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Posts posted by CaptainMinty

  1. I personally haven't heard that laugh in mission. Though I tend to have loud friends or loud music on at the same time as playing. If he is starting to chuckle at us during mission, then he's getting deeper. Which makes me even madder. Wally (as I frequently call him) refuses to come for tea and crumpets. At first I was happy. G3 would regularly try and visit, same with New Loka, Steel Meridian, and Red Veil. They'd all come for tea and crumpets. Stalker would come for dates. But now, I've been dumped by them all. G3 won't show up ever. Zanuka has just dropped off the system, Stalker comes by and gives me heavy impact (salt intensifies that I haven't gotten hate in the 4 years I've been playing) on the rarest of occasions. And Wally? The one time he came to me was months after the quest, only to jumpscare me as I was discussing my Oberon build with a buddy and he left before I could even offer him tea, let alone any crumpets! How am I supposed to be a good host if nobody sticks around anymore?

  2. Okay. The main problem in Warframe is movement in PvP. So how do we stuff the insane movement without killing player expectations of Warframe mobility? Simple. Conclave should simply be an alternate game mode in which we don't play as Tenno. Or Warframes at all. But Crewmen. And Lancers. Yes. I say screw playing as a Warframe in PvP setting. What would it be like to be a Grineer Trooper or a Corpus Fusion Moa? To be the grunts we slay by the mission in the hundreds. Of course, then it might as well be it's own cover based shooter spinoff at that point, completely separate from the main game. Then it's literally every generic third-person cover based shooter, except set in the Warframe universe and has classes.So it's a third person class and cover based shooter, in the Warframe universe, hmm...it'd be so generic...no life to it at all... PvP....in this PvE game....where we drastically have to weaken ourselves to fairly fight against each other in the PvP.....and it's much slower...yet still too fast....hmmm...

    On a more serious note, Conclave suffers from the updates to our movement that happened what feels like ages ago, and hasn't evolved to take that into account. Only one of the four PvP modes doesn't aggravate me when I play it, in fact, I had some immense fun playing it when it first came out, before it became abandoned. Lunaro was the best thing to happen to conclave. I got to Typhoon playing Lunaro because I legit had fun playing it. Granted I was really good at it. 42 wins, 3 losses and 1 draw. But I didn't care if I won. Even if I lost I was laughing. The best part for me was when someone checked the ball because all bets were off and people were sent flying from it. Now I can't find a Lunaro match. Even in my own clan, nobody wants to even try it. 

    Really, it falls down to PvP having to be vastly different from the PvE portion of the game. A majority of players will come to Warframe for the PvE, and offhandedly discover PvP. And they find out that, despite feeling slow compared to the normal game, PvP manages to be too fast. PvP won't work in Warframe if we are killing each other. But Lunaro? That works. Sports tend to always work out in a PvP environment. It's like sports were, made for it.

  3. 7 minutes ago, AlMcFly said:


    The few extra seconds though that it takes to realize my bullets aren't doing sh*t to the target, depending on my mood, either grinds my gears or at the very least evokes a *sigh*.  Most missions we're just trying to get through quickly, and kill things quickly.  I feel like Limbo's bubble just delays us from doing that, because we ALWAYS have to waste time recognizing there is a bubble, and adjusting our playstyle, when we could have taken a millisecond to headshot that enemy and keep running.  Especially when the whole team is clearly using primary attacks and Limbo just decides to place a bubble on top of them, as a big "NOPE" to the rest of us.  

    Recognizing there's a Limbo bubble is up should register immediately. It's not like it isn't plainly obvious it is there, or you've put into one. The Rift is very up in your face about being there. The instant you find yourself walking into, or getting put in a cataclysm, awareness of the probability of stasis coming up should be innate at that point. Despite all that though, your post highlights my biggest problem in the issue of Limbo and everyone who tends to complain about him. There's no suggestion to fix it. And the old, make ally bullets not affected by it isn't a suggestion. That change isn't a fix, it breaks the ability even more.

