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Posts posted by Darkfreack

  1. Welcome and hope you enjoy Warframe where every day is a tater famine and every day we strive to become stronger.  also if you ever need help don't be afraid to ask.  Community here is the best I've seen in a long while.


    Depends who you are asking or speaking to, not all masters are friendly or tolerable. Overall a good percentage of the users are fantastic and willing to help :D.

  2. beware of frame haters, hold your favorite frame close and dear, for they will try to find a reason to make you hate it. Aside from that Welcome :D, my group is always seeking new friends :D

  3. okay.jpg :(

    -snip image-


    I also managed to grab a screenshot of it during the stream as well (although you can also go back to the video of it on twitch and still see it).


    40:21 into the stream..the art that wasn't suppose to be there :D

    looks a lot like Volt... prime??


    Oh Megan, you tease. The detail on that render looks incredible (only seems to be getting better and better with each new frame) - can't wait!



    That blunder was not on megan but on the team managing the stream lol. Overall, we now have dirt we can use against the devs for stream #21 >:D. SO IT BEGINS!!!!



    Also side note, I JUST GOT MY FOUNDER GEAR!!! GAH!@!!$!%

  4. Streamline affects it?  Oh yeah I'm french so steamline = rationalisation :) my bad .


    Mmm true it would be good if iron skin had a timer, a  decent timer but not have it unimited. seriously , on some runs I end up with 50% of damge inflicted +1% damage received or 0% if it's a good day XD

    Before rhino gave us 20 sec of invulnerability, so there were a ton of changes to the skill since he first came out.

  5. I never once said it was broken. But, now that you mention it, 50 energy for 1200 points of damage soaking and immunity to nearly everything doesn't sound broken to you?

    That is more of a scaling issue between players and the AI. At high tier areas, level 40+ Iron skin is just a 2 sec moment of relaxation. At those levels the damage we receive is insane. Try playing everyday in those levels then tell me its broken or pointless. The game still needs a ton of work but that doesnt mean the frames are to blame all the time.

  6. Disgusting.


    There are enough Rhinos running around as it is. I don't want to see another 5-6 month wave or 1-3 Rhinos a game.

    No one wants to see your favorite warframe as a prime either.


    He's a pretty boring character IMO, honestly. Iron Skin really takes the challenge out of the game.


    I own all the frames and i can tell you this, they are all really based on user preference. Not everyone likes the same frame or is playing the game in the same manner. So you really cant say its broken or its poor if its just not to your liking.

  7. Zephyr, perhaps? :)



    Zephyr was a fan concept, however, very good and impressive. I would support that.



    My bet a Loki or Volt prime because they are enough old frames to deserve their prime variants. If you ask me i wish for a Tiburon, Garuda, Zephyr, Vulcan, Drider and Vespa but have so much really good idea in fan art section and i hope slowly all idea can be implement sooner-later.


    Zephyr could be it, the next idea left from the original poll are, Hawk and Earth.


    So its up for grabs, even though people are arguing that Oberon is more Druid than paladin, making him the earth frame.

  8. So, when do you guys think that DE will be releasing the next Warframe? Also, what has been the schedule for releasing the previous ones, or has it been random?


    Like everyone has said, normally its a Frame and a Prime per big Update. Thats the goal they have set out for, ya lol.


    Also there are ideas of what it might be on the DC just based on our previous polls and what frames have already come out so far. So there are rumors of it being a wind/Hawk frame. Things are still in design limbo.

  9. I've join back in April right when the grineers were rabbits, thinking that was normal for their design. Left and came back in the summer as a serious user.


    Since that summer I've played Warframe and been a part of its community and enjoying the experience. Watching the game grow and growing with it as well. I've had so many fun runs with people I didn't even know and with friends. I hope I bump into some of you in my adventures.


    I'm even started making small youtube videos just to recap the livestream for those users that can't sit there and watch the full one hour deal. So lets hope for a better future for the game and help its team as they make the game we dream of :D

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