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Posts posted by Fraank

  1. Why DE's "bandaids" with Arcanes and Cosmetics needs a solution!

    Let’s start, when everything began ~2-2.5 years ago

    -We got alternate helmets for warframes with stats.
    -We got more alternate helmets with stats
    -People were complaining about the stats, some of them were crappy and/or they simply wanted to have alternate helmets without stats- pure cosmetic items!
    -everyone agreed, the stats on alternate helmets had to go. And the stats were gone(for new helmets only- you were able to buy Blueprints to remove some arcane stats of arcane helmets or farm new (non-arcane) helemts without stats. both ways worked fine..
    -People were allowed to keep their helmets with stats, and farm another set of helmets without stats.

    As far as i remember someone said on a Developer stream, that “cosmetic items have to be  cosmetic-only” - which is why this soltion made sense back the days.  (reminder for the new players: back the days- we had no syandanas, no armor and other fancy stuff - only alternate helmets and color palettes)

    Anyways, the pro- and contra-”Stats-on-alternate-helmets”-fracations were “happy” about this solution.

    The players who said “remove the stats from every single helmet without any exeption (and let us equip the arcanes) or dont remove them at all from any helmet “ got completely ignored - unfortunately.

    Spoiler with some examples why people choose good helmets over good-looking helmets:

    Why do you equip a….


    Arcane swindle helmet on loki? For +15% extra power range!
    Arcane essence hlemet on loki?For extra power efficiency!
        Definitely not because those 2 helmets look great compared to the loki prime helmet.

    Arcane Pendragon Helmet on Excalibur? For extra power strengh!
        Eventually because it looks great in your opinion, compared to other helmets

    Arcane Locust Helmet on Ash Prime? For extra energy capacity!
        Not because it looks great compared to Ash P’s helmet.

    Arcane Chorus Helmet on Banshee? For extra power efficiency!
    Arcane Reverb helmet on Banshee? for increased max energy!
        they look great and have good stats!

    Arcane Phoenix helmet on Ember? for extra energy capacity?
        compared to the ember p helmet - ugly.

    Arcane Frost helmets? both are good!
        ugly compared to the frost p helmet, but the stats are awesome!

    Arcane Mag helmets? max energy, extra range. both sounds and is great!
        Ok, both look better than a mag p (hardhat-helmet with gasmask and flash-light)

    Arcane Vespa helmet for nyx? you dont have to equip streamline when you equip this helmet. fleeting + helmet = 175% efficiency! honestly, the nyx p (xenomorp helmet) looks awesome. unfortunately it s useless compared to the vespa helmet.

    and the same counts for the rhino vanguard helmet and arcane trinity, volt and booben helmets.

     As everyone knows, some of those in the spoiler mentioned arcane helmets are quite expensive in trading chat. What do you think why peopel buy those helmets and where the prices going to be in 1 year? Do you think it was a good solution how DE handled the arcane stuff on a long term?


     The presence:

    DE introduced 8 player (nightmare)raids - as reward we can get Arcanes there.
    To use those arcanes we have to put them on cosmetic-only items.

    And THIS is basically how the real dilemma - we currently have - began.

    We have to transform our cosmetic-only items into cosmetic items with stats!
    Our free choice of “Which syandana i m going to wear today?” is gone!


        You want to wear your [enter your favorite syandana here] with 10 arcane barriers on it for AW missions?

        Of course! you can do that, you only have to remove those 10 trickeries first, spent a few million credits again

        and wait for 2  days(or spent 100 plat) to get those 10 barriers on it.

        You better buy a bunch of [enter your favorite syandana here]s and put different maxed arcanes you like on it,

        until a new favorite syandana/cape appears on the market.
        To get all the different arcanes on 1 helmet/syandana, you have to purchase the syandana multiple times.

        Exeptions are PrimeAccess/Syndicate-Syandanas, Standard-(p)helmets

        and eventually void trader-syandanas(cant confirm that), too.
        If you like syandanas it works this way, but it s going to be expensive.


