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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Rynax

  1. Howdy! Just popping in for a quick suggestion! I think that Ash would look much much better if his arms were asymmetrical. I know that one arm has the smoke effect on it, but if it took on a unique appearance, Ash's coolness points would go up by approximately... well... hmm... maybe you should consult a certain saiyan prince for an accurate figure.

    Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope y'all agree!

  2. Just had a random idea while swinging my Gram around. Cool weapon (imo) would be a katana with a sheath (worn on the hip). Would function using battojutsu moves (unsheathing attacks in principle) for the normal strikes, and the charge attack would fire a large explosive wave directly ahead. Normal attacks would have armor piercing, but charge attacks would not be silent (obviously xD). Might sound kind of overpowered, just an idea :D

    On another note, anybody else think it would be cool to expand the melee to be more of a playstyle instead of just an element of combat? was thinking pressing E would switch to your melee weapon rather than attacking with it, which would result in your fire/reload inputs being changed into melee specific actions. Could even add an alternate attack to form combos or something.

    Thanks for reading! Sorry if you don't like these ideas! feedback/input is appreciated!

  3. OH! also, weapon skins should be applicable to all weapons that fall into the same category. No, I don't mean all Heavy weapons should get the dagger axe skin, talking more specifically about weapons that fall into the same category cosmetically. EX: Skana and heat sword are both longswords, and should therefore share a pool of skins with all longswords. Same with the dual daggers, dual longs, dual axes, etc... just an idea, would give players more customization options!

  4. I have hate, and I absolutely love its normal attack, but between the three I would go with Gram. Hate has a HUGE delay after the charged attack. Animations are sick though, and you can bypass the delay by hitting "r"! (Just a little cancel trick for you!) Make sure your weapon is fully loaded, because canceling into a reload is somewhat less awesome than canceling into a hail of gunfire!

  5. I love the Skana Prime as it is. It's still my favourite long-sword. Please do not touch it.

    Fine, I guess a good portion of the community has a different view of this longsword than I. I doubt a skin would be released for a prime weapon, but I'll hold on to hope that one day it shall have a katana skin.

  6. This scythe looks tasty as all hell... If DE could give us a futuristic space-ninja scythe, I would cry my eye fluids out with sweet joy as I cut through waves of meat-bags with grace and elegance. INB4GUNSCYTHE

  7. I mean a traditional katana in the sense that it looks like a real Japanese sword. I think it would be pretty sweet since it is basically an orokin relic. And I'm sure we can all agree that the skana prime needs a buff... I don't want it to be OPWINCUZIPAIDMUNNY good, I just want it to be viable...

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