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Posts posted by ScorchedIce

  1. I've noticed lately with Warframes like Gauss prime that there's a tendency to have them release with primed versions their signature weapons, which is great.

    But it makes me wonder about older weapons that werent even associated with Warframes as "signature weapons" and just kinda exist, like the Dual Zoren, Kunai, Okina, etc- I worry that this trend might make it so some of those never get primed, seeing that going forward, more and more primes will most likely release with primed versions of the signature weapons they originally released with.

    Heck, Fusilai is an interesting case just by itself. Its a glass throwing knife weapon that released with Gara yet it never got a prime. A similar case is Mirage with Akzani. She released with Akbolto instead.

    My main point I want to make is, maybe there should be some more discussion about this. I'm sure I'm not the only one around that would love to see some old weapons get nifty upgrades via primes and become relevant again, but I wonder if the current priming conventions we've been going with, might make some of them impossible to prime *ever*

    On the other side, it's been nice seeing stuff like Wisp Prime coming with Gunsen Prime, or Grendel Prime with Zylok Prime. I'm sure DE is aware of this "old forgotten weapons" issue, but I thought I'd bring some attention to the topic regardless.

    Thank you for reading.

    • Like 2
  2. Hello, I've been meaning to make this post for a while, and the new nightwave mod for the Ocucor finally pushed me to do so.

    I also wanna preface this by saying, yes, I know I can toggle damage numbers off. But then my only visual indicator of damage is a mob's health bar going down, which isnt really the same as say, having a clear solid number that tells me exactly how much damage I did. Which is kind of important in a game like Warframe where damage stats are so prevalent.

    An issue I've personally had often while playing the game, is that some weapons generate so many damage numbers, so fast, and all over the place in such a way that it it becomes confusing and frustrating to keep track of everything. (I am neurodivergent.)

    It is worth mentioning that I have astigmatism and myopia. I've been playing for almost 10 years already and it feels like with time, the only way I can describe how I feel sometimes in regard to damage numbers is "an assault on the senses." The amount of numbers that pop everywhere with things like beam weapons, high fire rate weapons, etc, keeps getting worse.

    Another thing I'd like to bring up is that often there's weapons, arcanes, mods, even Warframes like Harrow, are geared towards getting headshots for bonuses or things of that nature, but often I'm not even quite being able to tell where a mob's head is because they're covered in damage numbers when using stuff like, again, said beam and high fire rate weapons. 

    I'd like to suggest a couple things, maybe as alternatives to the current damage numbers on the UI:

    1.  Move the damage numbers further up; Could be a toggle or just a change on how they're displayed. Basically, spawn this barrage of numbers on top of the lifebar of the mob you're dealing damage to, instead of right on top of the model, so you can at least have a clear visual of what you're dealing with / aiming at.
    2.  Have a "DPS" setting for damage numbers, instead of the current system. What I mean by this is that maybe off to one side or somewhere else that's not all over the screen, have a counter that either just shows the damage you're doing to whatever you're looking at, or just tells you a rough estimate of the amount of DPS you're doing overall.

    I know some of these suggestions might sound a bit like a nitpick, but I wouldnt bring it up unless it was an issue for me. Aside from the visual issues I mentioned above, I also struggle with sensory stuff sometimes, and again, numbers of so many different colors and sizes all over the screen just confuse me.

    I'd like to close this up with a bit I recorded while trying out said new mod for the Ocucor. Misery spawned and at times I legit couldn't tell if I was damaging him, or even *looking* at the guy.

    Anyway, thank you for reading my lengthy feedback post. Apologies for any grammar issues or anything like that.


    • Like 1
  3. Hello, I wanna report a couple of holes I've found near the cockpit, these were kinda hard to notice since you have to look back and usually people are looking forward when piloting, but there's definitively a few spots where you can see the outside where it seems like you shouldn't be able to;

    I've put the images in the spoiler to keep good readability on this post.


    Right upper side of the cockpit:


    Left upper side of the cockpit:



    • Like 2
  4. Disclaimer: I was inspired by the last contest to make this guy which was an old idea I had, I'm posting it here for posterity
    Also please keep in mind, I might not respond to comments most of the time, I have social phobia.

    Without further ado:

     Ent, The Living Forest


    Ent. A living forest as a Warframe that uses all kinds of nature to control the tide of battle and assist his allies.

    Ent's abilities:

    Passive: Voidsynthesis: Ent uses health to cast abilities, and lacks energy. Energy orbs also heal him, in addition to giving a portion of energy to nearby allies.

    1) Neurotoxic Dust: Causes Ent to release a toxic gas around himself, slowing enemies and dealing a small amount of damage.

    2) Seed: Ent shoots seeds out of his body, targetting all enemies in radius, rooting them for a small duration.

        Seeded enemies that are hit by other abilities suffer extra effects:

        - Neurotoxic Dust: Enemies become gradually more slow, then are paralyzed for a duration.

        - Invasive Nature: Rooted enemies take extra damage and are guaranteed to drop health orbs on death.

