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Posts posted by Fraank

  1. Split the alliance vault => got ~15k zanuka hunter pigments => finished anti violett(30 needed) => cant "grind" for the next color because we have to wait 36 hours!. i cant even "rush" the research with plat!

    And it takes almost 2 month to get every color!


    I m ok with farming one after another but not researching one after another. it's just a stupid "please-wait-wall"

    The hotfix who "fixed" this broke it in my opinion.


    And where is pink or black, or other colors?

    I dont need 7 orange, 12 brown and other similar colors. I want diversity, not "almost the same over and over again"  (most of the colors are almost the same for me)


    Edit: i highlighted the term "Please-wait-wall" because you "trade money for time" http://youtu.be/jdGYmTNIeeA?t=19m25s as stated here by Steve Sinclair

    and i cant even buy time for money to rush dojo researches.


    Guess what? i want to rush it or even better: reverse this

    • Only one color can be researched at a time in the Dojo.

    which was done with Hotfix 15.6.2

  2. VDKXHOf.png


    do you even try?


    usually i analyze graphs when conflicts are over but not today, today i ll make an exception.

    (i m sorry, bb code doesnt work here :-(   )



    let s take the gap between 3:11 and 3:47 for battlepay and 3:16 to 3:52 for the Rail Health. 36 minutes are 1/20th of the total conflict time  (12 hours)


    In this 36 minutes 3.75 squads were paid by Rising From Ashes and 17.75 squads were paid by Orion.

    And if you take a look at the rail health, only 2 out of 3.75 squads killed the core.

    which means 15.75 out of 17.75 squads successfully defended the rail.


    Between 3:47 and 5:31 you can see a slight improvement on Rising From Ashes' side.

    The rail health drop between 5:36 and ~5:55 was caused by orions' tactician when he (i assume) forgot to put up battlepay again. Or he simply made another cup of coffee.


    ~6 hours of the conflict are over. 1/2 of the total conflict time

    Risin From Ashes managed to deal ~7% damage total. Which means they do 1.16%dmg per hour to the Rail

    But to win a conflict you have to make 8-9%dmg/h.

    How do you manage to do 15.5% damage per hour in the next 5 or 6 hours?

    Anyways, according to those facts. it was a good decision to take a 5.5 hour nap when the conflict began.  10/10 would do next conflict again. 

  3. Ich sehs schon vor mir mit dem Sigil. Andauernd kommen Spieler und fragen denjenigen:"Woher hast du das Sigil und wie bekomme ich das?".


    Da müsste noch ein Titel vor den Ingamenamen wie "Lotus' Erklärbär", "Game-Guru" oder "Der Typ den du alles fragen kannst" damit man sieht das derjenige jemand besonderes ist. Und die Schriftfarbe sollte sich vielleicht auch in den Hubs von anderen Spielern abheben.

  4. then they have no sense. the efforts necesessary to GET the mod, 300 ducats and credits, and to MAX the mod, 500+ rare 5 cores, are simply not worth it to get a 30% power duration. it is not even nearly build changing as a LEGENDARY MOD should be.


    if they were equippable togheter then in SOME builds it can be used instead of rank 6 narrow minded. but this way this is just bullS#&$.

    in my opinion it is worth it.for some cases i need one mod slot less for the same duration. (constitution and continuity ~ primed continuity). Sometimes you cant simply use narrow minded because it affects the power range.

    And having one mod slot more is the biggest advantage of those primed mods.

  5. LOL LOL LOL LOL  this made my day !!!!!!!!! Are you really that dumb? just DO NOT play in that node? Eversince Sechura ( i guess this is the node you are nagging about) got taxed I never go there anymore.. I have like 10 other options to level and get creds. Seriously this is the most pampered, spoiled, crybaby community ever!!!

    one out of your 10 options is our battlepay, right?

  6. We here at FIRE pledge to follow all rules and guidelines that lay herein.  Contrary to popular belief, FIRE is not associated with ICE.   FIRE was created to fight the cold and we will not rest till every Tenno basks in the warmth of our FIRE.


    I, as the leader of FIRE and the FIRE Alliance, would like to thank the support of all Tenno’s who responded to the call to action and came out to support the downfall of ICE on Sechura, Pluto.


    As promised we have dropped the initial tax of 50% and 40% to 29% and 20% as we recoup costs from the initial battle, later this week we will continue to drop taxes till eventually we achieve the goal of 0% tax.


    It is not in the interest of Tenno, that we should become a pawn in the struggle for power between corrupt coalitions.  FIRE Alliance has put the first shot across the bow.  It is now time for like-minded Tenno, clans, and alliances to head the call to action.


