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Posts posted by Maganar

  1. Just now, maj.death said:

    From what I understand the ghouls are a recurring event and will only be present while the event is active.

    Thank you for confirming this.  I was suspicious of this as well, and it alleviates some of the concern over silly numbers of codex scans, but I hope some of the other lessons to be learned here can prove valuable.

    I'm still not sure what the best way would have been to balance the rewards for a recurring event such as what this seems to be, but what I can say for certain is that the current situation does not feel like the right way.  What use does anyone have for 100x Stubba blueprints?  It's going to reach the point where it feels as insulting as the 2x Orokin Cells as a rare bounty drop.  This really is the most important part for DE to iron out for next time in my opinion if the Ghoul Purges are to be a regular event of any interest to the community.

  2. I've played a few bounties from the new ghoul event.  Most of them have failed due to progression-stopping bugs - a higher percentage (for me, at least) and in a greater variety, incidentally, than I experienced on the release day of Plains of Eidolon.

    While this is extremely unfortunate, the truth is that this is not what's bothering me, because any complex ongoing video game will experience bugs when new content comes out.  Quite frankly, there are some major issues with the way the Ghoul Purge event was implemented, and I think it's going to go down as a forgettable footnote at best and a frustration-causing letdown at worst.  I just want to take a moment here to highlight some major issues in its implementation that I have been able to see in just these opening attempts to experience it.  I want to say right here at the start that I think this event had a lot of potential and I'm glad DE makes the effort toward creating these events.  The reason for this topic is because I want DE to continue releasing these events, and if this one turns out to be as much of a dud as I'm suspicious it might, then I want them to have feedback at their disposal.  Wherever possible, I have provided counterpoints of times DE has done a great job at something that didn't work out right with the Ghoul Purge, to try and make this as useful as possible.  Bold text is used not to express anger, but rather to highlight key points since there is a lot of text here and I don't want the central ideas to be lost.  Sound good?  Let's go.

    1) Bad planning on release ordering.  Let's face it: this event, even if it had been flawlessly delivered, would have been overshadowed by the return of the Acolytes since for some reason both went live not only on the same patch, but literally at the same time.  The Acolytes were something that had been built up by the community that people have been waiting for ever since they asked "Where does that come from?" when they first saw a guy selling Maiming Strike in trade chat for 900p.  Everyone wants their shot at the mods and the experience of taking the fight to the assassins on our own terms for a change rather than getting mugged by Stalker while leveling our new Unranked warframe.

    The problem is more complex than just "Don't release two things at once" though.  DE is obviously trying to release an ambitious amount of content and if they are trying to keep on such a tight schedule then maybe they need to overlap things once in a while, I don't know.  What I do know is this: if you're going to release a few things at once, try not to overlap a couple with a huge disparity like this.  Acolytes were highly anticipated from far in advance (I'd been hearing about it for months) and the Ghouls were something most people who didn't watch devstreams didn't even know about.  Additionally, the Acolytes have been released before, so any bugs have been ironed out.  The Ghouls are new enemies with new mechanics in a new set of bounty modes on a map that is still fairly new... if it sounds like I'm using the word "new" a lot, it's because I am.  That many new things WILL have bugs.  The result: DE is pitting a highly-anticipated bug-free event against a recently-announced bug-swarmed event.  It's obvious the latter will be overshadowed by the former.  Combinations like this have to be avoided.

    2) Unrewarding drops on repeated completions(This is the MOST IMPORTANT point of all!!!  If your read nothing else, DE, read this!) In one bounty, I acquired three Stubba blueprints.  That's right, count it - three blueprints from one bounty.  The only unique or meaningful drops from the bounties are the two new blueprints that are otherwise unattainable, and they drop absurdly easy.  So why the heck even bother to do more than a couple runs and then go back to daily capture activities... or that Acolyte event we've waited on for months!  But I've already been over that part, so moving on to the reward drops...

    I get it.  Some players can't afford to grind out 100 bounty runs for a, say, 2.5% rare drop that's the only relevant blueprint (and frankly, that is very frustrating even for the people with the time).  The cool new gear should be accessible.  But there are better ways to do it: better ways which DE has already done in recent events.  Operation Plaguestar avoided this issue MAGNIFICENTLY.  By allowing us to earn points we could spend, people who only had the time to do a couple runs could just buy the event-exclusive blueprints (like Snipetron) and forget the rest.  For everyone with lots of time on their hands, there was an incentive to keep coming back and doing more and more and MORE runs because we could get things like free forma and Plains resources that were downright painful to farm normally.  There was never a point in Operation Plaguestar at which you were "done" receiving rewards from the event.  By contrast, I felt I was "done" with Ghoul Purge after three runs.  I had literally everything unique to the event and all non-unique items were trivial rather than meaningful.

