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Posts posted by Fraank

  1. On 21.3.2016 at 9:04 PM, (XB1)Xodus03 said:

     Actually if your point isn't ironclad, it just representative of what you believe also... How do I know? Make it PvP and you exclude PvE players... sure, but make it PvE and you exclude at the very least, me, a pure Solar Rail conflict player. I know many others feel the same way, and don't play this game very much anymore because all it has is PvE grinds on top of more PvE grinds... with a few more "unique" PvE grinds to spice things up a bit (lol). Dark Sectors may have been "End Game", but only for those who enjoyed PvP so saying that it is an "endgame" PvP game mode that forces PvE players to play is not true. End game for PvE is T4 Void and Raids... or even Archwing since most new players aren't able to attain it right away, not Solar Rail Conflicts. If Dark Sector Conflicts were "forced" on PvE players, then why did I have to pay at least 50k for each run to each and every one of them to get a half decent participation level? And look here... as I make an example of the point I am trying to make for Dark Sectors and the choice that players have to participate or not, as I have chosen not to play any of that repetitive PvE nonsense for the past year that I have played for way too many hours as it was, just to prepare myself for the PvP Darksectors that they took away. The only people "forced" to play them were the ones on xbox hunting for an exclusive achievement for winning a War.

     Turning Dark Sector conflict into PvE, yes could possibly "include" more people to participate in the conflicts themselves, but also to me will be far more exploitable and harder to fight against due to not many Clans and/or Alliances being well established already. I know my clan has held #1 on Xbox since the beginning save for a handful of weeks on kills... so what is going to make dominating a PvE Solar Rail any different for us? Actually with it being that way, what is to make me not inclined to "conquer" or hold it as a Clan and not even an Alliance, making it even less "inclusive" for the community? Also you want to make Conclave more Clan Competitive? How so? Maybe by giving them territory that had some sort of small bonus or advantage to owning it, and have them fight each other for it? That is a genius idea! When do we start? lol. Please don't say something like by giving the clans a PvP leaderboard... because we know how far DE has their current leaderboard buried and how few people actually look at it... less than look at the names on the Dark Sectors.

     By the way, were you ExT Fraank who used to actually be an advocate for Solar Rail Conflicts returning? Because to me this just sounds like the leader of an Alliance that isn't entirely sure of their own capability anymore and could be possibly trying to preserve what they have left. Honestly I think people have been itching to get you off your nodes since before Armistice so I could see why you might be hoping for a drastic change... Might have something to do with those lovely tax values you placed on your Alliance though lol.

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I understand that you are butthurt(?) because DE said that DS is going to be PvE. I really do.  I dont play Conclave btw. "Schadenfreude" :p

    Anyways! Why am i against DS PvP? Because we have Peer-to-Peer connections and no dedicated servers for DS Conflicts. A fair competition wasnt possible at all. Not sure how the connection is on XBOX but on PC the connection is A: Good or B: horribly bad and even worse due to terribad hosts. There are people out there with unimaginable wooden internet pipelines. Have you ever had a single DS match with a horribly awful and slow host? I dont think so! Ever fought against russian/south american alliances while you are located in Australia/China/EU/US? I doubt it. At least you XBOX guys have identical hardware. PC players dont. No offense to these guys, it is not their fault, but their connections/slow PCs made it impossible to win sometimes for some alliances. And this is my experience and why i would be glad to see DS PvE. And the cancerous community of course. i got the blame for bad internet connections, ddos, cheating, hacking, unfair strategies and so on. The list is endless. I already mentioned the other fact with Amount of PvE Players >> PvP Players

    The idea with the conclave leaderboard is yours and I only said that PvP competitions fit into Conclave and that it might be worth a discussion. I dont know how and i dont care.

    Yeah, i m one of the nice and handsome looking Leaders of ICE Alliance. I m sitting here and wait for DarkSectors to return someday, like anyone else does. In my opinion there is nothing left to preserve.Alliance activity maybe. Tbh, i ve tried to encourage some ppl with 100% Taxes to kick me off the nodes. As you were able to see, it didnt work.

  2. 51 minutes ago, 14159265358979323846 said:

    Wow. Really? You have done a nice job trying to advert attention and misled people on my view point buddy.

    1. Just because starmap is going to be replaced (which I obviously know about and don't really like the idea), it doesn't contradict with my point, which is Dark sector is only a small part of the game. Also making it have both pvp and pve content won't automatically exclude pve players. In fact it can actually promote and create harder / more challenging gameplay for players who is already bored from the usual farm void till everything drops. In addition, just as how Dark sector going pvp made a drop in participation, the removing of pvp did the same thing, your point might be valid, but there exists the same argument on why we should have pvp back.

