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Posts posted by Lost_Cartographer

  1. 49 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

    That's questionable.

    Not really.  It's not like they carved out entirely new models for the left handed weapon in dual wield secondaries.  It's a copy-pasted single secondary.  If they can't make this happen it's a mystery how they managed to let us skin kitguns and zaws, and those are way more complicated beasts to tackle.

    In all honesty, the issue is likely to do with reload animations, which DE actually gives a hoot about, even if some of the oldest weapons still use a generic reload animation that makes no sense.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Galuf said:

    Pets are in a pretty bad shape atm but for players that are still grinding stuff, having kubrow or kavaat loot on demand is nice. They really need a big rework. The ultimate pet experience is sadly Djinn.

    Eh... kavats are in a good place really.  You can choose either the powerful RNG buff, or the weaker but consistent buff.  

    Kubrows are junk.  I use mine because the content I regularly run doesn't need anything but a meaty hound that occasionally eats someone's face, but they really need to condense the breeds down and make universal some of their abilities.  Like the Chesa and Sahasa?  They can go.  Dig, Ferocity, Neutralize, and Retrieve are abilities any kubrow/dog should be able to do, with one ability kind of rendered moot (retrieve,) or plain inferior to another (ferocity vs Sunika's savagery ability.)  The Huras (stealth) Raksa (defense) and Sunika (attack) all fill their own niche rather well, they're just missing those extra universal abilities like what the Kavats get to enjoy.


  3. Bloating enemy health pools isn't challenge, it just limits the viable weapon/frame selection to kill things in a timely enough manner that your ammo economy isn't totally in the crapper.  People complained about the Railjack troop health nerf making them "easier."  ...Except chances are people that min-max were already damn near one shotting them through out the veil, everyone else that wanted to use something like a Braton Prime without a frame that buffs damage 5-10x just ignored them because they were literally too much sponge.  

    Meanwhile, anything representing actual challenge, like ability immunity, energy drain, etc, people scream bloody murder about because they can't just hit a button and delete enemies or, failing that, shut down the AI and turn everything into a stationary, brain dead target.  Why?  Because they're looking for a reason to brag about how good they are (mistakenly confusing math exploitation for actual skill,) not an actual challenge.  This game is won in the arsenal, not on the battlefield.  It'd be more apt to call Warframe a puzzle shooter than a twitch shooter.

    If players truly wanted a challenge, step 1 is removing Zenurik energy bubbles, energy pads, severely nerfing rage and rage-like mods, and frames with near infinite energy recharge abilities/mechanics.  We were never meant to be able to spam our abilities ad nauseum.  A 100 energy ability shouldn't be as readily available as a 25 energy ability at all times.

    But since people won't accept the kinds of changes needed before meaningful challenge can be introduced, we're stuck with a game I can't recommend to anyone because unless they explicitly refuse to min-max, it's more a flashier version of clicker heroes than an actual game, and Digital Extremes can't decide which side of the fence they want to design/balance future content for.

    • Like 3
  4. I feel a lot of people do enjoy railjack, it's just that a lot of people that don't like it tend to be very vocal about it.  I have plenty of reason to belief the hate stems from them being less god-tier than warframe META builds.  You can't hit a button in archwing and watch things fade from existence, you actually have to move the mouse with a modicum of capability, hit your movement keys, etc.

    • Like 9
  5. On 2020-05-18 at 12:03 AM, Nichivo said:

    Fortuna's Orb Vallis had challenge, people whined so it got nerfed. Railjack was supposed to be group oriented, it was pretty well balanced for a solo challenge (needed tougher mobs in the veil), but people whined, and it got nerfed so hard you can't even call it group content.

    Arbitrations had challenge then revives were added. I play them solo only so I get the original feel.

    Nope!  I am going to disagree on the basis that any content that presents challenge, gets nerfed into the ground because of people whining. Just look at all the moaning about the glassmaker puzzle, and the resource neither of which are difficult, or hard to obtain, or complete, yet people are whining.

    To be fair, the Corpus in Fortuna were overtuned for their level.  They WERE hitting and soaking above what their level indicated.  Though personally, I think the biggest offenders were the overseers(?) which had a homing projectile.  One might think the Bombard's is hard to see?  Try finding a pale blue light among a bullet hell of other pale blue lights against white snow.  ...with the potential to one shot frames like Mag by level 30.

