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Posts posted by Fraank

  1. Coptering is like Rocket Jumping. Not intended from the developers in the first line BUT you can consider it as "emergent gameplay".


    I hope devs dont read "nerf copter"-topics. I mean, there is no other game with coptering which makes warframe unique inmy opinion.

  2. this is the 5th (?) thread about a burned out beeing?

    everyone saw a video of a random guy (i dont even know who he is) and all of a sudden they realize "oh i m burned out too, calypso is right!"


    do you know the difference between a real "burn out" and "beeing bored"?

  3. I guess it s the proper sub forum.


    As title says: Battlepay still doesnt count towards Gross Income( You can find the gross income in your player profile)

    And i dont know if it is intended to seperate gross income from Battlepay (and dont show the battlepay you got so far in the profile)

    or if it s an unintended bug which exists since darksectors came out.

  4. You surely do know why you run and abuse the low end planets and if you are a warlord in the alliance you have all access to how it is run. Abusing the system and taking advantage of low level players as well as holding the planets where things such as Orokin cells and neural sensors drop all the time. There no way the majority of alliances or a single clan could compete with you based on how much you have accumulated alone.


    The I don't know why is a &!$$ poor comment.

    sorry for the late answer.

    Of course, i have more information than you, but seriously, i have no idea why we exactly have these nodes instead of other ones.

    it's coincidence that we own rail xy instead of rail bc.(Btw. when i became an alliance leader we already had these nodes.) Anyways, we tax everything with 75% (or 100%). So, why should i bother to differenciate? A rail is simply a rail, for me.

  5. Ich als Warlord würde mich von dem Member genervt fühlen, der mich auf solche Kleinigkeiten überhaupt hinweist.

    Und solange du nur in einem unbekannten Clan bist, ist der Ruf des Clans auch völlig egal. Das intressiert erst wenn der Clan/die Allianz genug Einfluss hat um einen "S**tstorm" im Forum zu verursachen.


    Und ich denke nicht, dass du über irgendjemanden hier im Forum etwas negatives schreiben kannst. Die Moderatoren hier hätten dir dafür nämlich sofort eine Verwarnung gegeben.





    • Many Dojo trophies have received PBR upgrades!
    • Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction.


    Breeding grounds trophy got fixed, but the

    Cryotic Front trophy isnt fixed yet http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/539637430304413535/DA491F12C4F154AE7FF7AA4ADA31F74ED8153824/



    Does it mean, that i dont get any mission rewards, when i m dead or is it ok to be dead for a minute?

  7. Indeed, punishing individual players is not an easy task. but i wouldnt count shots here or there, i would count the amount of exploited scores and which exploit were used.

    1 exploited best score: a) done by accident , b) it wasnt you c) you only wanted to figure out how all the guys did it.

    3 exploited best scores: 3rd trial, you (might) know how to do it.

    5+ exploited best scores: that cant be an accident anymore.  you defenitely exploit on purpose.



    1. a way to figure out where to draw a line:

    to figure out who cheated and who didnt i would simply make a graph.

    e.g. amount of players who participated in the event on the x axis. amount of scores/amount of runs using a certain exploit on the z axis. avg-highscore and/or top highscore on the y axis.

    If you are lucky, you might get a 3Dimensional gaussian distribution.

    Then you do some statistic stuff, like most likelyhood method or whatever yatti yatta.

    And in the end you might figure out who more likely exploited on purpose and who didnt.


    2: another way to figure out where to draw a line:

    dont figure out anything. just draw a damn line.


    Anyways, i hate statistics. which is why i prefer the 2nd solution.

  8. 004 T4 Captures

    139 T4 Defense

    109 T4 Exterminate

    053 T4 Interception

    203 T4 mobile Defense

    204 T4 Survival

    000 T4 Sabotage


    and some clan mates have tons T4 Captures, so i think i ll be fine.


    anyways i still have 175 ODSur,175 ODC, 175 ODE, 78 ODSab, 153 ODA and 309 ODD keys...


    I dont even use my own keys in general. Everytime someone else is using one of his thousands of keys.

    I came to the conclusion that it is impossible to run out of void keys if you dont solo missions.

  9. Lol, no. The more players are on the rail the faster it will fall. If you can get 100% damage you will get 166 666 credits no matter what.


    If people completely fail they receive no money at all. If they get 50% damage they get half of 166 666.



    With my system battle pay serves its purpose of warranting the damage on rail. Clans and Alliances are more interested in setting battle pay. With high battle players are more interested in PvP.  PvP gets attention and gets balanced.

    "lol, no."

    The purpose of battlepay is not to only reward winners. You have to reward people at least for the time they spent and the effort they put in. 

    When a good attacker squad can keep a good defender squad busy for a long time or vise versa, then i appreciate their help and time. They deserved a reward, even if they only "try to drain my vault" with AFKers.






    Funny, how you say this ^^ . Not even you would run for 16k credits ...

    What about the current battleplay? 0 credits :) .

    Is that better than 16k credits? Is that better than at least 1k credits?


    The proposed system is better than the current system, even if it isn't perfect how you already showed us. You will get at least any battlepay and you can be sure that no alliance will abuse this system like ICE, Orion, V or how they call themselves, do.





    I have more than 71 million credits, i dont need credits anymore. Which is why i wouldnt play for lousy 16k. not even for 100k.


    And There is simply no urge to always put up battlepay. Sometimes you dont need it because there is no threat. And sometimes you can handle it with 2 or 3 squads.



    How i would abuse the proposed system:

    1. put up higher battlepay on defender side

    2. block the attacker side

    3. the attacker puts up 1 credit  for 7500 runs.

    4. profit! because the amount of defending squads is limited by attacking squads


    the problem is still, that you dont know, how many people will run a rail until the conflict is over. DE has no magic glas ball as server. And no one wants to get paid ??? credits. Every player wants to know what he will get as an reward before he runs the missions.

    You wouldnt take a job in real life which pays you after 12 hours of work ??? $ for every hour you work depending on how many other ppl are employed or getting the same job within these 12 hours.  Maybe you get 20$/h , maybe you get a quarter per hour. if you dont know the reward you dont do the work.




    The one we have at the moment is more broken than the proposed one.

    If you would add more options, you guys would abuse this system just more (I already see 100 neurale sensor-battlepays for 16 person ... ).


    I agree with you that it should be possible to modify the battleplay (that is the problem of his suggestion), but not unlimited. People did abuse this possibility and they will abuse it. We need a limit!


    [sarcasm]"I abuse the system" "Please ban me, i m evil because i dont play warframe as player XY thinks it is intended"[sarcasm]

    the system is still fine.

    Right now, I have the complete control over my vaults(clan and alliance vault).

    I can reward as much players as i want, I can reward each player with as much credits as i want (well, the limit is 1 million per ticket) and i dont have to reward players at all if i want or if i m asleep, cooking or do something else more important than playing warframe.


    And i as a tactician have to keep the control. When i have to set up battlepay before the conflict begins, the system is simply broken for me. Because i dont know how much credits i have to put. No one has a magic glass ball.



    the battlepay system we have is totally fine. the only addtional option i d like to have is to set up the next battlepay while the current battlepay is still running out.   High battlepay for a small amount of tickets is not meant for the public.

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