    People have already complained so much about how unrewarding ordinary Plains bounties feel (and it has received significant iteration in response), and this just feels even worse.  Hunter mods are not an excuse.  Those same mods were also rewarded in a similar fashion (just as actual enemy drops instead of reward drops) during Plaguestar, but during Plaguestar there was a REASON to keep going other than "well let me try again for that abysmally low drop rate rare mod."  You could say to yourself "Well, even if I don't get that one mod this time, I'll at least get a Forma for my trouble."  No such compensation from Ghoul Purge.

    As for standing, I get Ostron standing.  Unlike the operational supply standing from Operation Plaguestar, my Ostron standing earnings for the day can cap out - and do, quickly.  Especially for people of lower MR than myself, only a couple bounties can leave them not only with all the unique blueprints, but also capped out on standing!  They can't even use standing from subsequent runs to purchase ordinary Ostron equipment blueprints like some Zaw parts or something, because they have capped out for the day!  Such a player quite literally earns nothing at all that they can possibly use after doing even two or three runs of the higher-standing bounty.  This is an extremely concerning flaw.  My suggestion?  You already did this the right way once, DE.  Operation Plaguestar balanced rewards perfectly.

    3) Frustrating enemy design for iconic new enemies.  The new enemies have a very clear running theme.  As the update notes said, they are the close-range specialists concocted by Dr. Tengus at Vey Hek's request, and they are all about getting in your face.  They also have a cool running theme in that they all tear out of the ground and the Augers can repeatedly perform subterranean attack maneuvers.  The subterranean theme works very well with their zombie-like appearance (since zombies rip their way out of their graves; I have a feeling this was intentional) that is reminiscent of zombie portrayals in franchises like Left 4 Dead (never played those games myself, but very much getting the vibes of what I've seen from them).  This is all very, very cool.  Much kudos.

    What is not so much earning my satisfaction is the way that the way in which this theme bleeds over into combat and becomes very obnoxious.  The Plains of Eidolon already amped up things to 11 in forcing us to worry about enemy crowd control and cooperation.  The sheer number of Blast procs that Plains enemies can dish out is remarkable.  One release day, the mortars were blatantly overpowered because of how much damage they did in addition to the strong utility of their crowd control, but that was quickly nerfed.  Their damage was made forgettable and they were turned into crowd control bombs (literally, I suppose) that constantly cause knockdown if not eliminated.  The threat of Grattler-wielding Heavy Gunners and other units capitalizing on those Blast knockdowns had made the Plains a unique experience separate from other missions in Warframe.  This was well done.

    Not so with the Ghouls.  The Ghouls have no patterns of capitalization where ones takes advantage of what another does.  They all just bum-rush you and darn at they good at bum-rushing you.  They dash like Grineer manics, but whereas a manic would just deal damage and run out, these guys Blast proc you, they slow you, and they stagger you.  For enemies that are SO good at closing the gap, this amount of crowd control is criminal, particularly when they can also dish out sizable damage.  Furthermore, the idea of combining Cold and Toxin effects in a dispersion cloud upon their death (and instantaneous cloud, unlike the delayed cloud of Nox units) was not a good one, plain and simple.  It punishes you for letting them close the gap on you EVEN if you kill them... but they can close that gap almost instantly.  It's punishing you for something you can't prevent.  Nox clouds are done the right way.  You have the chance to kill them at a distance (since it is a distance unit), but you have to be quick before they charge you.  Even if they do charge you, there is a very short window of time to get clear before the "pop."  There is, in short, counterplay.  As for the Ghouls, you are punished for the Ghouls doing what the Ghouls inevitably WILL do whether you like it or not that they are going to do it.

    The Cold in particular is overkill.  You have already been Blast procced, staggered, or knocked down by other means most likely.  Now all animation speeds - including standing up - are put into slow motion.  Firing is put into slow motion, preventing you from killing any other Ghouls at range before they can charge, setting off a chain reaction.  And since the Ghouls spawn en masse and die equally en masse, I have watched entire "Burial Grounds" turn into one giant cloud of Cold and Toxin with all the Tenno warframes just hoping as if in low gravity trying to play a game of "don't touch the ground" and failing horribly.

