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Posts posted by nickbananaboy

  1. 48 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Power Donation (Aura): -30% Power Strength, +30% Power Strength for teammates

    Wait, since Aura is teammate affected, so if two in squad equip it, two of them will have 70% strength (no other strength mod), and others will have 160?
    Or two of them will have 100% and others 160%?

  2. On 2018-05-23 at 11:41 PM, vaur06 said:

    Is hunter synergy updated to take into account temporary crit buff, such as argon scope and cat's eye ?

    In addition to this question, I'm also curious about the Tiberon Prime, which crit chance is different in three modes, will it also change kavat/kubrow's crit chance?

  3. 8hpznOJ.jpg

    In the picture above, you can see the pulse of the Invati Sekhara in front of the Ivara instead of on her shoulder( where the Sekhara is at)


    This is a normal place which the pulse should be, in the sekhara, but if I rotate the frame, the light pulse will misplaced as the first image.



    In mission, the miner will have the invati sekhara's light effect

  4. It's related to sprint mechanic, while sprint at full speed (not quite sure the speed mod is affect the issue or not)
    pandero will stuck, can't fire in short amount of time in both mode.

  5. 3 minutes ago, ObL1v1oN said:

    That's cool. Did it feel under-powered because of less epic arch-wing mods?

    yep, deal average 100 dmg to butcher in sortie 2
    but for solving the spy room, the dmg is suffice.

  6. 5 minutes ago, ObL1v1oN said:

    I wish i'd seen this in person (well, in-Warframe I mean). Did it just look like you had an Imperator equipped, or was it actually firing and working like one...?

    It just working like the original arch-gun (as if you take it to the ground and use it)
    Fluctus is just shoot out a horizontal wave with some punch-through

  7. In Uranus survival, we run some typical polymer bundle run, with nekros prime, hydroid prime, loki, and speed nova.

    When we stayed at the end of the room, using hydroid's 4 to kill enemies, we found out that enemies tend to stuck on point as if they can see through walls.
    (Thus they stand there and shoot, but there's a wall between us)
    Not sure this is because the latest hotfix which improves the AI navigation broke their navigation or just intended.

  8. Spoiler


    Spoiler for video content. Recently bringing mesa into infested mission, after casting peacemaker in the cataclysm and rolling (the shift key-press), her stance will lock into peacemaker idle stance. Sometime when skill's not lock,
    recasting 4 and turning it off will temporary remove the bug. But rolling will re-enable the bug.

    And other moment the skill will lock.


    neither casting operator nor mesa's skill is work

    When the skill is locking, usually it's combine with a movement vector that pushed her forward. And jumping into cliff or abyss won't reset the skill lock, a clean death will remove the skill lock but not the bug.





  9. In my case, mesa peacemaker stance lock when engaging with Infestation.

    while having mission at Hieracon, Mesa will sometime froze.

    In some case, re-activate the Peacemaker resolve the issue

    but in other case, can't even activate the skill(all of them)

    Whether Host or not, the issue will happened (not latency related)

    and sometime rolling will resume/remove the bug.

    I think the bug contains stance lock and a movement vector.

    when occurred, mesa will move to one direction consistently till mesa died or the bug temporarily disappear.


    PS. Didn't edit the video so you might investigate it thoroughly


    the video might haven't finishing processing. 

    The issue might related to others, creating a new thread

  10. Encounter a visual bug which is related to void fissure mission (whether it is lith/meso/neo/axi).

    General speaking, whatever my graphic setting is on which one (low/mid/high), in the void fissure mission the lighting will suddenly change(like a minor flashbang effect)

    but this will happened throughout whole fissure mission. Updated the graphic card's driver and the issue persist.

    Not quite sure the issue is related to game or my monitor

    FYI:GPU is GTX-950

    and the video of the lighting: https://youtu.be/6DP-2EKwDCw


  11. Not quite sure this is common or is only my issue.

    When and only in fissure level (whether is lith meso neo or axi, and for any tileset of map)

    The whole environment will suddenly increase the brightness and then return to normal.

    And this occurs almost every 10 to 20 seconds, sometime this become uncomfortable.

    About the video setting in game, brightness, contrast and FOV are default,

    and quality setting is based on high but disable dynamic blur, color correction and continue display weapon trail.

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