    Also, that last scenario is based on the player. Some players just want to watch people scream and get angry over a game. Not every frame is to everyone's liking. Limbo isn't a vast majority of player's cup of tea. And to be frankly honest, I've seen two public playing Limbos besides when I play him. Both times they stood their and banished the Sortie defense target and stood next to him, reviving anyone who got downed. I highly doubt Limbo has a high amount of people playing him. It's just that every time someone sees him, they go to the forums to scream about it.

    Personally I hope DE just leaves Stasis alone and changes banish and rift surge. Banish needs quality of life tweaks, and rift surge just needs a plain rework entirely.

  4. Unfortunately this is the nature of PC and Console games getting split update times. At least when the consoles get something though, it's usually pretty fleshed out and clean of bugs. Game breaking bugs that is. Namely because consoles are all the same, and PC's are mostly different and are a nightmare to test for. 

    In terms of spoilers, people are people. I know I avoid the forums, even if I am a PC player and know the outcome and all the glorious beauty that is the quest because I know I can't contain my desire to chat about EVERY detail. Kick the habit. My greatest hope is that the update comes as swiftly as possible for consoles so they too can enjoy a Sacrifice. 

    Also, I still stand behind the thought that Vay Hek predicted this quest. "Tenno! ARE YOU READY FOR A SACRIFICE?"

  5. 2 minutes ago, EchoesOfRain said:

    The problem I see is, how does Stasis affecting ally fire keep the skill from being "God-tier"? Right now, enemies are still frozen in place and can be killed with melee/abilities. Allowing allies to shoot at them would just prevent the annoyance of them having to switch to their melee. Your team is still going to wipe out the enemies, it's a matter of how much you want them to hate you.

    Stasis is balanced by the fact that enemies HAVE to be in the rift to be affected by it. It's not a simple "press 2 and the map is frozen". Limbo needs to set them up first, which allies are then forced to play around the rift mechanics which can become a nuisance. 

    I think Limbo has some cool ideas, but I feel like he should be reworked to play with other people better.

    Sorry I was a little unclear on that first bit. The way I see it, Limbo technically is the god of all warframes who is entirely unkillable and swims in infinite energy. He's just not seen as such because Stasis has a rather glaring in everyone's face downside that is stopping bullets or pew pew lasers or whatever else your guns shoot. Which in my opinion is a great downside for an ability that far surpasses any CC ability in the game because of how it and the Rift work together. On paper Limbo is unstoppable, and only limited by the player behind him in where he can go and what he can do, which is pretty crazy.

    Setting up Stasis is easy on our small enclosed maps, and even if Plains are big, Stasis doesn't need anything in the Rift to be active. Having it on then picking and choosing a spot to Cataclysm isn't so tough. He's a nuisance because he changes the rules of engagement in whatever mission he tends to stick his gentlemanly hat into. Which, I get it. I've had to deal with a max range stasis Limbo before. Not using my guns sucked. And I do admit I can see where the pain and anguish comes from.

    But some people enjoy Limbo's abilities. Nothing makes me giggle like a tiny little girl more than setting up 8 guys, freezing them in place with Stasis, then rolling up to each one and putting a bullet frozen next to their face. I take a few steps forward and snap my fingers, listening to the screams of pain behind me and the sound of bodies hitting the floor. It is the coolest thing I've done in Warframe by far. I'd be absolutely disheartened if something that stylized and awesome leave the game.

    And in terms of cooperative gameplay, Limbo is an absolute god in that respective as well. The glaring issue is setting it up. A massive amount of coordination between players is needed for the mad hatter. You need to be communicating via voice, with people who understand Limbo's abilities. He plays well with a team that communicates and works together. I think the real issue is that Limbo has nothing to push his abilities to their maximum. ESO isn't his cup of tea, because ESO is all about killing everything the instant it spawns, and Limbo is more about controlling the battlefield and taking enemies out with timed precision and utmost style. It's not Limbo who is the problem here. It's people. Give some people the power of god, and they'll abuse it just to see others suffer. People are the core of Limbo's problem, and if one pays attention to what people complain about, it's what people do with his abilities that get on their nerves. Stasis being used for like 40 seconds at a time and just keeping it up as a wall is a waste of its potential. But Publics are always going to be an atrocity of cheese, and Limbo adds to that just as bad as any other warframe that cheeses everything. Eventually it'll change and I hope he doesn't end up back in being the most poorly designed frame with the worst ability line-up in the game. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:

    All Limbo really needs is Stasis to not affect allied projectiles, and for Cataclysm to not instantly shut off thanks to Nullifiers.