    My suggestion?  If you want a thematic enemy threat, pick a proc (and one proc, not two) that isn't overbearing by causing a perma-crowd-control chain.  In particular, I would suggest actually using the combined element we get from Cold and Toxin: Viral.  Viral is INSTANTLY threatening to warframes, whether they rely primarily on shields or health, because they ones that double-down on shields are perilously easy to kill with enemy slash procs and ones that double down on health now find their primary stat halved.  It is threatening, but not overbearing by creating a crowd control chain that prevents you from moving and firing.  Additionally, it is thematic, since the Expired Ghouls are supposed to be sickly (and they all look terribly unhealthy) and they are pretty much exploding their guts all over us on death.  And if you needed one more reason: these are zombie-inspired Grineer units, yes?  And zombies in popular culture are associated with plagues, yes?  So why did it not cross your mind to use the less-frustrating and more thematic Viral proc!

    Cold and Toxin, on the other hand, are not thematic - neither one of them!  None of the Ghouls use Cold or Toxin attacks - in fact, the Augers use HEAT attacks... yet explode into COLD auras on death...  This doesn't make any sense, thematically, and it's frustrating from a gameplay standpoint.  It should have been replaced with another proc like Viral (for reasons explained above) or Heat (because something with flamethrowers that explodes could naturally set you on fire, and this is another proc that isn't overbearing for enemies to spam).

    Once again, let's compare to something well-designed already in warframe: Nox units have a Toxin theme from their attacks, aura, and death cloud.  This is their singular unifying identity and they don't arbitrarily have another effect that could cause frustrating synergy (e.g. Viral/Toxin so your health would be halved and then removed with Toxin).  The Ghouls have nothing that should cause Cold, they attack with Heat and Blast, yet they inflict Cold and Toxin on death - two effects that cause frustrating synergy by virtually immobilizing you with Cold, and leaving you trapped in Toxin clouds that will kill you for standing around (which the Cold makes you do, without any agency on your part).  Simply put, DE, not every new enemy needs to create a Sortie-style challenge.  If you introduce a new Corpus unit that reliably activates Radiation procs onto all warframes with an AoE attack, for example, players will riot.  I'm sure you realize this.  Some things just aren't ok for normal play and have to stay restrained to challenge modes like Sorties.  Ghouls, while still within the acceptable boundaries for ordinary play, are pushing the limits and do so in a way that creates more frustration than it does meaningful engagement.

    4) Inconsiderate codex scan implementation.  This may admittedly be more of a personal gripe than a sweeping issue, but this is still something that DE should avoid in my opinion that I think they need to hear from players so I'll cover this as well.  I'll admit I'd prefer DE focus on the above three points and I am only covering this one to be thorough.  I have started to get interested in trying to max out as many codex entries as I can for Simulacrum testing and Captura action scenes (Fashion Frame is the true endgame after all, correct?).  The numbers of scans expected for various ghouls are ridiculous and illogical.  The four basic enemy types (Expired, Rictus, Auger, and Devourer) have a reasonable number for a basic enemy type: 20 scans.  The capture target is getting questionable - also 20 scans.  Yes, other capture targets have this as well, but those stay indefinitely and capture is a game mode people run a nigh-infinite amount of times for various reasons and they will eventually max those out very quick (makes sense for the same reason it's ok that Kuva requires 50 scans).  But it's more questionable here because, from what I understand, this is a temporary event like Plaguestar.  I'm assuming the Ghouls will come back at some point (doesn't make sense to make all those assets and then throw them away after a short event) but if these enemies are not permanently available to gradually scan up 20 capture bounty stages, then it requires an arbitrary and annoying grind just to get codex scans... and we've already talked about how there doesn't feel like any meaningful reward coming from repeated runs.

    But this one is... more than just questionable: Ghoul Expired DEFECTOR?  20 scans?  Like the capture target, this one can only occur a maximum of once per bounty stage, and I believe it is impossible to have more than one per bounty run.  That should already raise concerns if we are going to require 20 scans of this unit and the it is going to be a limited-time-access set of enemy units.  But this issue is compounded with the fact you are asking codex completionists to scan an ally... that is always running (usually erratically and very quickly)... before the end of a limited-time event?  And you can't use Helios either, because Helios can't figure out to scan it because it is an ally.  Helios will even scan cryopods and core pipes on its own because those are objects, but Helios just can't figure out that it needs to scan what are literally allied troops.  Which makes some sense, actually, because the fact there is an entry for this at all is silly.  But what's even sillier is where the scans are catalogued - they go under the Enemy units section, not the Objects section.  Perhaps there is a joke about the objectification of intelligent living things to be made here... but aren't defense objectives typically under the Objects category?  Consistency would be nice - as would less required scans.