    Railjack teamwork was supposed to be in the concept of people performing a role (pilot, gunner, maintenance, archwing, boarders, etc.)  Like many things in Warframe, getting the proper avionics fleshed out and things go from chaotic to pretty tame real quick.  After this point, it was really a matter of how much time and ammo did DE really want non-META builds to spend on killing a simple lancer.  There are option restrictive builds that can tank absurd levels of damage and deal it out in kind, then there is a wide variety of builds that can't do either.  The META builds aren't necessarily fun to everyone.  DE is following the money here.  Don't balance around the 3% best items in the game when most people would rather be operating within the 30th percentile.


  6. On 2020-05-02 at 3:25 PM, Vespilan said:

    Vague title, right? Been fiddling with it for a while.

    For those of you who have been too busy picking their nose; The newest update to railjack has made the one endgame mode that we had, the one and only mode that posed a respectable challenge to player skill rather than just to weaponary, a whole lot easier. Again. Enemy fighter HP and armor have been halved and foot units have received nerfs as well. My question is; Why? Why does Warframe always have to appeal to a "casual" audience, to put it politely? Why does everything always have to be easy? Railjack was perfectly balanced and the trend to always appeal to bad, sorry but thats just how it is, players is why we cant have any endgame content.

    I have heard that railjack veil proxima missions can now be solo'd in under five minutes thanks to seeker volley. DE; This is how stuff goes from content to grind, it gets boring because its just so ridicolously easy, just as on-foot missions. And with all this keep in mind, there is still the commander intrinsics tree coming up!

    We cant have endgame content because a handfull of players keep crying about how hard any new gamemode is because they haven't adapted to it yet, DE gives in and creates another grindzone. 

    Damage sponges aren't necessarily difficult.  All they really accomplished was pushing me towards a frame that melts enemies with their particular form of murder radiation or frames that buff some of the clearly stronger weapon options by several orders of magnitude.  I didn't exactly have to work harder to kill railjack foot troops with my Atlas and Kuva Quartakk, I just had to spend more time and ammo to do it, to the point where even I just ended up skipping past everything to get the job done.

    I hate skipping past enemies, but I also hate enemies that take absurd amounts of damage unless they're actually boss-tier (more complicated and much rarer than your standard fodder at any rate.)  I specifically log in to shoot things with a machine gun and if most targets render that machine gun a pea shooter, I'm probably not having much fun.

  7. On 2020-05-18 at 12:18 PM, Gabbynaru said:

    Also Lotus forbid people wanting to play this game differently than you, eh?

    Sorry, but I see this game as something to play when I just want to turn my mind off and relax. It should keep on being that, as it's been for the past 6 years. If I wanted pointless challenge, I have other games in my library for that, but very few, especially action games, that allow me to relax while playing them (I can only think of the Yakuza series atm). This is a massive strength for Warframe and something that makes it stand out from the crowd. Why take it away and make it generci sci-fi shooter #74025?

    Because right now it's less than generic sci-fi shooter #74025, it's a puzzle game where you build your warframe to the point where you can press 4, then click on the heads of your enemies, if you can even be bothered to do that much, or if it's even an option.

    People are literally TURNING OFF the game play with many of the META builds.  There's shutting your brain off the relax, then there's, "are you even bothering to play?"

    • Like 4
  8. People go where they feel they'll get exposure and traffic.

    General discussion has and always will be rather nebulous in what constitutes "general" discussion on any board though.  And on occasion there's a newly hired mod that's gung-ho and goes through and sweeps the GD forum regularly before either being told to stop or gives up.  There really is no winning here.  The torrent of new threads is relentless. 

    And if you really want to parse it down by what other sub forums are available, all we'd be left with for general discussion are Warframe centered meme posts, discussions on story developments and maybe wild post live-stream postulations.

    • Like 5
  9. 18 hours ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Good. Let's drop this charade then and let this be the wonderful power fantasy that it is instead of trying to "balance" it and take all the fun out in the process.

