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Posts posted by Damocles

  1. Quick and simple problems:

    1. It has a mind of it's own: It's actually momentum following proper physics where we are expecting jet fighter turns. This just means we have to decelerate much earlier than you'd expect to which feels awful.
    2. You get staggered from touching any obstacle at a whopping 3 meters per second
    3. You can "sprint" then hold (whatever you bound) boost to, and you'll fly, not straight, but some random tangent

    Comparisons to the atmospheric archwing we prefer:

    1. You can bank, and stop much faster
    2. You still get staggered on bumping into things, but you wont be bouncing off 1 wall and chaining up these staggers like pinball
    3. sprint + boost flies you straight where you're looking

    Can we fix these before railjack please?

  2. I am getting this bug too. You can move in 1 direction but all others are disabled. It appears the button you press doesnt matter as long as the vector is that specific direction and this only happens every 2nd room

  3. On 2019-07-08 at 9:05 PM, KaijuKraid said:

    First: Rivens were always intended to change disposition. Sure, DE dropped the ball for not changing them for so long, but it's great they're actually buffing/nerffing Rivens again. I still would prefer an actual buff to some weapons, but the Riven changes are a good idea in general. 

    What makes me laugh is how people quickly brought up the Gorgon. I use the Gorgon, once my most used weapon. I eventually got a Riven for it and got a Prisma Gorgon and was super happy with it. 

    Then the last set of Riven Changes happened and many people freaked out. No joke some of the responses were among the lines of "Supra Riven got nerfed? WHY NOT NERF GORGON ALSO? IT'S JUST AS GOOD." Wish it was the fringe group but many MANY people decided that their weapon certainly did not need a Riven nerf but the Gorgon, a weapon that clearly no one uses they mention should definitely be nerfed due to it having way to high of a disposition. Hell I remember a video where someone complained about the nerf to the Arca Plasmor Disposition, but then used a Gorgon to clear out some simulcrum enemies to 'prove that DE didn't know what they were doing.'

    And so come around this patch and the Gorgon did get a nerf. I still use it, even with the recent nerf to the Disposition. It definitely impacted my DPS, but it's still shredding everything I see to smithereens. A few of my other favourite weapons have been hit also, like the Sicarus Prime. 

    "Oh, so you're totally against the nerfing of these Rivens right?" Well no. It hurts to have your favourite weapons get hurt with the Riven changes. I mean at the moment for every weapon I like that gets nerfed, another weapon I enjoy gets buffed. I love the Synoid Gammacor, so seeing that Riven go up and up and up is amazing. My Quanta Vandal is also having fun. I generally like Beam Weapons.

    But everyone knew what they signed up for with Rivens. Doubly so now that this is the THIRD time they've changed Rivens and they are going to change every 3 months. You can forgive those during the time when Rivens stopped being changed that perhaps Rivens won't be changed anymore. But now we're on our third set of changes and people should wise up now: These Riven changes are going to happen again and again and again. If you're worried that the Riven you're going to purchase literally thousands of platinum worth is suddenly going to become useless: Then don't buy those Rivens anymore. If a weapon is super popular: Then perhaps think that buying a Riven for that weapon may be an incredibly bad idea and don't purchase the Riven unless you REALLY like that weapon.

    Here's my problem. At 0.5 dispo, a primed elemental boost of 165% on heat or toxin or cold is superior to the riven in 80-90% of cases. A maxed disposition on a trashy weapon like the stug would yield very little result. Often 50% of cases would never even reach an unriven modded meta weapon's performance.

    Am I sad dispo's got nerfed? ATM only that my vectis's negative magazine no longer works. I've stopped buying rivens, but today I noticed the market has crashed a lot. The prices are lower than usual, and there are far less buyers than before. For some of my rivens, even at minimum disposition, they will continue to be a 10-20% boost. But some weapons like strun and vectis will break for me. My vectis is already untouched since the first wave of changes, just waiting for my strun to end up the same as well. Problem isn't just damage being affected by rivens, rivens can also affect characteristics and functionality. That's the part where I have real problems with.

  4. On 2019-07-08 at 10:46 PM, (XB1)Orcus Imperium said:

    probably stated already but i'd like to point out that the tiburon prime is very strong even w/o a riven.


    same goes for aklex prime, sicaris prime, Vectis and Rubico prime, lanka and the kitguns.

    most of these do extremely well on the star chart in just about every way.


    eidelons and orb mothers are not good places to make a comparison as those are specific enemies and you literally can't find them anywhere but their designated zones.

    most shotguns that can't hit 100% status have decent enough crit chance to make use of hunter munitions and can dish out enough dmg to make that practically as powerful as their 100% status kin. i'll reference the kohm(hybrid weapon) strun wraith and hek series for this. the corinth is another good example.


