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  1. I 100% agree honestly. I understand that warframe needs some balance, but it's still a game where pvp doesn't matter, there are no rankings or irl benefits from doing something better. Besides, the devs can really benefit from those choices. Making warframes more powerful would mean more people would be interested in buying cosmetics for them. Arcanes are not gonna break them, and even if, they can just rebalance the base stats of the weapons. Mesa and Baruuk would get insanely powerful if they got access to arcanes, but it would also give us more ways to make fun builds. There should never be only one correct way of playing something, that's what makes games like this boring.
  2. Actually, no it doesn't. Garuda Talons follow the same principles as regular weapons when it comes to modding, are currently (as far as I'm aware of) the only exalted weapon that is not an active but rather a passive ability, don't scale off any stat on your warframe, and cant be turned on and off during the mission as you either have them or don't. I don't see the reason why they couldn't get "special treatment" since they are quite different from most exalted weapons and closer resemble regular melee weapons. Every warframe can use their exalted weapons in weapon-restricted missions as far as I'm aware, Garuda being the only exception. Not being able to use it on melee only missions is fine, as you have to have a melee weapon equipped and talons require you to have no melee weapon equipped. that makes total sense. But why can't you use them in primary/secondary only missions? Even from a coding perspective, it makes no sense. The Talons are part of Garuda's passive. Them not working in primary/secondary only missions is the equivalent of "Hey, this mission has the lowered energy mod so Hildryn now needs to use her energy instead of shields".
  3. With the addition of melee arcanes to the game, I get a feeling that Garuda Talons are being completely ignored by DE. It's nice that they can equip combo count, acolyte, amalgam, and aura mods, but besides not costing energy to use, that's the only advantage they get over other exalted weapons. But when it comes to the advantages of the Garuda Talons from normal equipable weapons, the only ones I can think of are the highest range and status chance from all the claws, the fact they can damage enemies through Limbo's rift, and their interaction with an AUGMENT mod (for which you have to sacrifice a warframe mod slot). That's where anything unique about it ends. Now to count the disadvantages (From most to least reasonable) Unlike other exalted weapons, they don't scale with any of your warframe's statistics (except for one augment mod mentioned earlier) They cannot get riven mods They do not work on units immune to warframe abilities like arbitration shield drones You cannot use them on melee only missions, as well as primary and secondary only. They cannot use melee arcanes I understand some of these things would be dumb to implement for them. Riven mods for Garuda Talons would be pretty weird, and they don't have a reason to scale with warframe stats. However, I don't see a reason that the last 3 points should work the way they do. Arbitration Shield Drones kind of make sense if we look at them as a separate thing, but with everything else that's going on, I don't think they should work the way they do Melee only missions I somewhat understand as you have to have a melee weapon equipped, but in that case, why don't they work in primary and secondary only missions? If it were one or the other, sure, but both? However, the biggest offender of them all, Melee Arcanes. There is no reason whatsoever for Garuda Talons to be excluded completely from being able to use them. They are practically regular weapons, with way more restrictions than bonuses being put on them from being a "warframe ability". Because of that, there is almost no reason to be using them outside of niche builds and having no weapons with similar stats. Even as someone who put quite a lot of work and resources into my Garuda Talons and loves this weapon, I might just switch to Venka Prime, cause what other mechanics will I miss out on in the future if I continue using them? Edit: I believe I made this post in the wrong section, sorry about that
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