seems oddly rare for a void fissure.

    Back to sabotage itself, I'd suggest simply giving it the same drop rates extermination has as it feels quick, or in fact, give all void fissures the same drop rates as extermination to give late comers a chance in defense missions. The other more normal fix would be to give it an actual constant flow of enemies just like spy and capture missions.

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