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Posts posted by Ahijuna

  1. I'm usually ok with farming hard to find mods but in the case of void hole and others I'm against. They do not work as mods, they are your railjack's abilities. Not having void hole for veil proxima is like not having your 3rd unlocked. People will even leave your Railjack if they join the mission and see it's not there. Similar thing happens to avionics capacity in reactors but this time behind more rng layers, when you finally get a vidar reactor, you get a bad roll and it's worst than a sigma mkIII.

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  2. I've noticed when boarding crewships on RJ missions that I turn on Mirage's 1st and 3rd and duration is the base duration, without mods, same for damage and same goes for melee weapons attack speed. Leaving the crewship and boarding again sometimes fixes it. Gets worst when lag is over 200ms wich seems to be the threshold for everything to go to hell.

  3. 1- On ESO (and probable SO as well) if you jump into the conduit and host doesn't follow you get a host migration but game does not pause resulting in a huge drop in efficiency once the migration finishes.

    2- After the host migration even if you kill everything you encounter efficiency keeps falling.

    3- To avoid the 1st issue I tried waiting until the last seconds to jump into the portal. After the host migration I was sent back to the same zone I left. No spawns, efficiency dropped to 0.

  4. Not saying this update is good or bad. Warframe evolved into something I don't enjoy playing. If I accidentally kill the grineer guy and spawn a lich I end up with an npc that can only be killed based on rng stuff (not player skills) or he will steal property from my inventory wich should be at least treated as private property. License agreement states otherwise but no agreement is above the law.

  5. Warframe is a FAST PACED game. I thought DE had that clear when they introduced Gauss. The wrong part about Grendel missions is they take too much time. The hardest part of the game for me is mastery rank tests, specially those tests with timers. I failed some of the many times and it required me to train and develope better skills to pass. Grendel missions? They require a little player skills and a lot of time to waste.

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  6. I wont say the lich system is good or bad. I don't like it at all. We are again forced to play this "content". If we accidentally kill the grineer guy and a lich is born we end up with an npc that can be killed only based on rng stuff (not player skills) and who steals property from our inventories wich DE would be wise to consider our private property. I know the license agreement states otherwise but again no agreement is above existing law.

  7. hace 29 minutos, SecSicario dijo:

    Locking Lich Assassination mods behind RNG and relics (basically more RNG)
    The Lich idea is one of the best ideas DE has presented to us over the past couple of months 
    Having said that ,I honestly don't understand why it had to be turned into a stressful grind ,locked behind repetitive RNG, and temporary Mod rewards
    However ,for the temporary mod part I kinda understand cause Yeah I guess it'd be a Lich massacre (which would let monotony set in faster in terms of playing through this content) though did the reacquisition really have to be locked behind the relics? 

    And the mods have 3 charges. Once they wear off you can only dissolve it into endo and have to farm it again 😞

  8. En 13/2/2019 a las 9:59, Darkslol dijo:

    Disculpa pero... La mayoría de los juegos piden un mínimo de 6-8 GB de ram, soy latino, y puedo correrlo sin problema el juego con 8 gb de ram me viene un tirón cada 3 días con suerte, si vas a irte de Warframe, vete, en cuanto al requisito, eso sería para jugar en misiones normales asumo, porque el mundo abierto de Fortuna y Cetus pide mas que 4 gb de ram...

    Creo que no sabes leer. Dije que no puedo pagar esa placa y que efectivamente me retiro y agradezco a DE porque disfruté mucho jugando. Bien por ti si puedes costear la placa y jugar.


  9. En 8/2/2019 a las 17:57, [DE]Zorro dijo:


    Los requisitos mínimos de PC para Warframe cambiarán a Windows 7, sistema operativo de 64-bit, placa gráfica capaz de usar DirectX 10 y 4 GB de RAM, esto a medianos de este mes.

    Placas Gráficas 4GB de RAM? Ha sido un placer jugar Warframe. Adios. Quiten la opción de "Latinoamérica" de la lista de regiones. En este momento no hay casi nadie, después de cambiar los requisitos a 4GB ya no tendrá sentido en absoluto. Gracias por todo DE!! ❤️

  10. I equiped Wyrm Prime, as I didn't want it to kill anything I tried to unequip it's weapon, there's currently an UI error that makes both Companion and Weapon menus overlap when you switch robotic companions. When I selected no weapon and tried to equip game got stuck. Only thing working was the chat window

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