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  1. My Cambion Drift is nearly completely devoid of anything to break for resources. This does not apply to Mining/Fishing, nor does it apply to Vome/Fass residue. There does seem to be some things in some Isolation vaults, as I can see the icons appear on my minimap when I enter my Archwing, and I have seen a few while doing Iso vaults. However large swathes of the above ground are just entirely vacant of crates. There is no way for me to obtain Ganglion, Lucent Teroglobes, or Pustulite as it stands, as all of these items are obtained from breaking things on the open world which are no longer spawning. To provide a complete list, these items are obtained from: - Haptic Frond - Vitrific Outcrops - Gravid Blastemas Also missing from the map are: - Rolizor Infested Cyst - Sagiant Entrati Casket - Spitia Infested Cyst - Auroron Entrati Casket This problem has existed since the day of the Duviri patch, through computer and game restarts, and exists whether I enter with a bounty, iso vault, or indepently. It also exists if I simply enter Cambion Drift directly from Navigation. I have also not seen anyone else report this absolutely anywhere, not in discord, not in my guild, and not on these forums. So I'm really unsure what the hell is happening. This isn't completely game destroying for me, as I do have a large stockpile of the resources exclusive to breakables in the open world on Cambion Drift, but it's really inconvenient as I liked obtaining dregs of resources from Cysts of the ores, gems, and fish parts. It also impacts my fighting a little, as I have no breakables which can grant me Energy orbs, making me use a lot more energy restore pads. So it's overall, just really frustrating.
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