    2. Em, don't try to change my point to make your own point sound convincing. My point being, we now have raid, sorties and such, credits already isn't hard to farm anymore compared to before. So, unless you plan to revert the game back to the time of the old dark sector, your point does not stand. The difficulty of finding proper raid parties isn't easy I agree, but that doesn't contradict with the idea that you can farm credits a lot easier in comparison to before and thus nodes like sechura is no longer the only credit farm.

    My personal opinion is based on facts, personal experience as player and tactician/alliance leader and without any emotions "like PvP is better than PvE Q_Q".

    1. You claim that PvE players are crybabies and that they should grow up. At least that's how i interpret your text. And i simply disagreed. PvE and PvP should be strictly seperated. Any kind of PvEvP crossover-hybrid-game mode for the dark sectors >could< end up in a disadvantage for PvE only players. They have a legitimate right to participate in the endgame content as much as PvPers in a PvE Game. Do you have anything, any information, to prove that the reintroduction of PvE (removal of PvP) has a negative impact on participation? Have you played the new PvE misson, for the DS, on DE's testservers already? Of course people played conclave, to train for DarkSectors but PvE is probably the better way for DS.
    I d recommend a split into a seperate topic i dont care about here. What if conclave get a clan/alliance-competitive element? At least i think it would be a nice way to make both happy PvEers and PvPers. Seems to be the best solution to me.

    2. You mixed something up. DE shut down DS conflicts with Update 16 and introduced the LoR Raid at the same time. Back the days the best way to farm credits was void missions, DS conflicts and (taxed) Darksectors(Hopefully you enjoyed my 100% taxes :) ). Anyways, that's our initial point if you want to compare credit earnings.  Now we have (nontaxed) Darksectors, void missions, Sorties and Raids. Of course, we get a lot more credits now than before.
    And now you claim that DarkSector conflicts have to be PvP and the PvE crybabies should grow up and play sorties/raids for credits, at least that s how i interpret your point. Simply because you "love" PvP doesnt mean that the mayority of players do or have to in a PvE game. And as long as Peer-to-peer connections are the Achilles' heel of PvP, as they were in the old DS conflicts, we shouldt talk about PvP and darksectors.  Especially fights against alliances from different continents ended up in horrible lag parties. You frequently lost, not because you are a terrible player, no, simply because of the awful lag and loading issues etc. A fair battle wasnt always possible due to P2P.

  3. 4 hours ago, 14159265358979323846 said:

    Wait what? DE? you want to make the new dark sector to be pvp-less? WHY?

    Ok lets see why people actually want dark sector to be pve.

    1. "it is a pve game - you are forcing pve players to play pvp" -- WTF seriously? There is 200+ missions where there is no pvp involved (unless you decided to be funny and proc yourself with radiation by running into void lasers). So if you don't like pvp, you can don't visit the dark sectors
    2. "Clans / Alliance are placing a very high tax on the nodes" -- Oh wait, do you mean you can't farm sechura (or any mission of choice) for more credits now if DS is back? People who try to complain with this argument basically is just upset they might lose some of their best loot positions, but remember we have 200+ nodes, it is not healthy if ~ 10 of them gets 90% of the player base online. You can still farm credits from LoR (takes 20 min for 250k credit), or fast void runs like T1 capture. If loots is what you need, why don't you ask DE to buff the resource drops in Ophelia by 3 times? (sarcasm intended) You shouldn't be just relying them for resource to begin with even tho I do admit I sometimes use these dark sectors to refill polymer bundles.....


    Seriously miss the dark sectors, I was rather new back then and I didn't get to play with a decent gear, but even then I enjoyed playing it.

    1. Yes, indeed it is a PvE Game and Dark Sector should be PvE as well because it is endgame and everyone should be able to participate in without any disadvantage. Which is why i disagree. Dark Sector should become PvE again People would appreciate it.   Uhm and the starmap is going to be replaced with something else. Anyways make it PvP and you exclude PvE Players. Make it PvE and you exclude no one. PvP can stay in conclave where it belongs. When DarkSector went PvP first we felt a drop in participation (as a tactician). Better ask DE to make conclave more "clan competitive".

    2. We summoned our personal Ragnarök when we taxed Sechura with 9%. Insults, flame, "trading boykott" and death threats. LoR didnt exist back the days. neither did sorties. The only options you had were void or dark sector missions. :)  And nowadays it is still difficult for some to find proper raid parties. You can, yes, but not 95% of the other players.

