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Posts posted by Rynax

  1. Loki is explicitly advertised as the frame that doesn't deal dmg but instead manipulates the battle to his advantage. Your proposed changes would kill off his entire theme.


    In regards to Ash, it looks like you need to play him more before suggesting any changes. Blade Storm already deals finisher dmg ignoring all armour and teleport already scales off your melee damage. Your smoke screen ability change would kind of make teleport redundant.


    Your argument makes no sense, Ash is meant to use melee extensively. Seeing that 3 of his 4 abilities benefit or benefit from melee.   


    If you believe that melee spamming in stealth is more focused on battlefield manipulation than forcing enemies to change their target to an exploding decoy, then your arguing based off of nothing more than an opinion. I like constructive criticism, but you can take your condescension elsewhere. I didn't post this to start arguments. Thank you for the information regarding Ash's Bladestorm. While Bladestorm  is cool and useful in some aspects, it is still easily outclassed. Ash remains a stealthbot.

  2. The only problem with the game's stealth mechanics right now is that the game offers no reward for completing missions without setting off alarms. No one's going to go through all of the hard work avoiding detection when there's nothing to be gained from it, and nerfing frames that go invisible certainly isn't going to encourage people to play stealth more.

    It'll just encourage more people to run frames that clear out entire rooms with little to no involvement from the player.


    To be fair, my main issue isn't with the way these mechanics work with the less than interactive stealth system that is currently in place. My main point is the way these frames interact with endgame content. The stealth system could use an overhaul, but this is a horde shooter at heart. I'm more concerned with the theme of these frames, and how they could be improved to provide more utility to a squad than just spamming disarm. If anything, this would provide them an opportunity to compete with frames like Saryn.

  3. I'm not much a fan of the stealth mechanic as it is currently implemented. When I say that I'm referring to the frame abilities, e.g. Loki/Ash invisibility. These abilities seem to cheapen the experience, and change what should be deception or damage based frames into stealthbots that spam melee with an ult every now and then. I've got a few ideas for a way to replace this play style with something a bit more rewarding and useful. I doubt everyone agrees with this, but in my opinion the way these abilities are implemented inhibits challenge and mastery with these frames.


    For Loki, perhaps his abilities could be altered in the following way:


    Decoy: Would work the same functionally, with an added 1 second of stealth and +50% sprint speed granted to Loki upon use. Up to three may be placed at a time. Decoys detonates upon death (see next ability for more information). Perhaps have them confuse un-alerted enemies.


    Invisibility: Remove this ability and replace it with "Impromptu Patter" (working title, I'm sure DE's team could come up with something cool).


    Impromptu Patter: Detonate all active Decoys, causing X damage with a radius of X meters. Damage scales with mods equipped to secondary weapon (as an alternative to scaling with damage mods, could reduce enemy armor by 50% for 10 seconds).


    Switch Teleport: Leave it the same with the following effect added: Grant one second of stealth and 50% sprint speed to Loki, and if used on an ally grant them the same effect. (perhaps that would make a good augment?)


    Radial Disarm: Works very well for endgame as it is, and has syngergy with these changes.


    I haven't played Ash well enough to know his strengths and weaknesses, but he seems to have less overall utility for missions involving high level enemies. A quick change that comes to mind would be this:


    Smoke Screen: Rather than granting stealth stun nearby enemies, increasing their damage taken by X% and opening them up to finishers.


    Teleport could use a change as well, but the only thing that comes to mind at the moment is to deal damage scaling with melee mods. Feels a bit overdone at this point, because that's basically just stealing from Atlas' kit. Bladestorm could perhaps be changed to ignore a % of enemy armor.


    Perhaps it's a bit late in the game for me to be posting something like this, but I figured better late than never. Perhaps others have proposed similar ideas. Let me know what y'all think.

  4. No need to buff the Mk-1, you can buy the Braton dirt cheap off of the market with credits. The Lato functions fine as a secondary. I don't really see a need to buff weapons given to you at the start, they do their job well. They aren't meant to be used late into the game.

  5. It's fine that you supercharged Excal and the Braton, they are both relevant. The Braton is a solid weapon no matter which lens you view it through. I would hold on to any reactors/catalysts for future frames/weapons.Wait until you find something that really resonates with you before you slap a potato on it. Don't worry too much about replacing your frame immediately.


    Feel free to ask your clan for assistance. Most players are willing to help, so ask for assistance in the recruitment channel if your clan is small and/or unwilling to aid you.

  6. Personally, if I were in your situation I would focus on advancing the star chart.

    Replace your Skana with a Cronus and maybe try building a new primary from the marketplace blueprints (if you have the credits/resources). The Braton will get you where you need to go, but you are wasting potential mastery rank ups by not replacing it as soon as you can.

    Don't bother using a potato on your any of your starter equips. I would consider gathering resources for building new primaries/secondaries one of your priorities, but make sure you flesh out your star chart as well as you can to gain access to new resource drops.

    As CY13ERPUNK pointed out, you may consider leveling your Mk-1 Braton while you are working on building a new weapon. The exp will help boost your mastery rank, allowing you to access new tiers of weaponry.

  7. Hi! Just wondering if there is a way to get rid of the giant white box around my clan emblem. After the latest update, the image in my emblem is now visible, but it still looks really strange running around with a glowing white box projecting out of my shoulder... I don't really want to spend another 10 bucks to re-upload, but if worst comes to worst i just might.

    Any help would be appreciated!

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