    My idea:

    We had “artifacts” once instead of auras.
    why cant we equip arcanes like “artifacts” back in U8 or U9.

    For the newer players: Before the mission started you were able to chose your “artifact”(aura).

    This (or something similar) is what a lot of veterans want. The current way you(DE) is “handling” arcanes is off the track.
    Instead of a proper rework/a real solution we get a bandaids-ception.

    "We can put arcanes on our cosmetics" => "people dont like some of their stats on their cosmetics anymore" =>"we get a distiller"...

     Is it still the “Year of Quantity”?. When do we get the promised “Year of Quality”?

     tl:dr Arcane stats need to be separated from cosmetic items!

    “We are literally forced to wear pink shorts, because those pink shorts grant us an arcane revive and some other stats!”.


    Edit: edited some typos and formatted the wall of text



    Livestream #25 ~U13


    quote:"Cosmetics, i think, from here forward will basically be stat-less."


    Edit3: replaced some incorrect info. syandanas in the market can be purchased multiple times. (didn't knew it either)

  2. Well, the afk punsihment is too harsh.

    And you forgot the most important thing.

    The rewards go backwards not forwards.

    I highly disagree with you implementation of removing ARC helm from u10 and back, I don't use them but still, they are there for fun.

    Baro k' teer needs a command like /timeleft

    And i'm confused by filter for shotgun...either way, adding more ways to organize stuff won't make it better.

    I completely agree with you on the liset, but then again, what would be the point of the relay?

    Should friendship doors really be removed? They are limiters for a reason, but they slow you down just enough to make sure everyone gets to a certain spot of stuff.

    Ummm, HUD zoom in feature would be nice, but the range can't be extended, because none of the mods are suited to such lengths, unless it's for valkyr close combat.

    Why would you remove duplicates? and give them tokens? that's a loss of 2500cr, which is about 25% of the missions cr.

    I'm not saying your doing a bad job.

    However if this was implemented in-game directly without a few changes, a ton of people would be depressed


    Except for the  Foundry upgrade segement. 


    ​​ ​


    -Extraxi is not talking about the removal of arcane stats, he/we simply do not want them on any cosmetic item. we want arcanes to be equippable. e.g. like auras were "Artifacts" back in U9 or U10.


    - or you simply show a timer when baro appears again.


    - you are wrong, a shotgun filter would improve the game. shotguns have mods independend of other primary weapon mods, but they are still in the category "primary" with other "primary mods". it s a bit confusing.


    - the relay has no point yet. exept of the void trader and 2 syndicates.


    - yes, friendship doors have to go. They slow you down.


    - when you care about 2500 credits as login reward and compare those with credits as mission rewards, then you are definitely playing the game wrong.


    - the community can handle a lot changes. i refer to dmg 2.0, melee 2.0, conclave 2.0, parkour 2.0.... etc.


    and those changes are basically "Quality of life". it does not even change the game itself.

  3. You are allowing bias to come into the picture. Just because the OP can put on a  good show about being a victim  just as much as the other guy.


    also this just in.


    The majority of the world doesn't speak english.

    I'm not. At least i didn't intend to.

    Even if OP is not telling us all the details about what happened. It's simply not the point of the topic to blame anyone for what he/anyone else has /hasn't done. Maybe this story is just his personal tip of the iceberg. Maybe it was the 42th time that something similar happend to him. we dont know.


    Still, everyone knows punctuation, right?

  4. you are WRONG my friend and you know it all... i also dont like people who do such things but when we agree on team and you dont do what you must people get upset and rage but i act cool and just left squad i was thinking that there was no need to say things like you did its just a game that we must enjoy but people like you make this game feel wrong

    It s not a topic about who is "right or wrong".

    OP was just talking about the situation itself and asked if this attitude/behavior is becoming the common sense in Warframe.