    He's honestly fine otherwise.


    Yes. Let's remove the only downsides to the most powerful CC move in the game, and seat limbo as the god of all Warframes being entirely unkillable and swimming in infinite energy. Granted he technically already is this, but taking away the proper time freeze of stasis would essentially turn Limbo into a massive monster that they would revert asap after that change showed how broken it really was. Stasis offers complete safety from all forms of damage and enemies while simultaneously allowing any player to line up free headshots after Stasis is dropped, or straight up killing them in melee at the cost of not being able to kill them with guns while Stasis is active. Stasis is basically telling everything to stop, except allied melee and ability combat. 

    Stasis is perhaps the strongest ability in warframe already, making Limbo a walking god that nobody likes. I find it baffling that most players hate dying and taking damage to the point of screaming when Trinity lost her global near invulnerability, yet when they see Limbo showing off and being all invincible, they scream madly that he's nothing but a blight upon our missions. It's strange to me.

    And my biggest issue with every single call for a rework on Limbo ever is so, weak. Most rework suggestions I see make him useless. Granted I don't have anything on mind other than making his first switch the plane of existence a target is on, instead of being only able to remove them from the one Limbo is on, increasing the aoe on Banish and reducing its cost would probably make Limbo a lot more mobile on regular missions which would be very nice quality changes for Limbo. As for Stasis, leave it as is. Stasis is the best CC in the game, with a proper cost. The cost of losing the use of your guns is worth becoming essentially invulnerable. Rift Surge needs a look. It's the only ability that just has no purpose short of its augment. Perhaps Surge could be a brief aoe buff around Limbo that generally makes Limbo and his allies either deal more damage while in the rift for a short time, or surges the rift's regenerative abilities for a moment. Ooo! I know! Instead, give Rift surge the ability for allies to fire through Stasis for a short time dealing increased damage, but, at the cost of putting stasis and rift surge on cooldown for a long time. At least this way, Stasis maintains its powerful CC and Rift surge allows a brief period of unkillable murder rampage inside the rift. 

  7. I can see the idea. Take the guts out of a tough to kill enemy that could be very useful materials for something. We don't kill enough beasts though to do that. We kill sorta human people. However condoroc or whatnot might have useful guts. We do already sell fish guts and stuff. Sentient cores for standing. We kinda rip innards out of things and sell them to people. Just not people innards. And really, in this age, the grineer prove we have plenty of people goop to go around for people. Sickness doesn't seem to be much of a problem, save for the Technocyte, which is a death sentence because curing Infestation is not easy. Eh, I'm guessing the need for people parts is really low seeing as the grineer pump clones out on the regular. 

    In terms of ripping things guts out, we've got plenty of that, just not on the people end. I agree that it is a horrific waste of human matter from the massive body count a Tenno gathers by walking onto a ship, and I applaud the thought of gathering that wasted matter up and attempting to sell...I mean, reuse it to help those who need organ transplants and working organs for a small fee. You're thinking like a man who wants to make credits, except it seems like nobody ever needs these organs, or the ones who do have easy access to more. Besides, it's much more profitable to sell off our mercenary talents to the highest bidder, or gamble it in an arena against slightly better corpus units in which we are heavily in favor of winning because what part of warrior god to you not understand Nef? Why are we allowed in there if we are obviously going to trounce everything you throw at us?

    P.S. Those infested juggernaut organs are used for making pherliac pods, which are basically catnip to the infested.

  8. A small amount of flavor dialogue from Ordis really hammers down how terrifying a single Tenno truly is.

    In the War Within, after acquiring your abilities, you test them out in the Orbiter. Void mode turns you not only invisible, but (in-game) invincible, and truly invisible. Ordis' sensors lose you the very second you go invisible. I'm assuming Ordis has a wide range of sensors, including thermal and auditory at the bare minimum. Void Blast and Void Beam threaten to damage the hull of the Orbiter. Raw, unfocused energy from a Tenno threatens to destroy space ships by ripping holes in them. That's not including the power of amps. (Obviously in game you're not cutting holes in ships. That'd be way too easy for anything. Just Void Beam through the walls. Who cares about stealth when you're a walking WMD?)

