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Posts posted by Eyeless

  1. I can understand wanting to stop content being trivialized. I really can. It's a business based on people spending time on what you make, at it's very foundation at least.

    Yes, but quite a few other frames still do things that Radial Javelin used to do without the LoS / Awareness bull%#£¥.

    It's only Excalibur that's been nerfed for it, and I'd say his Javelin ought to be nerfed in a different way.

    Buff it's damage and utility but dramatically reduce it's range so it's more like Banshee's sonic boom, but with swords that pin enemies and maybe remove some of their armor, in a spherical radius around Excalibur.

    This could be the 'I'm getting swamped, GET OUTTA MY FACE!" Power.

  2. I'd take LoS at the very least, but what I'd rather see is a frontal cone of Javelins that pin enemies to walls for you to abuse at your whim. Sure the damage could be low as balls to compensate but it'd offer a fresher take on panic CC without stepping on Blind's toes.

    Blind could be more manageable and controlled.

    Javelins would be the £££ those things in particular right now! button.

    Much like Bastille in comparison to Vortex.

  3. RJ doesn't need a fix or a buff.

    Can you contribute more than saying 'No it doesn't' and 'Every damage ability has to suck at some point' ?

    The fact is the ability is redundant and outdone by two cheaper powers and still has it's awareness targeting crap according to my friends. I'd go test it myself but the new place I'm staying in before an imminent move to Florida leaves me without an ethernet cable for now.

    The only potential I'm seeing for this ability is through his augment Furious Javelin, but hasn't quite a bit of the community been over why it's not okay for augs to make abilities usable?

  4. The real problem with elemental buffs is that the game isn't hard enough to warrant them.  If our 4spam and especially our guns didn't do astronomical damage then maybe people would care about working together and synergizing their loadouts.  Suggestions like the OP's remain in the realm of theoretical 50+ min T4 endless missions, and not in actual gameplay.  Even in the raid, people will just permaCC everything and mow it down with their overtuned weapons.  Kinda sucks, doesn't it?

    -sigh- Yeah..

  5. Any damage based ability falls off eventually. Radial Javelin is fine the way it is. When the enemies get so high level that RJ doesn't kill them, then you should be blinding them instead.

    That simply isn't acceptable with his rework. Every ability needs to be viable, Radial Javelin simply isn't and needs changed to address how lackluster it is.

    Ragdolling enemies with lower damage sounds like an excellent idea.

  6. To use that logic, then, Excalibur Prime shouldn't be able to use the Proto-Excalibur skin.


    The hoops people jump through just to reason out how things they can't have deserve to be soiled. 


    All other Prime Frames get to use their non-Primed counterpart's skins. Not only is your insistence on Primes being skins going to make the idea of obtaining them redundant, but in this instance it's hypocritical.


    I for one think it's stupid that Primed weapons can't use base weapon skins when it comes down to simply swapping the models. The Scindo Prime used to be able to use it's model swapping skins (Dagger Axe / Manticore) but it was removed because reasons.  But it's not about that. 


    This entire thread is essentially entitled brats whining over someone owning something they can't and wanting to soil it for the people that DO have it. 


    Just because it's a video game doesn't mean real world logic and ideals don't apply, that doesn't mean you all shouldn't man up, act like adults, and get over it. 


    People are going to have things you do not, do you ask the president to piss in their cornflakes because they have a nicer car than you? Should Porsche's get wooden tires because you don't own one?

  7. so.... your main issue is color?



    Call up his name in game and look at his Frames color scheme. I just did. It kinda looks - in my opinion - like someone just hit the "random" button at the wrong time, so this talk of DE color choices?


    The OP is basically saying "I can paint my Frame all the pastel colors of the rainbow, but DE needs to paint the game THIS way because I say so".