        - Root:

            - First cast: Main root will lash out and deal extra damage to rooted enemies.

            - Second cast: Draining rooted enemies also steals armor and gives a portion of it to Ent. Other players near Ent are also granted this armor increase.

    3) Invasive Nature: Vines shoot out of Ent, slashing at enemies, dealing damage that scales with enemy level.

    4) Root: Two part cast; Single instance.

        - First cast: Ent shoots roots into the ground, rooting himself and any enemies in its radius. The area expands as long as Ent himself is rooted. Duration of enemy root is dependant on how long Ent rooted himself for, affected by mods.

        - When first cast ends, a big root is left where Ent cast it.

        - Second cast: Ent can reactivate the root to start draining the rooted enemies for energy orbs, health orbs and ammunition. This also reduces the duration of the rooting by half.

    Detailed descriptions, and thoughts behind design:



    P) Voidsynthesis: There's no Warframe that uses health as a direct resource for abilities as heavily as this, the only other one being Nekros with his Desecrate augment, Despoil. It feels in place since Ent can generate health orbs pretty frequently. It also gives a good incentive to be around Ent since as an ally you'll constantly be provided with energy when he heals.

    And well, the name is a simple play on "Photosynthesis" and "Void energy".


    1) Neurotoxic Dust: Bread and butter skill, meant to be used as often as posible / desired. Seeded enemies that are paralyzed are affected in a way similar to Harrow's Condemn, but trading the long range for a smaller radius in all directions.

    2) Seed: It's meant to give some synergy to his abilities, provide decent damage and reward players for staying in the fight, casting constantly. The initial root is meant to be a short duration crowd control, while also being useful if cast in tandem with Invasive Nature.

    Seed's intent is not to be a "must use" ability, but to provide more depth to other abilities. Ideally the other abilities should still feel useful and strong without having to cast Seed first.

    3) Invasive Nature: Simple AoE damage tool, useful when being overwhelmed, good "one-two" combo with Seed.

    4) Root: Meant to give that feel of "Uncontrolled, wild, overgrown nature", providing good crowd control and decent benefits while also incentivizing players to choose between control of a situation or extra support.

    The ability being "single instance" would force to choose instead of dropping a root for CC and then another for support.

    The "expanding" part of the ability works a bit like Nova's Molecular Prime, or Mag's Polarize, while the "being rooted" bit is a kinda like the first part of Gara's Vitrify, being immobile for a short duration.


    Color channel examples:



    Default colors



    Random Colors #1, Hot colors:


    Random colors #2, Cold colors:


    Random colors #3, "Void tree":





  5. Been having this same issue, Noticed that as soon as someone else who *can* spawn one is on the squad, a Larvling will most likely spawn.
    I've had help from a friend who's been kind enough to taxi me to get Larvlings but this is still a HUGE issue.

    Also tried on a friends account, thinking it could be my game messing up, but we got a Larvling to spawn right away on his account.

    It's been weeks like this already, I hope this gets fixed soon 😞

  6. Hello, yeah title. My last three Liches have all spawned with the default Excalibur helmet instead of the progenitor's.
    This started happening when larvlings stopped showing up in missions hosted by me.

    How to repro: All I did was get a Lich from a game I'm not hosting. They won't spawn in my missions so I had to have a friend taxi me to Cassini to spawn one.

    Screenshots of the liches, note the progrenitors don't match the helmet on their armor, as they would normally do:


    First bugged Lich:

    Second bugged Lich:

    Third bugged Lich:


  7. Okay so about an hour ago I decided to start trying again to get a larvling, about 6 or 7 adaro / cassini runs i still had nothing.
    Then I joined a public game in Adaro and a Larvling spawned. Killed it and got another Lich.

    Heres the thing, the last Lich, which as I mentioned i got from a friend's game, and this one, don't have the progenitor's helmet. They default to the basic Excalibur helmet, for whatever reason. Didn't even happen with the other Liches.




    First Bugged Lich:

    Second Bugged Lich:


    I feel like this can't be a coincidence. I decided to bump since there's very little people talking about this issue.

  8. Hello, yeah so, the first few days of the update I had no issues finding new Larvlings to kill and make into Liches, but at some point something happened that no matter how many lv. 20+ Grineer missions I run, no Larvling ever shows up. I've been trying these past two days to get one, running stuff from Cassini, Telesto, to Adaro and even trying rescues and sabotages in Saturn and Sedna, nothing.

    I'm also slightly paranoid and feel like maybe something is wrong with my account? Cause the other day running missions with friends, One spawned on the third try. And after killing that guy now again, I can't get one to show up by myself.

    I really don't know what to do. I can't even access Liches now and it's really frustrating.

    Thanks for reading.

  9. 16 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

    Seconding this. No flickering to trigger the kill window regardless of mission. Started occurring as of 26.0.4 (possibly panic-hot'fix' as there was no time to finish off my lich in the interim).

    Current workaround is to go into a public mission with a host who isn't suffering the bug and beg them to let you have the kill. This does not correct whatever underlying issue is happening - I just converted my Lich from this workaround and am unable to trigger larvlings again.