    And you are just diving into the role of the victim. fortunately, nobody cares. OP is definitely a nice guy he hasnt mentioned your name anywhere and he does not discredit you. you do it yourself right now.

    Please learn proper grammar and punctuation. Thank you in advance.

  5. I disagree with covert lethality.

    It s a change from broken to useless. You cant do stealth finishers in endless missions(after a certain level you can t finish enemies anymore, which is why this mod would be great there) and in other mission types this mod is not needed because the enemy level is not that high. you can finish every enemy there with any melee weapon as long as you have pressure point (and spoiled strike) on it. and you can fit those 2 mods on (almost) every unranked weapon if you have a proper stance.


    the real problem is, that AoE procs and Syndicate AoE can kill unalerted enemies.That doesnt make sense and is definitely an unintended bug. that should be fixed. Those elemental-procs could simply alert the enemies for example, instead of insta kill everything in the entire room.

    An ground slam could alert enemies too, but it doesnt.


    Edit:i d like to add that it is a high risk to play with a dagger and loki/ash/whatever. one mistake and you die after 40-60min survival with one hit. i dont know why this should be wrong? a lot of ppl would say "that s too much risk, i dont want to loose all my revives with this playstyle - let s go camping in the corner over there."

  6. true story:

    It's past 1am and i lay awake in a bed in the 2nd floor of my parent's house for almost an hour now. the room basically is the attic with dormer. nothing unusual.

    ok, that's where i am right at the moment.

    i was laying half awake/asleep in the bed and all of a sudden i heard a noise and i thought a roof tile broke and slid down the roof. for some reason the roof tile hasnt hit the ground. no sound of an impact on the ground etc. very odd.


    a few second later i heard a very silent *meow* did it hit the cat?


    another *meow*  seems to be alive.


    *meow* it get s closer.


    *meow* sounds like the cat of my parents is right next to me wtf o.O


    *MEOW* this cant be...


    i take a look out of the window and i see zorro (the cat) right in front of me. only ~1meter away o.O

    in the fking 2. floor, on the roof. slope of the roof ~40-50°


    i cant sleep anymore and look every 10minutes out of the window.


    stupid cat but still he has 8 lifes left. 


    no related picture. i had to catch a frightened cat.


  7. Weapons:

    - 1 x Prisma Dual Cleavers

    - 1 x Prisma Gorgon

    - 1 x Prisma Grakata

    - 3 x Prisma Tetra

    - 1 x Mara Detron

    - 4 x Rakta Ballistica

    - 1 x Synoid Gammacor

    - 1 x Telos Akbolto


    Primed Mods:


        - 3 x P Flow

        - 2 x P Heavy Trauma

        - 1 x P Pistol Mutation

        - 1 x P Ravage

        - 2 x P Reach

        - 3 x P Slip Magazine

    Event Mods:

    Impact-Mod set

        - 3 x Crash Course

        - 3 x Full Contact

        - 3 x Pummel

        - 3 x Collision Force


        - 7 x Infested Impedance

        - 6 x Physique

        - 5 x Enemy Radar

        - 5 x Sprint Boost

        - 4 x Rejuvenation

        - 2 x Loot Detector

        - 2 x Energy Syphon

        - 1 x Corrosive Projection

        - 1 x Dead Eye

        - 1 x Pistol Scavenger

        - 1 x Steel Charge

    Other Mods:

        - 6 x Sanctuary

        - 5 x Bite

        - 3 x Animal Instinct

        - 3 x High Noon

        - 1 x Adhesive Blast

        - 1 x Four Riders



        - 14 x Sahasa

        - 10 x Huras

        - 12 x Raksa

        - 4 x Sunika

    If i m not online ingame: write below this post what you want or PM me in the forums.

    I m going to be online between 6pm and 10pm (UTC +1:00) Monday - Friday.

  8. ewige rangliste hatten wir schon. Zumindest bei der Kill-Rangliste. Wurde abgeschafft und die top-1000 hat Badges bekommen. Gab auch eins zwei bugs die man dort ausnutzen konnte soweit ich mich erinnern kann.