    On a related note, I have yet to get a single scan of an alpha even with Helios since they die so fast in public matches, so I can't even say how many are required.  If it requires three, that is reasonable.  However, based on the slapped-on amounts of scans other require, I wouldn't be surprised if it was 12 (a common value for "semi-common" troops as I like to call them), or, heaven forbid, also 20.  You may say "well why don't you do Solo matches, Maganar, so no one else can kill it?"  Well, I did.  And it turns out that's another (repeatable) bug in the new event.  Solo runs that have the "assassinate target" bounty stage simply do not progress.  They freeze, and you are forced to leave the Plains without the target ever spawning.  I had the good luck to get three assassination target first stages in a row (after bailing solo attempts that gave me different first objectives) and each one reproducibly failed by refusing to spawn enemies. (I'd start a topic about this as well in bug reports, but I've written a small book on this topic to start with and I'm feeling a bit worn out just proofreading this one.  Perhaps someone else can do this to bring DE's attention to the bug is this does not.)

    The takeaway I get from all I've seen with the codex scanning is that someone just slapped down some numbers of codex scans inconsiderately - and in one case didn't even think which section an entry should be filed under.  Someone just used the "typical" values for a "common unit" (20 scans) and the "typical" values for scans of objectives (also 20, incidentally) and said it was a job well done.  DE is normally more considerate of their codex completionists.  Rail specters, for example, only require one scan to save everyone the tedium of going to a rail several times (since rails missions do nothing consequential after you beat it the first time).  Likewise specters from apothics are limited to one scan because that would be painful to farm a whole pile of apothics just to clear the codex entries.  No one seems to have paid any attention to this with the latest event because there was too much focus on the actual missions.  While I'd certainly rather have bug-free missions... oh wait, we don't have bug-free missions.  Understandably so (as stated earlier), and I commiserate, since updates are hard work.  But I guess we don't even have that.  So, since we are going to have to suffer through the bugs because they are unavoidable, couldn't we just have the quality-of-life of reasonable codex scanning goals as compensation?  Unreasonable codex scan numbers are something that can be avoided, unlike the unforeseen bugs.  Keeping these smaller things in order does a lot to take the sting out of an otherwise messy release, because then I can at least walk away from the mission and say "well at least I can play with these guys in Captura afterward and goof off."

    TL;DR  Completely understandable if you need a short version since this is a mountain of examples and counterpoints provided in the hope of being helpful feedback.  Quite simply, I'm just asking this, DE: play to your strengths.  Operation Plaguestar was thoroughly enjoyable for me, and everyone I can remember talking to during that event loved the rewards system and felt encouraged to keep playing more rounds.  Acolytes were also something we all knew people would get excited over.  So play up to that.  Set some time aside from other releases to do the Acolytes as their own separate event rather than distracting people with two at once, then give us a satisfying rewards system for the new event to keep us from focusing on its unpolished and buggy parts.  Keep the enemies within reason rather than trying to tack on too many procs just for the sake of a crowd control fiesta.  You're good at making highly thematic enemies, DE, whether it's disruptive Corpus units or deadly Heat and Toxin Grineer DoT units.  Even so, you have to venture out of your comfort zone to keep things fresh and interesting, and when you try new things, you can't always control the number of bugs or negative receptions to new mechanics.  Even in those cases, the one thing you can control are quality-of-life factors (like codex scans at reasonable values!) so focus on keeping those small, tangible things in good order if nothing else, rather than forcing another hundred-something scans onto a codex completionist for what is only four new character models.  But above all else, give us a reason to keep doing more rounds and don't lock half the reward (in this case, Ostron standing) behind a daily standing cap.  You've done better events in the past, DE, and you will continue to make better ones in the future.  But I think we have a lot we can learn from this event because there's plenty of stuff that just doesn't feel right with this one.  Best of luck around this busy holiday time, and thank you all for the constant updates to a great game.


  3. On 11/15/2017 at 1:41 PM, Azamagon said:

    I think they should do it the other way around: Let Ivara do any movement/parkour without breaking Prowl. Just let her do so more slowly, and at increased energydrain for the faster movements.