    Problem is that basically ONE PERSON has the capability to strip the enemy of any and all capacity to be even a marginal threat to us and thus IS taking all the fun out of the process.  We've gone the full opposite from ultra frustratingly hard: Mind numbingly easy.  Unless of course, if you run solo and intentionally sub-optimally build (but then the people calling for a challenge BSOD when you recommend them this avenue as an option...)  Warframe is a solo game with the option of having a semi-captive audience.  There's always that one guy that basically plays the game for everyone else in the squad with a single button press.  And people flip their $#!% whenever this level of power over other players' experiences is addressed.  THIS is why Warframe can't ever offer a challenge.

    Nerfing CC and and area wide nukes isn't going to turn the game into Dark Souls.  It will require people to watch each other's backs with some retuning of stats, and people will simply have to realize endless scaling is meant to beat you.  Doubtful though that most players will ever realize these truths however.  Lotus forbid they actually have to play.

    • Like 7
  10. 6 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    So you know that.
    You initial post sounded as if you think that Fortuna people WANT these augments, because there are better than a human body. But in reality the hate what they are, what they became. Their heads aren't in their chest because ist practical, but because they are protecting their heads this way, not from the cold, but from Nef and the Corpus.

    Pretty sure Nef Anyo would have figured out where they're hiding their heads just hauling away one of them.  At this point, it definitely feels more like a tradition or popular fashion.

    A lot of the lore regarding Fortuna is weird in a similar way to Altered Carbon in that One needs to REALLY stretch their suspension of disbelief.  Humanity has the tech to cross the stars and digitize souls, even transplanting them between bodies, and teleportation, among many other technologies, but the process of fabricating a flesh and blood limb or organ that is as good if not better than an original product is prohibitively expensive if not downright impossible?  Wut?

    Brain shelving I feel is the only functional practicality.  Creating a whole new person is something else entirely. 

  11. The problems Warframe experiences in presenting challenge DOOM fixes in ways that would require Warframe to fundamentally change how it works.  And I'm not talking glory kills (which we get in parazon mercy kills if you let up on the trigger in time.)

    First: Some enemies in Warframe have hit scan attacks.  EVERYTHING in Doom can be dodged.  Everything.  Ultra-Nightmare virtually hinges on the concept that you basically take no damage through the entire play through or take it so sparingly you can fully recover between every instance of being hit.  But back to Warframe - a lot of the enemy design is piss poor.  Mostly recolors with attacks that are either hitscan or still too fast to dodge if you're not already moving really fast and just very difficult to read (see - Toxic ancient aura, Napalm/Bombard projectile and AoE, etc.)  Basically look into a horde of 2-3 different silhouettes and spray into them.

    Second: Because our equipment selection on any given mission is extremely limited, enemies have to be fairly generic by default.  DOOM can get away with all these interesting enemies partly because it KNOWS you're carrying a machine gun/rocklet rifle/sniper rifle, a shotgun/grenade launcher/gatling gun, rocket launcher with homing or remote detonation, plasma rifle with a lock down beam and an AoE blast, a railgun that can sweep a line of enemies or prime them to be a bomb, etc.  Warframe we get to carry 2 guns, a melee weapon, and on occasion a bigger gun that's cumbersome to equip and use. 

    Ergo, Warframe suffers the same dilemma as most MMO's in that enemies have to be generically approached because it can't trust we're carrying a bow or an AoE weapon (even in the form of a warframe) at all times in the same way World of Warcraft can't really give Paladins all this awesome power against undead but make them so-so against everything else, they have to be generically powerful overall to work.  At best right now, Warframe can release more weapons with secondary attacks in the same vein as the Corinth or Fulmin where the fire modes feel like fundamentally different weapons as opposed to the Tiberon Prime or Kuva Hind, and DE is criminally NOT taking advantage of that approach in their weapon design.

    Between these two elements I'd say the bulk of Warframe's challenge issues reveal themselves.  Yeah, being near god mode or locking down an entire tileset with CC also rails against the challenge, but they only exacerbate the core issue in that Warframe's combat is pretty flatly generic and "safe."  It's 1995 Doom... only even less methodical, more spammy and mindless.

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  12. On 2020-03-05 at 10:27 AM, MPonder said:

    Said or not said, who cares. I remember seen him or Rebecca saying that they were upset with people calling their game easy and that they would do something about. And now?


    Difficult = Dark souls? Why people always came with this xit.

    Because gamers or hyperbolic to the extreme.