    I miss DarkSectors as well. (It was hell a lot of fun to do the tactician thing.) The PvP thing was ok because i had high end gear, which is why it was easy to rek casual players. (not because i'm a good PvPer.) :p

  4. I think the tonkor has/had(?) minor self damage because of the rocket jump ability it has.


    On one hand every explosive weapon should cause self-damage and on the other hand explosive weapons should be stronger than other weapons because of the self damage.(Sounds fair to me)

    When you shoot with a RPG or Grenade launcher right in front of you, you re going to die as soon as the shockwave hit your body. It's the case in almost every First Person Shooter and in real life as well. Why not in Warframe? There is no "where hit the shock wave the body?", it always is a "the shockwave hit the entire body!".  :p


    If i had to transmute coffee into code: (glad i dont have to)

    1st Amount of enemies within range of explosion.

    2nd: calc the explosion damage first for each available resistance.

    3rd shortes distance from the centre of the explosion to the hitbox of each enemy.

    4th apply damage to each enemy based on their distance. (i d use a fuzzy system. 0-1meter distance = full damage, 1m-2 m distance = 1/2 dmg, 2m-4m= 1/4 dmg....and so on)

    1st step =>   2nd and 3rd step parallel =>  wait for 2nd and 3rd step to be finished => 4th step

    I want self damage on every explosive weapon back for the sake of realism.

    Edit: Forgot to mention that explosive weapons should act like explosive weapons. Which means, remove the inconsistency inbetween every single explosive weapons => A: every explosive wepaons can be used for rocket jumps or B: none can.        // A: every explosive weapon has "the same" explosive damage or B: none has. For the sake of consistency and realism.

  5. Draco is a symptom and not the actual cause.


    Crowd Control/Blessing trin/invis/invincible valk is a think because after a certain enemy level the game forces you to.

    there is no point in putting health/shield/armor mods on in any case to "tank" the shots, which makes any other solution obsolete, besides CC in endless missions with teammates. You cannot simply stay in one spot and "tank" with any frame (exept of valkyr).

    the only way to face high level enemies for almost 3 years now is crowd control, stealh only OR blessing trinity.

    which means crowd control is not the flaw here. the flaw is a horrible enemy scaling. you dont give us other choices than crowd control, blessing trin, invisibility.

    not sure why the damage of enemies scales at all. doest makes sense and renders bless trin besides her 99% bless useless. there is not even a point in a 98% blessing, you might get killed. And that s basically how broken the game is.

    It is not possible to do 3 hours survival without CC or without beeing invincible or without beeing invisible but it should be possible to do 3 hours survival without CC, beeing invis and or beeing invincible.


    about mandatory warframe mods:

    there are mods no one needs in general exept for 2-3 warframes.. vitality, vigor, redirection, steel fiber, armored agility. you are going to die anyways with one shot. You have a different opinion? i disagree and you dont know what you are talking about. stop watching awful youtubers.

    Several Augment mods are mandatory e.g. hydroid's pilfering swarm, greedy pull was mandatory once.

    we could argue about efficiency mods but that s it. nerf it and ppl will ask for EV trin because the game is designed around ability spam anyways.

    problem are ppl with no knowledge how abilities work. the common mindset is"the bigger the number the better".


    unfortunately my opinion does not matter at all. i m ranting all day and night.

  6. why do you even claim "xy is op"? you throw some numbers around, bashing each other and you probably never faced a single enemy with a 4 digit enemylevel. In theory you might be able to kill a theoretical lvl 9999 heavy gunner. but practically you get bored after 40-60 min survival (~lvl 120 or somehting) After a certain point enemies oneshot you, why isnt it fair when you are able to oneshot them?

    with bodycount you might be albe to deal up to ~4 times the damage. do you really think it is that much? besides: most of the casual scrubs are happy when they see a yellow 1000 or a bit more popping up on their screen. they are the majority and might be happy to see a white 1k or 2k popping up sometimes.

    you saw some yellow 7 digit numbers popping up without bodycount? congratulations you are slightly better than the average player and you are able to kill anything in theory. adding a x3-4 multiplier wont change anything. ever thought about that?

  7. Well it was made to prevent the exploit of focus points but DE is making an alternate solution atm 


    i doubt that. I think DE messed up their sleek coding unintentionally somewhere by fixing something else. It's unfortunately a "common" issue when  more than 1 person develops software.

    in what kind of twisted world do you live at which alters your mind?