    I'm honestly confused as to what you lot did before rivens were introduced, since you seem to think rivens are the only way to make any weapon powerful even though those weapons were still at the top of the food chain before rivens(aklex prime and it's single counterpart are still powerful side arms.)

    If you ask me, Tiberon is not that good. I use Soma as a baseline for trash, if it's worse than soma, it's trash. Tiberon Prime, is significantly better than Soma Prime, so I know what you mean. But If Soma fits at 5/10, then Tiberon is only at 7/10 in terms of power. We have weapons that come close to what Mesa's 4 can do. I also did the math, as the way things are now, maxed disposition Soma would eventually catchup to a rivenless tiberon, but a riven tiberon will still beat soma. The nerfs and buffs wont fix bad weapons.

    As for star chart, star chart is too easy. I often use level 100 for a baseline, 3 of each Corrupted heavy gunner and bombards. If it clears them, then I use it. If there's a riven, I expect it to clear level 150 without running out of ammo. It's power creep, I admit, but do you remember the wolf of saturn six? Do you do those ridiculous sorties with grineer armor / elemental enhancements? Has stalker shown up in your kuva flood recenty? These are star chart edge cases, where that level 150 certification makes a difference.

    As for the strun, kohm and hek series. The kohm will never get dispo changed. IMO DE made a bad decision, because Kohm value goes up relative to everything else. Strun like high disposition. I have a riven with SC and negative impact so I lose impact proccs and gain Corrosive without needing blast or any other elemental diluting the mixture. The result is a 1 shot armor strip strun, which wont be realized if the disposition drops low enough to reintroduce impact proccs, and the need to dilute my corrosive with other elements. Corinth is good, but it wont pass level 150 cert without hunter munitions and luck.

    Before rivens, we had level 30-50 endgame. After rivens, we gained level 100-150 endgame. The reality is that things got harder over time, and so our weapons got stronger too. The power creep goes both ways. The problem we're highlighting today is how we're no longer catching up to content that's gotten too strong. The thumpers at high level are nearly impossible to kill, with their innate damage reduction, small hitboxes (2 always hidden from you) and armor to top it off, we need every advantage. We also use rivens to fix problems such as split chamber being useless 10% of the time it doesnt procc MS, and lack of methods to reach 100% critical chance reliably. I guess what Im saying is the topic isnt simple, but DE's riven dispo changes treats it as it is. If it does high damage, nerf. The nullifier bubble is a good example of why this is a bad model to work with. Soma can tear through that thing, and is super weak so it gets buffed. The vectis will have a hard time, since damage isn't considered when killing the bubble, but it gets nerfed because it does high damage, despite being impractical in star chart.

  5. 1 minute ago, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

    yea someone did, doesnt mean you have to.

    whats your point? why are you even here? price is just one aspect. My point is that whatever you did to get it, buying/trading/rolling, it's trivialized by the fact they become nothing better than 165% elemental

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

    lol what kind of stupid buys plat and then buys a riven with it? its known that they change so why would you spend money on it. trade for plat instead so you dont waste hundreds of dollars on a riven that can get nerfed the next day. Or just dont pay so much plat for them the only person that makes you spend that much on one is you.

    I guess you pay in credits? Its not like you can farm platinum in game. Someone bought it somewhere

    • Like 1
  7. This is probably the last time I'm going to play the riven nerf game before I just quit on the next one. It's too stress inducing to play this kuva game, roll something good, get nerfed, start over. Or on the other hand, pay for platinum, trade for riven, get nerfed, riven does worse than 165% primed elemental mod.

    To start, lets list the problems with the current system in a clear and short manner:

    1. Bad weapons are not going to benefit from high disposition rivens. 300% of base crit 5, is only a 15% increase to 20%
    2. A nerf to high dispositions makes a huge difference. Shotguns don't reach 100% status chance, vectis prime doesnt reach 1 magazine size.
    3. Snipers are nerfed as a category. They're strong, but hard to use in a horde-shooter close-quarters-combat themed game, but that's not considered in riven disposition criteria.
    4. Aklex and Sicarus got nerfed again. Doesn't literally nobody use them already? Every other gun out performs them already, so it seems bad weapons are still getting nerfed
    5. At 0.5 disposition, primed elementals are already stronger, because 2 stats with 50% strength of a mod is no match for 165% of a primed mod. Unless of course your specific weapon needs an exhausted stat like status chance on shotguns with low base
    6. Why is breaking player inventory more viable than fixing bad weapons that dont fit any useful criteria of the game?
    7. Why is this "internal power rating" not disclosed?

    Now why is this harmful to the community?