    This is a critical bug, since you're not guaranteed to find someone kind enough to let you tax their larvling.

    Yes, this is exactly what's happening, had a friend taxi me to Cassini and I could get a Larvling there no problem.
    Now after having killed that Lich I'm trying by myself to get another and nothing, again.

    And yes, this is a pretty critical but,since I depend on others to even access this content.

  10. Hello, I've had this issue since I vanquished my last Lich, no matter where i go in the star chart, no Larvlings spawn at all. I've decided to ask for help here since usually it wouldn't take more than 3 tries to get one to show up, and today I've been trying for around 3 hours, running exterminations, sabotages and captures in Saturn / Sedna / Lua and still nothing.

    That last Lich wasn't killed in any weird way, Vanquished like the others I've had.

    Could my account still "think" my last Lich is alive and won't spawn another because of that? Either that or I've had exceptionally bad luck.

  11. Hey! Hello, I've got some feedback i'd like to share about the Kuva Ogris.

    Kuva Ogris seems to have lower base damage than regular Ogris and it kinda feels out of place.
    Something similar to what happened with Opticor / Opticor Vandal, but there the Vandal makes up with extra crit, crit damage and being overall faster.

    The higher status on the Kuva Ogris doesn't really make a difference, regular still easily manages 100% and gets even higher damage, and a 4% increase in crit chance doesn't really make the Kuva variant a crit weapon, so the really hard to get, endgame variant feels really weak, and performs even worse than the normal Ogris.

    My suggestion is to either give it more base damage than the regular Ogris and lower a bit the blast radius, or give it better crit stats. I feel like more damage overall would be pretty nice considering it's such a dangerous weapon to the user, and comparing it to other self-damage beasts like the Lenz, for example.

    Kuva Ogris also seems bugged, leveling it up on Hydron, it would almost never proc status on enemies, which seemed odd considering its really high base status chance. It would also always proc status on myself when self damage happened.

    Thanks for reading!

  12. Quick report, had a Defection mission in Sedna controlled by my Lich, Liga Medann, and one of the Kavor defectors spawned as a Thrall of hers.
    Played the Thrall spawn sound, but I couldn't harm him, and he behaved like a regular Kavor.

    He even showed up as an "Ally" when marking him.





  13. Hello,

    As i stated in the title, i've noticed that the new addition to Revenant's Enthrall, enemies having a chance to be enthralled when shot by the pillar's energy pellets, doesn't quite work when playing as client, i noticed enemies are turned into allies, but not enthralled, meaning they won't spawn more pillars on death, and sometimes even become immune to damage, only being damageable when enthralled manually.

    When playing as host, i didn't see any issue like this.

    How to reproduce: Play a game as client

  14. I've noticed this with a few of the new hairstyles, and some people talking about these issues in other threads, too

    With some hairstyles, specially the "loose hair" ones, you can clearly side this shaved hair texture on the side, i get the impression that it should at least be covered, or something.
    Plus, as someone mentioned in another post, some of the hair strands look like they're coming out of the forehead, not the hairline... which now i can't unsee and looks really odd.

    Image of my Operator for reference. I usually have the Umbra diadem, but without it these issues are quite clear



  15. Hey. Loving her design so far. Her abilities are really fun to use, too. But some of them feel a little weak, and her kit overall kinda feels like it forces you to stay still, here's some actual feedback on her abilities:

    1: The mechanic is really cool, the jump is awesome and fun, the only gripe i have with this is the position of the damage counter. I think it would be easier to read on the HUD itself.

    2: Since the range is quite low, you often are forced to stay in a really small area to get some healing. The problem with this, is that if you're under constant fire from all angles, like in Orb Vallis, often i found myself wanting to move away but staying near so i could heal.
    Heal also is kinda slow, Life Strike or Elevate are way quicker, it just isn't worth using most of the time.

    3: No complaints here.

    4: The charging time for max range feels too long, and the damage is quite low. Against most fodder enemies it's fine, but most heavy enemies, especially armored units just shrug it off.

    Edit: Turns out it doesn't deal much damage directly, but it cause any other damage sources to make enemies bleed, in retrospect, that is really good.

    I'm really on the fence on her. Her kit is fun but doesn't really feel powerful. I was often frustrated while playing with her in Orb Vallis, always felt easy to get overwhelmed as Garuda, having to stick close to her 2, to get some healing, but just ending up dead because enemies out damaged my heals.

  16. Since i've never drawn anything with Ink, i tried to keep these in the spirit of Inktober, hope this counts...

    (Also skipped a few days because of school)

    Day 1 - Poisonous



    Day 13 - Guarded



    Day 14 - Clock



    Day 15 - Weak



    Day 16 - Angular



    Day 17 - Swollen (Or as i call it - 'Rhino Bravo')



    Day 18 - (Puddle in a) Bottle.



    Day 19 - Scorched (Ice - Used the oportunity to draw my Operator).



    Catching up will be impossible with school in the way - I'll do the most i can!

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