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  1. There is a long time problem with camera alignment, most noticeable with warframes with a bigger physique, on such frames certain shoulder attachments become unusable simply because the character takes over the reticle making it impossible to see what are you aiming at. I will let you 2 pictures below regarding the problem I'm addressing, one with Chroma prime wearing the Vetala shoulder plate and one with Garuda wearing the same shoulder plates, you will notice that Garuda's camera angle is cleaner then Chroma's due to her smaller physique.
  2. My melee riven says that i need to open 2 caches without failing a mission. What kind of caches do i need to open? I tryed the regular ones but it does not work. And an other thing why does it say "A mission" and not "THE mission"? And yes i have the riven equipped.
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