    1. Spent thousands of platinum on that riven? Should have purchased the primed elemental mod instead.
    2. You spent thousands of hours kuva farming for the perfect roll, and now it's irrelevant? Well done.
    3. Your snipers, shotguns and weapons no longer work or feel the same because fire rate, recoil, magazine and IPS are stats you can roll? Get used to the new feel or dont use the riven.
    4. The stug is 1.5 disposition? Better get that 300% critical chance and 150% status chance to make that 5% critical chance go to 20% and 0% status chance go to... 0%? Nvm dont use high dispo rivens for bad weapons.
    5. Your tiberon got nerfed? Better spend forma, plat, and time to get a new replacement gun. And btw, you're going to have to buy a COMPLETELY NEW RIVEN or ROLL YOUR OWN. That's either going to be a couple hundred dollars, or a few hundred hours, your call.
    6. You used to get 100% status on a shotgun for corrosive? Now you'll have to deal with all 4 dual stats so you dilute corrosive with blast, and blast will prone enemies. GL
    7. Vectis prime no longer able to get 1 magazine size? Use depleted reload, it's not like it takes up a slot or anything.
    8. Rubico prime, lanka, and kitguns are killing eidolons? Lets make that a little harder now, (as if chroma nerf wasnt enough. Mirage nerf is next btw, since someone found a way to use mirage as OG chroma and can 1 shot eidolons again).

    What can we do to fix this? (Just any one of these will do)

    1. Cap the minimum dispo so it never drops before 1 dispo. The very core of the problem is 0.5 dispo (meaning half the power of a regular mod) means what it mean. With 2 stats or 3 stats, being so weak, you might as well not use a riven. It takes up a slot, it's bound to weapon, it's not worth the trouble unless you get a 2+1- dmg,ms, where it would then be marginally better than primed elementals. 0.1% near perfect roll to get a small bump in performance, wow... Can you believe that 0.5 of a riven mod times 2 stats to choose from, is not much better than 1.65 of a primed mod?
    2. Make rivens it's own special slot. The kitguns and zaws are going to have it bad. They have a dedicated arcane slot that will make them superior to any non-modular counterpart. They are inherently OP, and so their rivens are just junk soon™. If rivens are their own slot, then there wouldn't be a complaint about dispositions being too low. they become an inherent bonus to whatever the gun was in the first place. We're removing the opportunity cost of possessing a riven that's bounded to a weapon. Your investment is no longer trivialized compared to the normal joe, you just wont have as much of it, which is where I think DE intended it.
    3. Fix bad weapons. You can't honestly think a 1.5 dispo stug with it's glorious 5% 1.5x crit specification and a whopping 0% status chance makes up for anything. We're at a point where good weapons aren't good, they're normal. The bad weapons are just unusable. The disposition thing would have to be kept at a solid 1 dispo for all weapons, and rebalance each weapon's stats accordingly. This is what other games do, they balance the game, not your accounts (and specifically only invested player's accounts would have rivens to be nerfed, so you're basically only screwing over the loyalist of customers at this point). Other game companies don't nerf inventories without compensation, instead, they nerf the global mechanics of the game (to make it grindier and encourage players to purchase boosters and micro transactions with real money)
    • Like 7
  8. lul, if you wanted to remove a dominant strategy turned exploit, aka an unintended spamming of a feature, then just do what most other games do.

    Spam crouch behind cover so you can shoot and take cover in an unrealistic fashion? CS GO made sure your knees get tired.

    Jumping around too much to avoid gunfire? Kneecaps are weak.

    Your AWP is too stronk? Nerf movement speed. Buy the scout instead.

    Spamming your gun? Magazine capacity/economy

    Just make Spin 2 win a thing that makes your knees weak. Do it 1-3 times, fine... 4-X times? Make it slow like Cleaving Whirlwind's broken bull. You can use it, just severely limited in movement and speed. I hate spin2win spam. There's literally no reason to use any other weapon or strategy (like you said). If I can only use it once or thrice situationally, then I'm pretty sure I'd be happy with spn2win.

  9. On 2019-06-18 at 3:52 AM, Shonaney said:

    You could get forma easy from:


    -derelic defense

    -lua puzzle

    building them are 3 days, so fit into a weekly nw

    if your house burns down and you still just think about the nw points...may look for some help

    You can make money easy, get a job, rob a bank, steal a wallet. Whats your point? Mine is the fact I should have skipped the 3 forma and did the other challenges. My argument is that it's counter productive and for those who dont have forma on hand, a 3 day wait wall/pay wall.

  10. Just now, Plasmaface said:

    You got the points for it, so it wasn't really a waste. Consider the forma you received a reimbursement. You didn't really lose anything except a small amount of time. 

