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  1. It seems like you can't create matchmake-able sessions of the Zariman void flood/cascade and Sanctum survival/alchemy omnia fissures from the orbiter. If you start one from the orbiter, no one seems to ever join your session. BUT, if you start a fissure from the mission rooms in their hubs, people seem to be able to join your session from their orbiters. Also, enemy levels in the steel path versions of these are +100 over listed; i.e., I did a Murmur survival listed at level 163-165, and enemies started out at 263.
  2. The Lua Conjunction Survival omnias seem to be working fine, but I've had absolute zero matches when trying the Zariman or Entrati Lab ones, and I've tried and waited for a while multiple times at different days and times or day. It's possible that absolutely no one is trying to run them, but I doubt it's this bad. I think the Zariman and Entrati omnia fissures' matchmaking is bugged.
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