    Way to miss the point both of you, of course you get hung up on the thing you can bash him for. Typical. What he's concerned with is the lack of enemy variety in the void. Out of all the different units we have in the game (aestheticwise, mechanically..eh...) we only have:


    Standard Crewman


    Standard Lancers




    Laser MOA/Laser Osprey


    Ancient Healer


    Heavy Gunner






    7 enemy types, formerly we'd been seeing for the last year or so of the game's creation. Despite the Void being the test everyone uses for 'Endgame' the enemy variety is still incredibly bland. If this is the hardest faction to fight allegedly then it's definitely hurting for more enemy diversity.


    More Grineer and Infested, a Technician or two, hell please even some unique Void exclusive enemies! (shield drones and turrets don't count!)

  8. I know what you mean, most of the worst players I come across crutch on abilities and weapons they can mindlessly spray from the hip. The sad part is this isn't even a hard or complicated game, grindy sure, but it's certainly not an MLG Pro kind of shooter, yet people can't even grasp the basic necessities at MR19

  9. some people don't see it's use. they think it's only for shooting into booben's pet fishballs in Vortex, or only when several Enemies are lined up.

    being able to pierce terrain and Enemies has a lot of uses. think outside the box just a little bit more and you should find yourself pleasantly surprised at how many applications Punch-Through has.

    if you'd rather have that one more Damage Mod to Kill an Enemy ~5-7% faster rather than be able to hit dozens.... i don't know what to tell you.


    !@%$ YES!   This is EXACTLY what I try to tell my friends and clanmates and why I stress the necessity of punchthrough in every single last one of my more used weapons. But everyone likes to think of the short-term instead of general all-round effectiveness. It's all about killing a single enemy as fast as possible amirite? 


    Weapon has low clip size but high damage? Kay, one shot can hit multiple enemies, yet most of these forum posters going against punch-through mods act like you need to wait for enemies to just magically line up, when instead it's very easy to be proactive and stay mobile so you've always got numerous targets lined up for a single shot. 


    Why fire 6 bursts for 6 enemies when 6 enemies can be downed with one burst from a well modded Tiberon / Burston Prime? 


    Punch Through is good for: 


    Low Clip Size


    Poor Ammo Economy Guns


    Evenly Spread Damage




    People who can aim



    Punch Through is not good for: 


    People who don't understand why it's amazing. 

  10. Power Throw is a crutch. If you are using it you are actually DECREASING the damage you could be doing with another damage mod. Seems to me you are using it for "Quick Throw" and are not actually using it for combat.


    I kill high level enemies fine, I just manually channel explode it, so it will NOT explode in my face from having PT equipped.


    Is this your view on target penetration in general or just the Glaive? Because I gotta tell ya from experience, using one stone (figuratively) to kill nine different birds is way better than using one stone per-bird. But that's where guns are concerned. 

  11. Do you think it's a case that you say "a dual wielded shotgun" and you refer to a secondary weapon?


    By all means. If you want a dual-wield Soma, you have the AkSomati. If you want a dual-wield Tigris, you have the AkJagara. If you want a dual-wield Boltor, the AkBolto. And so on. Let us have, why not, a Grakata-themed Akimbo secondary shotgun version!



    It's not about strength, it's about usage.


    A Warframe is strong enough to wield two Dreads. But couldn't fire any. You require two hands to operate the Primary weapons.


    While your points are valid I'm only dropping in to contribute my two cents to what I laid out in bold. AkJagara play nothing like a shotgun whatsoever and don't even function similarly beyond rounds that fire off as splitting pellets. They play like your run of the mill dual pistols and pack the damage of kinda mediocre ones in comparison to the more reliable and popular AkMagnus. 


    I wouldn't class these as shotty pistols if we're comparing them to how the actual shotguns and shotgun secondaries are depicted with their accuracy, spread, and viewmodel. Just because a new shiny is set within a specific category of similar aesthetics it does not make that weapon similar, mechanically to what it was inspired from.  