    I mean, you have to play exterminates with enemy radar + enemy sense. otherwise, as OP said, you have to seek for the enemies or rage quit.

    besides: there is an awful focus cap and enemies get alerted when you kill another one nearby. (Which is why rubberbanding + insta nuking all the enemies doesnt work anymore due to the high density of enemies) So, why would you break one missiontype to "temporary fix" something else then? and dont forget other missiontypes like deception, spy, rescue, ... those are not broken and work as intended unless they turn into exterminates. you can farm focus there within 15 minutes. if you are a good player, of course.

  8. Eclipse.  They got stomped out sechura multiple times before people stopped caring.  Once we started getting more regular credit bonus/resource etc. etc. bonus weeks (not to mention raids for grinding credits) and more and more items to grind plat off of people stopped caring about dark sectors.  Pretend all you like that what you did really mattered.  You were playing a system that most of the player base could not be bothered to care about.


    both topics are worth reading.




    there are several reasons why the system failed. BUT "evil alliances" like Eclipse, ICE, etc. were the pacemaker of the Darksectors which kept the system(barely)running.

    pretty much the only reason to fight for was against taxes set by eclipse due to the impact of taxes on a players reward.

  9. as a side note: '=/=' != ''


    hmm, the more frames we get, the more likely abilities of warframes going to be less 'unique' than expected by the community

    but in case of nezha every abilty feels stolen from other frames/weapons

    ego volt speed + oberon carpet

    glaive throw animation + ash teleport (even the explosion when the first ability is active is pretty much stolen from glaives)

    iron skin

    crush/stomp crossover.


    The first ability of volt, frost, ember, oberon and nekros are pretty much the same as well. But it feels unique. What i want to say is, that Nezha's abilities might be 'unique' but as soon as you use them, they do not feel 'unique'. You keep asking yourself: ' I've seen this before somewhere else. Where?'

  10. It was, 99% of the time, about who had the most credits to put up for battlepay. Winning the conflict meant getting taxes, meaning you had more resources to put up for battlepay the next time someone challenged your control of the rail. There's a reason control of the rails very quickly boiled down to a small handful of clans and alliances: because winning one conflict made you better able to win the next one. 

    No, 99% of the time no one took our rails because they a) gave up after the first try or b) were not smart enough to organize themselves properly. Instead after each successfull defense, we read a story about some crybaby on the forums.  e.g. i increased the taxes to 100% did anyone take action and attacked? no, but topics were written about it on the forums, reddit and ingame chat.



    That s my opinion why opponents failed to take over ICE rails.( i can only talk for ice)

  11. we have a few problems here.
    1. Non-Endless mission types are compared to endless mission types not rewarding at all, exept of spy missions. Spy missions are fine.

    There is no point in doing a common mobile defense or deception. you get a few credits in the end and no mission reward.

    and at the same time you could do an endless mission and get more resources, more affinity, more mission rewards, more cores, more everything.

    No one farms Neurodes with capture missions on Eris. You do it in endless missions.

    We have 230+ missions to choose from. Minus Deception, exterminate, sabotage, hijack, m def and capture, we have maybe 50 rewarding missions left (spy, survival, excavation, defense,interception) and out of those 50  you play maybe 10 mission frequently. anything else is a waste of time.


    2. Void-cancer. you go to the void for primeparts, credits and sometimes argon. pretty much anything you need, to get ducats for void trader crap and plat. hmm, and a lot credits as mission reward, compared to any other starchart mission. which is needed for trading/Crafting/modding/etc.

    which means. you do common endless missions to farm void keys. and then you play those void missions to get the stuff you really want.

    after a certain point of progress in warframe. the game is all about credits and primeparts. you trade and farm for stuff you need.


    3. affinity gain is: walk every 59 seconds 1 meter forward and back and let someone else kill all the things. We gain affinity this way, because it is a) possible to do it in one run which is why there is no reason to actually kill things with level equipment. b) even if you level up. you neither unlock mods (like in old darksector conflicts) nor get any bonus for level ups like you get on your warframe.

    Anyone does it the lazy way. It takes hours to level weapon a bit, leave mission, upgrade, restart... rince and repeat.


    what i want to say is, that anything besides a few nodes is not attractive at all due to a lack of "rewarding" game mechanics.


    grind is ok. But there is no fun to have pretty much only 1 one option to farm this or that in an efficient way.

    DE should not nerf draco or compareable nodes. DE should make other missions rewarding/ give us a reason to play other missions.

    for example: 50% chance to get a neurode as mission reward from capture missions or something like that. or 1-3 rare fusion cores. credit packages. whatever. at least something better than nothing.


    tl:dr There is no need to touch anything besides endless missions and void. Dont waste your time.

    meh. keep the typos.

  12. http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=35489785

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