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Posts posted by Soldier1312

  1. On 2019-07-06 at 10:28 AM, LightningRain said:

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who's noticed. But yeah. It's been YEARS.

    Not years. More like bit of more than half year. But still too long.

    Commodore Prime also needs fix for belt clipping through leg in combat stance, hood needs to be better aligned with armor and they shoud fix that ugly cut on the part that was previously part of shoulderguard, but now is part of cuirass.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Dr_Wonderful said:

    The drop rate is too damn low, can we have elite onslaught rotation to be A-B-C.....C or change it to 5%?

    Well, it's Warframe in the nutshell. What did you expect? :v

  3. 3 minutes ago, Cradicias said:

    I think the point of Vex Armor is that it's supposed to be the Dragon's wrath after enemies ineffectually poke at it. As for Effigy, I think it'd be a lot more fun if it functioned like I described, where you use it as a mobile taunt and buff collecting machine.

    I agree that Vex is the dragon part of Chroma though I'll remain with the fact that 2 buffs is too much and it's taking space for something that could actually be fun. 

    And after all these years I really care little about some scores - fun is all I'm looking for.

  4. Yes, Chroma definitely needs rework.

    Don't get me wrong - he's beast but also boring. The whole strategy for him is to apply buffs and wreck enemies like you could with any other frame. My favourite is his 1st ability tbh. 

    As for 2nd and 3rd skill... I'm not sure if it's good idea to have two buffs. Merge them into one or something. And I'll probably get death threats for what I'm about to write here, but if anything I'd remove Vex or add it's weakened bonuses to Elemental Ward. It always seemed forced skill that doesn't really fit Chroma's elemental theme.

    And Effigy - true disappointment of Chroma for me. Nothing really special. It's kinda fun when you have augment in but that's it. I'd love to see Chroma as "exalted dragon" where he can fly around and spit elemental death on his enemies. Really, I feel like anything would be more fun than Effigy is.

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  5. 11 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

    And even for the ones that are not Premium, I'd be surprised if sometimes fixing certain issues required all of 5 minutes (ie: wrong offset on a couple clothes). And then there's the ones that by the simple concept of quality need fixing (I'm thinking of PBR updates that come out with issues).

    I'll never get tired of saying DE needs to improve how they handle these more time consuming, artistic issues. We can go literal years waiting for one item to get fixed. And that is not okay.

    At least the Emissive ones were much better handled even if they need to still refine stuff. But even then it required a great mess and lots of complaints.

    I agree that's not the premium items thing, but it's a bit more drastic in this case I guess.

    And I'll probably never get tired of saying that DE isn't really sure what they want, so they jump from one thing to another, making almost everything unfinished, in need of patchers, rebalances etc. That's how we end up with mess like this one or the one you've mentioned.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Randomdudu_K said:

    It's not bait,it's just that I've been seeing so many videos of all the flaws and misdoings of Warframe,and so many vets complaining about recent events that I just...need a little push to remind me that Warframe is a good game,to remind me of that glimmer in my eye when I first started Warframe about 130-something days ago, the love I had for this game when I finally got a new laptop that could run it...I loved Warframe before I could even play it, and now that I can play it,I want to love it even more

    Of course it has flaws. I'm not really sure devs themselves know exactly where all of this is going. But I guess as long as you are not crazed about this stuff it's okay. You log in, play some, enjoy whatever you find enjoyable and that's it.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, .Spawn said:

    Are you sure you haven't just accidentally turned down some settings? The game looks unbelievably better than it used to. Look up some gameplay from 2013 for comparison. The new lighting, effects, worlds, etc. is all soooo much better.

    A majority of players likely play on "potato PCs" so by offering a better way for them to run the game is a good business move. It also means less time needs to be put into making effects only a few players will see, and spending that time on other things for us to look forward to, as well as keeping the game files smaller. As a laptop player, I like that I can run the game at 1080p60, and I know there are people out there who have much worse computers than mine, that still want to play the game.

    Please stop being such an elitist and consider that other players want to be able to enjoy the game, that aren't as financially secure, or whatever the case is.

    Your post makes no sense. You do realize that the post is about latest hotfix and according to OP it's graphically worse than it was since then - which means for few hours now.

    And if "high options" gets to look worse for the sake of low-end PCs... What's the point there according to you?

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