    Thusly AkJagara being given the same theme as the Tigris makes them no more a shotgun instead of a pistol, than the AkSomatti being given the same theme makes them no more an assault rifle instead of glorified SMG's, not here to pick a fight but I didn't see the reasoning as sound to this and wanted to interject. Make a point and all, not picking a fight. 

  12. Sounds like a good idea but in all blunt honesty you'd be better off with a maxed ammo mutation mod than a 2 rounds on specific hitzone kill reward.



    0 rank Sniper Ammo Mutation mod gives you 1 ammo per rifle/pistol box, and 3 ammo per shotgun box. Your mod is about as good as a rank 0 Sniper Ammo Mutation mod.



    But with this mod he proposed you wouldn't need to leave your perch, which was his problem to begin with. 

  13. The real fix is to make farming ineffective. Change reward mechanics. Reduce randomness of loot. Minimize scaling and put a limit to endless content.


    Give players fun gameplay while they are after their objectives.


    Please make a thread about this, not everyone seems to get it. This game doesn't need to have these ludicrous farming methods and XP farms, you can retain customers just fine if your gameplay is SOLID and not feeling like a chore build on broken mechanics! 

  14. while it's a technical nightmare, i'll keep dreaming of Javelin being able to staple Enemies to walls regardless of whether they're dead or not.

    allowing you to remove Enemies from Combat temporarily.

    Ragdolling Enemies is probably somethinig that will be very satisfying to see, so i'd definitely go for that. the scene of seeing a big group of Enemies exploding away like a silly movie should be received well, and still be useful.

    i can understand making it not Radial so more can be focused on your most intended target(s).

    rather than a cone however, i'd go for a Rectangle. similar to Ice Wave. a Rectangular area of pincushioney 'wall of spears' death.

    would be able to keep a lot of Range then as well, since it would be directed and focused, rather than an AoE Blast. it having good Range would give Excalibur a fantastic tool. the capability to pseudo 'snipe' Enemies that are out of practical reach of all of his other Abilities.


    I like your way of thinking and I agree that this would be satisfying on every level for me. It'd just never get old and I think this'd add a lot of better utility for this mod. Not enough CC powers move a group away from the player efficiently (LOOKIN AT YOU TERRIFY!)

  15. This, and like you said in OP, it needs to ragdoll enemies away from Excal. The current Radial Javelin was often used as a damaging stun power; compared to Radial Blind, which was just a stun power, the two abilities will end up feeling at odds with each other. It would be better if Radial blind was the dedicated "stun" power, while Radial Javelin becomes the "breathing room/ knockback" power for Excal. 



    I couldn't have said that better myself friend, that's what I'd like to see it do ideally as well. I'll even add that exact bit to the OP. 



    What's with people in the feedback forums trying to place a copyright on common ideas lately?



    Not too long ago I read someone getting all uppity that someone 'stole' their idea for Ashes teleport to be free aimable. I don't get it either, but god forbid nobody think the same way you do, you just gotta be a perfect snowflake. 

  16. This is what I'd like to see. Basically make it a cone that ragdolls enemies (pinning them if they get killed) and maybe let its damage scale from (but not refresh/add to) melee combo multipliers. So kinda like a slower, more expensive, more offense-oriented Sonic Boom in use that you can effectively "charge up" by whacking stuff with melee.


    Something of the sort, at least. It would really be a shame if they left it exactly as it is now.


    Now this I'd love! 

  17. -snip-


    My personal choice would be to nerf the hell out of it's range and leave it's damage intact. Maybe even give it the slash dash treatment where during the new #4 it takes your melee weapon properties. Maybe go so far as to make it a spin attack of some kind, or a Slash Dash-like animation that goes in a quick circle and does more damage towards the inside or outside?


    Amen, if the damage or utility potential could be buffed in exchange for less power range I'd be all for that. I'm sick of giant AoE damage nukes trivializing tilesets and it's not at all what I want Radial Javelin to be again by any means. 