    Honestly I don't think I needed ALL the points. I can probably get away with skipping 6,000 points and doing all the other ones. Since I will stop at the eidolon ephemera anyways


  11. I just realized how stupid I was to use 3 forma on a weapon I will NEVER use so that I can get all the challenges in the Nightwave. Since one of the rewards is basically getting back 3 forma, but I spent 3 forma to help me get there... Shouldn't I have simply skipped the challenge? Now that I think back at it, it must be the dumbest thing in Nightwave. I might make sense because DE made it exactly 3 forma so that they can monetize off the forma bundle in the market for 35 platinum. If this is the case then this is one big scam.

    I think guess I did get forma for free by grinding fissures and waiting 3 days... but I think the rewards to labor ratio is unfair because I could have saved 3 forma for something later when released. Also, 3 orokin cell, LOLOLOLOLOLOL , 2 and a half riven rolls, a sigil I already have. Some of these rewards are meh, and the 3 orokin cells are just a meme. I mean you can get 10-20 in a single run on ceres. Either the rewards are kinda trashy this time around, or certain tasks like 3 formas is just too inconsiderate

  12. I am really triggered by this as well! Thank god I'm not the only one. I use hydroid's noble on ALL my male and certain females frames. I can't stand how DE always breaks old things and thinks they can move along. Like that Pandero fiasco, people bought the skin for the new SFX and they REMOVED IT. TO THIS DAY Pandero is the only gun that the sound reword had done nothing for, as well as having the magazine skin glitch for the Perla Pistol. Things that if we dont raise our voices now, DE WILL THEM KEEP BROKEN!

  13. After the Jovian Concord update, Hydroid's noble animation holds rifles uncomfortably close to his upper chest region. Previously it would seem as if he was holding it casually with better posture than with no animations selected (less slouched and more leaned). It's REALLY disturbing me and the only way to make me not cringe is to switch to melee or synthesis scanner when taking screenshots. Which btw, switching to the synthesis scanner will immediately make your screen orange.

    I should mention I am using this on my Rhino Palatine skin, and the right arm feels almost compressed near the biceps. Please revert

  14. This is really simple: primed regen doesnt work after host migrations. Your sentinel dies, its gone. This is pretty much guaranteed as you're still vulnerable most of the time during host migrations, and so you're dead, the sentinel is dead, and you're gonna hate everything about this game (as always). Please make host migrations less abrupt. It's like the phrase "handing off" does't even exist.

  15. It seem I am not able to get critical focus to work on larkspur and I highly suspect that because I am using it's alt fire which has an forced unzoom animation, the +60% critical chance and +60% damage when zoomed bonus is negated. Is this an intended design? I cannot see why I would have this mod equipped if it is going to simply do nothing

  16. During host migration, my Rhino loses Iron skin AND i hear myself getting hit while I am still flying in my liset. The mission loads, and this is what I'm greeted with
    Warframe0403.jpgThis is totally unfair, and a host problem in which was never resolved because it's easier to make side patches than to actually fix the underlying problem: Host migrations dont keep buffs, and you die before loading in!

  17. Just encountered the LONGEST wolf hunt of my life. Usually it would take me 5 minutes to kill it with a TOP SPEC riven modded kitgun. This time I was foddering my mastery weapons, and so was everyone else. We were literally dying to a level 70 wolf. Also unfortunately my archgun refused to deploy for no reason. It's as if having archgun deployed as a gear item introduces many points of failure 🤔!

    This is me, with only a barely modded simulor after 10 minutes of being stuck unable to complete wave 5 hydron. Everyone is taking turns dying and you can see that we took maybe 3% of his health by now.Warframe0391.jpg

    In the end, I had to use an exploit to kill it, but I shouldn't have to be exploiting the game's structure to by-pass a poorly designed one. Please remove the immunity to status and the unreasonable damage reduction (the same one juggernaught armor has). He's literally unkillable unless we cheat the game or have maxed out loadouts.

    He dropped North Wind btw

  18. It seems everyone noted that the Alternative Helmet for Hildryn has not been available outside market as it has NEVER YET shown up in wolf cred store. Nobody is confident enough to post about it yet because it is an RNG store, but it's been over a month and nobody has seen it. The wiki still has no data for crafting cost. Can someone on DE's side confirm this is just bad global rng?

    • Like 2
  19. As title says, the auto blocking animation is stun locking me, because my character thinks it's better to take reduced damage and never fight back or do anything else. I'm also experiencing aim glide issues, and stuck aiming after quick switch (likely due to having the same key bound for aim and manual blocking). I literally cannot do what I want because autoblock does what it wants. PLEASE REMOVE FORCED AUTOBLOCK!

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