    In terms of killing a Tenno, you must answer the question of how to kill that which you cannot see, hear, or touch. The Tenno have fought in wars before. They know military tactics, and are all incredibly intelligent. Rell, what seems to be an autistic Tenno, locked in a mental struggle against an all-knowing and all-seeing entity and was able to match and contain him for an incredible length of time. Using Rell as a base, it seems like Tenno could bear an incredible amount of mental pressure and weight for an incredibly long time, and based on dialogue, we could even band together to bear the weight together. 

    But, this is like the age old question of "Who'd win in a fight, a samurai or a knight?" To which the answer is, "they'd never fight each other" with the reasoning of they would never encounter each other. Combining it with limited knowledge, some outcomes are impossible to interpret. Without clear data on exactly what the limitations on a Tenno's powers are, how can you theoretically compare it to another universe's warrior? Transference is the biggest issue. What can we transfer to? What are the limitations of Transference? Is it Orokin tech only? The Silver Grove is actual flora. Does that count as only Orokin Tech? Too many variables are at play. A fight with a Space Marine or Spartan would be over real quick if we could use Transference to take their armor. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)Azkul Lok said:

    Id rather have Ordis over the Lotus any day as well however I would still like the ability to choose my Cephalon rather than be stuck with the same one. I feel like it would add more immersion into the game if we got to choose one that fits our personality preference.

    Well considering the lore of cephalons and how they are made, that thought is pretty cruel. And immersion is based on perspective. And I don't think Ordis would like it too much if some other cephalon came by and stole his Operator from him. 

    For once I'm going to dislike the thought of more choice at the current moment in lore. Ordis is our home. He maintains everything for us, keeps life support running, keeps our orbiter hidden from enemies, flies us everywhere without asking for anything in return, builds us our weaponry, and tries to lighten our moods by giving us a companion. He waited hundreds, actually I'm not certain on how many years it was, but it was certainly a lot. But anyways he waited an incredibly long time for us while we slept. He contemplated suicide, but the mere thought of us kept him alive. I would file kicking Ordis out as the absolute most evil thing I've ever done in a game. And I've caused genocide in multiple games. Mindless killing is nothing compared to the betrayal that it would be to kick out Ordis which would probably lead him to suicide. 

    But, that is my perspective. I believe it would be the ultimate betrayal of someone who loves us, and whose whole existence is dedicated to us. I couldn't betray someone who saved my life right out the door. He helped us escape Vor. Every weapon I own, I didn't build. Ordis is my teammate. He's the one who supplies the means for me. My most powerful weapon was made by Ordis. If I could, I'd name the weapon in a way to credit him for all he's done for me. 

    But I understand some people may not like his cheesy puns and eccentric personality. Maybe someone just wants an angsty ship, or maybe they want a cute female voice greeting them after each mission. I get it. It's more choice. And it is the little things that count in games. The tiny tidbits and details that really drive a good game into a great game. Personality and freedom, or at least the illusion of it. Maybe allowing us to politely ask Ordis if he has the ability to change his personality or voice? Like an array of preset voices and personalities that he can choose from to better accommodate us to help us relax after a slaughter? I'd see that as viable as an explanation for different personalities available for us to choose from. Ordis would be on board if he could because he'd gladly do whatever it takes to make us happy. (Every time I think about how much Ordis cares, it hurts me because I currently have no way of interacting with the guy. DE please allow us to thank him on occasion, or at least interact with our ship cephalon that allows us thank him after making me another weapon or piece of gear, or taking me to another mission.)

    At best right now, little preset personalities are the best I've got in terms of "More Cephalons" for us. I'd feel too evil getting rid of Ordis. He's my companion in this long unending war. He's the only one I truly trust. The only one who believe in to have my back at any moment. I can't get rid of him. Not when I trust him, and only him, out of everyone in Warframe to never betray me.