    We here at FIRE are dedicated to shining a beacon of hope into the cold darkness of the void…


    You know my friends, there comes a time when Tenno get tired of being trampled by the iron feet of oppression. There comes a time when Tenno get tired of being plunged across the abyss of humiliation, where they experience the bleakness of nagging despair. There comes a time when Tenno get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life's July and left standing amid the piercing chill of the ICE of November. There comes a time and the time is now.  The time is FIRE!


    Xt1nct1on – Leader of FIRE Alliance 

    At least we finally know who fooled us and the entire community at the same time...


    anyways, you wont get a single rail after we took back what is ours. Good luck. You'll need it.

  7. Snipers are still weak compared to bows. will they get another buff?




    to update U15.6 and the dojo coloring thing


    one of the earliest pictures about dojo coloring shows a clan hall with the colors Orange and PINK. so, where is it?


    Edit: The only thing i m looking forward to is to color the dojo pink! And now i m disappointed because the most beautiful color in the world (except of black) is not available in the dojo.  :-(

  8. Ever since DE changed mechanism of defending Dark Sector. It was a HUGE Nerf to the Dark Sector, and even bigger for people who lied about their BattlePay.



    DE really needs to do something about Dark Sectors:

    1. Battlepay is changeable (Some clans manipulate battlepay and later they change to 0 credits. Guess what u get? 0 Credits instead of previous reward)

    2. No Alliance can "attack" a friendly Dark Sector

    3. Dark Sector needs to go Mobile Defend mission (We don't want PVP)

    4. Limit TAX level

    1. you are simply too slow. It s not possible to change the battlepay, you have to wait until the battlepay is gone before you can set up the next one.

    And between the current battlepay and the upcoming battlepay are always 0 bp gaps because we are human beeings. Sometimes you play a mission while the battlepay is running out, sometimes the battlepay is gone faster than expected and sometimes you dont want to put up battlepay anymore.

    2. Aparrently, clans/alliances cant attack clans if they are in the same alliance. It was fixed soon after DS was introduced.

    3. YOU dont want PvP. I love it.

    4. the tax is limitied on a scale of 0 to 100%.

  9. I'm sure its a general bug when it happens mere seconds after somebody joins defense SIX TIMES IN A ROW.

    Its not a one every once in a while thing. As soon as they notice squads fighting against their rails, somebody goes on defense and crashes the game with that bug. It IS being abused.

    Do you think you are the only one who has this bug because you are not in ICE? And have you every thought about that we might have the same issues/bugs like every other warframe player around the world.?


    As i said before, it s not our (or Invictus') fault. You can point with the finger as long as you want in any direction. It is still a bug and players try to defend their rails. that's it. 

  10. epqjd2.jpg

    I'd like to mention this glitch is being abused by Invictus and since both Invictus and Ice essentially have the same leader behind the scenes, the likelyhood of Ice using it is pretty damn high. Now, I don't care about one alliance acting like jerks and setting high taxes everywhere as much as they want. Abusing a glitch in the game mechanics to make sure people can't take back the nodes they control



    Could you please stop the naming and shaming? It s a general bug and not an alliance's/clan's "hack/cheat/exploit/whatever". We are not DE and we cant fix it.

    btw. Invictus holds the rail for a very long time(before U15) now, even before this bug occured the first time(after U15)

    And if you think we "cheat" write a support ticket.

  11. Now i know why Invictus have kept ruling that node for so long. they make changes to their schema and their Dojo all the time, while players are attacking the core.


    That causes an endless loading screen that never ends.


    Please fix the endless loading screen in Gabii. i am trying to liberate it from those horribly high taxes.

    dont blame Invictus for a general bug.

  12. We had 0 tax alliances before ICE etc but they gave up because the other alliances baited people with imaginary 1 million per run rewards. They got fixed but since the 0 tax alliances didnt have anything to offer they fell eventually.


    Because people likes to cut their own golden egg laying chickens. Whenever people saw 50-100-200k rewards they jumped and helped the 75% tax alliances like idiots now we're all suffering for the stupidity of the casuals.


    0tax alliances are nothing sustainable.


    And of course we are the incarnation of evil because we dont force people to help us for free.

  13. From what i have seen from the forums, if these entitled pc players spent more time in the game than complaining about things that might actually progress to a point where they dont need to complain, grinding? whats that lol if you do this you could reach the mastery needed for 17-18 in a couple days and spend more time actually doing things you enjoy.

    I dont complain, i just dont enjoy spamming the ult or ev. Of course i can level my equipent very fast but in my opinion it steals the fun over time

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