    Und bei der wöchentlichen Rangliste gabs schon öfters solche späße wie 553 Wellen in unter einer Stunde. Sind dann natürlich definitiv Cheater die sowas machen und im forum regt man sich darüber dann natürlich auf. Kritisch wirds dann wenn man wirklich 100-200 Wellen in 2-3 Stunden packt. Ist möglich, aber ohne Videofootage wird man dennoch als "Cheater" gebrandmarkt.

    Wie dem auch sei, wenn du denkst, dass du gut bist, mach ein Thema im Forum auf mit nem Titel wie "Kuck mal wie gut ich bin - Mission XY". Das funktioniert aber auch nur dann, wenn man der Erste ist der dies oder jenes macht oder wenn man den aktuellen Rekordhalter überbietet.

    Einfach um zu zeigen: "Kuck mal was hier und da möglich ist"


    War z.b.  der erste der die 1e millonen Kills in einer Woche gepackt hat. Hat Spaß gemacht. 2-3 Wochen darauf gabs die Ersten mit mehr als deutlich über einer millionen Kills :p

    Aber ohne Konkurrenz ist das eh alles langweilig.

  9. Not finding dialects in the Duden is pretty normal, because noone puts dialects in Dictionaries of ones country language, it usually is only the "official - high spoken part" for dialects you need to buy separate dictionaries if such exist for your country. 


    Also while we're at it, look up "racist" on dictionary.com and you will find out it doesn't mean what you think it means, so please stop using it in that way. 

    Who the hell cares? Just stop derailing the damn topic.

    My point simply is, that in the region i am from, the word "Grattler" is an insult. Older ppl know it younger probably ppl don't. That s it.

    "hillbilly" is definitely not the proper translation. there are otherwords to discribe a "hillbilly /Hinterwäldler". And actually i said that there is no dialekt in a dictionary, which is what you basically wrote in your answer. Did you even read my post correctly. I think you only read the one word i used wrong and guess what. I m aware of it. I know that "lingual discriminating" fits better, but, who cares? i dont. cuase that was not the point of the topic.

  10. I am from germany and this word is neither official part of the german language ( reference being the german Duden [1] - the go to list of official german words ) nor very widespread since it is only part of a german state's dialect ( personally I never heard of it before ).


    Its somewhat unrealistic to expect DE to check any dialect in the world ( 7.5 Billion people right now ... and keeps breeding ) before using a new name for a frame / weapon.


    Furthermore the word seemingly means something like "Hillbilly" in Bavaria which I personally find rather amusing.


    [1] http://www.duden.de/suchen/dudenonline/grattler

    yes, you might be from germany too but not from bavaria.

    First of all: you ll definitely not find any kind of dialekt in the Duden, because according to mr. duden that's not german. Kinda racist, though.

    aand no, you cant translate it with "Hillbilly", it s even more incorrect than "dumbass"


    Edit: with region i mean "bavaria/tirol", not germany

  11. couldn't find an english translation of this site, but the name of the new Archwing Weapon "Grattler" means "dumbass" where i am from nowadays. in earlier days it discribed ppl who live in poverty.

    And now it's the name of a ingame weapon. Kinda strange for me.



    not sure if something like this happened before.


    Edit: I dont know if something like this happened before, which is why i just wanted to mention it.


    Edit2: i cant stop laughing about it #bestupdateEVER

  12. There are 2 questions important for me.

    a) Is player XY able to lead a squad?

    b) Is player XY able to obey orders?


    Which is why i basiacally write in recruiting chat when i m looking for some players:

    "Hosting [MissionXY] Looking for someone who can follow simple orders"

    You cant do that, regardless of your masteryrank? You re out.

    That's how easy it is.

    Anyways, most of the times it s not the players fault. It s simply a lack of communication. Player A think he is doing it right and Player B is not telling him how to do it right, he s just saying "you are doing it wrong,[random insult], u sck".

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