  10. What goes around comes around I say. If the can be interrupted, so can we. There are several melee combos that cannot be stopped no matter how many ground pounds and hooks your buttocks take. Tempo Royale has one for sure, seeing as I've had three ancient hooks smack me and do absolutely nothing during the hold block combo.

    How do you think those heavy gunners feel about you denying their ground pounds right there? Come on make it fair. You both cancelled each other's CC right there. I'd call that an even trade. Right now we're overpowered warrior gods that are essentially unstoppable despite the abilities our opponents have.

    The Corpus have the best chance at fighting us right now theoretically speaking. They have the tech to essentially nullify our warframe powers and have the best shielding tech capable of putting a big stop to our guns yet despite being able to nullify our powers, and weaken our weapon effectiveness, we still roll them over and spank them on their rears until they all run home to mommy crying about the big mean Tenno who hurt them so, and their mommy pats them on the head and tells them it's going to be okay, the Tenno killed her too and now they're together again. 

  11. Ordis has quite grown on me and honestly, I want him to voice my missions. Screw Lotus. Ordis can guide me through everything. I'd rather Lotus use Ordis as a middle-cephalon if I have to keep her. She can tell him alerts and invasions and then he could tell me. Sorry Space Mom, but I'd rather have Ordis guide me through everything. Bet you it'd make the little guy so happy. It'd warm my heart seeing him super excited. He cares so much and loves us so. I want him to be happy. He deserves it. After all that poor guy has been through.

  12. Because if any ability causes another ability to burst, like Frost using his fourth to shatter Mass Vitrify, will cause trolling even in the slightest and the community will screech in anger. I don't know about you, but I don't want any "synergy" that changes what my ability is doing and when it does it. It's called consistency. If someone brings a frame to a situation, someone else bringing another should not change what another player's frames abilities do.

    Keep frame synergy between their own abilities, and let players be creative on how abilities work together. Oberon's renewal buff is heaven to any frame that uses rage/hunter adrenaline. Oberon and Frost can strip armor, and they can combo it by Frost freezing em then Oberon dunking them. There's tons of synergy, just not extra things. The main issue with between frame synergy is forcing a change in an ability that could mean the difference between life and death. If Frost breaks Gara's wall, that could open someone who was using that wall as cover up to the level 130 heavy gunner eximus that's fully spooled and trying to murder the poor sap who's using that wall as cover. It being removed suddenly means they've got no cover.

  13. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    But what I don't understand is , if Tenno have multiple frames then why didn't our operator just hop into another one during TWW when the queen takes our current one away instead of going on a journey of self discovery of sorts?

    The whole journey we went through was all a sort of dream. Makes sense seeing as the quest is called "The War Within" 

    Teshin helped unlock our inner potential, and through the powers we gained, we broke the continuity. We never left our Orbiter until we transferred into our Warframe and physically stepped into the Queens chamber. As to why we didn't just send another Warframe to the Kuva Fortress, probably because we lost it. Hence earlier dialogue stating we had this one chance to get at the Queens.So jumping back into the frame we had there was our only option.

    Not sending another frame was also impossible because we couldn't cut the link to our previous frame. We were still linked to it, and Teshin helping us unlock our powers from what Margulis did to us to suppress it allowed us to cut the link then reestablish the link on our own, without the help of the somatic pod of which we sat in and didn't move like the lazy son of a gun I am in real life.

  14. I've never run into any of these issues despite playing a ton of public runs. Must be RNGesus giving me a high five.

    Although I will say that it absolutely would suck losing something I'd been farming hours for, I don't know the feeling of a host migration causing a boot to orbiter. Every time I've had a host migration, it's been successful in properly granting the match a new host, or weirdly enough putting me back in the mission solo somehow.

    As for toxic players, RNGesus has blessed me there again, giving me mostly silent pub squads, in which for the most part nobody goes down. The only issue I had once was I was accused of leeching by two of the squad, but I responded immediately that I simply didn't get to anything in time because we had a Saryn and an equinox annihilating the entire map. After pointing out I was trying, and the low tier weaponry I was using, they agreed that my damage numbers were just going to be low due to how high of a clear was in the rest of the squad. 