    Now that's an interesting idea that could keep it balanced.  It would also put more value into the Prowl augment from Perrin Sequence (and another syndicate I forget) which most people forget not only lets you bypass lasers but also partially mitigates the Prowl movement speed penalty.  It would become less of a "herp a derp use this to opt out of spy missions" and more of an augment to think about seriously for combat reasons as well.

  4. This bug was existed for a very long time from what I understand - I don't believe I have ever received a login booster that did NOT bug in this way.  The bug is even documented on the wiki page for the "Daily Tribute" (our current reward system for logins) under the Bugs section.

    As far as I'm aware, since this is a minor UI issue with an incorrectly displayed value that corrects itself shortly thereafter, DE has no plans on fixing it anytime soon as it's just lower priority than serious fixes or new content.  If they are planning on fixing it, then they sure have taken a heck of a long time getting around to it since, as I said, I understand this to be a long-standing bug.  I can only assume that DE is aware of it but isn't concerned by it.

  5. There is already a topic for this.  Let's try to keep it consolidated so DE can all get their feedback in one place:

    If you have anything else you notice, that'd probably be the place to say it.

    Since you brought it up though, I will say it here: Ivara does not need to be able to slide while using Prowl.  When playing Ivara, we effectively gain access to truly infinite stealth (as pickpocketing to multiply loot tables allows enough energy orbs to sustain it indefinitely.  That is an immense amount of utility and comes at a tradeoff.  Between jumping, sliding, uninhibited motion on dashwires, walljumping, and rolling, we have plenty of options to maintain mobility.  If we could slide and bulletjump as well, we'd be at the point where Ivara on Prowl would literally just be able to remain unnoticed by enemies while styling across the whole map and killing everything while ALSO multiplying loot... in other words, she'd get brokenly overpowered and even *I* as someone who uses Ivara more than any other warframe would ask DE to nerf that with how out of hand it could get in no time flat.

    However, due to the bug, I suppose we can cross off rolling for the time being.  Shame.  Guess that means I'm not playing Warframe until another patch (and I don't say that to be petty and boycott, but because I did one mission today and it felt so unsatisfying and ungainly trying to use Prowl in the current state that I did not enjoy the mission - considering Ivara is my most used warframe AND apparently both corrosive and slash procs are being reported as bugged as well... the game is in a messy enough state I won't enjoy it on the current build, frankly).

  6. Definitely broken.  Pretty much makes my go-to warframe unplayable, as I have to choose between accessing the core premise of her kit (near-infinite to infinite invisibility) and, well, being able to move faster than a limping turtle.

    I feel like no one who tests this game plays Ivara between the Artemis Bow being unable to shoot vertically after PoE went live to the repeated occurrences of Prowl becoming virtually unusable.  These aren't things that are even "reproducible" (which should be caught in the first place) - these are literally things that literally occur 100% of the time when using the warframe on these builds.  Even attempting to play the warframe on the build should reveal this to any tester.  There are things that can understandably slip through thorough testing, but these types of bugs do not fall in that category.  These are the types of bugs that should literally never make it onto a live build, and yet Ivara, specifically, has experienced a few within just the time that PoE has released.

  7. Nice improvements, but all I see is

    "With the exception of a game-breaking Excavation bug, we haven't touched any of the other bugs PoE introduced to the REST of the game, rather focusing all our efforts on PoE itself!"

    While I like the initiative and enthusiasm in stamping down the wildfires of bugs on your new region, the new region shouldn't have to come at the expense of the rest of the game functioning.

    Where is the fix for Syndicate medallions counting toward daily standing limit even though they're not supposed to, considering syndicates are a core part of the game experience that rely upon this component for their standard progression rates?  Where is the Ivara Artemis Bow fix, considering that is literally a core warframe ability that somehow got bugged by this update?

    These are big important things, too, and I personally feel more important than the new region itself since they all worked before PoE and as awesome as PoE is, it shouldn't come at the expense of any of them.

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  8. I believe this was caused by the latest "hotfix" (hotfix in quotes because I think it introduced more bugs than it removed and touched none of the biggest ones, like Excavation issues).  I say this because when PoE first hit (and after it's initial hotfix) I was fishing from dashwires with no issue and once I even matchmade into another group on the Plains using the same strategy with no problems.  Since the latest hotfix, the dashwire always goes massively buggy when you hold your fishing spear (Ivara gets caught in some weird animation loop with her spear-holding arm flailing madly).