    Hell I'd be happy if it worked like a 'shotgun' power of sorts with that finisher damage buff I proposed. A frontal AoE of javelins that speared blinded targets in a cone in front of Excalibur with punch-through but very limited casting range. 


    For some burst damage potential. 

  18. My idea for it?

    Upon activation a barrier of blades are summoned spinning around Excalibur that could do various stuff (close range slash dot + defense of some kind) and then when it ends (can be ended early by pressing it again) launches javelins outwards like Radial Javelin 1.0, when it was launching projectiles outwards, albeit weaker (but maybe scaling from the melee combo counter?)


    That'd give it a purpose, a cool new effect, fits in his kit, all while still being able to retain its old roots and everything.


    And the spinning blades add to his combos with the enemies hit perhaps? 


    While this is cool it doesn't seem to be the direction they're taking it at all. It's functionally different identical to all iterations of past Radial Javelin forms, that's what has me worried. 


    I really want this power to be great, not just trash I forget to cast because it's useless at high difficulty missions, which are what I usually play. 

  19. Javelin ? Isn't that an overused ability to be moved to 3rd slot and so costing less after that ?


    I don't think javelin needs those buffs if it becomes a 3rd ability .


    In all of its iterations it's been more or less (depending on the update even) lackluster. 


    The upcoming rework is aiming to take everything about Excal and not make him lackluster, so Javelin needs to follow that and be more than a non-scaling radial power with varying iterations of gimps depending on the version. 


    It needs utility and it needs to scale well. Moving it down from one ability slot or the other shouldn't matter, all his abilities ought to be worthwhile to cast, not mediocre. 

  20. Title says it all. 


    From the Devstream this Friday I'm one of those concerned with where Radial Javelin will end up on the scaling/utility side of things.


    Will it be the same as it was? How far is it getting improved? What's going to differentiate it from Radial Blind and keep it from staying a low scaling damage power? 


    Out of all the abilities Excalibur is getting touched up on this is the one that's seen the least coverage, perhaps because it's the one DE is most hesitant to discuss? 


    I do not want this to be the same ultra-nerfed Javelin we were given to live with presently, I'd like this power to finally shine as something unique and all it's own. Rather than a mediocre radial damage ability with poor scaling and in later variations a meaningless stun that conflicted with Radial Blind. 


    I have two suggestions for this since I don't know the power's current work in progress nor it's planned changes: 


    1. The Potentially Overpowered Buff: 


    * Casting normally does its standard 1/2K damage in a radius against all nearby enemies, the default Javelins we all know.


    * Casting on targets effected by Radial Blind are dealt a high amount of finisher damage that ignores armor. 


    2. The Utility Buff: (THE ONE WE'D ALL LIKE TO SEE)


    * Targeting improvements to Radial Javelin


    * Enemies impaled by Radial Javelin are ragdolled from the blows of each Javelin. 


    * Javelins have the ability to potentially impact multiple targets? (Possibly made redundant depending on how the enemy targeting functions) 






    This, and like you said in OP, it needs to ragdoll enemies away from Excal. The current Radial Javelin was often used as a damaging stun power; compared to Radial Blind, which was just a stun power, the two abilities will end up feeling at odds with each other. 


    --  It would be better if Radial blind was the dedicated "stun" power, while Radial Javelin becomes the "breathing room/ knockback" power for Excal. --                                    

                                                                        [EDITED PARTIALLY FOR CLARITY ON THE POINT] 





    DISCLAIMERI would not be making this post if I knew for certain the future of Radial Javelin, perhaps if this gets read by a Dev ( and provided the posts below me are constructive)  they can either get some ideas for how to make this better, get a gauge of community expectations, or keep doing what they're doing anyway. Likely the last. 


    Community post your own concerns/suggestions here if you please. 



    Here's to hoping Excalibur finds a new glory not found in his currently lacking iteration!

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