    Now, despite coming from a position where I've had zero experience with what people are complaining about in this gamemode, I have noticed that this is the only mode I have noticed the host migration issue crop up on in the forums. Makes me think that the mode's unique tile jumping nature causes it to be more volatile and vulnerable to bugs. Could be that this is something DE has never done before and therefore don't know what to expect to crop up, or know how to easily deal with it.


    12 minutes ago, Th3SteAk said:

    I really dont know if its just me or what. Everyone have been praising how friendly the community was but so far most people I met are ignoring me. I will join a match and strike up a conversation or greets, but no one replies. Same thing happens in my clan, I'll ask something and fully ignored until someone is annoyed from how many times I've asked it. The guy who introduce me to this game wouldn't even play with me. So far the community makes me a little disappointed from all the high praise you guys got. 

    To be blunt, not everyone has the same experience. Most people tend to run into players willing to toss a hand out to help someone in Warframe. That doesn't mean it happens 100% of the time. RNGesus seems to have handed you the short end of the stick. But don't let that stop you from enjoying the game itself. Warframe is fully capable of being played solo. Don't let a few sour apples ruin the whole batch for you.


    Just now, Th3SteAk said:

    Hey man, if there are no meaningful rewards why will people care about the leaderboard than. It's just a way for people to aim for something. Cosmetic have proven to be not significant enough for people to be invested in it, or the activity itself have proven to be not hard enough for people who completed to get praise.

    Locking a vast majority of players out of something simply because they don't like the meta is immediately going to rile up the community. In fact, the only people who won't be upset is those who have those spots. Warframe is very casual. What would our leaderboards be? Time spent in a survival? Number of relics opened at once in a mission? Waves completed in Sanctuary Onslaught? Thing is, not a lot of people want to spend 8 plus hours in a survival, or open sixty something relics in one mission. Some of us don't have that kind of time to just burn. And as another issue, there's so many different missions, it's, ridiculous actually how much we have available to us in Warframe if you step back and look at it. And because there is so much, there would need to be a leaderboard for each thing. There'd be too many in Warframe. It's just not worth it. Leaderboards in Warframe would only amplify the meta into a bigger monster. It would generate toxicity towards nonmeta weapons and frames. I would go as far as the lack of significance in leaderboards and top player rewards allows players to stay more open-minded and be more relaxed when facing nonmeta situations.

  16. I'm all for decent login rewards, something that entices me more than basic resources and credits. But, I do always push that we should work for rewards. 

    Hmm...perhaps instead of scaling rewards, offer things that most people don't get so easily, but are much more wanted. Low amounts of Oxium, Kuva, Cryotic, those rarer resources that are farmed regularly by players. 50 or so of the Oxium and Cryotic, and 100 or so Kuva. Unfortunately, this will help lead up to resource stockpiling. Resources simply just pile up over time, (example being the one time I had 1mil polymer bundle. Then started madman crafting gear.) 

    Escalating rewards could get out of hand, but I do think the normal rewards need to be looked at. Syndicate tokens should be much more common, and boosters need to be deployable when we want to use them. Credit rewards and those pesky common resource rewards are just a nightmare and frankly just mean nothing to someone with a stockpile of them. I'd like for them to improve what the login is, but scaling rewards seems a little excessive, especially for people who just don't have the will to sit down at a computer after a long day of work.

  17. 1 minute ago, Th3SteAk said:

    Well, than this is truely unfortunate. Cuz I think DE did a good job at making noob like me extremely invested into the game. However, I just feel blueballed that after making a pretty decent character with extremely nice mods on it. I have no where to use it or showcase it (on the leaderboard or sth). I want to feel rewarded by investing 150 hours in 2 weeks you know? Instead of sitting in orbit waiting for the new alert to pop up.

    The issue with a leaderboard in a game like Warframe is that it will never show off a unique build. It will always show the most efficient build. The top 100 squads would all look virtually the same. There'd be no sense of personal accomplishment in creating your own build that suits your style of play and defines how you play. Find the reward in playing the game and enjoy how you play. Warframe is FILLED with mods and unique ways to use weapons. Rivens help with that. 

