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Posts posted by CaptainMinty

  1. On 6/3/2016 at 2:26 PM, Inarticulate said:

    I've been arguing for making Energy Vampire give energy at fixed intervals until I got sick of posting it.


    And cripple solo Trinity?

    Yes cripple solo trinity. Shes a support warframe. She shouldn't be a powerful solo frame. Trinity should be powerful due to the fact that she makes the others in the squad more powerful, not herself.

  2. The main issue with the fast tick EV is that it enables, "Press 4 to win!" gameplay. 

    An Ash with an EV trin can never be hit once as he quickly darts into bladestorm over and over again without fear of running out of energy for example.

    In my opinion, Trinity stands as an enabler to some pretty easy toxic gameplay. She almost can build a dependency on her being in the squad. My main issue with her is that she creates infinite energy pools and completely eliminates efficiency as being a problem while she exists in the squad.

    Honestly, I hate trinity, and that may lead to some bias, but don't think I hate support frames or their role in Warframe. (I prefer to play the supporting role.)

    I feel that her EV is incredibly strong, and it even is part of one of the most powerful single target nukes in the game.

    Now, in order to offset this strength, make the damage a flat damage instead of a percent, because that nuke is just plain overpowered.

    And instead of removing the burst ticks, make EV not effect trinity. If she doesn't benefit from the energy bursts, she won't bathe in endless energy, and makes her a little more conservative of what she can use to help the team. (And before someone comes in shouting just drop a pad, I have no legitimate response because I don't have any idea to balance gear like that our yet.)

  3. Okay, so a little back Phoenix Renewal was added as an augment for Oberon. While it is a nice augment, the way Renewal currently works feels like it mitigates the augment's ability to be as useful as it could be. Oberon was designed in mind to be a paladin warframe, one who simultaneously healed allies while taking the fight to the enemy. I personally do not feel like he does that at all. Specifically I see a problem with both Hallowed Ground and Renewal as abilities. Hallowed Ground is a very stand still hold position ability. It is best used casting on a downed ally and underneath a Frost setting up a globe. Renewal is a lack luster heal that shines best when used with Chroma and Inaros allies due to its inefficient travel speed and its unique interaction with duration mods. Now, as a personal suggestion to fixing these abilities is to take a similar approach as Equinox. Hallowed Ground should become a toggle ability at about a 10 energy drain per second. The ability should cover about 10m around Oberon (following his movements) at max rank unaffected by range mods. Convert the armor percent increase to allies within the radius being given 75% of Oberon's armor and immunity to status. Oberon while the effect is active has 30% increased armor, no immunity to status but a 60% knockdown recovery speed increase. This gives Hallowed Ground more mobility friendly and more impactful for team oriented gameplay. Renewal should also get the toggleable treatment that drains 10 energy per second. Upon activation for 2 seconds (unaffected by duration mods) bursts a powerful 250 health per second heal in 25m around Oberon (affected by strength and range mods) Afterwards the heal lowers itself down to about 70 health per second while inside the range and targets still benefit from Phoenix renewal. To help balance and prevent the spamming of the burst, the cast time should be increased. Due to his high energy consumption from the two toggles, I think giving him a passive that feeds him energy from performing ground finishers on radiated enemies would help out in this regard. Also, as a Paladin frame, Oberon seems to lack a strong defense, so buffing his armor to 200 would greatly increase his survival capabilities without making him too powerful. If you have any suggestions toss em my way! Oberon is my favorite frame to play and I based these reworks to give him a little bit more of a scene on the end-game level without breaking his strength. Thanks for reading and please do give me your opinion on the changes.

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