    As near as I can tell, the issue is that the spear seems to be firing from the spot on the shore you were last standing before jumping onto your dashwire.  I've seen the spear launch all the way from the shore when I'm 20m+ out into the water on my wire.  It's a completely invalid way to fish now, and based on my recollection of it working properly prior to the latest hotfix, it seems like Ivara was meant to be capable of using her fishing spear while on a dashwire.  Therefore, the issue isn't that we're trying to exploit something meant to be impossible (and that was an incredibly cool and fun idea).  The issue is that the behavior got modified somehow, probably by some attempt to fix other behaviors of fishing in the latest fix that spaghetti-coded over into dashwire-fishing glitches.

    Personally, it bums me, but not half as much as the Artemis Bow glitch (see this below if you don't know what I'm talking about) since that one ruins the functionality of one of her abilities in the rest of the pre-PoE game, whereas this only affects the new fishing.  Also seems to be PoE-caused because the issue cropped up around the same time as the release and early hotfixes.


  9. I started a topic for this in the General forum as well (non-PoE) but I had to check here because I am almost certain it was caused specifically by some bit of code or scripting in PoE.  You see, we should have just gotten an error code - not some message about our daily limit - if it weren't for PoE.  Why do I say this?  Because prior to PoE there were no items in the game you could turn in for syndicate standing that would count toward your daily limit (hence no message would be coded into the game to display when attempting to turn in over daily limit).  However, on Plains of Eidolon, the Ostron and Quills syndicates both have all items turned in counting toward daily limits (fish, gems, cores).

    Something about the latest hotfix caused that behavior - items counting toward daily limits - to transfer over to syndicate medallions, which were never supposed to exhibit this behavior.  [DE] please look into how the code for items re: daily standing works in the Ostron and Quills syndicates, because it's not staying restricted to them even though it's supposed to.

  10. Two more topics have cropped up on the forums addressing this issue, and they include images to illustrate the problem.

    Let's try to keep these additional reports of the same issue in a single thread everyone, please?  It certainly creates less clutter in the forums, and I daresay it draws DE's attention to the issue quicker by having one topic with many replies (indicating that many people have experienced the same thing) up near the top due to new posters continually bumping it than it does for them to see 10 topics with no replies that look like an isolated issue (until they read each one and see they all describe the same thing).

  11. I've checked through the most recent hotfix changelog and consulted the wiki and other sources to ensure that I'm not just missing something, but all information I find seems to indicate that syndicate medallions always have been separate from your daily standing limit (effectively allowing you to exceed it by turning them in) and that this has not been changed recently.

    However, when I try to turn in syndicate medallions with 0 daily standing remaining, I get the following message "Cannot Redeem Without Exceeding Daily Limit"

    My suspicion is that this bug is being caused by the PoE syndicates, which do have a limit on the amount of standing you can gain by turning in items on any given day.  After all, I am receiving a proper, relevant message and not an error code, so something intentionally programmed into the game is triggering to block me from turning in my medallions.  Whatever it is, though, it isn't supposed to be activating in this case.  Until this is resolved, I am sitting on 27k cumulative standing between Red Veil and New Loka (more if you count the Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence gains associated with turning in these medallions) that I can't turn in, and it's only going to go up as I gain more medallions since the amount I collect each day tends to be greater than that day's limit (that is the point of the medallions, after all).  This does not seem specific to one syndicate, but rather all the classic six that share from the main daily standing pool: I am experiencing with both Red Veil marks and New Loka seeds right now.

  12. There's another thread for this with a few respondents - the problem is definitely occurring to several if not all Ivara users.  It's concerning because it drastically decreases the efficacy of the ability for single-target damage, since that's what the vertical spread has always been for.

  13. I'm experiencing this too.  At first I almost thought it was a balance update, but you're right, the crosshairs still depict rotation.  Ivara is my favorite warframe and this has proven a curse upon me, since I use a Multishot-modded Cernos Prime nearly all the time.  When firing spread horizontal, Artemis Bow does virtually NOTHING different from my ordinary bow in this case.  I used to use Artemis Bow heavily when Eximus units crowded in because the quick tap would send a whole fan of arrows into the one Eximus rather than granting the horizontal spread (efficient for smaller units) my baseline bow grants.

    There's not even a point to Artemis Bow at ALL for me until this bug is fixed!  Please resolve this soon [DE]!

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