    Showing off your build to others? I know for a fact I have several people in Warframe who love to discuss builds and encourage doing something different. I still confuse one of them whenever I drag my Glaxion into the Sorties with a Gas build. Clans exist for a reason. Every Clan I have been in have been incredible social and enjoyed talking builds. Try and see if you can find a Clan like that, there's so many out there.

    And if you're looking for a reward for putting those hours in, don't you already have it? A frame and set of guns you love to use in combination with each other, all with a build you are satisfied with? I mean, there's always more frames to try, and hundreds of weapons in this game. I just discovered the Kohm. I'm mastery 21, and just found the Kohm and started using it. I've been in Warframe for years. 

    You're sitting in your Orbiter waiting for that new alert to pop up, yet you mentioned the community wasn't social enough...sounds like you aren't looking for the community mate.

  18. 1) Criticism coming from players who don't try to be constructive in an attempt to fix an issue. 

    2) People who don't believe nerfs are required to keep this game from being trivialized content. (This game needs a global re-balance. We're either too strong or too weak and something needs to be done with enemy AI, armor scaling, and damage scaling, as well as on us)

    3) People who complain that there is nothing to do in Warframe. There is a metric ton of content in Warframe to play and try out.

    4) How quickly players get to end game content (See #5 below) compared to how long it used to take.

    5) People who say there's no endgame content (It's there, we've just grown so out of control that it's TRIVIAL)

    6) How excited I get for every update. (It makes me antsy waiting for it. Not upset or angry that it's taking so long, just keeps making me want that sweet update more and more.)

    7) How goddamn communicative DE is. Seriously, they stream weekly, pay attention to community feedback and openly accept community content into their game, seriously why can't they just never tell us anything? **Sarcasm** (We are seriously gifted with how much DE pays attention to us. They CARE)

    8 ) How much people care about that end screen stats. Each squad is a team, and that damage dealt is all a collective of us against our enemies. Even if one player only dealt 7% damage, that's acceptable if that is the best they can do.

    9) Players who leech and won't at least care for themselves or their teammates. Okay. I get it. You want to be efficient and get affinity for your stuff in the quickest way possible. You do you. But please. For the love of all that is life, don't just sit there when someone goes down. Don't watch. Because that guy on the ground dying? He's your source of affinity. And you're letting your efficient affinity gain go away by sitting there doing nothing.

    10) And finally. The thing that REALLY grinds my gears. The thing that I hate most of all in Warframe. Without a doubt, this is the one thing I hate more than ANYTHING that exists in this game.
    Why? I will say that I LOVE the lore of Warframe. It is one of if not my favorite universes ever made. So why do I hate the lore? To be honest that was misleading. I hate how there are huge chunks of it missing in game. Simply put, it hit me HARD when one of my friends who recently **SPOILERS AHEAD JIC** got through Second Dream, then The War Within, and then Chains of Harrow. And when he caught up to the timeline we are sitting at now, he asked me this one question. "So, when do you think Alad V is going to call that favor we owe him? I'm really curious about what he wants us to do." This made my heart sink. I had to tell him he missed out on Operation Shadow Debt, and that the debt was already paid. He sounded so defeated, like he'd been looking forward to more story and a big thing with that debt. 

    It's not the lore itself that makes me mad. No it's how large portions, and those portions are the Events and Operations, are completely lost in game. They don't really exist. Gradvius dilemma? Nothing. Cicero Crisis? Nada. These things aren't in there for new players to know, and some of them are integral to the story. "All the credits in the system aren't worth half as much as a Tenno owing you a favor" That has so much implication behind it. Such ominous implications. What could he want? Well he's got it already. Before anyone does any of those quests anymore.

  19. 4 hours ago, Lakais said:

    I hate to be THAT guy but there's a bit of lore that seems to hint that not all operators are from the Zariman. Something I wholeheartedly hope is true and welcome. Basically the final events of the latest official Warframe comic use a device that is, in my eyes, stupidly close to some kind of "OperatorMatic 3000" that can turn people into Operators. I admit it only SEEMED like that was what happened but if I am right, oh boy did the Operator options explode in possibility.