    What Warframe needs to do is take pages from DOOM's monster book.  The new elite shield lancer and the Grineer Nox are excellent in that they sort of demand the player change tactics.  It still sucks they can be mindlessly AoE stunned, but the player still has to do a little maneuver to get an angle of attack on them, and they both have weapons we don't want to be hit with more for their status effects than their damage.  And the Nox's charge is a nice extra attack that helps them get close fast.  They're basically Warframe's pinky.

    We need more "elite" enemies like these interspersed in with the disposable chaff that we can't just shut down with a button press or a sweep of the rifle.  Heavy Gunners, troopers, and scorches are basically variations on the lancer, boring, if somewhat vital simply for the variance alone.  Bombards at least present a homing missile that can be avoided with a little movement.  Seekers are totally backwards in that their weapon is powerful while their mini-roller grenades are just set decoration, but a good concept overall.

  13. 3 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

    Inb4 the "use roll" comments arrive.

    Anyways that's not a bad idea. Tho It would probably make the game easier.

    Maybe it would be somewhat better if frames could use operator abilities somehow. Someone with vazarin could easily heal their frames and make it easier to use squishy frames like banshee.

    The game being easier isn't necessarily a problem in this regard, it's the principle of the thing.  One can in theory avoid every shot from the Corpus and Infested (except rail Moa.)  Grineer there's always a degree of RNG no matter how fast you're moving, and unless you're out on the plains, chances are you're going to bump into something.  Technically shields justify hitscan from the enemy, but the way scaling works, they'd only make sense past level 40 if the enemy were all using bolt action rifles and shield gating was a thing.

  14. Railjack troops ARE too spongy.  The logic for why is sound - there are "fewer of them."   Except they're as densely packed as in any mission, just non-replenishing.  This has encouraged players into either meta builds (if you're packing a non-meta weapon but a frame that boosts damage considerably, you're defeating your own counter-argument) or just ignoring them entirely and simply destroying the central cores.  If the point of the increased HP was to slow players down, DE utterly failed in that regard.  Upper Saturn should have been the extent of troop strength.  What they become in Veil proxima is just stupid. 

    For reference, you can just about double an elite space lancer's level and get the standard lancer equivalent.  THAT'S the math we're dealing with here.  So a level 80 space lancer is effectively a level 160 standard elite lancer, or equivalent level napalm/bombard if you prefer.  Some people will have no problem with them, but some people don't want to use the small handful of equipment erroneously balanced such that they can be pushed to one shot level 100+ napalms.  The way things scale and exponentially grow in this game, some weapons just get left in the dust, even with damage boosts like roar, while others turn into a room clearing juggernauts.

    DE needs to do something about it, and we can probably still lay much of the problem at the feet of armor scaling.  Their cute little attempt to plateau it is still proof they're reluctant to admit the current approach to armor is stupid.

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  15. 17 hours ago, Walkampf said:

    No, not lore specific, but content with an actual designed end instead of infinite treadmills.

    Problem with this is 99% of people will just blitz through it and never again touch it once they've completed it, then proceed to complain about having nothing to do.  Again.  Like's it a surprise it keeps happening.  This is the curse of MMO raids, and why DE is explicitly avoiding "tiered" content.  It's just developers racing players.

    What people really want is what we hoped the kingpin/lich system would be - a personalized, generated expanding story between us and our own personal villain(s.)  Instead what we got was another simple isolated game system because yup, people really do play mostly for the rewards, lore is a cherry on the frosting that is fun and unfortunately people have this habit of licking off all the frosting before eating the cake itself, then trying to finish the whole cake in one sitting in as few bites as possible.  No wonder people are miserable.


  16. 35 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:

    And then we tell them to go level at Draco, to make sure they never actually play the game.

    And it gets better still.

    There's usually that one guy that does >75% of the damage/kills anyway no matter how hard anyone else tries, so the other three really just chill and pick off stragglers, because without even intending to, they're getting carried by someone that just has no concept there are other people wanting to play here and can't comprehend not going full 100% exploit-level beast mode right out the gate.

    In the end, it creates this "never need to learn" mentality where most people go in expecting to get carried by default, with a few ready to carry if they're the most educated member of the cell.

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  17. 24 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

    sorry to say this but the players are just avoiding what railjack cant do....blame design team.

    Except a decent Railjack outperforms any Archwing/Archgun by a fair margin.  These people just literally aren't thinking and simply are doing what people say is the best method.