    Why "we" the players are Zariman 10-0 is because of story, we all play different versions of a single individual character. I like to call it the "Commander Shepard collective". Same thing, there is only ONE in-universe Commander Shepard, it's just every player has their own version of this character (even if the default male paragon John Shepard is the canon one). 

    So I think and hope that there are FAR more types of Operators. Those from the Zariman were the first but as time went on and they died of complications or violence and especially as demand for Tenno increased with the Sentients, more were needed. So clones were made, Yuvan theater rejects were used, maybe even adult volunteers (or voluntold Dax) were lined up. 

    Basically, if DE writes it into the universe we play in, an Operator can be great many things. 

    The eyes did not resemble our own. Those eyes remind me more of the same eyes the Man in the Wall has (Wally) when he visits us on our ship. And I highly hope that there are NO other Tenno. That the only ones are the Zariman 10-0 children. I highly doubt many other of the Dax made it out, though it is possible.

    The Lotus says that Void exposure affects are well known, and seeing as the adults went mad on the 10-0, it's highly unlikely that any adults would survive the process of Void exposure, and those who did would turn mad, not gain the powers we have. Children would have to be the ones chosen.

    Killing a Tenno is not easy either. Only those with Oro as strong as our own can destroy us. Sentient mothers, such as Hunhow, and the some of the Orokin Elite could match that power. I doubt many Tenno have perished. Mirage and maybe Gara are the only ones I know to have died. Limbo just off and ****** himself into some existence somewhere. 

    There is a slim chance that there could be some way the Orokin found to create more Operators, but, with how strong the Tenno are, considering entire armies fall before Tenno might, including the mighty forces of the Sentient, and the fact that EVERY Tenno has an Oro strong enough to kill any Orokin, even The Seven, the risks would be too great for the Orokin as the Tenno pose an incredible threat to the Orokin. And we proved that solidly. 

    But as always, DE can do WHATEVER they want with their lore and we are mercy to their whim, or they've already planned this out and see our theories and laugh at how wrong we are. Despite that, with the evidence given, I don't think Operators can be created, I think that in that comic they made a TERRIBLE mistake and have unwittingly created a monster of the Void.

  20. On 2018-05-18 at 5:01 AM, Vicsvinny said:

    That's what I was going for 😉


    It's a really interesting and controversial concept of being able to almost completely forgo using the Warframe and only the Operator. I've read through many posts on this. I'm kind of on the post with it for now.

    If the Operator was strong enough to handle it, I do not see any reason not to allow it. Besides, the option to forgo it would not impede on those who prefer frames. If it is optional to forgo the frame, then those who have frames would still be able to bring their frames. I'm all for player choice. I personally feel that if Operators were on an equal level as frames, then nobody would be angry at it. In fact it probably would be praised universally. Some people love the Operator, but loathe how poorly they perform against armored units and do not scale effectively into the late game. Others hate the Operator and don't want to use them. That's perfectly fine. I feel like when the frame and Operator were equal, everyone will be a lot happier.

  21. I did not get a screenshot of mine. Instead I merely have the story of it.

    I completed Chains of Harrow on the first day it came out. In 2017. I was spooked by Wally when he first showed up after the quest. Time and time again, reading the forums showed that he could return. Yet, he never came back for me. Ordis would greet me back every mission, jolly little cephalon that I love, yet I yearned for Wally to be in my orbiter. Eight months passed, and I had all but forgotten about Wally. 

    It was three weeks ago that it happened. During a discord call with friends we returned from a fissure mission. I was ecstatic as I had just gotten the last piece of Nekros Prime. Soon, I would have another Prime frame for collection. And then Wally got me something fierce. With his typical greeting, "Hey kiddo" he caused me to shriek in terror and toss off my headset. My mouse flicked around as I flinched from the jumpscare, and when I pulled myself together, Wally was gone. He stung without warning, waiting for me to forget he was there, then left before I could see him. It was the first time I'd been truly scared of anything in Warframe since my first meeting with Stalker, all those years ago. 


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