  18. I'd like for the Infested to have units that actually USE the infested weaponry available to us.  Infested bombards with a Torid?  Infested Corpus Techs with the Paracyst?

    The biggest problem with the infested is that virtually all damage is done in melee, but the S key is a thing?  They definitely need more than a homogeneous mass of bee lining flesh with some token nuisances peppered in for a vain attempt at target prioritization.

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  19. The new damage types introduced in Railjack would pretty much put corrosive and a minor, reverse form of viral on on all IPS weapons.  Yeah, DE needs to do something with armor scaling, and it sounds like they're trying to address it (plateauing at ~150... how many people go that far?) but I think converting all Warframe/Archgun weapons to the new damage types might be the answer we're looking for.  Though ballistic could do with something more notable.  Reduced enemy damage is the current puncture, and that only really works if we're dealing with ONE target, not... 20, as is common in this horde shooter.

  20. If you want to change IPS, look to railjack for an idea how they might be doing that.

    Ballistic/plasma/particle will be the new impact/puncture/slash, or in layman's terms, damage-out reduction/armor reduction/damage-in increase.  No more bonuses or resistances, the only consideration is status effects.  Of course there's an effect in there no one will give a $#!% about.  The community should probably think-tank what ballistic should really do, keeping in mind incendiary is already the stacking(?) DoT so bleed is redundant.

    That should give them some room to pull back on armor and armor scaling a little bit, but also trust that between plasma and particle (assuming they'll be on nearly every weapon,) ensure players won't be dealing with something too tanky because of its armor but because of it's raw HP pool is just that damn big, and even then stacking particle procs work as a miniature viral of sorts.

  21. 2 hours ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

    Hey, I found some examples of them nerfing something where it not only wasn't broken, but was one of the very few viable paths through the content.

    It's in the patch notes for PC's latest hotfix.


    "They always do nerfs first."
    Called it.

    Any path that gets you where you're going is a viable path.  It might not be the fastest path, but it's a viable path.

  22. 4 hours ago, Skaleek said:

    By the same token an angry player base, a frustrated played base, a burnt out player base or a player base feeling that they are being ignored is not what's best for the game.

    True, but on the other side of the coin, most of the complaints come from an angle of addiction.  If you're playing like a drug addict, they're going to drip feed the drugs to keep you around.

    What many are frustrated about is not getting their glittering prizes on their first attempt, some of them while complaining that Railjack is boring.  DE can't make entertaining what One doesn't find fun what many others do.  And for that matter, if the only reason people are having "fun" is because they're getting things now or grinding out some numbers really fast, they're not really having fun, they're just putting up with a process for a dopamine kick, and it doesn't benefit DE in any way to give them things now and let them grind out some numbers really fast.  The name of the game on the business side has always been player numbers and retention, and that's what they're shooting for. 

    Things like enemies being too durable, why in the void are TIII components dropping that are 100% worse than the clan tech variant, why isn't there a failsafe so I'm not seeing the kuva seer 4 f%^&ing times in a row (fixed) are valid complaints.  "I'm not getting $#!% fast enough!"  Is only valid if DE decides its own data jives with that sentiment.  They have an idea how long they want it to take people on average to get things.  4 hours after a content drop is most likely NOT the plan.


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  23. 9 minutes ago, Gasau said:

    Well here we go again. Put a stick in your butt lvl advice.

    if dragon keys give me at least 10% more resourses drops i will use it. 

    Yes, I can complicate the game myself, but it will not give me any advantage for the additional complexity.

    advantage for the additional difficulty thats the point.

    If you're asking for challenge, advantages shouldn't be necessary, just nice.

    The real problem though is with power abuse.  All nerfing our health and damage really accomplishes is the same as increasing the level of our enemies.  The game breaking mechanics have always been found in the power of our 1, 2, 3, and 4 keys (default keybinds.)  Until energy becomes more scarce (as in, back to relying solely on orb drops,) lowered caps on how much better abilities can become with mods, or even plain old cool downs, then powers will always be the reason the game is "easy."

    Also and One has to admit, nerfing one's own abilities and stats only works in solo play.  Good luck getting everyone in public to play along.  There's usually always that one guy raking in 70-90% of the damage done per mission and not for the other three Tenno's lack of trying.

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